THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Barstow Swerve 300 October 12th-16th 2022 LIVE ! ONLINE


 the barstow swerve


Current Update August 5

First published August 3

by Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada, BC

Real Time Reporting on the Martelli brothers misproduction of the 'the California 300'

Just the beginning of our Exclusive Reporting

The city of Barstow California is located in San Bernardino County at the midpoint between Los Angeles, California and Las Vegas, Nevada.

San Bernadino county is widely known for the easiest place in America for bribing elected officials, county representatives and the federal government. 

The ultimate armpit of north america.

"Barstow swerve", in general understanding and usage are commonly known "tweaker characteristics", (such as found in the people of Barstow, CA), can be referred to as the Barstow swerve. 

The phrase could also be used to describe a Venereal disease contracted from having relations with somebody who lives in Barstow and uses hard drugs. 

Usage: "John got the barstow swerve from that crack whore he banged last week."

In the Urban Dictionary, a "Barstow Martini", is a pookie or 'oil burner' used for smoking meth - the outlawed death drug, methamphetamine.

The only things Barstow is known for, other than the obvious is the train and bus stations, to GTFO of the area and the BLM District Office, the federal Bureau of Land Mismanagement. 


8 People were Killed By The BLM and others

Home of the California 200  Sanctioned Slaughter.


Baja Mexico is paradise compared to this part of the United States, California, San Bernadino County.

The Mexicans who are forced to live here call it "Mierda del Desierto".

Everyone who lives here, can't wait to GTFO.

Everbody'd hard up for cash, except the corrupt governments. They got Dave and the Martelli midgets fingering the dollar flower!



The BLM and San Bernadino County have been particularly secretive. 

The press reporting on the 'Sanctioned Slaughter' taught these miscrients how to violate every law on the books.

Recent press requests for contract information about these events are currently in process, but, these desert hillbillies don't operate in the public interest.

They operate on their own, base, prurient interests.

We are reporting and believe, the recent contracts and off the record agreements with Dave Cole and the Martelli midgets are evidence crimes are being committed.

Since the California 200 was so successful at killing people, why wouldn't the inbred operations with the California 300 and Cole's 'Pig of the Hammers' be any different?

The health department for the county currently has numerous questions in process from the press.

So, yes, this is a desert race. It's also a stress test of the worst government structures in north america. The county, city and federal bureau of land - complete fuck the public - mis-management, based in the barstow swerve.

Dave Cole knows who's squeelin' to Baja Racing News! Insiders at the Barstow BLM office are telling us everything!

You thought you'd GET SICK IN MEX?



County politicians are trying to get out of their responsibilities, with the help of russia

By Demertia Bottomov AP 

The feds have indicted a russian national for fomenting and funding efforts like San Bernadino's stupid-waste of time & tax money-plan in California. 

In February 2018, as organizers of the so-called “CalExit” campaign to have California secede from the union and form its own country, a Russian national named Aleksandr Ionov sent electronic messages to a secession supporter, court documents say. 

Ionov offered funding for a protest that would have supporters make their way into then-Gov. Jerry Brown’s office. Ionov and the organizer traded proposed designs for posters for the event, and eventually wrote that he sent $500 to the organizer, who on Valentine’s Day led a demonstration at the state Capitol “in support of California’s secession from the United States,” court papers say.  

Afterward, Ionov corresponded in Russian with a member of the Russian Federal Security Service, or FSB, boasting that the FSB officer had asked for “turmoil” in the United States. 

“There you go”, Ionov wrote back to the FSB, court papers say.

The effort was part of a “years-long foreign malign influence campaign that used various U.S. political groups to sow discord, spread pro-Russian propaganda, and interfere in elections within the United States,” the Justice Department said in an announcement Friday during which authorities in Tampa, Florida, revealed Ionov had been indicted there on charges of targeting political groups in Florida, Georgia and California “to further Russian interests.” 

The failed San Bernadino County government

By Beau Yarbrough AP

“People pay high taxes and they do not believe their taxes are coming back to their neighborhoods to address the issues they care about,” Second District Janice Rutherford said at the Aug. 3, 2022 special meeting of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. “And there is nothing crazy about being angry about those things.” 

San Bernardino County voters will have the chance to vote this November on whether they want the county to potentially secede from California.  “Do you want to spend our taxpayer dollars to do a study of what we are, or are not getting, as a county, and then fight for that, in a way we haven’t done before?” San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman asked his fellow board members at a special 29-minute meeting Wednesday, Aug. 3.

The board voted 4-0 to put the measure on the Nov. 8 ballot. Following the the russian destabilizing plans for America.

Supervisor Paul Cook was absent.  The measure, which will be back before the board Tuesday, Aug. 9, for final adoption, asks voters: “Do the people of San Bernardino County want San Bernardino County elected representatives to study and advocate for all options to obtain the county’s fair share of State funding up to and including secession from the State of California?”  The board’s vote wasn’t an enthusiastic endorsement of secession.  Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. was interested in studying whether the county and its residents are owed more state and federal funds than they currently receive.  “I do think we have to look at anything we can do to enhance services for our residents,” Baca said. “I’m not in favor of seceding. I’m proud to be from California; I love California.”  Supervisor Janice Rutherford agreed the funding issue deserves examination.  “People pay high taxes and they do not believe their taxes are coming back to their neighborhoods to address the issues they care about,” Rutherford said. “And there is nothing crazy about being angry about those things.”

The secession idea was initially floated by real estate developer Jeff Burum at the board’s July 26 meeting, when he argued that San Bernardino County should secede from California.  “We had a lot of people we respect and mayors I respect that came up last week” in support of the secession idea, Hagman said.  Among those who spoke last week was Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren.  “We cannot continue to beg, and crawl and (grovel) … to get resources for our county,” she said on July 26. 

Warren said, “We have millions of citizens that have needs

Whether the county is paying out more to the state than it gets back is difficult to prove.  “Inter-agency accounting and finances can be difficult to trace because there is a web of intergovernmental transfers across local-state-fed jurisdictions,” economist Robert A. Kleinhenz, with the Inland Empire Economic Partnership, wrote in an email before the meeting.  

According to county spokesman David Wert, the county’s finance team conducted a per-capita comparison of federal and state revenue captured by California counties based on data from the state controller. The data shows San Bernardino County ranks 36th out of 56 counties for per-capita revenue received from the state and federal governments, Wert said.  On Wednesday night, Hagman said it’s not clear whether the county is missing out on revenue it might deserve.  “If the worst thing that comes out of this is a study that will be ammunition for our state representatives to fight for more money for us” that would be acceptable, he said.


August 7, 2022


Barstow Whistleblower claims Barstow Desert Director and others taking payoffs

Pictured above: Dave Cole and the Martelli midgets


Current Update August 7

First published August 5

by Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada, BC


Barstow BLM whistleblower now claims illegal payoffs from Dave Cole and the Martelli midgets are being paid to the BLM Desert Director and others in the region. 

Whistleblower: "They are complete farces! The hammers events here in California and Nevada's Martelli events haven't had valid, fully paid  permits, ever!"

Why do you think the BLM has been claiming since 2010 they aren't "paid enough" to supervise these large scale public events? They don't have sufficient funds because money is only reaching the director and other bosses in the region, not the operating budgets that fund the event security, health department requirements and associated required personnel.

A farce is a comedy that seeks to entertain an audience through fraud that are highly fictitious, exaggerated, extravagant, ridiculous, and absurd. Stay Tuned>>>

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