THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Scaroni, Guise and Rasch coverup for Admitted Child Porn Distributor. Kreg Donohoe sentenced to 8 years!

Gary Newsome, Editor

CLICK HERE FOR Desert Racing Crackheads REAL FRAUDS!

""Donahoe claimed to have photos of himself having sexual relations with one of his daughters, though he did not have a daughter then, McLaughlin said. Donahoe then sent pornographic images of another man and a girl.""



"The former president of a Corona off-road racing business (Donohoe Racing & Manufacturing) was sentenced to eight years in federal prison for distributing child pornography, a federal prosecutor said Wednesday in a news release.
William Kreag Donahoe, 39, was sentenced Monday by U.S. District Judge Stephen G. Larson in Riverside federal court. Larson also ordered that Donahoe be on supervised release for the rest of his life once he is out of prison.
Donahoe has been in custody since his arrest at his business, Donahoe Racing, on Dec. 3, 2007, according to a Thom Mrozek, spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles. He pleaded guilty in June.
Donahoe was arrested following an investigation by the Tulare County Sheriff's Department, the Corona Police Department and the FBI, Assistant U.S. Attorney Dorothy R. McLaughlin said in a news release.
The investigation started earlier in 2007 when an undercover Tulare County sheriff's detective contacted Donahoe in an Internet chat room, prosecutors said.
Donahoe claimed to have photos of himself having sexual relations with one of his daughters, though he did not have a daughter then, McLaughlin said. Donahoe then sent pornographic images of another man and a girl.
A search warrant served at the business turned up a computer with images of child pornography and evidence that Donahoe traded images of child pornography with individuals around the world, McLaughlin said."

February 22, 2009 UPDATE!
Reportedly, Kreg Donohoe was sentenced to 8 years, yesterday.
Scaroni, Guise and Rasch continue covering up?

Reactions: Ramsey El Wardani, "
Child Pornography. I considered Kreg a friend, as did many of us in the Off-road community. I feel sorrow for Kreg." Says volumes about Ramsey and many in the crackhead community.


Updated 11-27-08
Child Porn Cover-up perps Scaroni, Guise and Rasch want your kids, in their races. Would you want your kids anywhere near them? See story HERE

The guy they covered up for, will be sentenced in December for CHILD PORN DISTRIBUTION!

Ryan Marselis of SDHQ has refused to answer any questions. Like, what reports went to the local authorities? What did law enforcement do?

11-27-08 UPDATED
This story has received no replies and NO DENIALS from Scaroni, Guise, Rasch and Marselis since its publication.

The most updated story:

The Final play in the Donohoe Racing drama is playing out. Sentencing will be in December.

Ryan Marselis of SDHQ has said publicly that Donohoe has said he is guilty of the distribution of child porn charges and will be sentenced in September. So much for the off-road community backing up 'one of its own'.

Ryan asked some time ago, "Is it deception or perhaps did they not know the whole story and did not want to spit out that they did not have all the facts?" Interesting how Ryan was first to coverup the guilt and first to report the guilty plea. More than coincidence.
Ryan said on July 9,(of Kreg Donohoe), "Plead guilty to 1 count of (child porn) distribution. Sentencing will be Sept. 15th". (Now December)
Now that the story is proven true, the deception upon the off-road community is complete. The company lied, the owners lied and people with business interests, lied and covered up the facts. And apologized for a distributor of child porn company when it turned into Icon.
What role did Ryan Marselis play, while he was covering for a distributor of child porn. What about the purchase of the broken company and in the formation of Icon since the distribution of porn charges went public?
Ryan Marselis and SDHQ were the chief apologists of Donohoe when all the lies about "rehab" came out. Ryan also said, "Realize Donahoe Racing was not up for sale, a percentage was... And well, well before that they were looking for investors to help with their growth... So 6 weeks ago were not where the problems started.... If they deflected or did not answer do you think it could have been because they did not have the whole story and did not want to post any "maybes","perhaps" or "I'm not sure but it could be becuase the neighbor of my best friend slept with the worker at....." Maybe it was embarrassing for them to admit that their boss/friend/mentor was just admitted into "rehab" (because that is what they were told)... Or did you ever think that the employees were not permitted to say anything about "rehab" or any other aspect of the goings on at their place of employment. A confidentiality agreement is pretty common these day, as is keeping your mouth shut when a owner of the company you work for tells you to. But really there are a dozen different views of the Donahoe / ICON / Kreg / Old employees / New employees and only time will tell what will happen...". Yes, time has told the real story.

