THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, November 27, 2023



Updated, November 27, 2023




By: Baja Bill Fuentes


Roger Dodger, what is he doing?

Our new SSurveillance reporting>>> 




  • Ever since Roger Norman purchased SCORE International, the emergency medical system that exists in association with the 'gringo races' in Baja Mexico has declined.

Some have reported to us, the medical care/security system has collapsed completely.


Numerous racers have been killed.

Numerous racers have been injured.

None of them have received the medical care they were promised and paid entry money to receive.

When this publication first looked into the lack of safety aspects for the racers, the first interview was with the director of the A.S.O. Amaury Sport Organization.

The director at that time, Etienne Lavigne, knew of the reputation of the west coast desert racing organizations.

He identified the specific safety issues of the Americans and outlined the cures, to our previous ownership and editorial board.

Then and today, there is ZERO third party, independent, race marshaling.

Then, Sal Fish was just ignorant.

The situation today, is much, much worse.

"The owner, Roger Norman is a fraud."

'Baja' Bill Fuentes, Certified Incident Investigator 


The numerous, ongoing and outrageous crimes against the racing community have been outlined and directly reported by this publication.

Each and every criminal act, are backed by BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports/MICHELIN and other 'sponsors' and 'supporters'.

The SCORE ownership, the sponsor structure and the off road motorsports hall of fame are complicit in the murder of racers.

Piles of expert sources have confirmed the obvious.

SCORE International continues today to perpetrate insurance and medical care fraud.

The new spin on this scam is an offering of winnings. Many insurance policies bar recovery, if you enter a contest with any 'winnings' whatsoever. SCAM!

The network of supporters for the gringo races continue to cover-up the crimes against the racing community.

The racers themselves have set-up team medical emergency plans and procedures, countering the false assertions by the sanction, organizer and promoter, Roger Normans owned SCORE International.

Crazy as it sounds, SCORE operations lied to PCI Radio's race relay service during the overnight racing at the recent Baja mil.

They told PCI, "two choppers are enroute", to the 7x crash site to provide medical support.

None showed.

The injured racer and his team are now telling the entire story.

Publicity in these situations are often the most powerful tool, for real change.

The publicity on this outrage has just begun.

Don't think there's no legal recourse.

The Department of Insurance in the State of California, thinks differently.

SCORE is selling race entry inscriptions. Roger and his 'partners' are selling medical services. They're also selling insurance for those services and others.

The insurance brokerage that partners with this racing circus has duties and obligations to it's contractual clients.

The lies regarding 'medical evacuations' and the "insurances" sold to the racing sanctions customers, in the US. and the state of california, are actionable.

It doesn't take an attorney to begin the process of filing complaints with the department.

It's easy and online.

The reporting continues...


An exposed ONLINE discussion

Another point of view. 

Tim Morton: 

"This was done in ‘12 or ‘13 when Sal sold SCORE. Some changes were made, some changes were agreed upon but then reversed by Roger Norman.

The group was made up of moto and quad guys from both side of the border, racers and non-racers but who have vast experience, and the meeting was with Roger and his race coordinator. Part of the problem of making it a free-for-all is many will come with little experience and not understand Mexico laws or how things can/could be handled financially (unless you want to double your entry fee)."

Another. Steve Stenberg:

"A good track here, outside medical, fee based. But devils advocate. Racer decides he doesn’t want to pay that one time optional insurance fee. He then gets knocked out like here. Friends and family want air ambulance of course. Promoter says “he declined to pay, so sorry, no air ambulance”.

Like insurance, that is part of entry, this too would be added to every racer, pro or sportsman. The already high fee, goes higher with air ambulance and fees to fly at night. Or don’t race. 

I can think off the top of my head 4 Moto racers who have died racing baja since 1974. CZ sponsored racer in 1974 Baja 500, leading Class 22, endowed and hit head on rock crossing through Mad Cow Canyon from Valle T to coast. 1982 San Felipe 250, brand new MX racer turned Score racer hit [an unseen vehicle] crossing desert to San Matias and was hurt bad. Stuck stubs back then. Transported by 4wd hours later to Hwy 3 and life flighted to UCSD. Died enroute in aircraft go UCSD. Widow sued everyone.

