THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, May 27, 2022

LIVE! Race Reporting on the SCORE-International FRAUD of the San Felipe 250 Luke McMillin, SCORE International Performances 2022


Luke McMillin - McMillin Racing WIN OR?


LIVE! Race Reporting


UPDATED! Thursday, May 27

From Ensenada Baja Mexico


By: Gary Newsome, Publisher

The basis of this reporting is the finishline of the recent desert off-road race in Baja Mexico, the "250".


Obviously, when we are reporting LIVE! ONLINE of the SCORE series, we usually have over 200 years of racing experience wrapped into our people, covering and writing about the proceedings.

There is nowhere for the racing industry to hide. 

We know all the tricks used to PORK race results, hide dead bodies and most importantly, to attempt to cover-up criminal activities, like fraud, manslaughter/mayhem and indicted gross negligence. 


BAJA 500 2021 Final Circus Report RELEASED!





CLICK HERE From the unsealed indictment, named, "Chris Baker BFGoodrich Tires Motorsports/MICHELIN (retired), Nate Hunt Jackson Motorsports, Frank DeAngelo Championship Off-Road; Jackson Motorsports/BFGoodrich Tires (retired),  Bill Wiederhold BFGoodrich Tires, Jose A. Grijalva SCORE International, Bill Black SCORE International, Hal Andreoli SCORE International, Jeff Cummings MICHELIN, Peter Calhoun MICHELIN, Cody Stuart Jackson Motorsports/ Desert Assassins," among others. 

SCORE operates "illegal race events" on open, public roads. Clear violations of international law 


Roger Norman, flawed, broken and humiliated after so many deaths?   

This is NOT a new report, we've reported on SCORE's PORKING Race Results Since>>>

The fraud of the recent finish line performance of the race, the SCORE International 2022 San Felipe 250; Luke McMillin of McMillin Racing, is not the fault of Luke, his father Mark or his family.

The fault lies exclusively with SCORE-International and its financial and operational partner, MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports.

In this reporting, we'll uncover the actual fraudulent activity and we'll spotlight why this is NOT the responsibility of the McMillin family or racing team. 

First, let's talk about the McMillin family and racing team.

The McMillin Family

Our reporting does include an exclusive consultation with a very special person. This person was the humble assistant of Robert "Radio Bob" Hynes, of RLH Communications and contractor for Jackson Motorsports. 

Our consultant worked side by side with Bob and his wife Mary Hynes, at their business offices at 35th Street on San Diego bay and home on Peach Blossom. He also served as an official tire inspector at SCORE events and the vaunted desert off-road racing events, numerous Baja 1000's.

"BFG Relay #1" as Bob Hynes was well known, was the sole communications chief for Corky McMillin before he took on the "BFG" title. Corky brought his young sons into the racing business, McMillin Racing

Mark and Scott McMillin, grew and fostered the future growth of the racing team, which resulted into the Baja Mexico and San Felipe racing exploits of the family and racing business last weekend in Mexico.

During the early days racing team preparation meetings in National City, California, Radio Bob ensured McMillin event communication success, for Corky and his young sons.


The fast grab at money and glory, This is Baja Racing!

So much so, that a fledgling tire executive for Jackson Motorsports/BFGoodrich Tires, one Frank DeAngelo, took note. 

Yes, "The Man, The Myth, The Legend", Frank DeAngelo. The now indicted, MICHELIN employee.

The pet project of Jackson Motorsports, the McMillin family of San Diego and McMillin Racing. 

Do you think this relationship is merely a "tire sponsorship"?

A screen grab of the actual finish line stream showing Luke McMillin and what he's saying to the finish line reporter. 

What does he know?...


The Final Chapter of the SCORE-International FRAUD of the San Felipe 250 2022

We already know many of the details of the PORKING of SCORE race data.

We know through twenty years of behind the scenes communications and intimate relationships. held YEARS of recorded weatherman, score-operations and various team communications/race radio relay recordings.

Decades of red-alerts, racing medical   and team emergencies have been forwarded to AMEX (American Medical Emergency Xpedition) for forensic examination after various outrages, like the Kurt Caselli Murder, the Mark Luhtalla Death - SCORE/BFGoodrich Tires Gross Negligence events at the 2016 Baja 1000 and the SCORE/MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsport indictments.

Since 2013 and after the 2016 Baja 1000, when SCORE operations changed hands, Sal Fish sold SCORE to Roger Norman. We've closely followed the operations of SCORE - Baja racing rules, administration of events and follow-up of race results and award ceremonies.

Yes, its been a blinding series of changes. However, Baja Racing News has kept our focus on the race tracking services and the control perped on the racers by the former owner Sal Fish and the new owner, Roger Norman.

