THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, January 02, 2023

55. Ken Block made it to 55, he's dead now.


55. Ken Block made it to 55, he's dead today.


He wasn't involved in desert racing all that much, but he did want to sue Mad Media. 


Our Exclusive Reporting Continues:

During a recent publicity jaunt, Baja Racing News got a couple of minutes with Ken, the reporter asked about Mad Media, the Baja 1000 2021 venture and stunts in general.

"The episode did go down like that", our reporter elicited at the time. 

Ken was first asked about Mad Media. 

Ken was animated, "Mad Media are bonafide Scumbags", he went further, "they did all that and more, behind my back. I thought they were my friends! When I discovered what they had done, I called my attorney and he told me, we could easily bankrupt those clowns. But, I decided to play smash mouth instead, file the suit and see if they come to their senses after trying to rip me off like common thieves! At the end of the ordeal, my attorney told me these were the dumbest, shit-for-brains he had ever dealt with. He told me, they could have made a fortune, but they decided to try to steal from me. I'm glad we spanked 'em".

"Mad Media was cut off from my gravy train, forever", Ken finished.

When asked about the joint venture with the Ampudias of Ensenada and Jax Redline, Ken said, "I want out, I'll fulfill my obligation, but I don't like some of the elements of the event I discovered in doing this thing. And it sucks on a scheduling level".

When asked about what elements he didn't like about the Baja 1000, we received some mind blowing answers. Stay tuned.

The reporter asked about stunts. The reporter, "Do you consider yourself a stunt driver?" Ken responded, "No, but kinda' Yes!".

Ken did not respond to additional questions sent via text from the AP reporter, working as a stringer for     


We'll be reporting more on this stuff later. We currently have more important things to report, until then.

From back then...

"Ken has reportedly been in several discussions with Mad Media and was told to go F--- himself (allegedly) as a response." 

"Ken Block Sues Mad Media - Web Exclusive Gymkhana brand heading to court.  August 27, 2012

The phrase “it ain’t no fun unless the homies get some” might have been taken too far in light of a recent lawsuit filed by Ken Block against the former producers of Gymkhana Practice, Gymkhana Two and Gymkhana Three (Mad Media).  According to Mr. Block, it turns out Mad Media acquired the web domain while under contract with Ken Block and DC Shoes without his knowledge or permission. Accumulating plenty of business in the mean time from sponsors and advertisers looking to cash in on the highly successful automotive mayhem videos.  Ken has reportedly been in several discussions with Mad Media and was told to go F--- himself (allegedly) as a response. 

Not something you would hope to hear when addressing an issue as big as this.  “If Mad Media had approached me like a reputable media company with a well thought out and developed business plan for that made actual sense for helping to grow the GYMKHANA brand, I would never have been open to working with them on it,” stated Ken."



Gary Newsome, Publisher

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