THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, August 03, 2009

Rip-Offs and Fraud commonplace in Desert Off-Road Racing, now Exposed!

Baja Racing News Investigative Reporting:
Behind The Desert Racing Scene

Rip-Offs and Fraud commonplace in Desert Off-Road Racing, now Exposed!

As Baja Racing grew to promote desert off-road racing, we also came across the small cadre of off-road merchants and race gamers.

Merchants, those who simply sell services and products related to off-road racing and the off-road market. Race Gamers, everyone associated with shortcourse, desert, off-road and Mexican races.
Two things stand out.

How really small the industry and racing are on the West coast related to the total network of people and companies in the sport and recreation of off-road. The other standout, how widespread and accepted the rip-offs and fraud are in this group.

Several lines of conversation crop up with desert off-road racing. One, how you need a strong revenue stream to compete and if you don't have the money to race, what 'scam' or 'con' people use to get the money to play in the sandbox. Whether its racing, selling services and products or some other function related the "sport". It's really not a sport, but we'll get to that later.

Most disturbing are the contributing sponsors who support the rip-offs and fraud.

Lucas Oil, for one, has its corporate head in the sand in support of its shortcourse racing series. Fox Shocks has proven itself as a corporate pooch screwer in ignoring its off-road divisions support of death threats against racing fans and Baja bullshit. Curry rear-ends couldn't care less if they were being promoted by a doofus ( Someone who hasn't got a clue! They live in blissful ignorance of the world. ) mouthpiece that supports the rip-off sick children.

Each one of these multi-mega sized companies were contacted for their side of each of the stories. We'll post their lame responses in our next report.
From the biggest multi-million dollar companies to the ignorant, stealing and smuggling racers themselves, the rip-offs and fraud reach into off-road deep.

Baja Racing will report on the biggest tire company in the United States, just prior to the Baja 1000, smuggling tires into Mexico. Didn't the North American Free Trade Agreement address issues like this? Not if there's racing greed involved.

BIG Tire Company Scandal - Smuggles Product into Mexico Races. LOADING>>>

"The Boy Scout Rip-off" Some college kid finds an internet site, perfect for stealing from sponsors to fund his fun.

The TrophyLite Joke-A-Thon between Greg Foutz and Pete Sohren

Lucas Oil helps the rip-off of sick children by supporting this group of dipshits, Jim at Totalled being the most knowledgeable?!

Steve Bourgeois and Pat Chicas suck off the Failed TRUMP BAJA Project

Scaroni, Guise and Rasch cover-up for shamed off-roader, child porn distributor

"DRC" Home of the stolen off-road parts fenced daily

Fox Shocks screwed the pooch on corporate responsibility, supports death threats


Gary Newsome, Editor
Baja Racing