THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The true colors of Ensenada and Baja Californianos comes out in the newspaper "The Watch" today.

"The Watch", Ensenada newspaper attacks Americans racing
Gary Newsome, Ensenada resident, Baja Racing

CLICK HERE to see the original newspaper article

"Sal Fish, SCORE and its sponsors take everything. Not only the inscriptions and sponsorships, but also all the merchandising of souvenirs and licensing. Not a cent enters Mexico.

Our city, Ensenada, does not have to be kidnapped twice a year for supposed “economic reasons”. It is incredible that celebrating the '40 years of its beginning', has not been realised. Any study that evaluates the real impact that has these races on Ensenada and its surroundings. Many of which they are in favor of these races say that they are a “tradition”. This is false. One is a American tradition that was brought for here.

(Baja Off-Road Racing)The one that is an “American tradition” on our ground, is a problem and it causes a certain cultural impact that directly is against our deeper roots and values. That is to say, this kind event is against our true Baja Californiano traditions. For example, the same name of a “Baja” race, has been causing our landsto become “his Baja” (Baja-lands, that Americans take), when its true name is "Baja California". In any case the race would have to be called “Baja California” or “California”, since this name is original of our earth and traditions. Nor what is said about all of the other social impacts, like the consumption, the promotion of the vulgarity, the alcoholism and the masculinity associated to these races." (From BRN: God Bless America!)"

Here is the Official response from SCORE International:

"This is the answer to that writing on the part of the lawyer Oscar Ramos Jassen , legal representative of Score International, same that will be published in Newspaper the Watch.

“Baja Californianos” as you want to call them; it is better than to only talk about the injurious news and an image of the violence state, executions, drug trafficking and insecurity to the visitor. The Municipal, State and Federal authorities are not “puppets” of anybody; and they are totally conscious of the direct benefits and the promotion that these events generate."

The Watch is right about one thing, Off-Road racing is American!

The Baja Racing response to the discussion. Americans gave Baja to the Mexicans to take care of it for our use. The U.S. American flag flew over La Paz from April of 1847 to July of 1848. Americans won the Mexican-American war. History is written by the winners. Choke on it Baja, Americans are in Mexico to race and we will keep taking what we will, including what Baja wants to keep for themselves. Americans will take what they want and bring our traditions to the front yard of Mexico.

Baja Racing