[Sound familiar?]

Danny Hammel died on Hwy leaving Ensenada, after T boning a spectator car (off duty Policeman) crossing Hwy 1 south end of town. Score changed racing to no more hwy leaving Ensenada. Kawasaki pulled out of Score. Then Kurt’s fall on the coast. Another good racer cut short. Honda and KTM pulled out.

However, countless broken body parts, femurs, backs, shoulders, arms, you name it, it’s desert racing x 10. It was a giant thing when Score bought hurst tools to cut racers out of vehicles and assigned them to rescue choppers several years back. Maybe mandatory - Spot devices (or something similar) that would be programmed with “ HELP injured can’t move”. The racer or first racer on the scene could press that. Start the rescue timer that much earlier. “Can’t move” tells EMS, rider is down hard! 

Baja Racing has evolved since 60’s when Baja 1000 started. Evolved since the Stuck Stub days written in pencil that you handed to a racer driving by, hoping he remembered to drop it at the next checkpoint. If injured past point of continuing, hopefully another racer or pit crew right there stayed with you till help would arrive. Hopefully within the same day! I have a great memory since starting out in baja racing (Ensenada 300 in Aug 71) and a lot of racer(motos) and pit experience since then, coupled with 38 years Fire service and counting this year, but everything Score related ended in 07 for me. Haven’t raced in Baja since the 07 B1K."

Then, this loser chimes in: 

Pole-smoker Steve Bourgeois:

"I hope you are instrumental in making better changes next year to attract even more racers."

"To attract even more racers".

Hey Steve, message from the publisher, how does Rogers dick taste? 

The only reason SCORE even allows motos and quads to enter the races, is the stupidity of the motos and quad racers to pay the f-ing-fees to SCORE with no required medi-service.

Roger Norman charges an arm and a leg to race, then he ignores the injured and maimed, when they lose their arms, legs and their lives!

Among the moto guys boot-licking, ass kissing and d-sucking.

..."due to scores negligence I’m sure everyone will pull out again I planned on doing the 400 this year and seeing how it went and maybe doing the 1000 but no thank you I’ll race something else this year and cross score off the race list".

Part of the blame here is on Scot Harden.

"I was fortunate to [blow dick] from the SCORE studio as part of the livestream team."


" thoughts and prayers are with those that were injured along the way and need restoration. You all are a bunch of bad asses!"

F-You Scot



-First things First.

If you want action in this department, contact Holly.

 Holly Buck Luhtala.

-Second. If you want action to stick, you CANNOT include Roger Norman/Jackson Motorsports or anyone associated with them, in this effort. 

Why? They will make every attempt to kill your effort. They will spend millions to bury you and 'the effort'.

To protect their fraudulent business model.

They have already spent tons of money on the legal system, buying and selling Nevada judges, attorneys and political figures.

-Third. Dave with Motorsports Safety Solutions said regarding this matter, "I know there are teams that would prefer not get involved."  

99.9% of the entire desert racing community will not get involved.

That includes, for sure, the so-called off road motorsports hall of fame, run by the ex-Jackson Motorsports rep, long-time employee, Frank DeAngelo, who personally participated in the murder of Mark Luhtala. [As reported by the late Wild Bill of the BFGoodrich Tires Radio Relay].

You ask why.

A valid safety system threatens their money - the business model of the desert racing 'owners' of the West, elite.

They are making money, hand-over-fist, on the rube racers.

And no-one, up to now, has the stones to take this effort on and accomplish the new tasks at hand.

Continuous Reporting>>>



*Publisher's Note

This publication employs a consultant who served on the San Diego County Emergency Medical Committee for many years. The same person served San Diego County's Health Department/Emergency Medical Care Committee as the San Diego County Representative to Mexico. They were responsible for negotiating Cross Border Medical Care Protocols in association with the US State Department.*



Origin Report: Sunday, November 20, 2023

Jose Salas II, Ensenada, Baja NORTE, MX


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Rodgers Norman can care less about Kade Walker, he's a bike rider ,Norman wants the Big $$$$ from the TT trucks and cars !! YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS, AGAIN, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF
