THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Ronn Bailey and National PowerHouse, its resources reporting on gringo desert racing events in the southwest

Ronn Bailey and National PowerHouse, its resources reporting on gringo desert racing events in the southwest 

BAJA Racing HALL Of Fame Inductee, Ronn Bailey at the Sonora 500


In this reporting, we'll introduce you to BAJA Racing HALL Of Fame Inductee Ronn Bailey.

First, let's talk about Radio Bob Hynes, the originator of the NATIONAL PowerHouse!

Our reporting does include an exclusive consultation with a very special person. This person was the humble assistant of Robert "Radio Bob" Hynes, of RLH Communications and contractor for Jackson Motorsports. 

Our consultant worked side by side with Bob and his wife Mary Hynes, at their business offices at 35th Street on San Diego bay and home on Peach Blossom. He also served as an official tire inspector at SCORE events and the vaunted desert off-road racing events, numerous Baja 1000's.

"BFG Relay #1" as Bob Hynes was well known, was the sole communications chief for Corky McMillin before he took on the "BFG" title. Corky brought his young sons into the racing business, McMillin Racing

Mark and Scott McMillin, grew and fostered the future growth of the racing team, which resulted into the Baja Mexico and San Felipe racing exploits of the family and racing business last weekend in Mexico.

During the early days racing team preparation meetings in National City, California, Radio Bob ensured McMillin event communication success, for Corky and his young sons.

Another unknown fact about our consultant is that he built the online entity that Bob used to grow his family business, RLH Communications. The same one that Jackson Motorsports ultimately took over when Bob died.

Jackson Motorsports used Bob's URL to form its own online entity, for use marketing, racing.

Bob's communications to the racing community was expanded under our consultants work, which now is the BFGoodrich Tires off road racing website.




After Bob's death, Jackson Motorsports used the RLH website, designed, created and maintained by Bob's friend, now our consultant, until 2017!

Our consulting representative was side by side with Bob from working with Corky, to working for one, Frank DeAngelo of MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports, until Bob's untimely passing. 

This consultant assisted Bob from Pete's Camp to Southern Baja, for setting up his relay network, outside of San Felipe and other locations throughout the Baja Mexico peninsula.

Late in life, Bob was very limited in his physical capabilities and needed a helping hand. 

Providing Services to International Travelers

Long before working side-by-side Radio Bob, our consultant was working in Mexico.

The consultant was awarded with Baja California's highest civilian honor, "Amigo De Baja", in 1999, for providing the state with public relation services at the heighth of its new crisis, the beginning of 'insecurity'.

Sr. Juan Tintos, the current President of SCORE International in Mexico, who at the time was the Baja California Tourism Jefe presented our consultant the esteemed award.

This consultant to us here at 'the newspaper' Baja Racing News, at the time, was also the Exclusive Service Outfitter (ESO) for the Hotel Cabo San Lucas and Hacienda Beach Resort, at Los Cabos, Baja South.

The consultant sponsored many aspects of Bob's work with Jackson Motorsports. Jackson paid Bob very little and Bob's family required financial help, also.

He recalls one dinner, at the Hotel Cabo San Lucas directly after the Baja 2000 finished. After the finish line festivities at the San Lucas bullring, after Bob and himself performed race radio relay duties for the event on a hilltop at Todos Santos, Baja South.

The last in a series of relay stations all the way down the peninsula.

At Los Cabos, at 'Land's End', development had been booming since Bud Parr and other pioneers, had begun to build resorts, since 1962.

Bud Parr's masterpiece, The Hotel Cabo San Lucas, was ranked among "the top 50 tropical resorts in the world". 

From 1998 through 2002 the hotel was named to "The Gold List - the best places to stay world-wide" in 2000, according to the prestigious Condé Nast Traveler magazine "Readers Choice".


Hotel Cabo San Lucas World Travel Awards for 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002.

At the magnificent hotel restaurant overlooking the azure horizons of the Sea of Cortez, Bob and his friend, assistant and sponsor, feasted on the peninsulas and Sonora's finest beef and seafood, over an eight course dinner. 

The friends were celebrating a successful radio-relay event from the Baja 2000.


Senor Salvatorre Pesca, jefe de Score International, 2000

It had been the biggest, baddest desert off-road race, Sal Fish had ever attempted. Sal owned and operated the racing association - SCORE International at the time, from the original incorporator, Mickey Thompson.

