THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, September 10, 2023

US. company Monster Energy and Team Desert Assassins Cameron Steele accused of Charity Felony in Baja Mexico!

 Reported by Publisher Jose Salas II

Ensenada, Baja Norte, Mexico

UPDATED!  Wednesday, 8AM



Arrest warrants issued for Monster Energy representatives and Desert Assassin representatives, here in Mexico!

United States company Monster Energy and Team Desert Assassins Cameron Steele accused of Charity Felony in Baja Mexico!

The Cameron Steele reporting, the accusation from Americans associated with Cops Racing, is that racing teams and individuals have given millions of dollars to Monster Energy representative, Steele, who in turn has stolen, much of the proceeds.
A serious accusation here in Mexico.
Newspaper El Vigias off road reporter has confirmed the story.
Other Americans have accused Steele, known for his charity scams as, "SCameron" of the same charges for years, but over the weekend, the new General Attorney for the State of Baja California stated, "Monster Energy and Cameron Steele are under investigation for very serious charity violations".
"Cameron is at risk of arrest, while here in the state of Baja California", the General Attorney's office was quoted by El Vigia Newspaper on Sunday morning, September 10.

The charges are considered charity felonies in Mexico.

Early Tuesday morning Cameron Steele comments from Baja on the accusations he stole millions of dollars from a Mexican orphanage,

 "go fuck yourself", 

said to an Ensenada newspaper reporter as he left his hotel room, early today.

He continued, "I deserve all that money, I brought it from Mexico into the US. and into my secret hiding place at my mansion in San Clemente, under my wife's bed!".

The local newspaper is reporting this morning, Steele and Monster Energy hack Joe Parsons, "could be arrested in Baja California Mexico, at any time"

Reported from Mexicali yesterday, from the General Attorney's office in the capital of Baja Norte. 


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