THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, June 20, 2008

The City, State and Federal Governments have questions for Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise


June 17, 2012
 FAST-Aid uses Scammers Race Dezert to take in thousands of dollars in "charity money", when they haven't even filed with the IRS with their required financials into 2012! Three years and Thousands of $$$!

Can you say, "WHERES THE MONEY?!!!"

June 20, 2008
You can run, but, you can't hide! From The Internet Archive: "We're sorry, access to "klaus&curtis site" has been blocked by the site owner." ;) Can you say, previously downloaded?
May 27, 2008
The sham continues. Out promoting their new "video", they claim to play the new video for sale by charging for tickets, all the while, whats played to the audience is not the video for sale. In particular the "Metallica music section" is not on the video for sale. "it's only on the one played for the audience, to induce them to buy the video". Can you say false advertising?
When asking one of their monkeys 'why the scam?', jh said, "they just don't want to pay Metallica" (for their due royalties for a public usage by klaus&curtis).
February 15, 2008
Confirmed Fraud:
Proven by Government officials and no denial since our original story exposing Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise. Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise violated California State Law for years by soliciting the "desert racing community" as a "non-profit", when in fact, their website and associated sales of merchandise was not a bonafide non-profit.
And what is the official response from Klaus Rasch and Curtis guise legal representative, Travis Clarke? Here it is, in it's entirety, "You really have way too much time on your hands.". Their complete response, no denial.
Not only did they violate State law, they violated City of Huntington Beach law for years by not having a business license and not listing their mail address as a 'postal mail box', in violation of Federal law. All in an obvious attempt to avoid detection. The local postal service said, "they are trying to hide!".

If you contributed to the "desert racing community" by giving any money to this scam, by buying their DVD's or advertising on the website or buying a t-shirt or any other means and you want your money back, no matter when you contributed, click here:
for the form to solicit the State of California Attorney Generals Office for a refund. Contact for any assistance in this process.

The City Of Huntington Beach confirmed to Baja Racing that Klaus Rasch scurried into the City to get his permit, that he should have had for years, just after notice of our story. On Oct 4.

Sales from the site proven without a city permit for five years and violating State Law for seven years.


This picture is Klaus Rasch, owner of an offroad website that for years claimed it was a non-profit solicitation. A website that for years falsely solicited for non-profit donations. They had no not-for-profit papers, required in the State of California. They collected thousands of dollars over years under this false guise. They also had no required City license for years.

The Government Post Office in Huntington Beach California, where your postal records are filed, the representative named 'Guy', wants to know why you are violating Federal law by placing on your website an address that says 'unit', which you have done for many years, which is false and you must use the term, 'PMB', Postal Mail Box. "That means they are trying to hide", we were told by the Postal Service representative. From the website today,
16787 Beach Blvd. Unit 123
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

The City of Huntington Beach, the representative named 'Patricia', wants to know why you, Klaus Rash, are violating City law by conducting business in their city and placing on your website an address that lists Huntington Beach and you have not paid your business license fees since 2002.


Klaus came into the City of Huntington Beach offices on October 4 and paid their business license fees current to 10-31-08. He is listed by the required permit as a computer consultant. Because Klaus Rasch and Curtis guise had not been current since 2002, he was forced to pay three years of back fees to become current with the City. So, from 2002 until 2007, five years, Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise and their website and related sales, operated in Huntington Beach without a required by law, business permit. A represenative with the City stated today, "He came in even before he received the City letter mandating his permit violation".

The State of California Attorney General Charitable Trust Division, wants to know why you, Klaus Rasch and Curtis Guise, are violating State law with your website stating that it is "a non-profit" site for SEVEN YEARS, from 2000 to 2007. There is no state record of a State required registration of a non-profit company in your name or your websites name. From the archive, "Welcome to ****-******.com. This is a non-profit web-page dedicated to serving the desert racing community".

Baja Racing
has learned in some cases, companies that have claimed to be charities for over seven years, can be forced to disgorge all their revenues from those years.