THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Terribles Team CABO 500 - Baja 1000 Runs Course Baja South


Baja racing news hounds spotted the group in Todos Santos today, running the CABO 500 - Baja 1000 southern Baja course.

In Todos Santos, reportedly, T-Bird Lounge Racings Danny Anderson (the current KING OF CABO) and Butch Jensen who won the 2006 CABO 500, were also in the group.

Larry Roesler is in the first photo, background, with Butch Jensen in the "Un Taco" prerunner. Un Taco, being Nick Baldwins moniker. In the second photo is Danny Anderson checking gear, preparing to depart the restaurant at Todos Santos, Baja California South.

The team was spotted today and reports from the race course ranchers say they are excited about two major races in their backyards this year. The CABO 500 in September and the Baja 1000 in November. Both races, only the second time for the gringos to go from La Paz to Cabo San Lucas! Baja Racing News LIVE! EXCLUSIVE