Luke McMillin crossed the finish line at the 2022 San Felipe 250 and instantly he was given the BFGoodrich Tires 'winner' hat and was announced by SCORE as the 'winner' of the event.

Not one second was lost between crossing the finish line and Luke being crowned, "Champion!"

The desperate Jackson Motorsports/Marketing company, just itching to proclaim the 100th overall win!

Those actions alone, tell you volumes about the truth of the matter.

As we have reported, SCORE International PORKS their race data as the racing is ongoing. By PORKING, we mean they change, adjust and manipulate the data.

As they observe the data coming in, they also record and note all of those pesky, nasty rule violations, speeding violations and vcp (virtual check point) violations.

They know whats happening, as the racers are doing it!

They even CHANGE the results.

When Steve Myers, the current Finance Manager for his families car dealership, TOYOTA of Escondido, Steve was also the owner of a race tracking company and Roger Norman was negotiating for the purchase of that company.

At least that's what Steve thought. In actuality, at the time Steve reported to our consultant that Roger stole tracking equipment from his company, Roger was actively "data mining" Myers for his tracking company operations and experiences.

As Steve directly reported to our consultant, copious phone records document the information transfer.

Our consultant spent hours on the phone with Steve Myers, George Antill and others involving the proposed purchase, at the time. 

Including several face-to-face meetings with Roger himself.

Steve was informing our consultant on all of the elements of the proposed deal. The most important part of the purchase, was the technology and ability to control ALL of the race results!  

Information and technology transfer was crucial to the new owner of SCORE International, at a time when Sal had not kept up with the steadily moving race tracking business.

This is putting the matter, lightly.

In real terms, Sal Fish's brain left years before he sold out to Roger.

During the negotiations, Roger had a hard-on for controlling the incoming race data. "Being able to see the data coming in and to change it, to manipulate the final outcome of a race, as far as the final race results".

The reason it took days after racers crossed the finish line, was Roger/SCORE wasn't completely on top of handling the data and its final display.

The final display were the 'race results' on paper, in public.

Now SCORE has been connected to these race data sets long enough to know how the race went at every moment and to determine who SCORE wanted to be on the podium and others who to disqualify and/or otherwise screw-over.

Many times during race events today, some teams get DQ'd for things they did that were EXACTLY the same that other teams end up winning the race.

Who do you think is paying the freight here? MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports is paying off SCORE's bills!

If you're the BFG backed 'McMillins', for example, you're handled much differently than lets say, BJ Baldwin from Las Vegas.  

Roger dislikes and has publicly disrespected  BJ, on numerous occasions. On the other hand, the McMillins are handled with silken, kit gloves. They are kissed by heavenly MICHELIN angels.

Just look at last year. Luke McMillin drove over a tent (one that he didn't know whether there was a human being inside) and through a pop-up, like he was doing tire testing through public  campgrounds!

Oh dear! Luke was DQ'd from the race! Oh My! 

Luke McMillin could and possibly should have been kicked out of most any other sanctioning body in the sport.

Even if Luke KILLED anyone, he would WALK. It happens all the time in these SCORE International DEATH RACES!

What if two kids, in the tent, died?

The BAJA 500 2021 Luke McMillin BONER   

At the San Felipe 250, SCORE International gifted first place, knowing the actual race telemetry would never see the light of day.

We know SCORE has data showing the top trucks in the competition has violated rules, long used to either disqualify or at least penalize the 'rule breakers' and/or teams Roger didn't want on the podium.

Just look at the final results produced by SCORE over the last 20 race events. Every one had penalties that changed the top three finishers, WHEN TOYO TIRES sponsored trucks placed in the top three!  

So, the San Felipe 250 2022 is NOT a definitive win for the MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports or McMillin Racing people.

It MAY be a win. However, without definitive proof of the top teams performances and the history of SCORE International/Roger Norman, the telemetry and data issues preclude any real way to conclude a 'legit winner' in this event.

Our consultant has put it this way, "we wish we hadn't known about Roger dry humping the tracking data and splooging all over the racing performances of these fine racing teams, but we do!".

"All of Rogers PORKING has a cost".


Mentioned in this reporting: Luke McMillin, Chris Baker BFGoodrich Tires Motorsports/MICHELIN (retired), Nate Hunt Jackson Motorsports, Frank DeAngelo Championship Off-Road; Jackson Motorsports/BFGoodrich Tires, Bill Wiederhold BFGoodrich Tires, Jose A. Grijalva SCORE International, Bill Black SCORE International, Hal Andreoli SCORE International, Jeff Cummings MICHELIN, Peter Calhoun MICHELIN, Cody Stuart Jackson Motorsports, Mark McMillin, Scott McMillin, Robert "Radio Bob" Hynes, Mary Hynes, Sal Fish, Roger Norman, Steve Myers and many others to be unveiled!



 Gary Newsome, Publisher EXCLUSIVE

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