THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Good Morning Race Fans!

Baja Racing for all further coverage. The LIVE! Racecast of this years BAJA 1000! The Green Flag drops on Thursday, November 18th, 6 AM PT.

We are LIVE! From Ensenada Mexico, in Baja California. Tuesday November 16th was the last day of the LIVE! PRE-RACE Webcast...Scroll Down To The Most Recent Pre-Race UPDATES!

We are LIVE! (with lots of coffee) in Old Mexico on the Start Line! of this years BAJA 1000.

If you have any questions or requests send them to: LIVE! NOW



LAST Pre-Race LIVE Updates! November 16, 2010

November 15, 2010

TEAM 71 Ready For Batlle in the 2010 BAJA 1000

Norman Racing Report, BAJA 1000 Pre-Runs and Testing

"Roger Norman’s Crystal Bay Casino #8 Trophy Truck will start first off the line in the 2010 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. Roger Norman will remain the driver the entire 1050 miles.. “I feel that this is the best opportunity that I would have in my life to Iron Man a race and win. You just can’t turn down an opportunity like that,” states Roger Norman who will be first off the line with an incredible truck, a co-driver who has invested as much effort into pre-running the race as Norman and an extremely supportive team.

Roger Norman has pre-ran over 5,200 miles since mid-October. “We have been putting in a lot of time making sure that our notes are right, and then checking them again. “Roger is a very strong driver and I think that we will be solid come race day”, said his co-driver.

After the extensive time invested in pre-running, Roger wanted to do one complete run of the course to ensure that he was ready to Iron Man the race. He successfully completed the task this week driving the entire racecourse, less the first 30 or so miles. “We had a little longer pits than normal, and we lost communications for almost the entire racecourse, but I didn’t have one flat BFGoodrich tire or any real problems with the truck. Overall, we had a great run, and I feel very confident that Lance and I will be able to run the entire race and be successful.” Norman drove the single seat trophy truck that he has competed in twice this year at the NORRA 1000 and the Mexicana Logistics 300. “The most wild part of the whole thing was at around midnight I hit a mile long silt bed outside of Loreto, there was a so much silt coming over the hood it was amazing! I knew that I was the only one out there to dig myself out with no way to call for help, so I was even that more motivated to get through it,” laughed Norman.

The entire Norman Motorsports team is very excited about the race coming up next week. Roger will be in Ensanada all week handing out autograph cards featuring KMC wheels and the entire team."

Roger also commented, "The only real issues during the test run were the catheter and the monster silt bed north of Loreto. The catheter blew off and that was not good, it was like water balloon popping and I couldn't unkink the hose in time. I had two sizes of catheters and decided to use the bigger one, LOL. Next time I know where to stuff my extra gloves, lol, maybe that will help hold it on. The silt was the worst I have ever seen and it was the closest I have ever been to getting stuck. I was driving blind at full throttle for atleast 500 feet but I knew if I let up I would be there all night. I had to stop and bang out the air filter in order to continue. I believe it is impassible now to all but big 4X4's. They will be grading it with a bulldozer on the 15th so that it will be ok for the race."

These pictures are from last evenings testing and shake-downs at Plaster City, California. The team is calling it a "tune" session. "Lights and GPS adjustments". An IR camera is mounted inside the cab, between the riders.

More from the Norman Racing Team as it comes in, they are first off the line on Thursday, Raceday for the BAJA 1000.

Racing a 1700 JS JeepSpeed Class

Southern Baja Racers represented at this years BAJA 1000:

Trophy Truck: Ed Stout/Jay Manning

Class 1: J. Carlos Flores (El Dingo)
Oscar Salazar

Class 12: Justin Davis/Francisco (Chico) Villagomez
Jose Cervantes/Flavio Navarro
Samuel Araiza
Traviesos Racing
J. Jesus Jimenez

Class 8: Tom Bradley/Mighty Lupito
Francisco Monroy
Stanley Burns

Class 5: Victor H. Ceseña
Tom Bird/Carlos (Ringo) Cazares

Class 7: Juan H. Paularena

Class 16: Victor Barreda
Danilo Ceseña
SportBuggy: Fernando Hoyos

Good Luck Racers!

November 13, 2010

The BAJA 1000 Projects You Haven't Heard About!

Inazuma Racing #303

Class 3 racers teaming up in a former Skilton KIA. A Blazer guy (Chris Raffo), a Bronco guy (Ken Leavitt), a Jeep guy (John Maine) teaming up to drive Bob Morton's Kia! Good luck to Bob, Ralph, and others for putting this together and all the hard work! Look for the green Kia at the finish line in LaPaz.

Katsushinge Ono #1151 Suzuki Sidekick/Samurai

More BAJA 1000 2010 Projects:
Jeff Grange #5150 Ford Ambulance
Bill Caswells BMW E30
Glenn Harris #M1 Oshkosh
Donald Verhoff #M2 Oshkosh
James McAvoy #M3 Oshkosh

Updates Loading Now...

November 12, 2010

NEW BAJA 1000 Betting Odds
NEW Racers List Posted
NEW Map Update Posted
NEW Pre-Run Videos Posted
NEW Pre-Run Reports Posted

Tom Bradley and Lupito of La Paz Take On Baja 1000

Bradley is extremely diligent about pre-running the Baja 1000 course, he says at 100 mph plus - especially at night - you have to know the route well, or you won't make it to La Paz in one piece.
Bradley is extremely diligent about pre-running the Baja 1000 course, he says at 100 mph plus - especially at night - you have to know the route well, or you won't make it to La Paz in one piece.
"We don't play golf or tennis, off-road is what we do, and it is our passion," says Tom Bradley Sr.

Tom Bradley's number 805 Chevrolet Class 8 truck is not only the most recognizable off-road truck in Mexico, it's also the winningest.
Tom Bradley's number 805 Chevrolet Class 8 truck is not only the most recognizable off-road truck in Mexico, it's also the winningest.

Bradley Racing has in fact been fervent about racing in the desert, specifically the Baja peninsula, for 32 years. Since 2000 the team has won more races and championships than any other off-road truck in Mexico. For the last 12 years Bradley has been racing with his son, Tommy. Besides racing alongside his dad, Tommy also races in CORR (Championship Off-Road Racing) in the Midwest, where he has now clinched the Crandon World Championship the last four years in a row. For this year's running of the Baja 1000 the team however will be racing separate trucks.

You need to feel the freedom...the adrenalin going maximum speed, our truck does not have wings but it can fly, says Bradley.
You need to feel the freedom...the adrenalin going maximum speed, our truck does not have wings but it can fly, says Bradley.

"Tommy is driving Trophy Truck number 45 in this race next week for Gary Magness, and I will be in truck number 805," says Bradley.

Bradley Sr. has won four Baja Championships and three Mexican National Championships in all thus far. In 2006 he was also honored with the Overall Off-Road Driver Award.

"The race shop is in La Paz, Mexico, and all prep work is done there," remarks Bradley regarding his residence being listed as Nevada and Mexico. "I fly down monthly to race in Baja. Tommy and I live in Las Vegas where we each have our own glass business. Tommy mostly races in the U.S., and all my racing is in Mexico."

Bradley's lure for Baja is powerful, and why not, Baja is the world's longest peninsula, and it's the last outback left in our corner of the world. The peninsula is divided into the state of Baja California in the north and the Baja California Sur in the south. Except for two large coastal plains on the Pacific side, the peninsula consists largely of rugged mountain ranges, with one peak, San Pedro Martir, reaching more than 10,000 ft above the Sea of Cortez. The Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California, is the body of water that separates the peninsula from the Mexican mainland. The land is desolate and arid. The only naturally cultivable areas are isolated mountain valleys. The austere immensity from horizon to horizon has woven many into its magical spell.

"We are pre-running all this week, using a GPS that has a chip that has been pre-marked by SCORE to show the route - all 1061 miles of it," says Bradley. "We also mark it as we go, for dangerous spots, special landmarks and pit areas. At 100 mph plus - especially at night - you have to know the route well, or you won't make it to La Paz in one piece."

Class 8 has a special attraction for Bradley as well, "It's a real production Chevrolet that has been modified to race in the Unlimited Truck Class," explains Bradley about his truck. "The engine is the same as a Trophy Truck, only the suspension is different because we have the original chassis and driving compartment, whereas a Trophy Truck is built out of tubular steel, like an Indy or NASCAR. Our goal is to get first place in Class 8, and we will try to move up on the Trophy Trucks and Class 1 Unlimited cars, that start in front of us."

In 2006, Bradley Off-Road Racing made a bold move, entering three different racing Series, the Baja Sur Championship, the Mexican National Championship and the Coppel Challenge. The result was yet another triple Off-Road Championship, winning all three Series in CLASS 8 Unlimited Trucks.

"Our entire professional career has been with K&N filters," comments Bradley. "We use all the K&N filters possible on the truck - carburetor, oil, breathers, etc."

