THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Zandy Willems Cranium Crushed In Ultra 4 Crandon Wisconsin

Zandy Willems Cranium Crushed In ULTRA 4 Crandon Wisconsin

Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada BC



Marty Fiolka said, "about the entire Polaris Crandon World Championship + Red Bull Cup broadcast. As the promoter for the weekend and executive producer for [the] Ultra4 and Sunday broadcasts, it's nice to share what went into the entire weekend". 

Including the crappy track and Ultra4 race which killed Zandy Willems 



Local Wisconsin Medical Authorities are releasing the autopsy and death details


Do you have additional information on this reporting?

Please forward your inside information to



Dave Cole was quoted while he was eating breakfast today, "that's the reason I'm getting out of events stuff, people die in off-road racing events, I'm smarter than this".

Yea, you know it all Dave. How was your jail time in San Felipe?

Speed Sport News has confirmed Zandy's manner of death at Crandon International Raceway, run by Marty Fiolka. 

SSN has confirmed parts of the track were totally fucked up, so the death wasn't unexpected. 

An AP reporter onsite delivered this sobering news to the local rags this morning-

"at the incident site, a guy was waving his hands in the dark, lit up by the headlights, then Campbell slams on the brakes. The guy waving down Wayland was just trying to communicate the red flag situation when the guy behind Wayland didn't get the message and charged up the rocks.

The 4400 car driving full speed, drove directly into Zandy's cage, killing him.

The impact killed the driver in the 4400 car.

[First report is brain injuries and broken neck]

A fire truck from the back 40 was brought to the main track and then all the U4 cars approaching the rocks just shut off their engines and lights. There were still a lot of emergency vehicles at the incident location that appeared to be just after the gravel pit turn.

Crandon International Raceway event staff red flagged the 4400 race and said they are done racing for the night." 


Original Report

Message from Jason Robinett, Ultra4 USA owner to
"The sun came up and reality set in on the tragic events that unfolded yesterday evening. By now most have heard Zandy Willems has passed doing exactly what he loved". 

Sure Jason, did you ask him?
BAJA MODE - Siempre!


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I like how instead of giving info you just griped about other people

  2. Anonymous7:50 AM

    can someone post the video of the crash i didnt get to see it

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    This news is all wrong I was there zandy rolled in the gravel pit and his roll cage snapped there was another accident in the front of the track we’re everyone could see that took all the attention we’re no one was by zandy and thought he was ok because he landed on all wheels the crash in the front happend first taking all attention. He died on the last roll. There was 6 crashes on the first lap including these 2 he was the last to be looked at before the race was called off for the night
