THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, December 11, 2022

LIVE ! ONLINE from CABO RADIO December 8-12 Covering the CABO 250






By: Jose Lima, Southern Baja Reporter, Pics & Vids from various Southern Baja Sources

Graphics from our Ensenada office.

UPDATE! From Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

December 15, 2022

"Last Saturday, December 10, the State Automobile Association closed its 2022 Off Road season with the "Mobil Cabo 250" competition, with the participation of 128 competition teams who gave themselves to the loyal Cabeña fans, providing a show for a space of 6 hours due to the gap in said municipal seat that joins these two world-class tourist destinations. Ratifying once again why the Mobil -Cabo 250- is one of the great favorites for almost 3 decades. The State Automobile Association is infinitely grateful for all the support received from the Municipal President Prof. Oscar Leggs, especially the Councilor Rogelio Tornero, the Director of Tourism Donna Jeffries (who could not be present for health reasons. We send our wishes for a speedy recovery ), Ricardo Manríquez Castillo, in charge of the office of the General Directorate of Sports; as well as the rest of the operational areas of the City Council who at all times offered their services for the development of the sports fair, to the ranch owners, especially to the great fans of the number 1 sport in Sudcalifornia for their good behavior and infinite thanks. to all participants. In this way, the good vibes, the healthy and great sportsmanship among the teams were felt, resulting in the MOBIL CABO 250 IN A SUCCESSFUL SUCCESS. Congratulations to the winners of this technical route! See you in 2023. Have a happy holiday season together as a family. Consume MOBIL lubricants, the best on the market!"


Sunday, December 11

Good Sunday Morning Race Fans, Jose Lima here, drinking Safari Club Coffee from my resort room balcony, overlooking the Red Sea.

Bandwidth here is good, so it won't take as long to upload my race and other, reporting.

Sometimes, I'm in the middle of the Baja desert, with a remote Sat Link doing this stuff, today, its all very cushy. (I even have room service)

At some point in the next racing season (2023) we'll post a picture of the very remote accommodations we usually report from. Sandy, windblown and hungry. Not pretty. 

If you've never raced in Southern Baja, with the locals, you're missing out! I talked with a couple of American expats, who have second homes here in Los Cabos (the destination name) and they claim its the most fun racing in their lives. More on those interviews later. 

Let's get onto the results, posted below, it was a very fast event, in and around one of the most fun-technical courses on the peninsula. The event organizers, sponsors and supporters did a great job of putting on a competitive desert race course, racing event, in the "Monaco" of desert racing venues.

The Trophy Truck and Trophy Buggy classes were fierce battles! In and out of the lead on several occasions and the competing race strategies made the finish dramatic.

The lower classes were filled with competitors. The racers know each other very well and respect each others families, so the battles were always 'fair-play' moments.

The finish line had its moments, with the radio'ed in estimates of running times led to a bit of a squabble in the buggy classes.

After a little bit of higher math and electronic communications over the air-waves, all was settled for today's celebrations for awards. 

We want to say a BIG thanks to the racing local media here in Baja Sur. Amazing collaborations, Thanks!

Special Thanks to the local authorities. The Los Cabos Presidentes office, the tourism director, (who we've been friends for years) and our service providers. In particular Volaris Airlines.

We have been friends with Volaris since their start here in Los Cabos. Flying their airlines is the most fun we've ever had, in the air! 

RAM Trucks, Budweiser Beer, Hard Rock Cafe and our newest patron, RockStar Energy Motorsports Mexico, Salud!

First, however, before I forget the details, lets talk about last night, after the finish line and in town (Lands End) at the clubs, under a full moon, until just hours ago...

The topic of conversation among the racing public, here in Cabo overnight was the shakeout in race teams up north and the score bright idea of racing the mil from La Paz to Ensenada. All discussed over broads, beers and rock'n'roll by a great house band at Las Varitas, there's one in Cabo and one in La Paz, more later.

I've had two. No, not racing trucks, children. We all know the financial outlays are very similar.

