Criminally Insane Trump Orders Roger Norman SCORE 'International' to Invade Baja Mexico at San Felipe, in March 2025
UPDATED! February 19, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
Ensenada, Baja Norte
""An American spy aircraft, ordered by the Criminally Insane Felon, Donald J. Trump, belonging to the U.S. Air Force has been spotted off the coast of Sinaloa on Monday, February 3.At 7.20 p.m., the Boeing RC-135 V, which specializes in the interception of electric signals, toured the capital of Sinaloa until reaching the Sonora border, then surrounded the Baja California South peninsula, and began its return to the United States.
According to Flight Radar records, this U.S. Air Force aircraft has twice carried out this tour on different occasions. Boeing's aircraft specializes in the collection and analysis of electromagnetic information for the military.
This aircraft analyzes communication systems and radars.
An American built Boeing RC-135 V, the aircraft in question.
This means that communication and radar systems are analyzed, with the aim of finding and promoting threats (against Mexico). These aircraft have capacity for 25 passengers and two people in the cabin, and have been used in the Persian Gulf wars, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The aircraft has the capacity to be refueled in mid-flight. Already, another aircraft designed to load and supply fuel has been captured flying between the U.S. and Mexico border, as reported by the Flight Radar 24 platform.
SEDENA spoke on social media about this sighting:
Defensamx (SEDENAmx) February 4, 2025.""
Baja Racing News has reported on the upcoming Mexico Invasion for some months, as rumors of Roger Normans responsibility has leaked to the media. Stay Tuned Here>>>
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