THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, June 19, 2023

UPDATED! Saturday afternoon 2PM, May 20, 2023, Saint Death Visited the SCORE International Baja 500





The cover story rally, "Cachanillazo, Ensenada", promotional flyer

Authorized and Approved by the Ensenada Municipality



A Baja California Mexico company organized this 'rally'. As of Sunday, June 11, BAJA UTV Mexicali/POLARIS Baja, is proud to have promoted an event that resulted in the deaths of at least 10 people, in cold blood


UPDATED! Monday, June 19


No Arrests Have Been Made In The Baja 500 Pre-Run Massacres!

Mexicali, Crime Capital of Baja Norte-

State authorities, in unauthorized, off the record conversations have told local newspapers the perpetrators of these crimes are being protected by state/local elected officials and state/local law enforcement.

Based in Baja Norte, the crime faction that perpetrated these crimes, including murders and assaults on Americans, are well known and untouchable.

At the federal level, the obrador criminals are covering their tracks.

The factions perceived territory includes most of the state of Baja Norte.

In behind the scenes conversations with the US. State Department representatives, versed in this area, a cold reality has set in.

The US Government cannot protect the interests of its citizens in many parts of the republic of mexico.

Notably, including Baja Norte.

The State Department said as much in its recent 'travel warnings' to citizens.

The 'SCORE Baja 500 Massacres at San Vicente' are testament, the innocent are at mortal risk, in Baja Norte.

The US State Department, state/local authorities of Baja Norte and various travel clubs promoting Mexico Travel all have gone public in saying, Baja Norte travel IS NOT advised, at this time.



Update: June 19




"Fentanyl production has stopped in Sinaloa"


"Article published on June 11, 2023 in the 1063rd edition of the weekly Ríodoce."


Word comes down from confidential sources in  Sinaloa, Mexico, "the cooking has ended". The President of the United States of America lays down the law, in communications with the criminal president of mexico. And the mexican government/cartels respond.

As reported by Baja Racing News, the deaths of Americans in Baja Mexico has not gone in vain.

The authorities in DC noticed the outrage and responded to the Baja Mexico criminals.

"Keep it up and you will die".

The American military is preparing to move into Mexico.

The American public would welcome any attack, the larger, the better. A declaration of war against the criminal cartels would likely raise President Bidens approval/pole numbers in preparation to the next American federal election.


Update: June 6

Saturday afternoon 2PM, May 20, 2023, Saint Death Visited the SCORE International Baja 500.

New information has emerged bolstering the facts presented since the original shootings during pre-running for the SCORE-International Baja 500.

Let us remind the regular readers of this online newspaper, NONE of the shooters or the directors of the shooting have been reported as, 'taken into custody' or 'arrested'.

They may never be, by MEXICAN Authorities.

Circumstances may require the American Military, DEA or other American force, to take care of this business.

Why? Because the current president of the republic is not the representative of the people of Mexico. The current federal government is the representative of organized crime.

Because Americans were killed and injured in these events, criminal charges could be made


against culpable parties. That's why many badges, judges and anyone who "made money" during any part of these activities and incidents are likely, not to talk, nor administer actual justice.

Some may even be actively harboring the criminals.

Nothing surprises us in journalism, here in Mexico.

These people/parties may even commit further criminal activities to cover their tracks! 

Information from some sources is being withheld, at this time, as we are in the process of confirming some sources assertions.

Please be advised, it was this very online newspaper that broke the bad news, back when, that mexican crime was coming to live, next door to you, in the United States. 

Today, in 2023, these facts are commonplace. What's new is the scale of the crimes. Heavy weapons are all over Mexico and the United States.

The 'BAD HOMBRES', now live next door to YOU.

Our reporting breaks the mold, daily, of what is known on the ground, in the dirt of Baja Mexico.

In particular, the 'rally' widespread reporting in the media has been debunked. 

The 'local rally' has been confirmed to have been a front used to camo the goings on of fun-seeking criminals of one of the largest, active organized crime cells at war for cartel territory.


Cartel factions, as they say here in Mexico.

The date of the pre-running start of the SCORE International Baja 500 was used to cloak and confuse the public so that the 'rally' activities would blend-in, match and provide cover for the media reported, 'racers' activities.

These were not racers. They are adult, hobby enthusiasts, playing like they are 'racers'.


The reported 'racers' who were killed on May 20. 

The SCORE International Baja 500 pre-run start was used, confirmed in this questioning, by these 'racers' to blend in with the widespread 'pre-run' - 'racing' activities, from Saturday, May 20.

The organizers had an idea to keep these activities as covered up as possible. However, they were more motivated by 'making money' and publicly advertised the planned events of the day.


Race Course map and Valley area of San Vicente


The use of the location, 'the valley area of San Vicente', was used because the participants (including the dead and injured) wanted to 'pre-run' the race course of the upcoming Baja 500.

In Baja racing parlance, "to pre-run", the SCORE International event. Pre-running, as obvious as possible, is running/driving the race course before the actual race event occurs.

In military terms, it's simply explained as a 'recon'. A 'recon-run'. A reconnaissance, a preliminary survey to gain information.

For hobby 'racers', it's jerk-off time.

We hope this is clear. For whatever reason, the educated, modern media has trouble getting its peabrains around some of these minute, tiny, small details. is posting a map of the area, which clearly shows, the Baja 500 race course, literally surrounds San Vicente.   

Allowing participants to pre-run the Baja 500 race course, at will.

SCORE International contends some of the most ridiculous explanations. They say, if someone doesn't 'pay' entry fees into their event, they aren't pre-running. A brain-dead reasoning.