Ryan went on further, "And yes forget that I was (talking publicly) answering peoples questions when I had spare time even before Marty was (talking publicly) talking about how Fabtech is the answer and that Mr. Superduty and his Donahoe stuff is too west coast....".

Today, Ryans company, SDHQ located in Arizona, far from the California Federal court, features the parts and even a 10% discount, from the remnants of Donahoes porn distribution, since dismembered, racing outfit and off-road company, now called Icon. They even have a "donahoe racing" logo featured as a link to the Icon products and tout, "SDHQ is the largest distributor" of the stuff.

Does this story simply boil down to product sales, money and the cover-up of porn charges, now proven true? Baja Racing News has been informed of more damaging details related to these original reports. Baja Racing News reports:

What is going on at SDHQ? The story of the "Parker Pervert".

Dave Shaw reported, "This weekend while at the Bluewater Grand Prix, My pit crew noticed a guy walking up and down the pits snapping pics of women in bathing suits and very young girls who apeared to be hardly old enough to drive. I waited and watched to see for myself and sure enough, he was holding a small camera down by his side and would snap pics while walking by the girls all along pit row! He came by our EZ up and snapped a cou[ple of pics of my 5 month pregnant wife while holding my son and some of my partners 8 month pregnant wife. I had had enough. I sat and waited for him to come back, this time I had my camera ready. As soon as I saw him comming I approched him and started snapping away while asking him what the hell he was doing. He knew right away because he instantly tried to hide his camera and said "I wasnt taking any pictures". "I saw him Hangin in the SDHQ EZ up, and with the shirt I was pretty sure he was with them." An employee of SDHQ!

Ryan Marselis, owner of SDHQ admitted, "As the owner of SDHQ Offroad I am appalled by what (was publicly alleged). The person in (question) has been a great employee of mine for a couple of years with no issues. We are starting our own internal investigation and if need be will turn any info we find over to the authorities. Myself, my family and my company will not stand for anything of this nature..."
Matt Scaroni noticed, "that guy has a striking resemblence to the owner former aftermarket suspension company that was recently bought out."

Klaus Rasch commented, "Wow. (These comments) turn out to be one of my all time favorites. (we) reach out to the offroad racing community and help find a potential sexual offender. Then the Parker local guys get the local authorities involved".

Ryan admitted, "he is one of my bolt on mechanics and has not had many race experiences with the team. He had a good eight hours of down time to walk the pit area and water line, so I'm sure he made plenty of laps and people noticed him (either because of his camera or his long pants). It was his first time to Parker and I can tell by his pics and movie clips on his camera he probably came across as a tourist who didn't know to bring shorts to Parker." He continued to admit, "I spoke with the employee tue morning and asked to see his camera. At that point he did not know of any of the going ons, he assumed I just wanted to see the race pictures since I had not made it out to the race. It was then taken out of the race trailer (all of the gear was not unloaded yet) and handed over to me".
Ryan Marselis, What reports went to the local authorities? What did law enforcement do?
Gary Newsome
Baja Racing
The Original Story from January:

The official release is finally out:

Icon Vehicle Dynamics Rises from the Ashes of Donahoe Racing
A team of investors has purchased the collateral properties of Donahoe Racing and renamed the company Icon Vehicle Dynamics.
Aside from the name change, key personnel will remain relatively unchanged; Dylan Evans, who has been with the company for six years, continues as chief engineer, Mike Crosby, also with the company for six years, will handle all sales and marketing, Jon Kantola is operations manager while Roy Dehban, president of ProAm Racing Products and a company investor, will come on board as vice president.
“We really have people in place who know how to run a business,” Crosby says. “With the proper people in place and the financial backing that Icon Vehicle Dynamics has now, we can focus on continuing to make quality products for our customers.”
In addition to offering a full complement of suspension applications, Icon Vehicle Dynamics will honor all warranties purchased under the Donahoe brand, according to Crosby.
“Having received significant support from family, advisors, distributors, vendors, and the off-road community, the team recognizes that demand remains for the performance product designed by Evans,” Crosby said in a press release. “In regards to any changes, our distribution, marketing and discount channels remain the same.”
He also says Icon Vehicle Dynamics intends to pull in the talented team of employees to continue producing the same highly-engineered and award-winning aftermarket suspension systems.
“[The employees] have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to make the operation successful,” says Evans. “Everyone is enthusiastic about supporting our customers with a high quality product and excellent service, from a position of solid financial backing.”
Icon Vehicle Dynamics will be based at 1580 Commerce Street Corona, Ca 92880. Phone numbers and personnel emails have changed. The company’s direct line is 951-272-ICON and fax is 951-727-4IVD. Go to for more information or contact Mike Crosby directly at


