THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Mark Posts Mexican 1000 Ends After The Overnight Party In San Felipe 2023 - Flashback To Posts Crash Landing At Playas de Cortez, The Drunk Parade EXCLUSIVE

Mark Posts Mexican 1000 Ends After The Overnight Party In San Felipe 2023 - Flashback To Posts Crash Take-Off At Playas de Cortez, The Drunk Parade

We're going back in time, to the Southern Baja resort of Palmas de Cortez...known to the locals as "Palmas"...

From the reporters notes:

"Senor Roberto Van Wormer was one of my patrons in Southern Baja. We spent many hours together, going over years and years of Baja history and fishing tips."

"Bob introduced me to everyone who was anybody in Southern Baja. His boys introduced me to everyone else."

"Their cars and trucks they drove around didn't have plates. And the cops knew their vehicles. I was never stopped driving their vehicles. The cops would lose their jobs if they even pulled over those guys." 

"The former landing strip at Palmas was a common topic of conversation, because it was the common entry into the resort in the early days. 

Most resort visitors came in from the north by air, not by the hundreds of miles of dirt and dangerous roads.

'Senor Bob', as he was known, had friends who died on that road.

Friends who were delivering goods destined for the resort, most killed in head-on collisions on their transit from the north."

Bob was an amazing storyteller. His recall of events was spot on.

"Mark Post had spent a greater part of the day in the Palmas cantina. Swimming in the drink of choice of Baja flyers, pilots...Rum & Coke."

"Bob said, 'That's how Herb Tansey died...', drunk.'  

Not the fake report provided to the authorities in La Paz. Any hint of the real story could have ruined the reputation of the resort and of Tansey, at the time.

Bob should know, he was the one who found the crashed plane and the bodies and brought them off the mountain".

"After drinking all day long, Mark Post got into the pilot seat of his personal plane and he attempted a take-off on the old strip at Palmas...he didn't make the lift-off.

He crashed into the stone wall at the far end of the strip, totaled his plane and walked away from the wreckage.

Bob told the reporter, 'that guy was lucky to be alive, he had more money than brains!'"

"After hearing Bob recite the story over years, the reporter finally asked, 'Who was the pilot?'. 

'Mark Post', he said.

The reporter was flabbergasted.

At the exact moment Bob revealed the name of the American pilot, "Post was in the public eye in Los Cabos, he was in process buying onto beachfront property." 

So, when the reporter approached and asked Post about the incident, Mark Post didn't hesitate with an answer. Obviously, Post had recited a response to the incident over the years."

"Van Wormer, the resort owner, finally was sick and tired of maintaining and fixing the strip.

The strip was closed for good and converted into a small 'pitch and putt' golf course.

Local real estate salesmen call the course, a '9-hole executive golf course and driving range'."

Bob Van Wormer was not happy that stupid drunks from the states made him close his strip.

He served in WW2 maintaining DC-3's flying over the hump into China.

He was done taking care of the rich snots like Post. Bob liked serving Americans, as he put it, "the Real Americans". 


"Racing saved my life", Mark Post told this reporter at the office, on the beach at Bahia San Lucas, at the finish of the Baja 2000.

When asked about this report at the resort Palmas de Cortez at Southern Baja - way back when, that was his only response, no denial. After his comment, he walked away from this reporter and into the crowd of desert racing royalty. 

Everyone was celebrating their racing exploits from Ensenada to Cabo San Lucas, during the two thousand miles of the year 2000 special event, put together by the SCORE International organization.

Original reporting by the retired reporter 



It's officially PARTY TIME!

Last night, the Riviera Racing Black Number 3 was winning the drinking contest in San Felipe! Mark Post drinks into a Drunk DNF!

Yep, the truck was upside down in a ditch, got out of shape on fast road in a g out and hit a washout on side of next g out and over she went.

A major get-off at over 90 to 100 mph!

Mark Post of Javiers Cantina and codrunker Brent Bauman were having a great run chasing down Steve Menzies for the lead but their run ended in massive roll-over and drunk dnf-fashion today. 

Reportedly, Post just got done dropping tons of money on a new engine and mucho, mucho mas. 

Good news is everyone is ok and out of the truck. The truck will need some work however and is out of the race. Bad news, Mark be pissed.


Drunk DNF for the Number Black 3 OUT



Maybe Bauman was driving after Post's drinking last night?

 On Only The Second Day Of Drunk Racing!


At the Drunk Start Line

 Original Reporting From Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Gary Newsome Publisher

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