Last year Bradley Racing won the biggest race of the year in Mexico, the "Dos Mares 500" and he was the first overall truck to finish, ahead of the Trophy Trucks. In all, his team was active in six major races in 2009, winning the Baja Sur Class 8 Championship for the fifth time in ten years. Bradley Racing was an influential supporter of the CABO 500 since its first race in 2006. SEE CABO 500 at


Baja Racing News LIVE! Special HOT Webcast Nov. 16 10 PM Eastern Time

LIVE UPDATE! BAJA 1000 Betting Odds!
Numers Figurin' By Gary Newsome


8 Roger Norman – Solo
2 to 1
21 Gus Vildosola, Sr. & Jr.
2 to 1
97 B.J. Baldwin / Chad Ragland
2 to 1
31 Andy & Scott McMillin
84 Nick Vanderwey / Curt LeDuc
2 to 1
71 Rick D. Johnson / Bob Shepard
2 to 1
9 Mark & Gary Weyhrich
2 to 1
23 Mark McMillin
2 to 1
59 Craig Potts
99 to 1
1 Robby Gordon – Solo
2 to 1
35 Jason Voss
4 to 1
74 Rob Bruce
7 to 1
2 Pete Sohren / Bill Hernquist / Ramsey El Wardani
89 to 1
47 James Bult
99 to 1
16 Cameron Steele / Cody Stuart / Justin Smith / Pat Dean
4 to 1
3 Mark Post / Ryan Arciero
3 to 1
94 Steve Strobel
9 to 1
22 Damen Jefferies

13 Ed Stout
8 to 1
61 Josh, Chad & Rod Hall
6 to 1
24 Adam Householder

45 Gary Magness / Rob Kittleson / Tommy Bradley, Jr.
4 to 1
49 Troy Herbst / Brian Collins
2 to 1
88 Jerry Whelchel / Brian Hess
5 to 1
19 Tim & Ed Herbst / Larry Roeseler
2 to 1
54 Jesse James
99 to 1
7 Scott Steinberger
7 to 1
48 Jimmy Nuckles
27 Dave Crinklaw
5 to 1
73 John Harrah
86 Mike Jenkins / Josh Baldwin
9 to 1
20 Rob MacCachren / Will Staats
2 to 1
76 Jesse Jones / Larry Ragland
2 to 1
30 Robbie Pierce / Mike Julson
2 to 1
95 Scott Whipple
99 to 1
66 Harry Helper
999 to 1
90 Josh Daniels

36 Glen Greer
6 to 1


101 Steve Appleton
Depends upon support
5 to 1
102 Kory Halopoff / Harley Letner
3 to 1
103 Daniel McMillin
2 to 1
104 Josh Rigsby
Has to have “Finish Face”
99 to 1
105 Cameron Thieriot /
Could surprise, plus or minus
6 to 1
106 Dale Lenk
Missing no longer
4 to 1
107 Dan Martin
Will challenge
3 to 1
108 Armin Schwarz / Martin Christensen
Scourge Of The Desert!
2 to 1
109 Eric & Stuart Chase
Needs third pilot
3 to 1
110 Juan C. Flores
Has done well
5 to 1
111 David Greenhill
Too green
99 to 1
112 Armin Kremer
2 to 1
113 Rudy Cortez
Middle of finishing pack
5 to 1
114 Todd Romano
5 to 1
115 Paul Keller
Unheralded effort
7 to 2
116 Conan Barker
99 to 1
117 Ikuo Hanawa
Ah, no!
99 to 1
118 Dave Cole
Should call for his pipe and his bowl
2 to 1
119 Cody Parkhouse
A well-experienced team
3 to 1
148 Mikey Lawrence
Type IV?
6 to 1
149 Matt Carter
29 to 1

LIVE UPDATE! KTM BAJA 1000 Effort Report

KTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
KTM is a major player in the off-road world, but the manufacturer has yet to win a SCORE Baja event. Now there's a team that seeks to change that.
From the very first days of motorcycle racing in Baja, victory has been the elusive dream. From the first Mexican 1000 race in the late 60's, simply finishing proved the primary challenge. In the infancy of such grueling races, every aspect of the bike had to be reengineered; standard frames, lights and suspension all proved unworthy of the terrain.

Those were the days when a top team would start building a bike six months ahead of the race date. Vast bins of parts would be scrutinized to find the ones with the exact required dimensions. Lighting systems would be built by hand using the latest technology available.

Today, 30-some years later, many of these practices seem arcane. The level of technology in today’s bikes makes them incredibly durable. In fact the average rider could probably grab just about any new off-road motorcycle, roll it to the start of a Baja race and expect it to finish. That may be suitable for 90% of the racers, but for those who expect an overall win there is an entire mountain of additional work necessary.

Looking through the history books, there are only a couple of brands with impressive winning records in SCORE racing south of the border. Husqvarna, Kawasaki and of course Honda account for nearly all the major race wins. During the 70’s and 80’s Husky had a long period of success. In the late 80’s and early 90’s it was Kawasaki’s turn. Then came the period, up to today, where Honda has had sole ownership of the top podium step for a whopping 14 years.

KTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
A crew descended upon Bell Mountain (above) with the goal of creating the perfect winning machine. David Pearson (below) is just one of the riders on the dream team.
KTM Baja 1000 Team EffortKTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
While this Honda win streak cannot continue forever, it will probably never be duplicated. Big Red’s key to success has been; durable bikes, great riders, hard work and an all out desire to succeed. Did I mention hard work? Since the departure of Kawasaki from Baja no one else has shown the kind of dedication required to mount a significant challenge.