FROM: Ryan Marselis, SDHQ

"Yes it does suck for Marty's money investor and Marty that the B U S I N E S S deal did not go through.
Yes B U S I N E S S deals fall through everyday.
Yes normally a final contract is signed before you can assume it is a done deal.
Yes the smart business thing to do would be to be in constant contact with either the principals lawyer or the principal. In this Case that would be Paige D O N A H O E.
Yes that is correct, I would not waste all my time and energy talking business with the group of Donahoe Racing employees that were out of a job and hold no financial ties to Donahoe Racing.
Yes I would spend some time talking with them as a friend but I would not count on them being to go between.
Yes there were many parties that showed interest M O N T H S before Martys investor or Marty became involved.
Yes the employees at the now gone Doanhoe Racing did not find out for quite awhile about Kregs legal problem. They were kept in the dark for as long as possible. It was to a bomb dropped on them.
Yes it is very laughable that people think that ICON is going overseas, the investor is overseas, or that product will be produced overseas.Yes it does kinda sounds like when you spend time, sometimes hours or even days, with a perspective customer and they then decide to go else where.
Yes the final business decision was made by the owners of Donahoe Racing (not the employees or ex employees but rather K R E G & P A I G E D O N A H O E) and they felt that it was in their best interest and the best interests of their ex employees To make the B U S I N E S S decision they did.
Yes SDHQ Offroad will still be a distributor of the ICON line of products.
Yes SDHQ Offroad will handle all warranty related issues from Donahoe product even if it was not originally sold by us."

Last Update:Donahoe Racing & Off Road Sales is gone.

ICON Vehicle Dynamics has popped up in its place.

From the site:
"General Mission: Icon Vehicle Dynamics is a mid-sized off-road-racing-based manufacturing firm specializing in aftermarket suspension components for full-size trucks and off-road suspension development. The Company’s business is customer-driven, technology-influenced, engineering-oriented and focuses on world-class manufacturing processes and techniques. We strive to be the best (as determined by our customers) marketers, designers, manufacturers and wholesalers of aftermarket suspension components by providing the highest quality product to our customers than any of our competitors and by attracting and retaining competent employees dedicated to working by our values and reaching our goals and objectives."

No denials to any of Baja Racing reporting have been received. But, from the bullshit department, various message board owners & posters continue to try to cover-up the facts of this story. They promote falsehoods and protect those who would prey on consumers and the underaged.

Why? Maybe they have computers filled with questionable content. Or, victims of their inferior off-road equipment and business practices. Maybe it's just a so-cal offroad thing.

