THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Mexican Border Tense With Screening and Security: Mexican Swine Flu Reports

By: Gary Newsome, Editor

MAY 14, 2009

Mexican Pig Flu Deaths In Tijuana

"TIJUANA.-A woman aged 48 died from influenza in the human clinical 1 Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Tijuana

Second is the case of death from the AH1N1 virus that is recorded in the border where there are 36 cases of infected patients, although clinically controlled, according to data from the Ministry of Health of Baja California.

The first victim in Tijuana was also a woman aged 54 who died a week ago in an IMSS clinic.

In this case, a woman who remained hospitalized for six weeks. His health was seriously affected by a number of complications and died on Tuesday night in the operating room, when a biopsy was performed.

After the death, there is a psychosis (severe fear) among medical personnel due to the retention of more than forty days in the clinic located in Tijuana, the victim was in hospital for more than 40 days!

The Ministry of Health of Baja California announced the two deaths in Baja California are the result of complications from other chronic degenerative diseases, but acknowledged that both were positive for (AH1N1) human influenza".









One Week after Discovery
Lies, Lies and more lies

International travelers flee from Baja South
Alberto Trevino begs for tourists, claims "virus free"!
Proof positive Trevino not to be trusted under any condition

Reports in the Baja Racing UPDATES refute claim, capital La Paz closes everything in the state, infected


"He emphasized that all precautions are being undertaken as a preventative measure, and that careful observation is underway at marine, ground and air terminals. Public and private schools have been closed, and the public has been warned against gathering in large crowds and in enclosed spaces.

As a further preventive measure, Treviño said that health officials have enough medicine and 120 special agents in their possession to treat the disease in state health centers and hospitals. He therefore insisted that his state is free of the virus."

There are thousands of untested cases floating in SoCal. While authorities try to wish away the virus, cases multiply. More schools close.

LATE SATURDAY REPORT: Info backing Baja Racing finally comes goes public, confirming our reporting CLICK HERE

"MEXICALI, BC, May 2, 2009 (AFN) .- The health authorities in Baja California, confirmed eleven cases of human influenza in the state, which were treated and are discharged.

José Guadalupe Bustamante Moreno, secretary of Health in Baja California, on Saturday confirmed that besides the four certified laboratories on Friday afternoon, found a dozen human influenza in this capital and one in the port of Ensenada.

He said that none were serious and their ages range between 13 and 42 years.

He stated that 30 cases of "suspicious", and 16 were scrapped and will soon register the other 14.

Most of the affected bajacalifornianos, were treated in general hospitals of the Health Department, said Bustamante Moreno.

Governor Jose Guadalupe Osuna Millan, insisted on Friday that Baja California was free of human or swine influenza.

Starting this Monday launched nine "Caravan for Health" throughout the state, in addition to the posts of air terminals, sea and land.

Baja Racing calls 'em before the stuff erupts out of the orifices of falsehood!

REPORT: Many international cruise ships and air flights are now no longer going to any part of Mexico,
Major U.S. airlines including Delta Air Lines, U.S. Airways, Continental Airlines, Alaska and UAL Corp's United Airlines said they were cutting services to Mexico on Friday, citing lower demand for flights to the country hard hit by a flu outbreak.

Mexican citizens are heading north.

Example: The 39-year-old woman who was the first to die in Mexico's swine flu epidemic spent the last eight days of her life going from clinic to clinic to find out what was wrong with her but doctors were baffled.

The woman, from the southern state of Oaxaca, died shortly after being admitted to hospital as an emergency case. Experts only identified the virus that killed her 10 days later."

Baja Attorney General Office

REPORT: "The state’s deputy attorney general, Salvador Ortiz, also feels that American media has spun the story out of control.

“Of course journalists must report on the violence but they can be irresponsible,” he said. “We must remember that the killings are not affecting regular tourists at all. If they were we would let them know straight away.”

Ortiz said that two Americans who were recently murdered — a pizza shop owner decapitated in February and a California deliveryman stabbed on the beach in March — may themselves have been mixed up in crime and drugs."

Baja California Closes Down

Report: "Nonessential public services and private-sector activities have been suspended across Baja California for the next five days under a federal health ministry order aimed at containing the spread of swine flu throughout Mexico.

Although the state has had no confirmed cases of the disease, Gov. José Guadalupe Osuna Millán said yesterday during a news conference that the measures are necessary to minimize the possibility of infection.

“It is time for all Baja Californians to close ranks so that we can overcome this situation,” Osuna said. Indications are that activities will resume as normal on Wednesday, he said. In the meantime, residents are being urged to stay home with their families.

The five-day shutdown coincides with two Mexican holidays, May 1 and May 5, when most government offices are normally closed in the country. Essential government services – including police, medical care, military operations, customs and financial markets – will not be curtailed. Only essential businesses such as supermarkets and pharmacies should stay open, the governor said.

