THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Dengue Fever Spreads in Baja California Sur! - 200 Confirmed Cases and Widespread Fumigation Underway

Pictured: Widespread fumigation is underway in Baja California Sur


Baja Racing News LIVE ! Exclusive Reporting

La Paz, BCS, Mexico

""The State Of Baja California Sur (BCS) has confirmed 200 cases of dengue!

The state officials request the collaboration of citizens to strengthen the prevention program: Fumigation work continues as well as the work of larval control brigades in focused colonies.

The State Government has already resumed fumigation actions against the dengue-transmitting mosquito in Los Cabos, La Paz, Mulege and Loreto after the rains generated by Hurricane Norma.

It is important that citizens collaborate with the basic sanitation of their homes, in order to strengthen the prevention of this condition, which has an incidence of 200 confirmed cases. In this context, the main approach that the health sector makes to the population is to eliminate rainwater that accumulated in various objects, from soda lids to cans and tires, to prevent them from serving as artificial breeding grounds for the Aedes aegypti vector, that with its bite can transmit this disease to humans, indicated the secretary of the branch, Zazil Flores Aldape. 

The call is for each person to “wash, cover, turn and throw”- strategy in their home, in such a way that the chances of incubation for the mosquito are reduced.

The strategy consists of washing and covering all those tanks used to store water for daily use and turn over or throw away all those disused items that may have stagnant water.  

The fumigation work is focusing on neighborhoods in the state where probable cases are reported, while in La Paz these days were resumed early this Wednesday in the Progreso expansion, Perla del Golfo, Fraccionamiento Atardeceres, Valle del Mezquite, Agua Clara, Tabachines, La Fuente and Camino Real.

In addition, the work of the larval control brigades that carry out home visits in areas with the highest incidence of dengue is maintained, to provide information to residents about the preventive measures they should follow, apply larvicide (abate) on the objects used by people to store water and help with citizens to eliminate artificial mosquito breeding sites, concluded Flores Aldape.""

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