There was a very competitive finish last year as a strong Kawasaki team came close to winning. As Steve Hengeveld rolled across the finish line first, there was elation from the entire team. Yet one look at Steve was enough to realize that he knew that he had not put enough distance between himself and JCR Honda’s Kendall Norman to win on time.

That team was tantalizingly close, if not for a few errors they might have tasted victory. That dramatic finish was enough to show others what might be accomplished. It also helped demonstrate just how great the lack of competition has been on Baja for many years now. The greatest challenge to Honda is simply the “other” Honda team.

One name that is conspicuous in its absence is that of KTM. For a company that has become synonymous with off-road racing success, there is only a single check mark in the Baja win column. In 2003 Best in the Desert’s Casey Folks came to Baja to promote a race and it was won by the duo of Kurt Caselli and Joey Lanza. Yet in the SCORE record books there has never been a single overall victory.

This year things might just be different. An unusual collaboration of talented people have come together to make a dedicated effort to win. Here is a little about this cast of players.

The Bike: 2010 KTM 530XC-W – KTM has committed to giving all the support necessary to campaign a race winning bike. With the help of the Austrian factory the motor has been developed to maximize durability. The team just finished a successful 18-hour endurance test, the last of a number of such tests, and feels very good about the bike. Issues surrounding oiling and cooling have been addressed so that the engine temperatures can stay low over extended periods of hard running. With its

KTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
David Pearson recently competed in the 2010 National Hare and Hound Championship, taking third overall.
six speed transmission this bike is very fast, 114 mph on the GPS. This is not a terribly important number in the scheme of racing, but the bike can cruise high speeds at relatively low rpms.

The Riders: This team is practically a “who’s who” of desert racing talent. The team has taken the unusual measure of using five riders; David Pearson, Mikey Childress, Shane Esposito, Steve Hengeveld and Mexican rider Ivan Ramirez. In short, it is the dream team of nearly every top Baja racer who does not currently ride for Honda. The combined list of accomplishments is huge. These guys have won championships in Baja, AMA National Hare & Hound, Best in the Desert and AMA District 37. Pearson and Ramirez have also competed in the ISDE, Ivan was in Morelia just last week.

I like racing best in the desert and SCORE. It’s not really what I grew up racing, but it’s what I grew up kind of liking--I like the fast roads and I like the whoops that everybody else thinks are sketchy. They are sketchy, but I’m used to riding them and I’m good at riding them, so I like riding the SCORE series.” -David Pearson

KTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
Much of the testing has fallen into the hands of Mikey Childress, who's been at the forefront in developing the KTM 530 into a Baja bike and establishing pit support.
“Getting [the bikes] dialed in, we’ve done tons of testing. We’ve been to El Centro four times; we’ve been up here [at Bell Mountain] doing this [24-hour test]. Each test has been 500-mile-plus tests for suspension and motor combinations, tire combinations and I think we’ve got it all figured out… I won in 2005 with Steve Hengeveld and Johnny [Campbell], and then I won in 2006 with Steve and Quinn Cody. A lot of this 24-hour test is my idea, something I took from Johnny. We’re basically developing the 530 and making it a Baja bike. A lot of things that I do all come from what Johnny and Bruce Ogilvie did.” –Mikey Childress

“Actually, I’ve taken a little heat about that, having five guys [on the team]. When it came about with David saying he had someone that was willing to sponsor us, who would we want to bring in, everyone that we talked to agreed on the same five guys. That way we can all just do mini-sprints…. I want to beat Honda, but it’s not a revenge thing, it’s just so I can go down and say I won the 1000. I’m getting up there [37 years old] so this is going to be one of my last chances [at the overall] so with what’s going on, I’ll take the chances that we have to. More of it for me is just the personal goal of winning; that’s the whole motivation.” -Shane Esposito

KTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
Owner of Bonanza Plumbing, Dean Potts, has contributed vast resources into making a competitive Baja KTM squad.
The Sponsor: KTM really had no aspirations to tackle a full Baja assault for 2010, there was just no money available to make it happen. Then along came Dean Potts, owner of Bonanza Plumbing of Mira Loma California. It takes a guy with some pretty unique motivation to say “Hey, I will put up the money, let’s go win this thing.” Not only that, but he then had to actually talk KTM into doing it. After seeing how close the Kawasaki team came to winning in 2009, he realized that it could be possible for someone else to pull off the overall win. He started talking with David Pearson about the prospects.

“We set up a meeting the next week in my office with David, Mikey Childress and Shane Esposito. Right off the bat I liked the chemistry and enthusiasm that these guys had. I knew then and there that if we can get KTM to play ball we have real fighting chance to pull this off.

