THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, June 10, 2022

NEW INDICTMENTS! - Jackson Motorsports/Marketing - BFGoodrich Tires - MICHELIN - TE Motorsports, Cantina Motorsports INDICTED! in Ensenada Baja 500 2021 OutRages







UPDATED! June 10

Reported May 18, 2022


After nearly a year of investigations, the Ensenada Prosecutor General has indicted racers from last years over-the-public-road outrages that nearly killed numerous Baja California citizens

By Gary Newsome, Publisher

We reported on the BAJA 500 2021 Outrages LIVE! ONLINE during the proceedings:



From online sources, other than

"As the Baja 500 nears, let's remember the dummy at last year's race and NOT do what he did running that family off the road. 

Racing is NOT that important. Fortunately no one was hurt. 

FROM SCORE INTERNATIONAL: "Ensenada, Baja California, MX – SCORE International has issued a statement regarding the recent unsafe truck passing incident that took place at last week’s SCORE Baja 500. SCORE and Ensenada officials have met with the involved family and the driver of the of the passing vehicle, which had no team affiliation

The driver apologized and acknowledged the situation with the affected family and has covered their mechanical and medical expenses. Both parties came to a mutually satisfactory resolution regarding the incident. 

Safety is the most important priority SCORE deals with when operating our Desert Championship Series on the Baja California peninsula. Great efforts have been established in recent years in order to address situations like the one that occurred at the recent SCORE Baja 500” said SCORE President and Race Director Jose Abelardo Grijalva, who also confirmed that after the Competition Review Board (CRB) analyzed various information sources, SCORE will enforce a ban of the truck driver for the remainder of the 2021 season." 

Loren Davis "Just three identical trucks, all in a line, carrying tires and fuel, and no affiliation? Just some random tourists out for a pleasant drive through the countryside? Coincidence? Who are you covering up for and how much was the payoff?"      

Steven Leslie "No team affiliation, what a joke SCORE Because regular spectators carry fuel towers in the back of the truck, What a joke"

Alex Contreras "Just the one truck driver!!! Looks more like three trucks+ The whole team should be ban!! This is why other countries hate us. We come over and think we are better than them and the rules don't apply."      

Mario Gutierrez "Going to need to be very aware and patient on race day for chasing this race. HWY 3 is going to be more dangerous than the race course."

Tim Morton “no team affiliation”       

Jeff Lothringer "Tim Morton it should have said multiple Team affiliation!"

JD Durfey "Tim Morton Doesn’t every American that goes to Baja take a bunch of race car spare tires, tools, and parts with them?  SCORE should have DQ’d every car he pitted for that day!"      

John McMurrin "Tim Morton nope, didn’t you know the best chair to bring to watch a race is a 40” TT tire and wheel."

Tim Moore "Tim Morton bullshit right? A bed full of spares."     

David Hendrickson "Tim Morton thought I saw your name in big letters across the back window but they went by so quick I cant be sure lol JK"

Steve Thomas "I had a local do that to me on the way to Santa Tomas 1 year. I saw god that time"

Andy Kirker "So who was he pitting/chasing for? I wish they could have found out. FACT: At the time, it could not be determined what team he was affiliated with. So who would you disqualify? How about your team gets disqualified because someone’s brothers friend said they saw him pitting your car? He was banned from the sport for the rest of the year and made restitution. Case closed."

EdFrances Bedxrtx "I hope that team got penalized for endangering civilian's life's , No race is worth anybody's life"      

Joel Tarquin "EdFrances Bedxrtx Nope. SCORE bought the lie that they had “no team affiliation”. Money talks…"          

Grant Dick "Unless you are chasing a race car you wouldn’t be carrying those race supplies. They were just going from pit to pit for no reason? I know Score has a reputation for being safety minded but this is just embarrassing. They could have at least said it was more sever of a penalty to help set a precedent that will keep the next family from being killed."

Abraham Gonzalez "Rz Driver s view That was a year ago... (the story in spanish)"     

Noah Baldwin "No affiliation? That's BS. The whole team should be banned period."

Curtis Finn "As a chase guy I think SCORE needed to penalize any and all teams he was with. See this stuff every race and it needs to be stopped."      

Susan Ferguson "I’m thrilled everyone has phones with cameras."       

Stuart Chase "Bullshit, he's chasing somone. Most chasers are unsafe has been my view for 40 years Both chasing myself for others and racing myself"

Mitch Martinez “Clear, Clear, Clear!” Use you own eyes!"

Todd Lucero "T"hat video makes you want to Go change your titey whiteys"

John Files "SCORE did not handle that at all!"

John Hammers "Hopefully he got some jail time for that"

Martin Gomie "Safety First"

Chrissy Ford "Wow score you really just let that slide? It only takes one to ruin this for all."

