THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Sad Truth About The 'Happiest "race"', They're DRUNK


 Geoff Hill Baja Bound Mexican Insurance pictured left, drinking and driving in the recent drunk-fest norra, How many injuries and crashes were caused by the drivers being drunk? AND how many FALSE police reports were filed, NOT identifying the real reason of the crashes?


 Baja Racing News Calls On the State Of Baja California to DEMAND norra mike pearlman and eliseo to MANDATE PROFESSIONAL BREATHALYZERS+ ON THE ENTIRE EVENT NEXT YEAR AND EVERY EVENT THEREAFTER




+Professional Breathalyzer's=

Mandated professional company, approved by the State Government, to apply a scientific system to test and approve personnel to be ALLOWED/GRANTED the ability to participate in the event.

All costs of the 'program', borne by norra, mike pearlman and eliseo. 


 Michael Emery (center), drinking and driving are the prerequisites


The Sad Truth About The 'Happiest "race"', They're DRUNK!


UPDATED! Sunday, May 22

By: Gary Newsome, Publisher 

Just ask Drew or Mike Belk, their sister only has half-a-leg now, after a racing incident of a drunk NORRA Mexico 1000 competitor smashed into Belks sister! All the fun they're having at Mike Pearlmans - "Happiest Drunk-Fest".



Tim Morton: "Was it my imagination or was the awards party food line horrendous? I believe only a few of the people from our 3 tables even bothered with the line it was so long (but more booze)."

More proof of the widespread Drunked norra people: "We shared a parking area and room facilities with another racer and slept in the Las Hamacas parking area, however later that evening several truckloads of NORRA volunteers showed up for the middle room in the building we were staying near, as did their friends and their friends friends (several trucks worth), they then proceeded to have a Mexican party drunks on the front patio of the motel building until the sun came up.  This in itself isn’t an issue, sure it sucks for us and at least 5 other teams who got zero sleep before the longest race day. Maybe we could have said something? We didn’t and that’s on us. My issue is they got a room and never slept in it. They sat on the patio of the motel and blasted music, threw up, fell down, dropped bottles and all sorts of other stuff, but never slept. They could have done that anywhere –  I will say a few of them did come back and clean up the mess they left – and it was a big one… we probably would have had to clean up as we didn’t want us or NORRA get blamed."


Note the bottle in hand, alcohol, the racers fuel of choice

Marty Fiolka directly reported on the proceedings, saying, "at the [team name deleted] racing team pit, [team leader deleted] has 'vats'o'vodka' on tap for everybody"

At the recent event, the NORRA Mexican 1000, the participants drove drunk, stopped their 'rallying' just long enough to get drunker, during the overnight parties.

And continued all the way down the peninsula to the sadly misnamed 'finish line', because it really wasn't the finish to their drunkedness. It was just the start, the beginning of getting even more drunk.


The new class with ZERO safety features, mixed with the 'seeing-red' animals

The Slow Baja people are now complaining of the scheduled mislogistical screw-ups on our palz dezert crackheads forum.

Having the race-event 'leaders' catch up to them on the course and not having amber lights or any other safety features to keep the 'checkered flag' hungry racers from crashing the non-caged, slow and drunks off the course!

And if you don't think drivers were drunk, try breath-testing them next year!

Drew Belk said: "What determines the first day starting order and what is the penalty for jumping ahead, out of sequence on the transition through town? Thanks Precepts Motorsports 511 & 512."

Eliseo replied: "If you want to jump the order and start early the penalty is 10 minutes for each minute you start before your target time."   

Drew Belk replied: "Just a suggestion for safety. There are some who would rather take a time penalty than start towards the back and eat the dust of others. Things got a little out of hand on the transition with cars from the back trying to force their way to the front. I would recommend a more punitive penalty for jumping the starting order to prevent racing through the streets of Ensenada. Just saying."

ONE RJ asked: "This year it was a long transit stage to Los Planos with a short Special. Then mostly speed zone sections to the finish on the 2nd special. Question- is it just getting harder to race more miles at speed to the finish?"