“We just put it together. I said, ‘look, here’s the deal, guys: $40,000. That pays for all your pre-running, the helicopter, everything. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Second place isn’t an option. It’s win or nothing. If you can’t win, you’ve got to tell me now because I’m not doing this just to go participate. If we don’t win, I’ve lost all my money, guys.’"

Needless to say, Dean is pretty pumped up about winning. He has had to really step outside the bounds of some of the traditional thinking to make this effort happen. Can you imagine being the guy who just calls up a manufacturer one day and says “I want to win Baja, are you interested?” KTM’s success in Baja over the past few years has been limited. The bike needed more development time and the commitment level needed to be much higher from everyone to win. Dean’s ace in the hole is the riders; he has a great group pulled together. This is an effort that has a legitimate shot at winning.

Joining Bonanza Plumbing on the team is THR Motorsports. Shane and Mikey both work for THR who has chipped in by getting the practice bikes as well as helping with their expenses for pre-running.

KTM Baja 1000 Team Effort
With the 2010 Baja 1000 just around the corner, it won't be long before this KTM dream team hits the dirt in Mexico.
Officially the team is called; Bonanza Plumbing/FMF/KTM Factory Off Road Racing Team. That means we have to give a shout out to Antti Kallonen, the off road racing manager for KTM North America. Antti has the challenge of taking this array of people and support and funneling it all into the context of the KTM race organization.

There is also the array of KTM mechanics that have been instrumental to getting the 530XC-W race bike up to Baja spec. I am very sure that the motor builder “Sarge” has had a few sleepless nights along the way. Yet, now after two successful endurance tests, everyone feels prepared to tackle The Baja.

The riders will leave next week to start pre-running and laying out all the necessities for the pit crew support. Stay tuned as I will be down helping out and bringing you updated coverage leading up to, and during, the race.

LIVE UPDATE! Baja 1000 Motorcycle News

8x Ox Kargola is OUT for this Baja 1000. File Under Injury Report

Colton Udalls original line up was for him to start, then Ox, then Timmy Weigand, Then Justin Imhoff to finish.

Ox got hurt in a short course truck and is out for the B1K. Timmy is reportedly going to also fill in for Ox's section and Imhoff is slated, for now, to still run his original assignment. Still waiting for confirmation of all this from ICON 1, JCR's PR team.

LIVE UPDATE! Trophy Trucks & Class 1's Ready for the BAJA 1000!

8 Roger Norman
21 Gus Vildosola Jr.
97 B.J. Baldwin
31 Andy McMillin
84 Nick Vanderwey
71 Rick D. Johnson
9 Mark Weyhrich
23 Mark McMillin
59 Craig Potts
1 Robby Gordon
35 Jason Voss
74 Rob Bruce
2 Pete Sohren
47 James Bult
16 Cameron Steele
3 Mark Post
94 Steve Strobel
22 Damen Jefferies
13 Ed Stout
61 Josh Hall
24 Adam Householder
45 Gary Magness
49 Troy Herbst
88 Jerry Whelchel
19 Tim Herbst
54 Jesse James
7 Scott Steinberger
48 Jimmy Nuckles OUT W/D
27 Dave Crinklaw
73 John Harrah OUT W/D
86 Mike Jenkins
20 Rob MacCachren
76 Jesse Jones
30 Robbie Pierce
95 Scott Whipple
66 Joshua Daniels OUT W/D

CLASS 1's (17)
101 Steve Appleton
102 Kory Halopoff
103 Daniel McMillin
104 Josh Rigsby
105 Cameron Thieriot
106 Dale Lenk
107 Dan Martin
108 Armin Schwarz
109 Eric Chase
110 Juan C. Flores
111 David Greenhill
112 Armin Kremer
113 Rudy Cortez
114 Todd Romano
115 Paul Keller
116 Conan Barker
117 Ikuo Hanawa

LIVE UPDATE! FORD Interview on the BAJA 1000 EcoBoost Effort

By Robby DeGraff and Mike Levine
It’s official: Professional desert racers Mike McCarthy and Randy Merritt will each race a Ford F-150 EcoBoost V-6 truck in this year’s SCORE International Baja 1000.
The 3.5-liter EcoBoost V-6 is the first application of Ford’s gasoline direct-injection twin-turbo technology in a half-ton pickup. It’s Ford’s effort to shrink engine displacement for improved fuel economy while delivering tons of low-end power. In the 2011 F-150, the 3.5 V-6 is rated a strong 365 horsepower (at 5,000 rpm) and 420 pounds-feet of torque (at 2,500 rpm) with a flat, diesel-like torque curve. Ninety-percent of peak power is available from 1,700 rpm to 5,000 rpm.
McCarthy and Merritt’s Mongo Racing will be the first teams to introduce a turbo six-cylinder gasoline engine pickup truck to the Baja 1000. In the past, only specially tuned, naturally aspirated V-8s and turbo-diesels competed in the Baja. That prompted SCORE, the race’s administrative body, to create a brand-new class to accommodate the new mills.
McCarthy and Merritt will technically race each other in the newly created Stock Engine Truck Class instead of Stock Full, which is for production trucks. In 2008, the purpose-built Ford Raptor R raced in Class 8, for two-wheel-drive full-size trucks.
Making McCarthy’s Baja run a bit more interesting is the newly installed EcoBoost “hero engine” that’s powering his truck. The same engine first endured the equivalent of 150,000 harsh-user miles on the dynamometer, then was installed into a new 2011 F-150 to work as a log skidder in Oregon, towed a maximum trailer load at a high-speed NASCAR track and beat the competition in a towing exercise at Davis Dam. McCarthy’s truck is also the former Raptor R race chassis.
Mongo Racing’s off-the-shelf EcoBoost V-6 has Ford’s stock 6R80E transmission bolted to it. It took months of extensive preparation and transformation of a stock 2011 F-150 XL (similar to one you can find at your local Ford dealership) to turn it into a silver desert marauder.
We’ll be closely following both trucks in the race, next week, Nov. 17-21.