Jehremy Madill "If I remember correctly it was someone hired by Cantina Racing"

Trent Hanson "The chase seems to be a race in itself."      

Mike Maclean "SCORE is definitely not what it used to be. SAD Upper management"      

Jerry Claxton "Yeah and the federallies are trustworthy"      

Scott Mosteller "Resolution being he had to pay how much $$?"

Mike Nilsen "Scott Mosteller I think SCORE’s statement last year said the guy in the truck had to buy the guy a new car as he had to drive off the road to avoid the chase truck. Doing so cracked the oil pan and ruined his car."

Paul Hart "Ya. No team affiliation. What?"

Trevor A. Morris "How were the medical expenses covered if there were no injuries?"

W T Smith Jr "Black Ball the Team for the stupid Chase Trucks they Have ....Or It'll happen again until someone is DEAD.....and Hopefully that won't be the Lesson Learned..."

Diane 'Willard' Kamacho "He could have killed them" 

Nick Moody "Maybe a week in a Mexican jail would have been better.      Reply     14h  Mike Maclean Nick Moody, 10 days in Ensenada jail, long time ago.""  


*Special Thanks to the Martelli Midgets for keeping alive with BFG dollars so they could float this video on their facefuck social media for over a year(!) and all the bad juju on score online! Thanks!

Local Follow-Up On FaceFuck: 



Directly from Reporting in last years "Awards Report":

""Roger likes the mayhem. Otherwise this would have stopped when he (Roger Norman) bought SCORE.

Then at 8:45 AM on the morning of June 16, 2021 'critter81's light bulb goes off, "And before you all blow me up about "well it's Baja and it can't be done" I think that is BS, because --- Dakar, IOMTT, WRC manage to do it...".

Congratulations 'critter81', mental clarity has been achieved!!! *

*Regarding the chase trucks incidents: 'bigblueandgoldie' said, "Race results aside, the messed up part is there are most definitely people reading this thread or viewing posts on social media who know the driver of this chase truck. In my opinion, SCORE needs to step up and either hold the guy accountable or make make it right as an organization with the locals who got hit. By turning a blind eye, we ALL look like jerks."

No, we all look like potential murderers.*

*'MTpyle' said, "If Racer Services was part of the LR team (Cantina Racing-Baja Jerky-Larry Roeseler's)and supporting them, then yes this would be crazy. I feel like the Chase truck move was way way worse than what Luke did. This is why you cant have subjective rules."*

*Regarding identification of these "offenders".

We all know who it is. 'Rcamp99' said, "He goes by "racer services". He preps for a lot of teams, {Team name not mentioned}  and did some for cantina (Cantina Racing is the #46 Baja Jerky Larry Roeseler outfit) as well. It’s posted all over social media now haha."

"Haha"? This community is family, right?! Familia!? Yes, a family of animals. Even if he killed people in this incident, the behavior in the desert racing 'family', would be THE SAME.

The Mexicans don't act like this, the visiting Gringos have the EXCLUSIVE. That's why the locals steal your stuff. You don't show proper respect.""


Begin Reporting at the time

We reported on the BAJA 500 2021 Outrages LIVE! ONLINE during the proceedings:


The proceedings as they occurred:

Why is the largest tire manufacturer in the world acting as SCORE operations, killing and maiming spectators?

-Recently, SCORE DQ'd Luke McMillin of McMillin Racing/Homes/Realty of San Diego, produced from an incident were he drove through a gathering of spectators and over public property, 'off of' the actual race course.

-Also recently, SCORE penalized a chase truck, in operating unsafely on a public, paved highway. A major Baja Mexico thoroughfare.

-Also, SCORE did not penalize the MONSTER Energy Ampudia team for a bloody outrageous, heinous threat to public health and safety.

  • The Baja 500 2021

SCORE International penalized McMillin Racing of San Diego for Luke driving over private property and through a spectator encampment. This happened during the race event, with less than 10 miles to go to the finish line of the race.

The penalty? Complete disqualification.

Also, during the race event, a chase truck violated established rules of the road on a public highway. Violations bad enough, that the driver has been banned for the balance of the racing season by SCORE itself. 

This action proves SCORE knows who did the deed and SCORE is responsible for the illegal actions!

Also, during the race event, a competitor, MONSTER Energy Ampudia Racing, crashed out near a heavily populated pit service area. At the moment of impact, the driver crashed into a fellow competitor, on purpose and went out of control smashing into a huge boulder.

It was a miracle that no one was injured or killed! 

Ampudias truck went wildly off course and ended up as a hulk of debris on the race course, blocking the event.

Each one of these instances are the responsibility of SCORE International.

