THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Baja Racing News #1 Source Pics-Vids-Race Girls Baja 1000 2007 Desert Offroad Racing to Cabo



Tony Tellier reports PRO BAJA markers in southern Baja are the same color of the SCORE wrong way markers. TRUE!

SCORE put out the official map today, but, after you compare todays map, looks close to the Baja 1000 map put out by Baja Racing, months ago.

In particular, the section south of San Javier to El Conejo was reported two days ago. Esauol Vazquez of Ejido 5, near Constitution, reported to Baja Racing Friday, because of the big SCORE problems with Ejidos 1 & 5 from LAST YEARS BAJA 1000, they have blocked passage of ALL racers this year.

The Baja 1000 course was pushed to the west, close to the original wagon roads from Insugentes to El Conejo.

Interestingly, on the SCORE website, the B1000 schedule was released, it said:
"NOTE 1: The official course map will be released at the Off-Road Expo and available online starting on Saturday, October 6th." SCORE puts out the official 40th Baja 1000 map a month early? Now, that's NEWS!

Last year, SCORE didn't officially put out the course up until AFTER the position pull. Remember, Dominic, with upturned hands, "sorry not out yet."

Good Move SCORE!

Just confirmed with SCORE that the "Festivities"

which include a parade of vehicles from

Tijuana to Ensenada is OPTIONAL...

BAJA RACING confirmed this a week and a half

BEFORE SCORE made it public on its website!

Baja 1000 Pre-Run Schedule

The Baja 1000 prerun opening is scheduled for October 13. That leaves two weeks for teams to prerun before the Halloween break, on Wednesday, October 31. After that, only one week is left to get the rest of the prerunning done and back to Ensenada.

Cabo Finish Line

The the finish line in Cabo San Lucas at the soccer fields, is being claimed as "fenced and secure" by SCORE. We trust lots of work will be done to make it so.

Various Baja 1000 Updates

Dan McMillin is estimating the total course mileage at 1389.45 miles. The McMillions are part of Sals "club". Everybody estimates in the tenths of miles!! (this was prior to the SCORE Ejido issues in Baja South)

PreRunning for the Baja 1000 begins, Saturday, October 13th. 'But, prerun often & early', suggested Sal. "You would be nuts not coming down now". He finished.

"We are still negotiating", regarding plans to Tijuana. Obviously, racers have been complaining about being forced to go to Tijuana for the dog and pony shows. And guess who the dogs and ponies are! You SCORE entrants! "Tijuana plans are crazy", said, Sal. So, nothing is done, yet!

Saturday, September 22, marks the date for the race pull, let's waste some more time at PABs dump.

"I'm not trying to be a dickweed", said Sal. When discussing the total mileage anticipated for this years race. Obviously, they just aren't done with the course.

"That's correct", Sal responding to Jesse James comment, "It's Mexico, all they want is dough ($)". The discussion was describing problems for the Cabo San Lucas Survivors Party and the local political blips in making the plans. Thanks 'Bloo'per C, for these choice audio clips!

Original Baja Racing estimate from November of 2006. "The estimated mileage for the 2007 Baja 1000 is 1300 miles." Quoted from Cam Steele, days before the 2006 Baja 1000. And you thought score starting pulls were chance!!

When will the first 4 wheel vehicles reach Cabo? Some of the first estimates are already in for the Baja 1000 in November. The desert racing public has lots of time on their hands! The first vehicles could be arriving to Bay of LA at dusk...probably a 10 AM Ensenada start line. First 4 wheel racer in Cabo at the finish line at 11 AM the following day...25 hours, total drive time for the first finishers. Others, say the course will take 60 hours to run.

The HARD ROCK CABO has stepped up and will be the Official HOST of the Baja Racing Racing Party throughout the entire Baja 1000 weekend in Cabo! Off Road fan drink specials and many BIG SURPRISES are planned.

This year however, the Baja 1000 desert offroad race in Mexico, will end in a different location. Yes, Cabo San Lucas, but, not at the bullring.

What has been known for months by Baja Racing, was finally released for the public by SCORE on June 29, 2007. The FINISH LINE and staging area will be at the SOCCER FIELDS, across the street and under the bridge of Highway 1.

Starting with special festivities in the heart of Tijuana on Saturday, Nov. 10, and a unique parade of vehicles, and all of the traditional pre-race pageantry will once again be held in Ensenada on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 11, and all day Monday, Nov. 12.The green flag will drop in Ensenada on the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 13 and the last checkered flag will drop in Cabo San Lucas during the early morning of Friday, Nov. 16. In between Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas, the 1,200-plus mile course will traverse much of the Baja California peninsula.

