THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Martelli Midgets Desperate for Money$$$ Havasu 500 EXPOSED

Early Yesterday, Sunday the sixth of February 2022, the local paper broke the story of the Martelli Midgets working with the Bureau of Land Mis-Management for an event called the Havasu 500

Lake Havasu City local paper (News-Herald) exposes the Martelli Midgets crapping in Arizona

Immediately after the exposure in the local paper yesterday, the public in Arizona began an effort to kill the Martelli Midgets money grab

One resident familiar with the Martelli Midgets and the off-road racing community, SurfRat of San Diego fame, went off, online, calling the BLM in AZ,  

"whores, getting in line to swallow the BFGoodrich Tires skankbait".

One Arizona nuclear radiation victim, Paul Gosar, is mentioned in the press reporting. Don't forget, Paul's own family has called out the shamed "arizona congressman",

 as a complete NUT JOB.


UPDATE! Tuesday, February 8, NutJob Paul Gosar congressional office confirms to local Arizona press, he has received cash from an  'international tire company, from France', in an attempt to meet financial reporting requirements.

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In the reporting, "The Mint 400 is one of Nevada’s largest off-road events on federal public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Organizers say they want to bring a similar event to BLM lands near Lake Havasu City. The Mint 400, one of the largest special recreation permits managed by BLM Nevada, draws approximately 400 racers, 10,000 spectators and 1,600 pit crew members to the desert near Las Vegas each year. One of the Southwest’s biggest off-road racing promoters has set its sights on Lake Havasu City for a new event, and at least one U.S. congressman has issued a letter of support to federal officials.  Congressman Paul Gosar penned a Jan. 28 letter to Jason West, manager of the BLM’s Lake Havasu City field office, in an effort to promote future off-highway recreation in the Lake Havasu City area. According to Gosar, many visitors and residents of Arizona’s Fourth congressional district are off-highway recreation enthusiasts - and any benefit to that industry could mean a potential boost to the district’s economy.  Representatives from Gosar’s office met last month with officials from California-based Mad Media, which operates the annual Mint 400 races in Las Vegas. The event promoter was instrumental in bringing the UTV World Championships to Havasu in 2020, from the event’s former home in Laughlin. But according to Mad Media co-owner Joshua Martelli, the Havasu region could have greater potential as an off-road racing destination.  In Gosar’s letter to West last week, the congressman appeared to agree.  “Lake Havasu City, Parker, Bullhead City and other nearby cities in the county host hundreds of events each year, and welcome nearly 100 million visitors annually,” Gosar wrote. ”Off-road racing provides economic benefits to our community through increased visitation, media exposure and increased length of stays.”  In Las Vegas, the economic benefits of Mad Media’s 400-mile race have been apparent. According to Martelli, the event produces a $40 million annual windfall for Las Vegas and greater Clark County. And now, he’s planning to bring a similar race to Havasu’s desert landscape.  Although off-highway racing and other events on federal land are subject to permitting by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Gosar says the BLM’s 2007 Resource Management Plan allows opportunities for the agency to expand and embrace the growing industry throughout Mohave County.  According to representatives of Gosar’s office this week, recent investment by off-highway race driver Robby Gordon and his new business, Speed UTV, has already increased interest in off-roading recreation throughout the region.  Under the 2007 BLM Resource Management Plan, additional competitive-use off-highway vehicle courses could be established on BLM-managed land under special criteria. There must exist a public request or local community support for such activities on existing or designated trails, excluding any public lands within two miles of the Parker 400 race course in La Paz County.  Also excluded would be any designated areas of environmental concerned, wetlands, cultural sites or known wildlife habitat areas.  “Permitting such activities would both demonstrate compatibility with other ongoing resource uses of the land and allow the BLM to meet the increasing public need for economic stimulus,” Gosar said.  Meet the ‘Lake Havasu 500’  Martelli and Mad Media has big plans for the Lake Havasu City region, but those plans will rely on federal approval from the BLM.  “Mohave County and Lake Havasu City have some of the best trails in Arizona, and possibly the entire Southwest,” Martelli said. “We have a vested interest in the responsible use of federally managed lands for racing, and we only use existing trails - we’re not allowed to create new ones.”  According to Martelli, officials from local tourism agency GoLakeHavasu facilitated discussions between Mad Media and aides from Gosar’s office last month, to request support from the congressman for future off-highway racing events. Gosar’s letter of support this week may be echoed by similar letters of support from local officials including Arizona Sen. Sonny Borrelli, State Rep. Leo Biasiucci, Lake Havasu City Mayor Cal Sheehy and Mohave County Supervisor Buster Johnson.  “We’re asking for support for the use of federally managed land for the benefit of the community,” Martelli said. “The 2007 BLM plan has very clear limits and regulations on OHV trail recreation and events. We don’t envy federal officials’ job in balancing those recreational opportunities with protecting federal lands.”  According to Martelli, the support of local officials may ease future efforts by the company to seek permitting such events on public lands. Ultimately, he hopes to bring to Havasu an even bigger race than the Mint 400 in Las Vegas.  “We’re hoping to present these letters of support to (the BLM) in conjunction with a permit application for a new, large-scale off-road race,” Martelli said. “We’re hoping to create a 500-mile race in the Havasu desert. It’s still a little early, but one idea is to call it the ‘Lake Havasu 500’.”  According to Gosar communications director Anthony Foti, efforts by the BLM wouldn’t be the first time Havasu locals have gone out of their way to facilitate tourism.  “The London Bridge was relocated to Havasu by (city founder Robert P. McCulloch) for the very purpose of facilitating tourism,” Foti said. “Competitive UTV racing is good for the economy and a solid use of the federal desert. Additional events will bring in important tourism dollars. Rep. Gosar believes the 2007 Resource Management Plan provides a way to permit additional off-road competitive race courses in Mohave County in a responsible manner, abiding all existing laws and regulations.”  A chance to rev up Havasu’s economy  According to Lake Havasu City resident John Savino, expanding Havasu’s competitive off-road racing opportunities could have a substantial impact not only for fans, but for local commerce.  Savino is a founding member of the Lake Havasu Side by Side Trail Association - the largest off-highway recreation club of its kind in the U.S. - as well as assistant director of Mad Media.  “This area is a Mecca for off-roading,” Savino said Friday. “The UTV World Championships did an awesome job here, and after the race was over, they went out and smoothed the desert out again. In October, the race was so crowded. It was packed. And that was just for the UTV races. If we could bring bigger off-road trucks and races, it would bring 100,000 people through here. It’s great for the economy.  According to Savino, Gosar’s efforts could help expand off-highway racing in the Havasu area, and Havasu’s economy with it.  “(Gosar) has always been off-road friendly,” Savino said. “We need him to help open it up, and get professional outfits to run their race programs here … his help would make a big difference.”  West was unavailable for comment on this story as of Friday afternoon."

