THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, October 24, 2022

Liar Dave Cole 'king of scammers" flim-flams, shim-sham new for 2023, Call For Proof


UPDATE! Thursday, December 15, 2022


Green787 is already racing and ahead of the field!

"So correct me if my math is wrong, but if 85,000 people are going to vote for their favorite entry, and the entrants get $10.00 per ticket, that would add up to $850K....... So figure 25% of the people aren't going to vote, so subtract $212,500.00 from that and you have potentially a pot of $637,500.00 to distribute to the racers... Now, like in the last election and the movie Avatar, there are tree huggers, and tree cutters, so I'm figuring on getting half the votes, just know, that would be $318,750.00 just for showing up...! 



Monday, October 24, 2022 

Baja Racing News Hereby Calls For Proof, from proven liar Dave Cole of the 'king of hammers' organization

Since you made your 'public offering' this morning, your office email; phone and your cell number is not taking inquiries on this business move, in the state of California, as required by law.

Since the offering derives over $10,000 US in benefits, any deviation of the offer and its use into a felony, we have a few requests.

We require proof of the offer, with the same on letterhead of your company, with your signature, establishing the true nature of your business offer.

We also require proof, a public ledger of the funds obtained by the offer you made online this morning, for the entire year of 2022 and 2023. 

Dave, you understand why this is being done, now.

You have made public that your initial public offering for your company was a lie. 

You, yourself, admitted such. You said,  

"I called all the racers and told them we (king of the hammers) were sold out, but for the one last remaining opening, which you then offered to that racer. I (Dave Cole) then called each and every racer, repeated the (fake) offer, with the same (false) business offering". 

You were not sold out, you just lied to each and every racer to solicit money, falsely.

You are a liar and liars need to prove out your business offers in the state of California.

Stay tuned readers, "2023 is going to be fun"

Send To:

Publisher, Gary Newsome

Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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