Next week, Ford will be entering a 2011 Ford F-150, powered by an EcoBoost engine, to take on the demanding Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 long-distance, desert endurance race, marking Ford's EcoBoost engine racing debut. Ford will equip the F-150 off-road race truck with the same stock EcoBoost engine that already has experienced 150,000 equivalent miles of dyno testing and other real-world tests as the final step in the durability torture tests in the EcoBoost Endurance Challenge. Former F-150 Marketing Manager Mark Grueber, and Ford Racing Trucks, Off-Road and Grassroots lead Cliff Irey talk about the next step in the EcoBoost Endurance Challenge.

CLIFF IREY - Ford Racing Trucks, Off-Road & Grassroots

IS THERE A MORE DEMANDING RACE ON THE PLANET THAN BAJA? "In North America, Baja is probably one of the most demanding. The race changes from year to year. Every third year, the Baja race gets more challenging because the race starts in Ensenada and finishes in La Paz, which is a little over 1,000 miles depending on how the course is routed and those are pretty tough miles. Inside the United States there are a couple of races that are arguably tougher, but they are not as long."

CAN YOU DESCRIBE THE CONDITIONS THAT AN OFF-ROAD TRUCK DRIVER HAS TO ENDURE IN THE BAJA TRUCK? "Part of what makes off-road racing unique are the conditions that an off-road driver has to overcome. It's a true match of the driver and the machine where the conditions one time could be driving across a dry lake bed where it's hard packed and the vehicle could go wide- open at maximum vehicle speed and right around the corner could be a really tough river bed, or rocks or sand that they have to work their way through, and those go over very low vehicle speed. The average speed at the end of most off-road races is about 40 mph for some of the fast trucks. We think that the EcoBoost truck will average about 33 mph, which is pretty outstanding in itself. That will going through a whole lot of tough conditions and we will be able to pass a fuel stop or two.

THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME FORD HAS USED BAJA AS A TEST FOR A PRODUCT. TWO YEARS AGO THE RAPTOR MADE ITS DEBUT THERE. "There's a lot of learning that Ford achieves through off-road racing. It can be a new product that we're testing. It can be a new part that we're testing, and every now and then those pieces and those parts come together and we get some good notoriety and good publicity. The best known off-road race in North America is the Baja 1000. When you go down to Baja with a product that you want to prove, and you finish the Baja 1000, and you compete well in the Baja 1000, which plays very well throughout the country."

FORD HAS A RICH OFF ROAD TRUCK HISTORY AND BAJA IS THE CROWN JEWEL. . "Ford has won the Baja a record 13 times, and I think this year will probably make it 14 with the great competition that we have out there, the great competitors. We learn a lot every time we go down. We learn when we drive in Baja. We learn when we drive from Vegas to Reno. We learn when we put the trucks in tough competition. The reality of off-road racing is that it's probably an abnormal test mode. The average customer isn't going to take their truck and go and drive it in the Baja 1000, but in the course of 100,000 miles of the truck's life, it might see those conditions all cumulative. When we learn, we communicate it back to the engineering team in case there's a chance that they can make the customer's next Ford F-150 even better."

BESIDES THE ECOBOOST ENTRIES OF MIKE MCCARTHY OR RANDY MERRITT, WHAT OTHER FORD ENTRIES ARE IN THE BAJA 1000? All of the entries in the Baja 1000 are privateers. Ford has given a little bit of engine help to Randy Merritt and Mike McCarthy, but even those entries are privateer entries. Ford gets a great proportion of the entries in off-road racing because the drivers and teams like to finish races and the Ford heritage helps them do that. We will probably have between 50-60 Ford entries in the Baja 1000 that are Ford badged in one way or another."

