THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, February 07, 2025

Who Is Jess? - Baja Racing News LIVE ! - A Star Is Born January 2025


exclusive! reporting

""The original race investors, the teams, who early on signed up for the 'invitationals' got the Cole treatment. Dave called each one and told them, "all the race slots were filled except this last one that I'm offering you". Yup, lies. Each and every one. Now, if you're this desperate to sell the slots, this is not a good play. It's not a good play when peoples lives might be at risk. 

All covered Live, Online by National PowerHouse with the OFF-ROAD LIVE! Nation. 


In 2007, as reported by Butt Pirate Erik Linker, 'Flip Flop' (dave cole)  planned out on a napkin in a bar, (a Chili's in San Bernadino to be exact) the start of the Destructo events witnessed today. 

Dave Cole and Jeff Knoll really liked each other. No, not that way! Cole is an inbred crawler who had a put-offish relationship with the badges out in Bartsow. He had paid off several federal officers to mind their government duties. "Eat your donuts away from our off-road activities", Cole said. "Cash, that's how you deal with the government out in these parts". 

Knoll was involved in desert racing and had experience in running organized off-road events. He wasn't a donkey. 

Together they made the first "hammers" get together. After nights getting drunk, get-it, 'hammered', 'hammers', drunk? 

They invited twelve guys to meet them out on federal land for some grab ass rock donkeying. The group who showed up wasn't told anything about what the day had in store until they all arrived. The meeting was run in secret - no spectators, no vendors, just some guys having gay donkeyfun. 

The OG13 (Original Group of 12, but because of a drunken t-shirt mistake) its forever known as the original group of 13 people. The first 'official' race in 2008 was still a non-spectator drunkfest. It was 50 crawlers in 50 miles of donkey action racing and seven 'hammer' trails. Dry rock passes in the middle-of-nowhere, on federal desert property. 

Yes, your land. The citizens of the good ole' U S of A. Shannon Campbell was crowned "King of the Hammers" after coming in from dead last to take the lead - his dramatic finish created even more interest in this extreme race.

Lance Clifford of Baja Racing News LIVE!  reported on the original, west coast, drunken rock crawlin' fest. 

***Jeff Knoll, Dave's former partner, who founded Dave's current livelihood, recently said of Dave Cole, "__________________________________"" 

Just wait until you hear this...Outrageous!

"No drinking while racing?"

...Hey Dave, nice try, your racers are drunk and on drugs... 

Let's rename hammertown...Krunk-Town!"

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