Our contractor gave 'Sr. Pesca' his first working satellite phone, while also contracting with the sanctioning body insurance company. Even the top of the racing community needed professional help.

And the dinner was a celebration of the future, really.

Bob and our consultant mapped out the near future. Annual promotions, direct mail solicitations to the industry and expanded equipment offerings.

After a couple of years of aggressive business expansion, the letters from the competition started to come in. Bob Steinberger, the so-called 'Weatherman', was threatening Mr. Hynes. He was threatening RLH Communications and in turn, he was threatening SCORE International and BFGoodrich Tires.

As BFGoodrich's number one radio relay and racing communications expert, any threats to RLH's operations, threatened SCORE's operations in Baja Mexico. And Frank DeAngelo.

Steinberger was whimpering that RLH had found ways to use available radio equipment for use in the racing community in Mexico, that saved teams hundreds of dollars.

Steinberger contended, in writing, that these were violations of the FCC's commercial bands in the U.S. The assertions were a stretch, because the operations the Weatherman was complaining about were in Mexico! During SCORE operations!

RLH told the Weatherman to pound sand.

When Radio Bob died, Weatherman then, was free to overcharge for new Kenwood radios to the racing community with no discount choice for the racers.

During this time frame, our consultant got a lesson in the racing community. lessons on the personalities therein and the real bottom line in desert off-road racing. 

Over promising, over charging and laughing all the way to the bank!

One of the first of the outside racing teams the consultant went to talk with, to explore radio and other business ventures, was Cameron Steele.

Cameron went on parade to show-off his spacious shop, his mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the consultant graciously paid for lunch at the Dana Point harbor restaurant.

The hotel in Cabo needed more visitors, so the business of bringing more people to southern Baja was discussed. But, that wasn't the business model Cameron was looking for, he wanted cash, cash sponsorships.

Work? By bringing people to southern Baja? "Too much trouble", Cameron said. So the consultant found another team to entertain on the Golden Sands for the last twenty years.

During some of the first days of bringing more people south, the consultants friends entered into a sponsorship. Cabo Wabo Tequila sponsored the Desert Assassins one time, but, they ended the relationship when Cameron himself, left the brands representative in Ensenada, high and dry. With no explanation, sound familiar?

Luckily, the consultant was there to pick up the pieces.

The next year, Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo had the consultant promote the product at that years San Felipe 250. The consultant arrived at the bus station to find eleven cases of tequila! As the bus manager said, "Si. We have Mucho Tequila for you!"   

The first lesson was completed for the consultant. The racers weren't to be bothered by actual service or pricing delivery to customers. The racers weren't interested in following the rules either, Radio Bob once told him, "Yea, the SCORE rule book, I use it, I use it to wipe my ass!"

DUST TO GLORY Breaks Open the sport of Baja racing to a world-wide audience

Our consultant partially sponsored the Hollywood Premiere of the breakout new film in 2005, with printed invitations and a lavish after-party at a cool hangout on Sunset Boulevard.

He also co-sponsored the San Diego premiere of the film with the McMillin family

After the showing, at a local building industry supplier in National City California, our consultant and the suppliers chief of marketing, who was also the marketing chief of the new race from La Paz to Cabo, outlined the contracted TV Show for the CABO 500.

When the show pulled millions of overseas views from Asia and Europe, everyone knew a whole new travel venture was born.

At the Nevada 2000, Casey Folks, Corky McMillin and Etienne Lavigne were all interested in discussing the future of off-road racing with our consultant.

After redesigning several motorsports offerings for the general public, the focus now was on enhancing existing services.

One service provision was not offered on the redesigned Dos Mares 500 2006 or 2007. Satellite tracking was discussed with the owner, Dr. Ramon Murillo in Mexico, but there was no interest in the service as a race safety offering, nor as a possible profit center.


The La Paz Auto Club is a commercial racing association with a storied history of producing quality racing events.

The 2006 Dos Mares event, was a National Championship off-road racing event, with the first international winner in it's history. Danny Anderson of Las Vegas was the first international winner in the Republic of Mexico, desert racing off-road race championship event! 

Official overall Winners of the Historic Dos Mares 500 (1994-2019), Danny Anderson was the first international overall winner in 2006 of any national championship racing event in the Republic of Mexico, National Championship Desert Off-Road Race, the CABO 500-Dos Mares 2006 event.

