THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, March 11, 2024

CARNAGE - CARNAGE - CARNAGE - FATT MATT DRUNK AGIN'! - CJ MAC badly injured, in hospital! BFGoodrich Tires Pukes Up Another One

Giant Loads of Crap Dumped on Many racers this year!

Gary Newsome, AP Las Vegas-

*Son of "Hall of Famer" Rob Mac, seriously injured at Las Vegas based racing event, owned by "madmedia", the Martelli brothers. 

CJ Mac in hospital, fighting for his life in his original hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada. CJ now calls Vista California, home.


*'Unlimited Truck' Mcmullen qualified #2 (in second place), why did he start so far back? After all TT Same thing happened to Dean last year. What's the point of qualifying if they're going to send you to the back of the field?

Bob Yen,

""Reminds me of a Mint 400 incident few years back. A motorcycle-racer was P***D OFF at Mint 400 cancellation of a lap [ Mint 400 was trying to do TOO MUCH, overscheduled them into a corner ] He did a long LOUD angry rant at the microphone. He's a working guy, looking for some weekend fun. Had the rug pulled out from under him Mint 400 basically didn't keep their word, it's called Consumer Fraud RCSE thread on "Customer Service" (lack of) Don, unhappy people usually vote with their feet. Like "See Ya!" The basically good natured ribbing about certain vendors seen here should ... 1710043336763 Customer Service = name-of-the-game in ANY business: 1710043747536 Perfect example: 1710043284203 Mint 400 has a history of poor customer service: 1710043857654 Matt Martelli comes from doing skateboarding videos ("I am LAUGHING AT YOU"). Just another in a LONG LINE of *outsiders* "Vision of Grandeur, turning into DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR" 1710043912244 Jim Baldwin (BIGGEST bankruptcy in history of California, real-estate construction, hobby was Offroad Racing) trying his hand at Offroad Racing series ownership: bought CORR from Midwest , moved it to the West, & RAN IT INTO THE GROUND. DESTROYED short-course racing Effects still being felt today. In short, Mint 400 is AMATEUR-HOUR. Over-hyped, BS Marketing by a flim-flam outsider: Skateboard video guy???? I AM LAUGHING AT THIS!!! 1710044396480 MM bought Mint 400for $20K (?) from SNORE [ they incurred fines from BLM. There were 2 internal groups, one faction wanted to keep it family-racer friendly (keep it small). Another wanted to go big-time ] who wanted to unload it. Roger Norman (who resurrected HDRA) WANTED Mint 400 badly. He used MM as a proxy, to get it for him. [ since Roger & SNORE didn't like each other? ] MM turned around & just KEPT IT for himself! THIEF.. There's a LONG RDC thread about all this. MM then partnered with Casey Folks (BITD) to run Mint 400. Then MM just ejected Casey & here we are I was sitting in Casey's office (Nov 2011) when Frank D'Angelo (BFGoodrich Tires/MICHELIN/Jackson Motorsports racer murderer) called up Casey: "That Roger Norman/HDRA is putting races on top of others..fracturing the sport" [ the CRAZY thing now, is that BFG is the TITLE sponsor for Mint 400!! GO FIGURE!! ] Gitrdone ^^^ in Casey's office I asked Casey about the Mint 400, & he coyly told me he was going to run it "I don't know how MM got a hold of Mint 400 ownership, but he did" -- Casey Folks Afterwards, I met/talked to Roger at SEMA (late Oct, early Nov) -- where I asked about the Mint 400 being acquired by MM. I got a phone call from Roger..started YELLING at me! He was obviously P***D at getting SCREWED by MM Bdub 1020 said: Your right , Roger IMO formed HDRA around getting the MINT and combing SCORE / HDRA again for a race series. I don't think he will ever forgive for the loss he took when HDRA did not get the Mint. Even the people in SNORE that made the sale happen cough cough LOL thought The Mint was going to Rogers series I've been told. Oh well Roger has Baja and Mad has the Hoopla from the Mint. Worked out I guess. Via Dezert Cheese mailing list (Tony Tellier aka "El Chinero") 1710046828203 ^^^ GODD*M!! All these outsiders coming in & WRECKING things.. MM SCREWED over a construction-contractor ZZZ to do the Mint 400 infield [ earth moving, well connected with Vegas politicians ] which got a LOT of airplay on RDC. Fishgistics leaked out the initial probs I'm assuming that's WHY Bryce Menzies no longer races Mint 400, since his dad (Steve Menzies) is a construction magnate in Vegas. Vegas construction companies standing in solidarity. City of Las Vegas were told of MM shenanigans. The 2021 Mint 400 was CANCELLED due to Covid. It got a late 2021 date, ONLY if MM paid his debt to ZZZ. They got paid just 1 month prior. ^^^ It indicates Mint 400 was hurting for $$, & MM's motives were clear "Fake it until you Make it" -- Silicon Valey mantra (scam) Q: Why the F**K did CIty of Las Vegas CAVE into MM & Mint 400 A: Because it (2 day expo on Fremont St) brings in REVENUE/$$ to CIty of Vegas ^^^ Especially after Covid, Vegas was hurting for $$ I think Mint 400/MM is about to taste some Karma here..""


'dan200' (well known gadfly in desert racing):

"What happened to Wes is lame. He put in a lot of effort to get to the starting line and offered to switch classes so any finish he got would not be subject to a potential DQ. Strung along, ghosted, and then told to go home as he pulled up to the green flag. I respect the way he has handled himself post event(s). He’s voiced his side with evidence and without name calling or any nonsense like that. He also seems to still be supportive of the race as a whole and want to work things out and move forward within the series. Or maybe not and he will put his efforts into Legacy or somewhere else."

'mattb' (big fan of Baja Racing News):

"Pathetic race management. Suck it up and tell people they are in the correct class, or need to race another. How can a promoter tell you that you can race, but also tell you at the same time that they think your car is illegal and will DQ you if anyone notices. Have some grit and have the hard conversations instead of dancing around. It’s unfair to competitors and completely undermines their professionalism. You have to question what other decisions are being made with the same “if we/you get caught then it will be addressed..” mentality in anything they’re doing. It just isn’t a strong foundation. Wes did the right thing and should be happy he did. Good for him for not trusting them out of the gates and pressing them to do the correct thing. So many red flags with how that went down and he saw them all."

'chicken lips ocho' (One of the founders of Baja Racing News):

"Who gives a s**t This race and series (UNLIMITD, WAFJ) sucks. I seen more hype and coverage for MORE and RECORD races that these wanna be big timer They can shove their endless emails up their arse."

'volkspower racing':

"Contingency/Tech was a joke, we were in line from 11 am until 6 pm, and our trucks were "pre" teched! Felt bad for the guys that had to race on friday and didn't expect to be in line all damn day!"

'princess' weller:

"The more I read about this race the happier I am with my choice to never race the Mint again. I did it a couple of times many years ago, and I just couldn't get past the whole spectacle of tech/contingency (not a fan of spending 8 hours in the hot sun pushing my race car 1000 feet) and the course was always beat to crap anyway."


By: Bob Yen, Baja Racing News US. Race Investigator and
Gary Newsome, AP Reporter Las Vegas, Nevada.

Jose Salas II, Publisher

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