THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Baja Racing BULLETIN! SCORE blocks NORRA Mexican 1000 2009!


UPDATED September 2, 2009

The inside story of how SCORE screwed NORRA for the 2009 start, is now exposed by
Omar Dipp Nuñez.

"The Mayor of Ensenada, got paid off to be the puppet of SCORE and did not allow NORRA to start in Ensenada." "NORRA was then forced to start in Mexicali".

UPDATE May 17, 2009



Gabriel Garcia, Ensenada

"Baja Racing News has learned that the race named the NORRA Mexican Independence Rally 1000 will start at the state capital, Mexicali, is not the reason for this, but I think it must have been disaffected by our authorities in Ensenada, a bad thing, because that this event was to generate some economic income.

I had heard yesterday that Eliseo Garcia, legal representative in Mexico Norra, held a meeting with authorities in Mexicali and served quickly, facilitating dialogue and showing a total opening of the event to rally, organized by Michael Perlman, whose headquarters Start to Mexicali, where the site was destined for this port, but something happened, there will be little to be investigated to find out the truth of this, because it is a well-pitched and not to ride as many people might think, sorry for Ensenada we were was a historic event that can be and also the Mayor Pablo Alejo López Núñez must see that events are not only speed Score International, but remember, Essor, motocross events, Poker Runs, arrancones, rides motorcycles and more, should give a decent space to accommodate them and always, at the end of the home organizations are and what they chose as their leader López Núñez in government, for believing in a sports project in hand for all, without favoritism towards a certain body like SCORE.

UPDATE: April 16, 2009

Baja Racing has obtained a copy of the 'Secret' NORRA conceptual race course for the event and will be posting it soon.


The National Off Road Racing Association (NORRA) is proud to present the 2009 NORRA Revival of the 1967 Mexican 1000 Rally. This event, "Honoring the Past, Forging the Future", will be held September 16-20, 2009 and will start at Ensenada, Mx, overnight at Bay of LA, overnight at Loreto, and end at La Paz, Mx .

The 2009 Revival of the 1967 Mexican 1000 Rally is a Stage Rally with Vintage and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Classes. The liaison and special stage course (paved and technical) will be specifically selected to accommodate vintage race vehicles from the 1950-1970's era. We want you to have fun but also keep your vehicles and bodies intact while testing your driving ability.

Please review the rules and format of the rally below. Submit your entry form and fee directly through the website. Entries accepted after September 1st are subject to an additional $250.00 Late Processing Fee. No Driver Packets will be mailed after September 1st.

Contingency & Registration - Sept 16, 2009
Rally - Sept 17, 18, 19, 2009
Award Ceremony/Party in LaPaz - Sept 20, 2009

-Three-day stage rally on a secret route.
-There will NO pre-running.
-Competitors will receive their route book, GPS information, and starting positions the night before the event at the driver's meeting.
-On the morning of the start of each day's stage, NORRA staff will send out a pre-runner to clear the course.
-The first vehicles off the line will be the motorcycles at 6am sharp. All vehicles need to be ready to race and in line 15 minutes before their starting time.
-After the first motorcycle is sent off, there will be 30-second intervals before the second vehicle is sent on the course, and so on.
-After the last motorcycle is on the course, the other vehicle categories will start; Cat1, Cat 2, Cat 3, and so on...
Category 11, the Alternative Fuel Vehicles, will finish out the vehicle categories.
-After the final vehicles are on course, NORRA Officials will send a sweep vehicle to clear the course and assist with any issues.
-During the event, vehicles will be traveling liaison stages to special stage sections. Liaison stages are not competition stages, so speed limits will apply.
-All vehicles will be equipped with a black box to monitor traveling speeds as well as proxy_current_url on route at all times. Vehicles not obeying local speed limits will be disqualified from the event.
-The liaison stages will have a time limit to reach the next special stage, giving ample time to arrive at the stage start. By following the speed limits and staying on route, teams will have no problem getting to the next stage with time to prep for that special stage.
-Deviations from the liaison route are not allowed. Penalties and possible disqualification may apply during liaison stages by arriving too early showing that a vehicle has not obeyed local speed limits or deviated from the liaison route (as confirmed by black box GPS positioning).
-Upon arrival at special stages, vehicles will be lined up and started in order of arrival at the stage start, then released at 30-second intervals. This format will continue at all special stages through to the final stage of the day.
-Special stages will be timed individually and totaled throughout the entire event.
-Penalties will be added at the stage they were incurred.
-At the end of the day's stages when vehicles cross the final stage finish, they will be directed to a compound area where they will remain until the following day's start.
-The compound area will be fenced off and guarded during the entire time the event is in a bivouac.
-No one will be allowed into the compound area without proper credentials. The idea behind the compounding of the vehicles is to provide a safe and secure place to work on team vehicles and to build camaraderie between teams, plus a proxy_current_url that spectators can view the vehicles and their teams at work.
-Teams will be allowed to work on their vehicles through the night if need be. Teams and vehicles must be ready to race 15 minutes prior to their official start time.
-Australian start rules may apply, which means that the last vehicle in on the final stage of the previous day will be the first vehicle out the following morning. At the discretion of the NORRA OFFICIALS, the starting rules may change. The starting format will be announced each night at the driver's meeting, when the route books and GPS information for the following day's competition are issued.
-Everybody needs to be ready to rally at day's start.
-We will follow this format to the end of the final stage and into La Paz, where the final stage will take us into town for the official finish.
-After crossing the Finish Line, the vehicles will go back into the compound area until the final vehicle has finished the event.
-The compound area will remain open and available for teams to keep their vehicles secure after the end of the event for 5 days. At $20.00 per day charge. This will allow teams that want to see the sights of Baja do so knowing that their vehicles and trailers will be safe.