So, Andy bails because of family expenses? The consensus from our early, early social this morning is a resounding, no-way. Rather a conscious choice to race differently

The group we hung out with last night are internationally known race phenoms, fans, organizers and racers. They think a major change is hitting the country clubbers.

These are 'quality of racing' decisions.

Maybe, Andy the hired-gun or volunteer pro-driver.

A common thread in this thought process is, 'why race the barstow swerve when you have the finances, time and position to race, really anything and anywhere you want?'. The swerve is for the desperate.

The key. Position. You're a known commodity, with the ability to negotiate the right terms to 'wheel', in Baja, Cabo, South America, or anywhere?

Andy and many like him have that kind of position.

Next is time and finances. Sure, Cabo and Baja at quality events.

That upper shelf, Australia, South America or someplace else on the globe, very, very few can attain that status, today.

Ship teams/rigs together, rent a local rig/team, fly in and out and that life-list is just a bit shorter! That way you don't have to own your own team or equipment.


The CABO 250 2022 Results>>>    

Videos and Pics from the race:

Here's where the lead changed, video below






Trophy Truck Winner

 Trophy Buggy Winner CABO 250













*Castellon Industrial
*Hidrogestiones de California
*Castilla Estructuras
*Cabo llanti-Servicios Boulevard
*Gruas San José
*Wero Race Prep
*DSM Los Cabos
*Rivera Colisiones
*Taller De Carroceria Y Pintura OM Racing
*CheckPoint Autoservicio
*Lic. Hanssel Velazquez Bufette Legal
*Baja Sunset Properties
*Nigga Taller Automotriz
*Gato Moro Racing
*Kraken Purificadora
*Taller Mecánico Ceseña
*GL Guillins López y Asociados, despacho contable
Campeonato Estatal Baja Sur Series 2022
Carrera Mobil Cabo 250

List of pre-registered as of December 06 
35 - Carlos Peñúñuri/Iván Sánchez Higuera  
CLASS 1 (1)  
102 - Roberto Garza Flores  
CLASS 8 (1)  
812-Tony Willy  
CLASS 10 (1)  
1049 - Raymundo Peralta Martínez/Diego Medina Manríquez 
CLASS 16 (3)  
1650 - Silvestre Arce  
1645 - Julio Miguel Herrera/Carlos Olmos/Dariel Herrera  
1675 - Ulises Gil Araiza / Alberto Saiza  
CLASS 29 (5)  
2911 - James Torres  
2926-Casey Bates 
2902 - Rogelio Tornero Jr. 
2988 - Jorge Vela  
2954 - Elliott Dariel Herrera  
CLASS 7 SX (6)  
7056 - Humberto Hugo Gómez Savín  
7098 - Alejandro Sanchez Higuera 
7060 - Roberto Osorio  
7007 - J. Alejandro Frayre 
7070 - Uriel Sanchez Dominguez  
7015 - Edwin Adame / Eder Ceseña  
7790 - Gabriel Villarino  
7742 - Victor Hugo Romero Aviles 
CLASS 19 (1)  
1912 - Rogelio A. Tornero Carrillo  
1582 - Eduardo Arce  
1525 - Elizabeth Manríquez/Valeria Mendoza  
1492 - Jorge Gurrola  
1470 - Francisco Efrain Lucero/Pablo Jhonatan Urcadiz  
CLASS 9 (2)  
962 - Alberto Abaroa  
908 - Eduardo Saiza/Jaime Saiza/Bruce Montaño '1rs  
CLASS 11 (2)  
1190 - Angel César Ceseña 
1148 - Avelino Carrillo  
Registration Procedure: Optional pre-registration to have the right to draw a Start Order with Advance of $1,000.00 (MX Pesos=$100 US!) 
LA PAZ: Cipriano Peralta 
LOS CABOS: Salvador Carrillo Torres 
BBVA bank account 4152 3135 3869 9567.  
You must pre-register no later than Wednesday, December 7 at 10:00 a.m., send a photo of the deposit or transfer with the number of the vehicle and name of the driver. 
Raffle Wednesday, December 7 at 8:00 p.m. at Taquería La Valentina.

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