Marty Garza of Truck Toyz Performance spills the beans!
Witness from the inside:
"As many of you must have noticed, I have been very cautious to not comment on the scandal that has surrounded Donahoe Racing over the last couple of months. I supported the company since its inception and over the years have spent incalculable hours promoting their product. It could be argued that much of the success of this product was due in no small part to a select few dealers like myself who shared this loyalty. Over the last six months the ability for DR to keep up with demand increasingly suffered. Never the less our support for the company never waned even when this had a significant adverse affect on our income. This situation continued to worsen until product ceased to flow completely around October 2007. At this point due to concern for the company I offered to prepay for product in order to assist DR though their cash flow issue. As a result of this and after some discussion I was presented with a proposal to purchase 50% ownership of the company. Due to the amount of money involved I carefully considered my options which boiled down to A: Allow everyone at the company to lose their jobs and let the company go into bankruptcy, or B: Take a sizable risk and invest heavily into a company which had clearly been mismanaged and was in considerable debt. After careful consideration I reached the conclusion that I simply could not allow the company to go quietly into the night. I consulted with a close friend and together we decided to invest in the salvation of the company and its personnel.Negotiations commenced to establish where the company truly stood financially. It was during these negotiations that Kreg Donahoe went “missing”. Shortly after this the staff at DR contacted me and informed me that Kreg was dealing with “personal issues” and that they would be acting on his behalf. Understanding the financial strain which he must have been under I chose not to ask any questions regarding his personal situation. Negotiations continued for another couple of weeks all the while under pressure and urgency to close the deal. Over time as more information was obtained serious concern arose over the management of the company. As such and with the urging of the personnel we eventually came to the conclusion that an outright purchase of the company would be the most beneficial alternative for all parties involved. Negotiations in this regard went on for another few weeks as undisclosed financial issues continued to surface which supported the conclusion that the only real value of the company was the brand name and the personnel involved. As we finally approached an agreement ‘the bomb’ was dropped. Facts surrounding Kregs “personal issue” were finally revealed to us just days prior to them surfacing on the internet. Up until this point we had been kept completely in the dark about the issue even though these facts were known to the personnel who were doing the negotiations on his behalf. Shock would be a considerable understatement regarding our reaction. Nevertheless once we got past the initial disgust with the entire situation, we began to consider the ramifications for the innocent victims some of which we considered friends and whose lives were being toppled in the wake. Kreg’s wife was half way through her second pregnancy and the employees who had spent years building the company were going to be displaced without pay already owed to them. We somehow felt obligated to do whatever was in our power to take care of these individuals.A new directive was taken to both distance ourselves from the DR brand while at the same time continuing the employment of the personnel. It was a delicate situation. How could we salvage the heart and soul of the company without benefitting or being connected in any way with the ownership? We intrusted a few friends with some of this information to consider their perspective of the situation. Fortunately everyone was very encouraging and I am sincerely grateful to them for both their support and their discretion with the information. So with a new direction preparations were made to structure the new company which included an offer of a percentage of the ownership to key personnel. Others were asked to submit salary requests which were ultimately not only met but exceeded, along with generous signing bonuses to allow them to make ends meet while the deal was completed. A name was chosen, articles of incorporation were filed, and a course of action was being structured. As a sign of good will we decided that in order to fulfill the prior obligation to the public we would honor the lifetime warranty offered by DR.

By this point I had personally invested two and a half months of sleepless nights including flights to and from New York to structure this deal and insure that all parties involved were entirely happy. It was a real roller coaster ride but last week a verbal agreement was finally reached and our attorney wrote up the sales and employment contracts which were to be closed within days. Monday morning 1/21/08 I received a call from the ownership stating that an offer was made by another party and that they had decided to take it. Just like that. No counter offers. No explanation other than they felt that our deal had progressed too slowly. Never mind that nearly 2 months were wasted due to the fact that crucial information had been withheld from us, that we had been clearly deceived, that in the middle of all of this one of the parties had chosen to take a week long vacation overseas, and that we were meticulously structuring the deal to live up to our word to take care of our friends. To state that I am disgusted again would be an understatement. We were completely betrayed by the very people we were trying to help. As it turns out my “friends” had been working both sides of the table to maximize their own personal gain at the expense of the company as a whole. Like the saying goes, with friends like these who needs enemies? Where the new party stepped in at the last minute simply because he saw an opportunity to capitalize on the situation, we started this project with the best of intentions. It is quite unfortunate that our loyalty, honor, and concern for fellow man was repaid with deceit, treachery and greed.I apologize for the long post but I felt that I owned my friends and customers an honest explanation.