Of course, the only real reason SCORE says this is because of insurance implications. Money. Which doesn't foster potential racing activities with an association that only considers Money as a sole contributing factor.



Initial reporting began minutes after the shooting, the follow-up reporting began May 29


Update from Monday, May 29

Saturday afternoon 2PM, May 20, 2023, Saint Death Visited the SCORE International Baja 500




Mexico Starts SynDrugs Destruction Operations 

The Secretary of the Navy carried out this past Saturday, May 27, an air and ground deployment.

In the mountains in the indigenous area of Mochicahui located in the municipality of El Fuerte in the northern part of the state of Sinaloa. According to local media, the deployment was carried out in response to reports of armed people wearing tactical vests moving in vehicles with logos identifying a group calling itself FECH. 

Synthetic drug manufacturing operations were reportedly "interrupted".

The groups initials correspond to the Special Forces of La Chapiza, the armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel of the Los Chapitos faction, sons of El Chapo Guzmán. The images of the Navy helicopter gunship flying over the Mochicahui area became viral on social networks. In the videos, an armored helicopter can be seen flying over the area.

The US State Department is making the message clear to the obrador criminals. In response, the Mexican Navy has now begun moving on obvious targets, known to the US DEA, and US Military.

The site of the operations, El Fuerte, Los Mochis, Sinaloa, is the largest clandestine laboratories in the republic. It should be noted that this operation was carried out from May 18 to today, May 29 in the Altata bay, Isla San Ignacio, Isla Macapule, Isla Salía a, Isla Altamura, Isla Lucenilla, among others.  


Recently captured precursor chemical operators

Chinese precursor chemicals, required for the manufacture of 'Fentanyl', are known to be 'delivered from China', to ports in the Sinaloan state.

Government sources say the Chinese deliver the chemicals to the Mexicans, "free of charge", with the purpose of killing as many Americans as possible.

Reports from US. agency representatives indicate the Untied States is no longer willing to allow the Mexican organized crime operations to operate freely in Mexico. 

Quoted this Memorial Day weekend, 

"time is up, either they get'em, or we get'em (the cartel Mexicans)". 


FYI: Fentanyl, also spelled fentanil, is a highly potent synthetic piperidine opioid drug primarily used as an analgesic. Because fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, its primary clinical utility is in pain management for cancer patients and those recovering from painful surgical operations.



Baja Racing News EXCLUSIVE

By: Jose Salas II, Publisher


Baja racing and the business of the Mexican cartels are now woven together, permanently.

Back, just before the turn of the century in 1999, 'bullet-proof pre-runners' were in public discussion. 

Now, in June, 2023, Baja racing and the business of the Mexican cartels are now woven together, permanently, forever in the history of Baja Norte.


Tijuana mayor receiving threats from cartel; Mexico president promises protection

Ricardo Carpio Sánchez, Baja California’s State Attorney General has been directly blamed for the “lack of security in the state of Baja Norte”.

Baja Norte State Attorney General office has been cartelled-mobbed up for many years, the office is essentially owned by criminals

SAN DIEGO — During his daily morning news conference, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador vowed to protect Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero from cartel violence.

Her bodyguard was the target of an assassination attempt last week as he sat in a car prior to a scheduled inspection of a beauty salon where Caballero had an appointment.

“Montserrat is not alone, she has all our backing”, said AMLO.

The president mentioned threats aimed at the mayor and reiterated, she won’t “be left alone”.

“This woman who has been getting threats lately, who runs that border city, is a migrant from Oaxaca. She’s an extraordinary woman, humble, hardworking, honest”. 

The same cannot be said about AMLO.

AMLO is known by the American DEA as the "the most corrupt Mexican President in the history of the DEA".

Told to Baja Racing News by federal agents along the US-Mex border.  

Pictured: Montserrat Caballero is Presidente de Tijuana.
 (Courtesy: City of Tijuana)


Last week, after the incident with her bodyguard, Caballero wasted no time in blaming Ricardo Carpio Sánchez, Baja California’s State Attorney General for the “lack of security in the city”.

She also said on social media she would hold him personally responsible should anything happen to her, her family or members of her team.

Carpio Sánchez responded by saying it wasn’t his job to “protect against what could happen” and said the “city administration is responsible for security in the streets not his office”.

Both sides met Wednesday afternoon to iron out their differences.

Caballero and Carpio Sánchez were joined by Tijuana Chief of Police Fernando Sánchez González to discuss threats made against the mayor and the chief of police.

The meeting was described as casual and no more than 20 minutes long.

“It was more convenient for me to visit her”, said Carpio Sánchez.

He admitted the attempt on Caballero’s bodyguard’s life was discussed along with other issues related to the incident.

“There are no motives to suspect this aggression was meant for the mayor, we have no way of knowing what these individuals were up, said Carpio Sánchez”.

According to his office, the agent who was shot at was substituting for a vacationing member of Caballero’s security detail.

He said three people have been arrested in connection with the shooting, but a motive has yet to be determined. 

During the meeting, Carpio Sánchez said attention to public safety was reinforced along with crime prevention coordination efforts between state and federal agencies.

Baja Racing News will report on the Ensenada municipality, after the Baja 500. We don't want to spoil the party, before it even begins!

Although, maybe the party has already been spoiled by the massacre shooting of May 20?

The SCORE International May 20, Baja 500 2023 Massacre at San Vicente, Baja Norte

May 20 Massacre Investigatory Reporting on the ground in Baja Mexico

The Baja Racing News Lead-Up Reporting to the May 20 Massacre


Monday, May 29, 2023

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