Since our consultant has special friends throughout Baja Mexico, Bobby Van Wormer, Jr. was the Tourism Jefe for Baja California Sur, there are perks!

Certain international teams had been 'Invited' to Southern Baja in 2006, officially, by the newly formed  Southern BAJA State Tourism Bureau to participate in the famous Dos Mares race.

Corky McMillin called the offering, "This is the Best Idea I've heard for off-road racing since I started racing!"

Infamous racer Nick Baldwin said of the offering, "I'm going to La Paz to race with my friends in paradise, Southern Baja, Mexico. I love the people, the landscapes and the racing there!"

Famous racer Gary Magness said of his racing in the Southern BAJA Dos Mares 500, "I love this race, it's my favorite race". 



Infamous racer Nick Baldwin pictured


Even though the club didn't take up tracking services, after a deep dive in the current technology reviewing the DAKAR Rally, the BITD association did decide to use the brokered services.

At the time, a state of the Mexican Republic was impressed enough with our consultant that he was authorized to discuss a new motorsport offering with the owner of the Best In The Desert Association Casey Folks about the official touristic-promotion, business offer.

Casey liked the idea, but he related he would require $65,000, to bring his circus to the state for the event, for one show.

Casey and our consultant did have a working history, they worked together on bringing BITD to Ensenada for the first ever, "BITD BAJA MEX 300". The consultant led the first group of racers, south across the border to their event headquarters, The Legendary Estero Beach Resort, for the event.

Our consultant had known the resort being a promoter for the World Championship Beach Volleyball events in Ensenada, for many years!

A deal was struck, which would bring BITD to La Paz in year two, 2007. But, when Dr. Ramon Murillo approached the consultant with the point of the Baja California Sur racers didn't want to run to Cabo again, the contracted five-year public deal was off. But, the private venture, that continues to this day, began, in earnest!  

Our consultant went further, "we were willing to make the five year local investment, but, if the locals only wanted one year, cool with our group because we put four extra years of global marketing investment, rather than money into the 'public' event".

He continued, "Pete Sohren, at the time, said to me, 'Hey, you said the Baldwins (who had a compound at Hotel Cabo San Lucas and are friends of mine) were going to race their new class one car at your race', (which didn't happen) I looked him down and said, 'Yea, that was before he died in his crashed plane in the Pacific Ocean!" 

"We dedicated the 2006 CABO 500 in 'Memory of Jason Baldwin'", the consultant confirmed.

 The Original CABO 500 2006 - In Memory of Jason Baldwin poster


Many in these gringo-American racing circles only look at the next race as a social party gathering, not really an actual, legit sport.

Some of the events come down to a group of little girls saying, 'he's not going, then I'm not going, they aren't going, because, that group is going to another race'. Like herding cats, little girls and drunk elephants holding onto each others tails, most of it's ridiculous party followings.   

When the DAKAR director was in Las Vegas, meeting with Casey, he related his organization was interested in the offering. To this day, the A.S.O. continues its correspondence regarding the North American motorsports concept with our consultant.

The one constant in all of these ongoing deliberations is the focus on technology.

The technologies of world-wide promotions and safety & security.

Tracking services offered within racing events now are commonly delivered provisions.

Even the local racers, after years of having devices placed on their vehicles, know how they work and how they are used by the racing associations.


Tracking, telemetry and racing. It's no longer rocket science.

Since our consultants work with the teams and organizers of the Sonora 500, one exclusive source has not only been a stream of intelligence and data sets, he's also been a confidential financial supporter of this publication.

Also as a founding member of 'National PowerHouse', our secret partner was a committed supporter of the moral standing of our 'Travel Media Group', we established the original work of the publication for global communications, almost three decades ago.


Our Friend-

Ronn H. Bailey



He started out as an intelligence officer in the U.S. military during the Vietnam War, which led him to a career in information security. He was quite daring too, having participated in various international off-road racing events, numerous times.

He not only raced, he funded and organized efforts at the highest international and overseas levels.