The state's maquiladoras are also exempt from the mandatory measures. Javier Martinez Luna, president of Tijuana's Association of Maquiladora Industries, said it has been left to the discretion of each plant whether to cut back production: “The idea is that the maquiladora industry doesn't face sanctions for having to maintain its export commitments.”

In addition, the Roman Catholic Church announced the suspension of Sunday Mass in the Tijuana Archdiocese, recommending that worshippers watch it on television or listen on the radio.

The measures come as Baja California takes other steps to ward off flu. Officials on Tuesday began monitoring all points of entry to Baja California – border crossings, airports, roads and ports – to minimize the possibility that an infected person could enter the state.

Dr. José Bustamante, Baja California's health secretary, said booths have been set up at those points, with medical staff ready to screen anyone with symptoms of the disease. At the border with Sonora and Baja California Sur, soldiers are boarding buses, asking passengers with symptoms to step forward so they can examined, Bustamante said.

A key part of the campaign has been building public awareness of the disease, and Bustamante has been making regular appearances, urging residents who believe they have fever, headache, soreness and congestion to seek treatment at public health centers.

While eight cases have been confirmed in San Diego County and five in Imperial County, Baja California officials reported none as of yesterday afternoon. Bustamante said the same phenomenon occurred last year, when measles was recorded across the border and in neighboring Mexican states, but Baja California had no signs of the disease.

Bustamante said he is called immediately when a potential case of swine flu is identified. Yesterday, he said 10 people were under observation statewide with possible symptoms.

Patients must be screened by a doctor and an epidemiologist before they are given an initial test that screens for influenza A or B, Bustamante said. From April 16 to Wednesday afternoon, only 12 patients had been tested, Bustamante said in an interview. None of them had shown signs of the disease, but samples have been sent to a federal laboratory in Mexico City for further testing, which in turn will send them to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for verification.

Bustamante said he has the resources both for testing and for treatment, but would not give out specific numbers. He said he has the means to obtain more test kits and medication if it becomes necessary.

“The governor made it very clear to me that I can buy what I need, hire who I need,” Bustamante said.

The United States and Mexico have been collaborating for years on tracking diseases along the border, and are doing so to stem the spread of swine flu both at the national and local levels, where Baja California officials are working with the San Diego County health department.

“We have very good interactions with the Mexicans,” said Dr. Larry Kline, a San Diego physician who is one of two California members of the U.S.-Mexico Health Commission.

“Mexico has put extreme measures in place that didn't have to necessarily be that extreme,” Maria Teresa Cerqueira, chief of the World Health Organization's U.S.-Mexico Border Office in El Paso, Texas. “People are prepared, they know what to do.”"

Another report: "In Baja California, Gov. José Guadalupe Osuna Millán announced the shutdown of state and municipal government offices through at least Tuesday. Services deemed essential – such as police, fire and garbage pickup – will still be offered.

Millán also ordered the private sector to suspend all nonessential activities. Businesses such as banks, hotels, grocery stores and pharmacies will remain open. The top health administrator in Mexico, which has been hardest hit with possibly thousands of infections, yesterday said the outbreak seemed to level off in terms of hospitalizations and deaths.

But Keiji Fukuda, flu chief for the World Health Organization, said his agency had yet to see concrete evidence that swine flu was fizzling."

PHASE 5 Announced Today 4-29-09 1 PM PST

High level inside source in Mexico: "There are many, many, many more victims of the flu in Mexico".

A Baja racer comments:
"We just got back from a 15 day stint in Puerto Vallarta. All three of us ended up with the pig flu. One of us was worse than the other two but he is getting better. The flu itself was no worse than any other flu that I have had. I thought we would be treated like aliens when we crossed the border but they just told us to go see a doctor. They didn't even ask us if we were sick. We all went straight to the doctors and they said just stay in our house until we are better. The results came back positive but it was like it wasn't a big deal to the doctors at all. I really think the only reason people are dying in Mexico is because the people are not seeking medical help until it is too late. When I went to the doctor there they gave me vitamins and told me to rest."

This Just In: 4:30 PM East Coast, 4-28
Phase 5 Likely CLICK HERE

UPDATE: 1 PM East Coast, 4-28


"Operations at the U.S. consular agencies throughout Mexico may be curtailed; several are closing to the public entirely for walk-in services, seeing the public by appointment only. If in doubt, please contact your nearest consular agency directly"

Remember, if you get into a major scrape in Mex, these are the ONLY legal reps you have.

What's not being reported: Baja Racing SPECIAL

American consular services, providing services to Americans throughout Mexico, have been operating on 'skeleton crews' for years. With the Mexican Flu Outbreak, these services have been scaled back even further, throughout Mexico. Be advised.


