THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford reports from San Felipe

Baja Racing reporter, Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford, will be reporting from all the debauchery at the San Felipe Baja 250.

From the Miramar Bar to Crockodile to the race course and back into town, the Drunk Pirate will be giving us all the details on the drinking, partying and blackouts from the azure seas San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico social events. The bottles and bottles of Tequila, Beer and verbotten weed soaked Baja race pits that make all the classic wasted race stories from Baja.
We'll have photos and dish from Rice and Beans, El Nido Steak House and all the shrimp and taco joints during race weekend, from Baja Racing social disease reporter, Lance.