THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Baja Bound Insurance, Good Evening Mr. Morton, here's the mission, if you choose to accept it...


So, we haven't heard anything from you since posting this story on May 22, 2022-

The Drunks of the NORRA Mexican 1000 and Drunk Baja Bound Insurance. 

We haven't received any communications from the 'Baja Bound' company, meaning, the reporting is true.

The reporting is 100% CORRECT.

Here's the reporting CLICK HERE

From the CrackHeads Cesspool:

You said,  Baja Bound: "Why flee from Baja to the States? I'm not wanting to spend a few days, or even a minute, in a Mexican jail while they decide what to do, collect more $, totally innocent or not, ain't happening.     And that's part of what's such a bummer about racing in Baja.... a drunk guy could step into the course, you whack him, and it's YOUR fault. Scary deal. Actually makes it harder IMO to race in Baja. It would be great if there were better agreements with the government and promoters to eliminate this possibility."

Your missions, first look, take an English class. Second, your opinion sounds like good, sound advise!  

And Total Loss from Prescott Valley Zona, said: "Yep... I know someone personally that did this...hid out until clear to the border...I would do the same... Those that say otherwise are ignant or would make the decision when required."

The other mission, tell more people what REALLY happens at these race events.

Not just that you want to race and won't, but others MAY want to look more closely at their own decisions. 

And stop the crackheads from racing while drunk, including Geoff Hill, Baja Bound Insurance representative.

And let everyone know, when you drunk and race, your mexican auto insurance is automatically voided.


Happy face placed here.


Gary Newsome, Publisher

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