On site reports:

Mexico is blaming the United States of America for the outbreak.
The Curator of the Museum in Mexico City that greeted and showed Obama around the place died from Swine Flu a week later."

Baja California Sur, "La Paz reports one death,
there are ranchers on horses in the desert with masks, cars and buses full of people with masks, many restaurants are closed, gas station attendents have masks, everyone who works for the government is wearing a mask even when they are alone in a ac office or in a vehicle with the windows closed. Too bad they had shut down the whole economy just to distract people from whatever other crisis they wish to avoid. Lets just say most people are more than a bit skeptical and quite suspicious of this "crisis" and for that matter all these sudden "crisis". The bad news is that they were all wearing those blue masks and told me to buy them for my todos familia. I asked why and the lady who seemed to know more than anyone else said in all seriousness that there have been 5 confirmed cases of this flu in La Paz and one muerte. Went to three different pharmacias and no masks in stock. I gave up and figured I'm pretty isolated where I'm at and will just hunker down and probably wouldn't wear the mask anyway. A lady in one of the pharmacies in Todos Santos said she heard of one dead in Cabo...not sure of number of cases. Just passing this info along and of course can't vouch for the accuracy. Schools closed nationwide...with an announcement to be made by the govt May 6th. So at this point we don't know when schools will reopen. Also one person I spoke with said he was unable to obtain Tamifil from the mainland. Thinks govt only has 1m doses and saving for the most serious cases."

Baja California Norte, Ensenada, reports Mexican swine flu cases for first time:

April 26, 2009:
"Although there are most likely more cases than being reported. Today there are 2 cases confirmed of swine influenza in Ensenada. Catalia just returned from a dental conference in TJ. today and the general understanding is that there are more cases than being reported".

Pete Thomas, reporter for the putrid LA Times hasn't a clue.
His take, "Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Swine flu update: Google map suggests it's safer in Baja than Southern California".
Mr. Thomas, you ignorant slut, please go to school, get a degree and spend ten years on the ground in Mexico and MAYBE you'll get a clue. For those of you readers, this is a case of "internetitis", ignorant user of the web, with no REAL EXPERIENCE.


Baja California Mexico Travel Situation Review:

Travel Warning for the entire Republic of Mexico for three months, minimum. No travel to Mexico through July 27, 2009. Possibly longer, until the "virus" is not detected in Mexico.

The complete scale of the outbreak has yet to be seen, but what is known is that the outbreaks in the San Diego and Imperial Valley areas reflect equal or greater outbreaks in the metro areas of Baja Norte. Baja Sur in all probability also has outbreaks.
"Los Angeles health officials said they were fully expecting an outbreak in the region".

California Mexican Swine Flu Deaths?! UPDATED
CNN today, 4:30 PM report, misses California deaths

Cuba blocks all travel contacts with Mexico.

Complete Mexico Tourism collapse likely

Prepare to be inspected OUTBOUND

Just another case of informal ignorance

Because of the behavior of the locals throughout the Republic and the capacity of the Mexican health system, there are many more unreported cases on the peninsula.

Considering the severity of the outbreak and the travelers individual exposure, we would travel after May 6 at the earliest, giving the authorities time to discover additional information.

For those in country already, Get-R-Done!

The virus has been circulating in Mex since April 6, possibly even earlier. The source of the outbreak was a 5 year child, Edgar Hernandez, he is OK now, near Veracruz, La Gloria colonia, near the pig factories of Smithfield and the culprit virus was detected in San Diego, sent to the US NAVY on Point Loma for ID and forwarded to the CDC.

Then, all hell broke loose!

Check out this story about the first cases reported to the public. There were thousands of cases in Mexico, but, NONE reported to the public.

May 7 is the golden hour. After that date, we'll know much more about the real risks, like incubation impacts and mutation (virus change) times.

Update, 12 Noon West Coast, 4-27

WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the Homeland Security Department says travel warnings to Mexico will remain in place as long as swine flu is detected.

Secretary Janet Napolitano made the announcement at a news conference Monday. She said the Centers for Disease Control had issued an alert and the State Department's version would be forthcoming. The virus began in Mexico and had spread to the United States and beyond, with 40 cases reported in the U.S. Napolitano said she had been in touch with Mexican officials and border state leaders to coordinate responses to the outbreak. Napolitano urged Americans to use common sense in dealing with the outbreak, such as frequent hand washing and remaining home from work if ill."

April 27, 2009: 9 AM West Coast Time:
Bulletin from Washington DC this morning
, "all non-essential travel to Mexico is not suggested at this time", we recomend against travel to Mexico".

Also, reports form the San Diego-Tijuana US-Mexican border crossing locations of San Ysidro, Otay Mesa and Tecate are this morning, reporting 4-5 hour waits to return back to the United States from extra screening for infected individuals with Mexican Swine Flu.