HOW COMMON IS IT FOR A PRODUCTION TRUCK ENGINE TO BE ENTERED IN THE BAJA 1000? "It is very unusual for a production engine and its production trim to be competing in the Baja 1000. We think that it gives Ford somewhat of an advantage because we will have reliability, we'll have good mileage, we'll have outstanding performance in a couple of chassis that we already know about. The FORD F-150 is the best selling truck in North America and going down to Mexico is a way we can communicate that to the average customer."

HOW MANY MILES ARE TYPICALLY ON AN ENGINE TO BE ENTERED IN THE BAJA 1000? "Everybody wants to go to Baja with their latest and greatest engine, so they're typically they are brand-new fresh racing engines just off the dynamometer where they run for four or five hours for break-in."

WITH THE ECOBOOST ENGINE, IT'S BEEN THROUGH A LOT ALREADY THROUGH THIS ENDURANCE CHALLENGE. WHAT ARE YOU HOPING TO GET OUT OF THIS WITH THE ENGINE BEING IN ONE OF THE TRUCKS FOR THE BAJA 1000? "We think that the EcoBoost engine running in Baja is the perfect marriage. It's a tough race, it's a difficult race, you have to pay attention every second through day and night because you're driving 1,000 miles off-road, one shot, no stops unless you need fuel, but there's just one shot. It's just one night. So what it is, is a great opportunity to get the engine running, get it up to temperature and just drive. We think that it's a great opportunity to prove the engine, prove the mechanical stuff that goes along with it and get some mileage while we're going. Part of pit stops is getting into the pit, getting back out of the pit. With EcoBoost we're going to get a little better mileage than the average guy, so that could save us minutes, which at the end of a 32-33 hour race it could make the difference."

WHAT MODIFICATIONS ARE TYTPICALLY MADE TO AN ENGINE FOR BAJA? "For Baja, the changes are different based on the racing class and there are 11 or 12 different racing classes that could use Ford powertrains. For the durability, the reliability in the stock-type vehicles, the engine changes seem to be modest. They change pistons, they change cylinder heads, they might change cam shafts. In the unlimited classes, those guys are going for bear. They have the Ford Racing cylinder heads, they have the Ford Racing engine blocks, they have the new cranks, and they are loaded for bear. They are 700 plus horsepower and they are ready to run."

CAN YOU TALK A BIT ABOUT THE ECOBOOST ENDURANCE CHALLENGE AND ALL THIS ENGINE HAS GONE THROUGH? "Well I didn't go to the initial meeting, and what came out of that meeting the discussion was wouldn't it be great for this engine to go through an incredible torture test before it gets to Baja. There was a EcoBoost engine Baja effort already in place for a couple of new engines, and adding in the durability challenges, and the torture test just made a lot of sense. I wasn't in the meeting where the decision was made to go, but quite frankly I supported it from the minute I heard about it. The engine has already proven itself by getting through the dyno test, getting through the log hauling, getting through round the clock run at Homestead and getting through Davis Dam. I saw the engine last week in the truck and it looks brand new from the outside. I'm sure the inside has done a lot of work, but you would never know it. Going down and racing in Mexico, going off-roading, is an awesome way to show this engine off."

IF THIS ENGINE MAKES IT THROUGH BAJA, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR FORD? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR THIS ENGINE? "I think the fact that we've made it this far demonstrates that the engine is so tough, so durable. It does all of the things that the customer might want to do with their truck throughout its life. Going down to Baja is just icing on the cake. If we get through this race it's just a wonderful demonstration that the engine is even tougher than anybody would ever predict. We've talked to a couple of race teams that have heard about the EcoBoost Endurance Challenge test and first off they are just thrilled that we are using their forum to demonstrate the engine. Secondly, they are just impressed that we've got this far. We're going to have a lot of people down there cheering for us."

MARK GRUEBER - Former F-150 Marketing Manager

TELL US ABOUT THE F-150 ECOBOOST ENDURANCE CHALLENGE. "We have an F-150 EcoBoost torture test which is a new idea that we are using to prove out the durability that went into the new EcoBoost truck engine for the F-150. Basically we took a random engine off of our Cleveland engine plant assembly line, dropped it into an F-150 and put it through a series of extreme real world tests. The first test we did was to take it to the Northwest and haul timber, showing the low end torque of the truck and the EcoBoost engine. Then it was down in the other side of the country in Homestead, near Miami, and it was towing an 11,300-pound trailer for 24 hours, at top-speed, reaching speeds pushing 100 miles per hour. It was a continuous test, showing the best in class towing capability and durability of the engine. The next step we took, and again this is the same engine going through all these tests, we took it out to Davis Dam and put it through towing exercises up Davis Dam to show the low end power and towing capability of the EcoBoost engine. Finally, we took the engine out of the truck and are putting it in a race truck and taking it to the Baja 1000 and we are going to race that same engine that has been through all that abuse in the Baja 1000 to prove the durability in the extreme test of Baja."
WHY BAJA? "Baja is something that Ford has a long history in. We have the most championships, 13, down there racing Ford engines. It is seen by most customers and truck enthusiasts as the most extreme real world test that we could find for the truck and for the EcoBoost engine. It is a great test. You get to test the truck in severe conditions, big climate changes; the actual road itself will really test the engine at low and high speed applications. Last year, only about 40-percent of the vehicles finished the race itself. Here we have an engine that has been through the equivalent of over 10 years of abuse and we are going to put it down in the Baja 1000 with a completely stock engine."