What were the differences? SCORE only stepped in when THERE WAS SOMETHING TO PAY FOR.

The manipulation of the 'insurance coverage' for SCORE in Baja Mexico, is fraudulent. All of these incidents that involve racers, racing and all related event personnel, whether the event is 'running' or not must be covered by the organization itself.

Because, the funny thing about this "insurance", is that it only covers or insures SCORE International, not the victims of the deaths, damage and mayhem! These coverages bail out SCORE, not participants, nor innocent bystanders.

SCORE International also manipulates jurisdictional lines to avoid responsibility in clear cases were SCORE is at fault. It could be argued they are often, at every race event,  obviously guilty of negligence and/or fraud.

That's why SCORE and Roger only operates racing operations in Mexico. He's intentionally avoiding the costs of his own failures, as well as others associated with his belligerently failed race operations.

The so-called 'non race related incidents', this is  SCORE trying to separate out false distinctions.

All of these exposures are race related. They're just not ones SCORE wants to cover YOU for! Even IF you buy into the insurance 'coverage'.

'SCORE operations' is involved in every part of the event experience. They have control over every element, though, the control they exercise is often non-professional, if not completely voluntary. In street terms, done by absolute hacks. 

Merely being a warm body in a chair, for a free room or 'vacation' in Ensenada. Because Roger likes getting his trades, products and services, for FREE.

The one and only important professional distinction. 

Who is operating as SCORE operations, behind the scenes, manipulating all the 'chess pieces'? 

The penalized chase truck was not working 'for', he was working 'with' Cantina Racing and TE Motorsports

SCORE operations is well aware of these facts.

He was working with Jackson Motorsports dispensing BFGoodrich Tires, throughout the race course 'for' commissioned proceeds to himself from Jackson Motorsports, through the purchase of the tires, by the teams, Cantina Racing and TE Motorsports. 

*We know who was paying the driver.* 

The driver who was being told over an open race radio channel, at the time of his indiscretions to "get those tires to that location, right now!!!"  

Jackson Marketing* is a contractor of MICHELIN, acting as SCORE operations, directing chase trucks drivers that fateful day during the Baja 500... 

Throughout 2021 and into 2022, outlined why a contractor acting as SCORE operations and SCORE itself have violated these laws.

Put simply, for the money. What money you ask?

The money from the French corporation MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires which participates through a contractor, by the name of Jackson Marketing/Motorsports.

Jackson Motorsports/Marketing, is a United States company, falsely portraying itself as a faith based group of people, out of South Carolina.

Why are they participating in these DEATH RACES?!


Michael Palin, the famous spokesman for the FIA Foundation's 'Safer Roads' Campaign and pictured above said this week of my reporting, "the FIA needs to begin a full powered investigation into  SCORE operations-MICHELIN-BFGoodrich Tires-Jackson Motorsports/Marketing". 

"The Deaths & Damages in Baja Mexico are an outrage!"



*The rule violation, commercial chase trucks, selling and distributing BFGoodrich Tires (on behalf of Jackson Motorsports/Marketing), forcing regular traffic off of a public road.

-Jackson Motorsports/Marketing, acting as SCORE operations, was directing the chase truck driver that fateful day during the Baja 500... 

*The rule violation, commercial chase trucks, selling and distributing BFGoodrich Tires, forcing regular traffic off of a public road. In some circumstances, crashing into the traveling public on public roads.

-Another linked story will be to the San Felipe 250 race - when Roger was just a measly, nobody racer and he tattled on Robby Gordon for using a cheaters line, that he himself used! Who was his partner in crime, THEN? Jackson Motorsports, acting as SCORE operations. Jackson went out of their way to get Robby DQ'd. They chided, harassed and finally got Robby bucked from the podium as a result of Roger working with Frank to have SCORE operations and Sal Fish (owner of SCORE at the time) to DQ Robby Gordon!

Because Robby Gordon is a TOYO TIRES sponsored team. Chicken-shit, Right???

After Roger Norman USED THE VERY SAME SHORTCUT in the race.

Who was Rogers partner in crime? At the time it was Frank DeAngelo of Jackson Motorsports...

The ongoing deaths, injuries and damages produced by these events is the responsibility of SCORE operations. SCORE and Roger Norman is granted authority through its agreements with local government.

Lately, SCORE has been restricted by the Ensenada governmental authority, as a result of the gross negligence of its customers. Racers have run into, over and through Mexican citizens with no regard to the impact of these incidents on the local political control by the council.

In town, just after the start line, there are now strict speed controls. There are now restrictive course mandates. All because of the people the racers have killed, injured and the damages they have produced.

These incidents fly in the face of international code restricting these activities from largely populated communities on public roads.""

End reporting at the time










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