THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Rumble and Lightning at the Ranch!

CORR racing in Southern California-San Diego-Chula Vista this weekend was brutal! As lightning crashed south of the track in Tijuana, the offroad racers of CORR slammed and banged to wins and disappointment! For the fans, it is the best offroad show in the business! Accomodating services, great location and the finest offroad racing right in front of you!

With a new track layout, a 'calamity corner has been created, forcing the racers to bang it out.
Heres the release:
Record high heats, and a new track layout created challenges for drivers in rounds 7 and 8 of the CORR Lucas Oil Championship Off Road Racing Series. Turn three, an off camber, hairpin turn was the cause of many problems. Trucks were forced to slow nearly to a stop in order to maneuver the turn. The crowd witnessed drivers up on two wheels, flips, and lots of contact.

In an exciting Pro 4 race, Johnny Greaves was forced to pit due to a flat tire, but he was able to catch the lead lap. The mandatory yellow gave Greaves the chance to get back with the other
drivers. When the track went green again he shot from the back of the pack to third place. Josh Baldwin, who led nearly the entire race, held off Rick Huseman and crossed the finished line for his first ever Pro 4 win.

Huseman fought to stay in second with Greaves at his tail, battling with some contact and a failed attempt by Greaves to pass.

Sunday brought one of the most thrilling races of the season to the Pro 4 division. Adrian Cenni took the whole shot and held to the front for awhile. Some of the top drivers dropped off one by one with truck problem. Carl was black flagged for aggressive driving but that didn’t hinder him. He got out in time to catch the mandatory yellow and fall back into the race. Scott Douglas got around Cenni and led a large portion of the race. Running top three for awhile were Douglas, Cenni and Huseman. Renezeder made his way up and eventually passed Huseman and Cenni. In a controversial move in the final lap Renezeder passed Douglas, giving Cenni the opportunity to move into second. At the finish line things were heated between Renezeder, who took first and Douglas who ended in third. After reviewing the replay and much discussion the Race Review Board will leave Renezeder to keep his first place win but penalize him ten points.

A red flag thrown in the first lap caused the Pro 2s to restart their race both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, the restart proved to be beneficial to Jerry Whelchel who had a flat and Todd LeDuc who lost a wheel in a pile up near the finish line. Again lots of crashed and car problems had the In the end Carl Renezeder took first, with Jerry Whelchel in second followed by Todd LeDuc.

On Sunday, the Pro 2 division was filled with crashes. Turn three was the cause of the red flag with Steve Barlow and Travis Coyne tangled up. In an unusual race with several crashes, truck problems, and black flags the top drivers changed consistently. Scott Taylor, Scott Douglas, Evan Evans, and Todd LeDuc all fought toward the front but none held on, except Carl Renezeder. During the mandatory yellow Kevin Probst barely caught up to the rest of the drivers after his brakes were locked up. Next, he somehow got back in the race and moved into second though a far distance from leader Renezder. Michael Oberg drove much of the race with a broken suspension after Scott Taylor came down on him; but still he was able to finish in third. Several point penalties are still pending and are predicted to be announced Tuesday.

In the Pro Lite division, Jeff Kincaid has now won seven of eight races, extending his winning streak to five. His good friend, Chad Hord the only driver to stay on the podium this season saw his own streak come to an end with a fourth place finish on Sunday. On Saturday, Art Smitt trailed behind Kincaid and Hord with Rodrigo Ampudia

On Sunday, Chad Hord got out to an early lead. Kincaid caught up to him and eventually was able to overtake Hord. Kyle LeDuc who had been running in third also got around Hord taking second. Rookie Robert Knaughton who has shown he can run in the front of the pack, but has struggled with problems lately got back into the running and was also able to pass Hord, taking third.

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