This exclusive source founded a successful and unique American intelligence corporation and served as its CEO. 
After serving in the Air Force, as an intelligence officer for more than six years, he decided to change fields. Because of the security knowledge, he gained during intelligence training, he knew that computers would become increasingly important. In 1981, he was working as a senior systems programmer  for IBM mainframes.
After serving in the Air Force for more than six years, he decided to change fields. Because of the security knowledge he gained during intelligence training, he knew that computers would become increasingly important. "Companies needed the same tools as the military, for securing computers. So I've been in security ever since the late '60s" our source was quoted. 
"I'm actually doing the job that I love. At most technology companies, it's rare to have a CEO who also can perform the duties of a CTO. I'm the think-tank guy and the direction-of-technology guy. I get a great sense of satisfaction out of my job", our source said.
Our friend was awarded a patent for inventing a method for detecting the use of stolen identities. He's also proud of another big achievement: "I was asked to help write the [cyberspace] security policy for the Bush administration."  
Our supporter knew the exact risks for racers. He led teams in the Dakar, which, at that time, ran through Portugal and part of Africa. "I saw an opportunity to market my company and its services around the world. But more important, the racing taught me how to run my business better by building and executing plans."

As reported in the racing media, "American Team To Be Co-Piloted By Computer Security Industry Guru and an off-road racer, Steve Myers. From Las Vegas, Nevada, November 4, 2004. This racing team, is the only U.S. car team brave enough to test their physical and emotional stamina in the world's longest and most challenging off road race, is committed to winning the 7,000-mile, 16-day race from Barcelona, Spain to Dakar, Senegal beginning on January 1st, 2005." 
"The team will be co-piloted by a computer security industry guru and a racing veteran, Steve Myers." Our supporter and source, invested nearly $1 million US. of his personal fortune as an amateur, "heading a professional team in the world's harshest off-road venture, fulfilling a lifelong dream to compete in this "unbelievable" event."

2005 results

"Last year, less than half of the entries finished the race and there were several fatalities, including two-time winner Fabrizio Meoni of Italy and Spanish amateur Jose Manuel Peres", our source reported. 
At 56, as an amateur driver, he had been in only two international, overseas off-road races, the 2005 Morocco Rally, where he placed near the top 20, and the 2005 Dakar. 
Although he finished the Dakar race, he was declared "retired" by officials after being lost in a blinding sandstorm without gas or food for three days in Mauritania, under Myers navigational inexperience.

The experienced source replaced his deficient 2005 co-driver for a far more experienced co-dog in the 2006 event. "My co-pilot and navigator for 2006 is Herve Cotel, a 16-year Dakar veteran. We have a much better chance at the race this year", he said at the time. 

Baja Racing News LIVE coverage of the 2008 Rally-Raid Russia-China
Our supporter, informant and friend, also streamed the 2008 TransOrientale Course of the 'TransOrientale Rally-Raid Marathon' event, for subscribers of our media.

In 2008, the exclusive source informed our consultant on everything. reported on the TransOrientale Rally-Raid Marathon proceedings LIVE! while all others had no sources, no reporters nor any content on their platforms, the event was Exclusive to Baja Racing News LIVE!

Soon after the foundation of the working relationship with Ronn, Myers proposed contracting with the CABO 500 event for tracking services, with IRITrack. In 2006, the offering was a public sporting event.

What Steve didn't know, was the fact that Ronn was our secret partner and he informed the consultant how Steve's work with IRITrack was financed, structured and how it originally began as a company.

That's just one of the reasons we didn't need to work with any outside company. Publicly, we just said, "Thanks, but no thanks"

Privately, we already had a state-of-the-art system, put together by Vanguard, Ronn's company.

From 2005, we were basically enrolled in a masterclass of high-finance, international corporate intrigue and motorsport satellite & security services.

To this very day, when someone crosses the finish line, in a hotly contested, very valuable class in a historically notorious public commercial racing business, we know what's going on. Reports SCORE PORKING RACE RESULTS>>>CLICK HERE>>>

Ultimately, the San Felipe 250 2022 finish will be dissected.  







Just some of the people we'll mention in this report, 'Radio Bob' Hynes, Mary Hynes, Corky McMillin, Mark McMillin, Scott McMillin, Dan McMillin, Luke McMillin, Andy McMillin, Frank DeAngelo, Sr. Juan Tintos, Bud Parr, Bob Steinberger 'Weatherman', Sal Fish, Mickey Thompson, Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo, Ramon Murillo, Casey Folks, Etienne Lavigne, Danny Anderson, Bobby Van Wormer, Jr., Nick Baldwin, Steve Myers, Ronn H. Bailey and others.





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