Eliseo answered: "Yes, construction site in La Ribera and also lots of local traffic, we have to scout for more roads, we have a year to find them."   

Eliseo Garcias answer here is really misleading. If not outright, bald-faced lies.

The routes driven in the past in this area, will never be authorized, ever again. The routes through this area in the past were felonious and really should have put Manolo, Eliseo and Michael, in jail, for life. With torture.

Just sayin'!

Bruce Galien said: 'San Felipe. This was the dune section that was an absolute mess for the limited cars at the back of the pack. After 150 cars chewed up the sand, and limited cars became stuck it was mayhem. If we had known of the issue we would have diverted down the highway and taken the penalty. Over 20 cars stuck in that area. You knew it would be a problem because you staged chase teams out there. Thanks for that but didn't do much good with a broken gearbox (reverse gear in 091). And if safety is a concern, we almost hit a a guy outside his car trying to get a tow. We had to stop, loosing all momentum, to avoid hitting him and stuck for the FIRST time. After boondocking off the course got stuck a SECOND time and then broke the trans. I have been doing this since the 80's, and understand it's racing, but we could have avoided that area easily, which would have been much more safe and allowed more cars to finish in a timely manner. Would have put a little more "FUN" back in the race for us. #719 1973 VW "Baja TNG".

Todd Z said: "That said, there were some logistical issues that need to be addressed for future races - on day 3 we got caught by race traffic on the first stage and elected to stop and watch most of the racers go by before we felt it was safe to continue. Day 3 is a long day anyway and there's no way that class traffic could have met the travel time goals and stayed out of the way of race traffic. We probably need to go to Guerrero Negro instead of BOLA to make Day 3 work for the class (Rapido did that this year)."

Mike 'Baja' Belk said: "Was this after San Ignacio near El Datil at the long sandy whoops? We caught a bunch of Safari guys there and it was a bit sketchy when we were doing 90 and they were doing........9. There are sections there where the berms are pretty high and it's not easy to pull out of the course and safely out of the way."

Todd Z responded: "No, we were way back on the San Borja stage just past the mission. We had several unplanned stops that took longer than expected which put us a little behind but there were numerous others that were just in front of us.  We didn't even attempt the loop out of San Ignacio - just pounded pavement all the way to Loreto. When I heard the sweep telling us in BOLA that they wanted us in San Ignacio by 10:30, or noon at the latest, I knew that just wasn't logistically possible.  To do the San Ignacio loop safely, we would've needed to leave GN at oh-dark-thirty and then hustled to get down to Scorpion Bay to stay out of everyone's way.  In the future, if there's any chance at all of us getting caught on course, I think the slow drivers need to have rear ambers (which our race truck had but our historic rig did not)." 

"After talking to Michael Emery, Guerrero Negro will be better and safer for Safari and also a shorter day 3, we can maybe even schedule a visit to the Salina, there are a lot of things we can do and will run it by all of you guys to make it safe in 2023, I believe what happened in Bola is that you guys went into the San Borja Mission I believe and I totally miscalculated the down time there and how close the cars started after you guys left Bola.  If there is anything else you would like to change let me know, what about the 2 groups, Rapido and Slow Baja did that worked?"     

"I know we've communicated about the day the race leaders caught us.  In the future I might do Rapido instead, but everyone I talked to had their own good reasons for both groups - and with the stellas it's easy to get out of one and others way if need be - knowing we aren't racing."

[Editors Note: That is if the NORRA "racers" follow the Stellas tracking, which to a great degree, they don't. As mentioned in the drivers meeting in Ensenada, Eliseo underlined, practically screamed, for the racers to use the tracking and not change the wiring to defeat the systems, which we all know, everyone does!]


 Michael Emery of Slow Baja has a poor record of decision making starting his drinking and driving career CLICK HERE



Don't forget these Michael Pearlman Gems! CLICK HERE FOR MORE


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