THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"Citizen Security" Dragnets expand to San Felipe

Race Teams pre-running the Baja 250 NOTICE!
San Felipe and Mexicali checkpoints and Dragnets to begin tomorrow, Wednesday!

Announced to the Northern Baja Press early today. Part of the Citizen Security effort, to ensure safety for the citizens of Baja California, it was announced that routes of travel in Mexicali and San Felipe would see hightened law enforcement efforts, starting as early as Wednesday, March 5.

As was announced in El Vigia yesterday, "In this cumbersome deployment involved more than 400 elements of the Federal Preventive police (PFP) and State Preventive (PEP, Ministerial State, the Army, Navy Mexico and municipal officers of the Rapid Reaction Unit (URI). Backed by air by a helicopter of the PEP board and 30 official vehicles, troops and military police are bet at the entrances and exits from the slick urban conducted searches in bars, hotels and motels located in the "Bajio" established filters revision in the main roads and toured colonies on the periphery. He announced that "Citizen Security" will spill over into the five municipalities of the entity, also on a surprise and random, to provide security to bajacalifornianos. "It starts in Ensenada for the information that we have, but they are considered all municipalities in the state, where participate military, naval, federal, ministerial and municipal levels," he reiterated. He indicated that the day yesterday reinforced the local commander of the PEP with 60 elements from other cities joined the different routes."

Baja Racing