THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, July 28, 2006

CABO 500 Press Conference

The CABO 500 announced on Thursday, July 27th in Las Vegas Nevada, a record Prize Offering for the 2007 race. Also at the conference, the CABO 500 Spirit Of Offroad Award was given to Danny Anderson for his performance at the 2006 race. Danny and the T-Bird Lounge Team won the 2006 CABO 500, a Mexican National Championship Offroad Race and a State of Southern Baja California Championship Race. Danny whipped the field to win the CABO 500 award.

The accomplishment is historic. Danny's win was the first ever in the Republic of Mexico and the State of Southern Baja. The CABO 500 was the first ever "Invitational" for Americans in Mexico. The CABO 500 host Baja Safari Mexico Club told the Baja Racing News this week, "We will be providing more Exclusive Race Services again in 2007, only the best, like the 2006 race, hosted parties and free racers services". "We have teamed with a world-class race sponsor for the 2007 race, which we will announce in Vegas".

The 2007 race is planned for early Spring, 2007. For more information see the Official Website.