The facts as I have presented stand. Initial discussions began in mid Nov. and negotiation began in earnest on 11/26/07 (documentation available upon request). Throughout the dialog it was repeatedly emphasized that I was the last and only hope for salvaging the company. At that point prevention of bankruptcy was the primary objective. A disjointed maze of financial documentation was navigated and inconsistencies abound. Try as we may to speed the process along we were consistently hindered by inaccurate information. On 12/17/07 the recommendation of a total buy-out was made on behalf of the DR staff. This required a total reassessing of the groundwork laid up to this point. On 12/21/07 a Letter of Intent to purchase the assets of Donahoe Racing was submitted to provide Paige and the employees with some consolation during the holidays and assure them that there was a light at the end of the long dark tunnel they found themselves in. Work continued through the Christmas holiday. On 12/27/07 personal information was requested from the ownership in order to complete our due diligence and develop a binding contract. This information was provided late in the day and social security numbers later that evening. Early the next morning (12/28/07) I received an urgent call from the staff. The time had come to drop the bomb. Of course we would have discovered this for ourselves within hours once the required background checks had begun. Despite the apparent deception, we placed ourselves in their position and chose not to hold this against them. Instead of turning our backs, we chose to focus on salvaging the lives of these individuals despite the severely tainted company to which they were linked. Unfortunately it was not until all (most) of the cards were laid on the table that it became painfully clear that fending off a bankruptcy was not realistic. A new plan of action once again commenced on 01/02/08 and a meeting was scheduled for the principals to meet in NY on 1/6/08. During this meeting the primary point of contention was percentage ownership. During these negotiations I offered to gift a percentage of my ownership to a key staff member who I considered a friend and who I truly wanted to be comfortable with the new structure. This was made in lieu of a very generous profit share offer. As a result of some disagreement on this issue, and the fact that this individual was leaving on a week long vacation the next day, very little if anything was accomplished during this meeting other than the selection of a name. However after his departure I chose to reschedule my flight and remain in NY for an extra day to continue chipping away at the seemingly overwhelming task at hand. A meeting with our attorney on 1/8/08 established a framework and work began on articles of incorporation.

With the main contact man overseas all that could be done was to discuss employment proposals for key staff which were negotiated and quickly agreed upon. Then on Sat. 1/12/08 I was notified of a second party who was interested in scooping up the assets. On Mon. 1/14/08 my partner and I agreed on an offer and this was communicated to the temporary contact person on Tue. 1/15/08. This was then relayed to the ownership which was then somewhat modified and accepted though the contact person on Wed. 1/16/08. It was my understanding that the second party had already made an offer sometime in the interim however this was inferior to that of ours. I then attempted to contact the ownership directly on 1/17/08 but my call was not returned until 1/18/08. The verbal offer was then made directly and was amicably accepted pending approval by the partner. I was to be notified of the final decision on Sat. 01/19/08. Our attorney was notified and immediately assembled the Purchasing Agreement. By late in the day on Sun. 01/20/08 I had not yet received a response so I chose to attempt to contact each of the principals to request an update. Only one chose to accept my call and was allegedly unaware of the status. I was advised that he would attempt to contact the ownership and have them return my call. This call was finally returned on the morning of 01/21/08 when I was notified of the acceptance of the second parties offer. Immediately following this conversation I woke the primary contact who was already aware of the decision and was seemingly surprised by my reaction. So here we find ourselves today.I defy anyone when presented with these (verifiable and documented) facts to question the speed and tenacity of our action. Keep in mind that all of this was done while attempting to manage our own extraordinarily busy lives. Yes, there is clearly something missing here. What is missing from this “one sided story” is the positioning which was occurring on the other side of the table. Somewhere in this story there are heroes as well as villains. Unfortunately there are also innocent bystanders. But can someone truly claim innocence if they simply stood by and allowed injustice to occur before their eyes. The ownership alleges to have made the decision based on the information provided to them. Who stood to benefit from an allegedly inferior deal? Who sold out the soul and arguably the future of the company for personal gain? That is a question which remains to be answered."

Marty Garza
Truck Toyz Performance

End Update.

Previous Update:
Kreg still sits in jail and many in the off-road community are trying to cover up for the charges against him. Just another off road racing icon wasted. Real scumbags covering up facts of lawbreakers for their own gain. Financial or otherwise. Scaroni and Klaus have not denied the facts reported in this story. How many others in the off road racing community have been protected by the likes of them?
It's also been reported that the employees of Donohoe have not received paychecks since November to keep the company afloat.

Previous Update:
Dylan Evans today reinforced in a brief conversation with Baja Racing, that the company doors are open to help customers with products and services.
The company restructure has been going on for some time and Donahoe Racing product line are the same.