OUTDATED Baja 1000 schedule.

Ancillary events will be added in the next few weeks.

All Times Listed are Pacific Standard Time.

Nada in Tijuana!

Sunday, November 11 - Ensenada
1:00PM to 6:00PM Racer Registration, Grand Ballroom - San Nicolas Hotel
1:00PM to 6:00PM Media Registration, Grand Ballroom - San Nicolas Hotel

Monday, November 12 - Ensenada

9:00AM to 10:00AM Express Racer Registration, Grand Ballroom - San Nicolas Hotel
10:00AM to 5:00PM Racer Registration, Grand Ballroom - San Nicolas Hotel
9:00AM to 5:00PM Media Registration, Grand Ballroom - San Nicolas Hotel
7:00PM Competitors Meeting, Cathedral Room - Riviera Cultural Center

Tuesday, November 13 - Ensenada

5:30AM Late Registration, Red Room - Riviera Cultural Center
5:30AM Late Tech, Start Line - Boulevard Costero in front of Riviera Cultural Center
6:00AM Late Media Registration, Red Room - Riviera Cultural Center
6:30AM Start Time for Motorcycles and ATVs
3 hours after the last ATV Start Time for Four-Wheel Vehicles

Wednesday, November 14 - Cabo San Lucas
3:00AM (approximately) Finish Line Opens

Friday, November 16 - Cabo San Lucas
12:00 Noon Awards Celebration

NOTE 1: The official course map will be released at the Off-Road Expo and available online starting on Saturday, October 6th. (was released September 15, a month early)
NOTE 2: The race course will open for pre-running beginning on Saturday, October 13th.
NOTE 3: A vintage off-road vehicle display in Tijuana (November 10) and a parade of vintage vehicles from Tijuana to Ensenada (November 11) Get to work Marty!

The following was the proposed Baja 1000 schedule from SCORE via Baja Racing that was up for months! Obviously, this was an agreement with the former Tijuana mayor, now pulled away by score because of the uproar from racers. Too bad Tijuana. Of course, SCORE cashed the check from the Tijuana mayor!

Saturday, October 13, B1000 Pre-Running Starts

Tijuana Saturday, Nov. 10
Baja Leap competition in the Tijuana River bed. Baja Pit Crew Challenge at the Tijuana City Hall Plaza. An Xtreme MX acrobatics show. A 40th Anniversary welcome party on Revolution Avenue.

Tijuana Sunday, Nov. 11:
Parade of entries from Tijuana’s bull ring (where the legend began in 1967) through the main streets of Tijuana, down the toll road to Ensenada. Starting at 11 AM Arriving at 2 PM.

Ensenada Sunday, Nov. 11:
Arrival fiesta of the entries at the Ventana al Mar from 2 PM to 5 PM.
Autograph sessions Photo ops, Vendor village, Live music, Registration from 2 PM to 6 PM at the San Nicolas Hotel.

Ensenada Monday, Nov. 12:
Racer registration at the San Nicolas 9 AM to 5 PM. Manufacturer’s midway, Contingency, and Tech Inspection of all race vehicles from 10 AM to 6 PM, adjacent to the San Nicolas. Driver’s briefing at 7 PM in the Cathedral Room of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center.

Ensenada Tuesday, Nov. 13:
The start on Blvd. Costero: motorcycles and ATVs at 6:30 AM, Cars and trucks at 10:30 AM. The start will once again include the extremely popular and spectator-friendly run up the Ensenada Wash.

While exact details of the race route are still being finalized, race officials said it would be similar to the 2006 SCORE Baja 1000 before heading over to Todos Santos and then to an amazing three-day-long finish line, in a new Cabo San Lucas location. The Survivor’s Celebration in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur will be announced, just prior to the race start.

Cabo San Lucas November 13-18

In its first 39 years, the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 has started 32 times in Ensenada, three times in Mexicali (1972, 1993, 1994), twice in Tijuana (1967, 1995) once in Santo Tomas (1998) and once in Ojos Negros (1999). The legendary race has finished in Ensenada 18 times, in La Paz 17 times, in Mexicali two times (1993, 1994), once in Ojos Negros (1999), and once in Cabo San Lucas (2000)


Gary Newsome