THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Blast From The Past! - Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico - Exposing Scammers and Fraud, Again! Desert racing joins in on the 'Rat Pack' Steve Bourgeois from San Diego and Patrick Chicas from Las Vegas




The jury of eight men and four women heard from star prosecution witness and former Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg, who testified last month, “It was my own personal greed that led to this case.”  Trump Org lawyers have maintained that Weisselberg acted on his own and that the blame lay solely with him.  Still, Weisselberg, 75, admitted that even after Donald Trump’s children Eric and Donald Trump Jr. found out in 2017 that he and other executives were cheating on taxes, they weren’t penalized. Instead, Weisselberg — who is currently on a leave of absence and getting paid a $640,000 salary from the company — was given a $200,000 raise. The 45th president and his children are not charged in the case.  But during closing arguments, prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office claimed Trump was well aware of what Weisselberg was up to and that he “explicitly” sanctioned the tax fraud.  “This whole narrative that Donald Trump is blissfully ignorant is just not real,” Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass told jurors." The jury ruled the Trump organizations broke the law. 


After all of the Trump frauds, like his tenure in public office and the "foundation", Trump will end up in prison. Stay tuned here. 2023 is  going to be a very, very bad year for one

 Donald J. Trump. 


Original Reporting-Nov. 1

Donald J. Trump and desert racing shit heads - an American Scam Classic!


Blast From The Past! 

- Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico - Always Exposing Scammers and Fraud, Again!


September 16, 2015; At the time, our reporting was relative to the Republican Presidential Debates. Today, well, we told 'ya so! 

The All-American Fraudster Donald J. Trump was working with two dumpster fires from the desert racing community.

Steve Bourgeois from San Diego and Patrick Chicas from Las Vegas. At the time Steve was working at the U.S. Navy and using government computers in his desert racing hobby/business. Patrick was taking money from the Trump organization and/or his promotional arm from Vegas.

Hey, what's the problem? At the time, Trump and the Vegas marketing arm were taking millions from investors. 

The "investment" turned out to be a scam. Lawsuits, refunds and bad press ensued. CLICK HERE 2009


The billboard posting along the Baja coast, pointing out the ongoing-sewage problems from 2007 - still ongoing today, in 2022.


Patrick J. Chicas, took money to push the fraud in advertising the fraudulent investment on the WWW.

CLICK HERE Patrick J. Chicas, the original desert racing classic, 'Richard Cranium'! Click Here  

Steve (AKA 'Seve' on the desert crackheads message board) was a shill for the Patrick Chicas scam, paid by your tax dollars through his government employment out of the Department of Defense. Steve was also caught sitting on government, Department of Defense computers, doing his 'business and/or hobby' online. While on government time. 

The problem was they both thought nobody would care about their felonious activities. They both were caught.

Trump, everyone at the time knew he was a scam. Some people held their noses. Now you know, the results of nose holding!



WAYBACK MACHINE! 2008-2009  Trump Ocean Resort Condos - Spa...



Blast From The Past!

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