THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Dave Cole , Martelli Midgets - September Reporting - Barstow Whistleblower claims Barstow Desert Director and others taking payoffs


Barstow Whistleblower claims Barstow Desert Director and others taking payoffs

American Corruption Rots Out  Desert Racing - BREAKING HEADLINE

Pictured above: Whistleblower claims Dave Cole and the Martelli midgets paying off Barstow authorities



UPDATE September 10


Interviews at the time indicated the BLM systematically violates the rights of public land using citizens, on Imperial County public lands. 



Reports provided by local Barstow AP reporters

In ongoing interviews, the whistleblower has identified the manner and scope of the fraud, the BLM Barstow office has perpetrated against the desert racing community over generations.

In the grift, a skim takes place on each and every dollar taken in by the Barstow office. 

In the case of Dave Cole and the Martelli midgets, an agreed process of fraud is being perpetrated.

Perpetrated against the public land users and racers of the entire california desert district.

In the process of reporting on the last several years of "king of the hammers" permit process details, came in contact with sources within the county and federal offices of the blm california desert district.

During the recent pandemic, the truth was laid bare.

Over the course of tens of years of reporting, the desert advisory council was plainly shown as a group of apologists and blm blowjob artists. Many are also on the take financially, in the desert lands state and federal grants system business.

Don't waste your time using this link, the office doesn't answer their phones and they don't reply to emails.

Maybe if you give money directly to the california desert director?


Not just dotting i's or crossing t's

The health department representatives of the county and the resource managers of the blm barstow office confirmed what we had documented over the past years of 'events' being held since the California 200 in 2010. 

Governmental public information requests, through their established systems were ignored. That was the tell-tale point when the Barstow AP reporter knew 'somethin' stank in Denmark'.


'Somethin' stank in Denmark' 

First were the public complaints. We dug deeper. We came across the whistleblower. 

A now former federal blm employee who is running services as a private company, in the desert district. Over thirty years of documenting the grift, over many administrations at the local, county and federal levels.


In Barstow, it's a big happy, incestuous family.

Barstow BLM whistleblower now claims illegal payoffs from Dave Cole and the Martelli midgets are being paid to the BLM Desert Director and others in the region. 

Whistleblower: "They are complete farces! The hammers events here in California and Nevada's Martelli events haven't had valid, fully paid  permits, ever!"

Why do you think the BLM has been claiming since 2010 they "aren't paid enough" to supervise these large scale public events? They don't have sufficient funds because money is only reaching the director and other bosses in the region, not the operating budgets that fund the event security, health department requirements and associated required personnel.

A farce is a comedy that seeks to entertain an audience through fraud that are highly fictitious, exaggerated, extravagant, ridiculous, and absurd. 


BLM Public Oversight


Origin reporting broke open the BLM Whistleblower CLICK HERE

We have had more leads sent to us at our offices here in Ensenada! If you have more information on this reporting, please send it to us at:


Blockbuster Investigative Reporting

-2019- BLM Palm Springs Office responsible for shooting unarmed Off-Roader, the start of 'Off-Road Lives Matter' Movement 

-2013- HDRA (SCORE-International) files official complaint against BLM El Centro Office regarding the Imperial County event that Roger Norman charged, "the federal BLM officers (violated) for violating the civil rights of Off-Road race participants and spectators"

In a series of interviews with Roger and his chief who handled the details of the race - and the charges against the federal agents, were so hot at the time, were not reported.

One of our reporters, who was particularly experienced monitoring Plaster City races of all kinds, was stationed in sight of the widespread violations of civil rights.

For the entire duration of time of the public events, this reporter fully documented the outrageous, flagrant and at times, violent 'nazi' operations of the federal blm officers.

Thousands of United States citizens were harassed, intimidated and assaulted at the HDRA (SCORE-International) 'Imperial 250'.

The BLM office at El Centro had set up a "shake-down & take-down" system which included an 'unconstitutional gauntlet' of 'blm vehicles and {MILITARY MUNITIONS OUTFITTED} blm boots on the ground' on the south side of the operational racing pits and 'roving teams' of {MILITARY MUNITIONS OUTFITTED} fully armed badged BLM officers hunting down "revenue".

Rather than operating in the agreed to and contracted manner, "to ensure safety of the public", the 'jack-booted thugs of the blm' harassed and ransacked the public, during the entire race event.

Radio communications back to BLM operations (which were monitored and recorded), hundreds of federal officers in military armored battle gear with high powered military rifles marauded throughout the race event weekend.

The 'gestapo revenue officer operations' were fully documented and officially notified back to Washington DC. 

Interviews at the time indicated the BLM systematically violates the rights of public land using citizens, on Imperial County public lands.

Roger Norman owner of the event- "I will never hold an event of mine in the United States, ever again".

The Dave Cole/Martelli midgets reported frauds has now reopened several investigative tracks in the US. Mandating journalistic fly-specking these federal 'bureau of land management' and county operations. Just at the time several of our reporters have moved back to the states. 

Stay tuned>>>Lots to unpack>>> 

Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada, BC Mexico

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