The Original Story

Desert racings big mouths begin the coverup of charges against one of their own. Steve Scaroni of the newly formed Trophy Lite Racing Series calls for the end of public exposure of the Kreag Donahoe child porn charges. Suddenly the scam ridden, potty mouthed, malcontents of desert racing entertainments electronic community, get very quiet about child porn charges against one the desert racing industry’s company presidents.

Frank Alioto supports the company, despite charges against Kreag Donahoe were posted online this week, that could threaten its viability to operate. Many questions raised by ex-employees even included labor law charges.

Rumors turned into verified charges against Kreag Donahoe this week, when several ex-employees, burned by not getting paid for two weeks of unpaid labor, began releasing charges of tax problems, child porn charges in court documents and claims that the associated off road equipment and racing company were being driven out of business.

Dylan Evans, one of the defendants company reps responded to the business closure claims, “we have NOT closed the doors!” He continued, “We are however going through a restructure. Myself and the rest of the dedicated staff are committed to bringing the off-road community the best products we can! Creating top of the line suspension products is what I do, regardless of anodizing color or location! Expect to see quality products, new products and features, and support of our existing product in the future”. Mike Crosby, National Sales Manager, also responded, “I too would like to thank the entire TTORA family for all of it's support over the years. The employees will continue to offer the best products and the best customer service in the industry. As we go through the re-structure please contact myself or Jeremy Johnson if you need anything at all. All of us are looking forward to a great 2008 and have plans for some very exciting new products so please stay tuned”.

These company reps were responding to the release of this court document:

Others have responded to the exposures. “Gloves aside, this information is coming from an ex-employee. Most ex-employees I know don't like their last boss”. He continued, "I hope this doesn't put the company under, but if it does go chances are that the company will go under.”

Frank Alioto at first tried denial to coverup the charges, then pleaded for the life of the company, “I do not think that this is Kreg Donahoe”. He continued, “Dylan and the others at [Donahoe(] are working towards keeping the company alive. It may have a different name but the key people that made the products successful will still be there. Please do not kill the company until they have had a chance”. How stupid are you Frank? Your attempt at denial, now, has been completely shot down. Nice try at covering up for your pedo-friends!

Andrew of Radflo Suspension Technology commented, “I dunno, seems too coincidental that someone gets busted for kiddy porn and the company under the same name goes under at the same time---I could be wrong, but if so, its one heck of a coincidence..”

“I also used to work for Donahoe. I have collaborated with other employees of the company and I hate to say it but all the evidence and information that I have gathered today says yes, it is Kreg, or Kreag. From what I have heard today the companys racing team has closed their doors. As much as I want this not to be true. I’m still trying to get all of the facts!”
Chris Lockridge confirmed, “The racing part of the company is closed for good! The race trucks are being sent out. The FJ is going to KC, and the super duty is going to leaper their machinest. I feel bad for all the former workers. I was just told they are out their last 2 pay checks. I have just talked to all the employee's and they have confirmed they are done for. I dont know why people are trying to back Kreg up, the shocks aren’t that good.”
On a post to coverup the Kreag Donahoe child pornography issue, Steve Scaroni of SMD Motorsports, the Trophy Lite Racing Series organizer and manufacturer stated, “‘Board’ Staff..I am respectfully requesting you shut this thread down and any future threads..on this subject..Kreg no matter what has been a positive for our sport..He has a great wife and kids.. out of repect for all the good things Kreg and Family have done for sport lets shut this down.. now..what ever the issue and reason the rumor mongers & those that love to kick people when they are down.... can get there kicks from other sources..The S of SMD, Steve Scaroni.” Listed on the web post was, “please e-mail me at one of these address's as I do not check my messages very,, Office: 760 352-3080, Nextel ID: 122*13077*1".The discussion was stopped after Steves demand and continued sponsorship and close relationship with Rasch and Guise.

The desert racing community tries to protect Kreag Donahoe, despite public charges of child pornography, insiders disclosures of tax problems, not paying employees and a company trying to survive the storm of charges and counter-charges. All of this protection simply put, “no matter what”, for what “they have done for (the) sport? Very interesting treatment. Obviously Steve, Frank, Curtis and Klaus, they aren’t photos of YOUR CHILDREN.

Gary Newsome
Baja Racing