THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Instant Mexico Auto Insurance, Holly Luhtala said of the owner, "Hal Andreoli is a scumbag"



Instant Mexico Auto Insurance, Holly Luhtala said of the owner, "Hal Andreoli is a scumbag".


*UPDATED! October 2, 2023*

Roger Norman, owner of SCORE International  and Promote Mexico, said of Instant Mexico Auto Insurance, a Mexico insurance brokerage, licensed in the state of California, when he bought the company, "their medical system for Sal Fish's SCORE was set up with meat wagons, rather than real ambulances".

Unfortunately for Roger, after he cancelled the contract with Hal, found out no other company wanted to work with Roger and SCORE in Mexico.

Since then, Roger has used Hal at Instant for his Mexico insurance brokerage.

During the 2016 Baja 1000, when Holly Luhtala's husband was killed, she had to deal with Hal Andreoli.

In years past, during Sal's ownership, Hal served as the 'Medical Director for SCORE'.

Hal not only insulted Holly, Holly found out what she and her husband had paid for through SCORE.

An insurance fraud.

Holly was forced to sue SCORE International and Promote Mexico/Roger Norman, after discovering the blatant insurance fraud, perped by Roger and Hal.

In previous years, numerous complaints about Instant were fielded by a contractor, of which, we have all the files in our offices in Mexico.

One of Instants main contractors, today, was forced by the California Department of Insurance to notify its potential clients, that they were falsely acting as a legitimate insurance company in the state.

At the time Sal owned SCORE, Sal lied and lied and lied about helping racers with the insurance company.

*Sal either lied about the insurance fraud or didn't return phone calls of racers who had valid claims with Instant Mexico Insurance.  Notoriously, it became widely known, Sal Fish was completely incompetent.

Numerous SCORE members were damaged by Sal Fish and Instant Mexico Auto Insurance from an incompetent head of the racing sanction and willfull theft by Hal and Jeff at Instant.* 

Jeff, a moderator for race-desert complained about Sal and Hal. A transnational fabrication company complained about Sal and Hal, it took department of insurance agents, with guns and badges, to fix the problem.

Today, the problem is that Roger is operating the illegal medical system in Mexico and his partner in crime is Hal and Jeff Andreoli of Instant Mexico Auto Insurance in San Ysidro.

If you have any problems with this fraudulent relationship, like not getting help/paid on claims, contact the California Department of Insurance. Let the department know, you know, Hal and Roger are ripping you off and that you are working with your state elected representative.




  1. Holly Luhtala - Mark Luhtala's Widow8:05 PM

    This month marks our 7th anniversary of Mark's death! My husband Mark Luhtala #288 Luhtech Motorsports DIED because of Roger Norman, Score International & BF Goodrich! These people created a "Death Course" with traffic coming directly at one another! There is so much that went down that NO ONE knows about.....

    -Crash happened at 4:03am
    -Mark lost his left leg at the scene and was bleeding out (only help he had for hours was other racers and one BF Goodrich medic who had no supplies). These men were left screaming for help, screaming to know where the helicopter and/or ambulance was....
    (I saw the video, hardest thing I've ever had to watch)!
    -Mark had ZERO pain meds for 6 hours (without his left leg, with 47 broken bones, his neck, back, pelvis, both arms, both legs, both wrists, both collar bones, etc.)
    -Helicopter finally landed at the Air Force Base with him at 10:40am
    -He sat in the helicopter for another hour while they booked him into a US hospital and made arrangements for transport (while bleeding out)
    -Once the jet left to get him to the states, Hal approached me and said,
    "Here's my card, I'm Hal with Score Insurance, do me a favor and give a shout out to all the racers on FACEBOOK and tell them I took good care of you".
    He then slammed a door in my face as I got into the ambulance to take me back to the Ensenada Hospital.
    --I was given NO INFORMATION as to where they were taking my husband. I had NO IDEA how to get there. I had to make my own arrangements to get driven across the border all while making call after call to find out what hospital they were taking him to.
    -Score International, BF Goodrich or Roger Norman NEVER contacted me to let me know he was in a crash, where they were taking him or how to proceed.
    -I found out about the crash live over a race radio. It was confirmed about 30 minutes after the crash when one of my husband's crew members came live on the race radio (Weatherman's live feed) and said "kill the live feed, Mama Bear is listening).
    -My husband called me once he landed in San Diego and asked me if I was cool with him not having any limbs! They needed to take all 4 of his limbs to survive! This was the only way he would survive. I WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCK AND COULDN'T FORM A WORD let alone think straight.
    -Mark awoke after 9 hours of surgery and was shocked they only took one leg. He was scheduled to have his right leg and left arm removed once he was more stable.

  2. Holly Luhtala - Mark Luhtala's Widow8:05 PM

    -Roger Norman contacted me on the 2nd day after the crash only because Brian Parkhouse asked if he'd reached out to Mark's family yet.....
    Roger's response was "No, I have not contacted them yet, I guess I need to pull his file and get their contact information."
    -When Roger did show up, I introduced him to my husband and all he did was talk about "HIS RACE" and how his crew and truck did.
    -Mark died the 3rd day of a Massive Heart Attack.
    -His cause of death was listed as "Androcratic Cardic Disease due to blunt force trauma to the upper and lower left extremities/Race Crash.
    -I flew home on Thanksgiving Day to tell my girls their daddy was dead!
    -Mark's Insurance was supposed to cover Emergency Evacuation from Mexico to the US in case of a Trauma (my bill was for 4 ambulances, a helicopter & jet in the amount of $400,000).
    -I was sent a bill from UCSD for $1Million for 3 days of Trauma, amputation surgeries, etc)
    -I then had to pay for Cremation, a funeral and still years of Grief Counseling for myself and my 2 daughters I am now forced to raise by myself.
    - I filed a Wrongful Death Lawsuit, but to NO AVAIL! There was "NO JURISDICTIOIN" as Mark's crash was in Mexico, he died in San Diego and Score was listed as a Nevada Corporation.
    -I was told through the Norman's Attorney that "Mrs. Norman controls the checkbook and there was NO WAY she or her husband ROGER NORMAN would ever do anything for my girls & I as to not set a "Benchmark" for future deaths. To this day the only thing they ever did was send flowers to Mark's funeral which I immediately disposed of.
    The lack of caring and/or consideration still blows my mind. I have reached out numerous times asking for Mr. Norman's help as he's the reason my children no longer have a dad. He at least needs to take care of the things financially that Mark would have. I have school/college, weddings, counseling, insurance, etc for the rest of their lives alone. I am trying my best but without Mark's financial support it's impossible. We have recently relocated to North Carolina because the cost of living in our hometown in South Florida became too much for me to afford. We now have no family or friends around us, which is rather hard. I am still grieving and will always grieve my amazing husband. Our little one was too young to remember him and our oldest is autistic and he was her biggest, greatest cheerleader and she's so angry and lost without him. I am amazed she's lived through this; she was suicidal for a very long time. I asked Mr. Norman for help when she was hospitalized for depression, and he never responded.
    Please, please, please, if anyone can get to Mr. Norman, Score or BF Goodrich and ask for their assistance, this Mama Bear would so greatly appreciate it. I am beyond exhausted from this entire situation and just need some peace at some point. The pain and loss never go away, but the worry of doing this completely alone financially is scary as hell and I am just so exhausted of worrying about their future.....

    If you are racing.....
    Have YOUR OWN backup plan for emergency evacuation and have your things in order. Have fun & kick up some dust. AND PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE swing by and give Mark a shoutout at the crash site (base of Mike's Sky Ranch).
    Best Wishes ~
    Holly Luhtala (Mama Bear)
