THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, April 28, 2023

The race desert bald faced lies, connected to BFGoodrich Tires, Jackson Motorsports and MICHELIN in North America

NEW! Thursday, April 27-Thursday, July 27, 2023


 We thought we'd just post some ads over the weekend, until this discussion got our attention to expose Klaus and Curtis's, Josh, Matt and J Prich's bald faced lies. We'll be back, next Tuesday!


The entire staff of is here in La Paz, on Spring Break.

Then this discussion breaks out. We have been waiting for this talk, for YEARS!

So, without any further delay we'll post the discussion and party until Tuesday, when we return to Ensenada to get back to work.

We posted this because we don't want anyone to get any ideas of attempting to delete this material.

Gary Newsome






The race desert online forum is the tip of the desert racing community fail iceberg.

It all started with a fraudulent "non-profit" offering from an illegal immigrant from Europe named Klaus.

Interestingly, Jackson Motorsports has teamed up with these jokes for many, many years.


 Screenshot from April 21, 2023


Today, Klaus gets on his piece of crap forum/board, drunk or just really stupid and says and does the dumbest shit:

Klaus: "I have re-read some of my very own older posts in complete disbelieve. Tempting to delete them however I don’t agree with tempering history. It is what it is for better or worse and I rather be subject to blame, shame or ridicule (none feels good) than fake my personality.  Plus since when can things be deleted of the internet anyways?"

This will be the definitive report on the desert racing community and the wanton death and destruction by BFGoodrich/MICHELIN reps, Jackson Motorsports during their race partnerships with the martelli midgets/klaus and curtis.

And Roger Norman of SCORE International. 


Let's talk about the new Parker Arizona BLM permits, Shall We?


fishdpoop said:

"The BLM is a government division, hence its political. Do I really need to explain? lol"


J Prich said:

"You don't have to do anything. Just seems strange that when you say stuff like this and are questioned about, you move the goal posts. Have you ever been involved in the permit process? Have you ever worked with any BLM people, in any field office? Have you ever seen a permit application? Have you ever compared one org's application versus another?  You think the BLM decided to permit a major event in the area based on some local community donations? You think the reason they scrutinized BITD the way they did was because they simply didn't offer to pay a few Parker scholarships? Do you think it's a coincidence that the two orgs they selected both have direct relationships with the field office and both have past experience putting on events in the area? If the permits were based on greasing the wheels and some donations to the local community are your proof, what did Legacy do to get the permit?  I shouldn't care and mostly don't but the harder you try to suggest you say these kinds of things without bias, the more clear it becomes that you most definitely are biased. And as I've said before I understand the personal stuff, at least from the outside looking in, but it's a bummer that you choose negativity so often given how much influence you have with the people who follow you. In spite of having literally zero first hand experience with any of the permitting process, what the BLM does and doesn't prioritize, etc, I'm sure you are 100% factually correct that the only reason these permits went to Legacy and Martelli's was because it was "political". "


vegasloki said:     

"If RDC and MM are in cahoots to not allow on a platform they own or control that’s within their right. For anything they don’t own or control it’s not going to hold up in court. They may be able to convince a forum to not allow the posts but as a general rule they couldn’t stop it through litigation. Regardless of what they may stipulate there are a few issues with it.      First is fair use of the written mark “Mint 400” and it would be a factual statement. There could be an issue if the sponsor used footage from the broadcast or other copyrighted photos or logos or implied a business relationship or endorsement. Posting in and of itself saying “Bob’s Widgets Congratulates Richard Cranium for Almost Finishing the Mint 400” isn’t in and of itself any sort of trade or IP violation. They have no legal standing to have it removed from Twitter, Tik Toc and even FB and IG." 

Curtis Guise said:

"I’m a little confused by your first paragraph. But I’ll clear things up for you and anyone else that might have been out of the loop for the last 4+ years. RDC (myself and Klaus) are not “in cahoots” or partners with anyone. We were partners with MM from 2008 to 2019’ish. That relationship ended as many partnerships do for whatever reasons. There was a transition period from late 2017 to 2019 where it was primarily Klaus and I running the business and working towards what you experience here today. Regarding your convince a forum comment. Many have tried to convince us to not allow posts or to delete posts. Generally that is not going to happen because this is an open forum and we don’t believe in censorship. If you are trying to run a legit business maybe it’s best to have values and integrity (not screw people over…) and there wouldn’t be anything on a forum like ours to worry about. There have been certain things we’ve deleted, locked threads etc.. but it’s a case by case basis. Sometimes we’ll get requests by email or text where it’s a LOL moment and others where it’s a legit concern and very hard to decide what to do. I’ll just leave it there for now."

klaus said:

"RDC ≠ madmedia  We are a self-reliant community platform and not part of any other media outlet, race series, sponsor or government. We have our own biases, preferences friends and foes; yet try our best to provide a fair Y unbiased social media/forum open to anyone that conducts themselves respectful.  It is ok to respectfully criticize and praise madmedia, RDC or any other public figure within the world of offroad racing. Curtis and myself feel that open, safe, secure, transparent communication is important and we see our role to prove exactly that for off-road desert racing.  Go ahead and feel free to state your claim."


Then, one of their pole smoking admins (43mod) replies to Curtis:

"Great Job and thank you". 

The Official Translation in this context:

"Thank you sir, May I have Another?




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