The Mexican 1000 Rally is designed to be a Fun Event, Honoring the past, and those that raced for the love of racing, and Forging the Future of Alternative Fuel Racing. We are very excited at NORRA to present to you an opportunity to take part in this special event and we look forward to seeing you in Mexico. Let's Party in La Paz!

Ken Cameron
Rally Master/Chief Technical Officer
NORRA Since 1967, "Honoring the past, Forging the Future"
Entry Fee $875"

Reported March 29, 2009

San Diego- NORRA has re-appeared on the Off-Road Racing scene today.

NORRA, the National Off-Road Racing Association, formed in 1967 to race in Baja Mexico, has re-appeared today in San Diego, California. Mike Pearlman announced today, vintage racing and quality modern off-road racing is coming back to Baja, Mexico.

Mike said, "my Dad passed on seven years ago and we put the NORRA corporate papers together two years ago". As stated today, NORRA reps said, "Since 1967 NORRA has put on quality championship racing in Mexico.

One, Mr. Mike Pearlman, son of the original Eddy Pearlman and Ken mentioned the September time frame would be the month to hold the "next" NORRA off-road race in Baja, Mexico. "I'd like to see an off-road race from Maine to Cabo", said Mike.

"Off-Road Racing", the term, came from Ed Pearlman and Jack Brady, from the NRRA, came up with the term, we called it dirt-roading", Mike said. Mike, then a teenager, said "it's 'off-the road racing'", I came up with term". Mike Pearlman, said.

"A secret course will be used in our races in Baja, Mexico", said NORRA rep, Ken. "Our Mexican 1000 will make history, with handcrafted off-road race cars". Mentioned was their new website at Mexican

Also mentioned today, "vintage classes and alternate fuel classes will be available for off-road racers". NORRA will be putting on off-road races in Mexico soon. "the Baja Boot owner, like many other vintage race vehicles and races, want to run again in Baja Mexico Off-Road Racing.

"We'll also be providing a unique place for 'alternate fuel vehicle racing'., said Mike Nuevall. "We are inviting everyone who want to race, a place to race."

The "Desert Assassins" were mentioned. NORRA representative Mike Nueval said, "They are ruining the image of off-road racing in Mexico. We will be creating a positive image of racing in Mexico".

Interestingly, a May 2007 internet article stated about a new NORRA organization back then, " is reviving a pair of old traditions.
The mission of the newly formed National Off-Road Racing Association (NORRA) is to bring professional short-course off-road racing to venues across the country, but particularly on the East Coast. NORRA's intention is to emulate and revitalize the successful format originally employed by industry pioneer Mickey Thompson. NORRA's inaugural year of competition will feature five events in the Eastern USA for four classes of trucks with various levels of modification and preparation."

Nothing transpired after that 2007 announcement.