In the comments section of the article, people against the flim-flam outnumbered those in favor, 2 to 1. 

Sedona Bob Said:

"One can only wonder how much Gosar was paid to "pen his letter?""

Online comments were worse for the Martelli Midgets, where the against crowd tripled the numbers, compared to those in favor.

Michael A. Petrofsky was a common viewpoint: 

"No thanks, don’t want our nice scenic jeep trails annihilated by this. Parker looks bad enough. I can’t imagine our BLM would allow it anyway with all the strict oversight /restrictions of our lightly traveled trails we have now. They allowed some type of SXS event down by the concrete plant years ago and it hasn’t looked the same since. This offers little for Havasu residents other than some tax income & dust while destroying our delicate trail system. I’ll go 30 minutes south to see it if I want to in Parker. They won’t leave it like they found it. Havasu also needs to up the tourism tax to start paying more towards our infrastructure rather than raising residential rates." 

Another resident of Havasu:

"I'm a member of the OMHOF (Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame) and a Havasu firefighter/ambulance driver and I don't want the Martelli Brothers to ruin our trails, like they've ruined other locations where they have trashed the trails". 

James Ford (of the Ford Motor Company):

"They don’t fix the trails when they are done in Jean after the mint . They will make a lot of money though". 


Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada Baja Mexico EXCLUSIVE 

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