DESCRIBE THE NORMAL ENDURANCE TESTING A F-150 ECOBOOST ENGINE WOULD GO THROUGH. "Typically all of our engines, before they are certified as Built Ford Tough, they go through both real world testing and Dyno lab testing. In the Dyno lab, they go through the equivalent of 150,000 real world miles of testing. The test has many components to it, one of which is a thermal test where they have over a 200-degree temperature change over and over to test the engine under stress. They also run the engine at full throttle at several hours in a row. Basically, they will put on 150,000 equivalent miles or roughly 10 years of use. All engines go through that testing and some real world testing that our engineers put them through. All trying to replicate what the toughest of our tough customers will put it through so that when we deliver it to our customers they know it has been Built Ford Tough."

IS THAT IS THE SAME TEST THAT THIS ECOBOOST ENGINE HAS GONE THROUGH? "Yes, this EcoBoost engine that we have for this torture test, the first thing it did was go through a series of those tests, putting 150,000 equivalent miles on it. It went through running a full throttle, the thermal testing and then it was dropped in the truck for the series of other tests that it went through."

WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO LEARN FROM THE F-150 ECOBOOST ENDURANCE CHALLENGE? "We hope to get a lot of good engineering information out of the tests. A real critical part is when we take the engine out of the race truck after the Baja 1000 and our engineers will tear it apart to see the success of the engine. We will see if there are any areas they want to look at further, any areas of concern or areas that met all the specs that they wanted it to. A key part of this test is to go back, look at this engine, see how it performs and see what changes, if any, need to be made to make sure these engines are bulletproof for our customers."

WHAT HAS BEEN THE DRIVER FEEDBACK? "We have gotten some great feedback. Initially, we got some good feedback internally where some people were kind of scratching their head and asking if we were really going to subject one engine to all these extreme tests. A lot of people were a little nervous about it because this isn't something that they normally test for. Some of the driver feedback we have gotten is that they are simply amazed at the EcoBoost, a 3.5L engine in this truck can do so much, is so powerful and so tough. The loggers up in the Northwest were really impressed with its power. At NASCAR, they couldn't believe that we had a truck towing 11,000 pounds going for 24 hours in a row and pushing speeds of 100 miles per hour. I think when we get to Baja and have a stock engine with basically 10 years of abuse on it and we are going to race that, it will be a deal where people are scratching their head and amazed at how tough this engine is."

WHEN THE F-150 TEAM HEARD ABOUT THIS ENDOURANCE CHALLENGE, WHAT WAS THEIR REACTION? "We had a lot of great support from the engineers, but they certainly were a little bit concerned and asked some questions. One of the engineers said, 'Hey, I don't even need a truck, but if this EcoBoost passes all these tests I am going to buy one just because I am that impressed with this engine.' In general, the engineers know these are real extreme tests that are above and beyond what a customer would subject their truck to. Nobody is going to go run 24 hours in a row towing a 11,300 pound trailer. They aren't going to race their truck in Baja. These are things that are so over the top that I think our engineers understand that this is way above and beyond what any real world customer could subject the engine to. At the same point, they are looking forward to the challenge."

IN YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, WHAT HAS BEEN THE MOST INTERESTING CHALLENGE FOR THE ENGINE? "To me, the Dyno test is something that all our engines go through, but is the one that is the most interesting to me. It is simulating roads and conditions that no customer could even find or put their truck through. It has over 200-degree temperature changes that you simply could not find in the real world. It is going up essentially Pikes Peak towing a trailer with a full load. It is putting the engine through such extreme stress that it is something no engine could go through in the real world; it can only be done in a lap. To me, that is the most extreme and most exciting for us because it is pushing it to the absolute extreme limit."

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT THE TRUCK TO DO IN BAJA? "For Baja, our main goal is to finish the race with the EcoBoost engine. This isn't an effort where we are taking a factory truck and are looking to dominate or win the race. We have a stock engine that is racing against 700-800 horsepower competitive trucks. Our main goal is to continue the testing of the EcoBoost engine and its durability, finish the race and finish testing out the durability of the engine. If we can finish this race with a 10-year-old-plus equivalent stock engine against all these highly modified engines and trucks, we will be thrilled. If we can just simply finish this race and cap off this extreme torture test, for us that will be 100-percent success."

WHAT MAKES THE BAJA 1000 SUCH AN EXTREME TEST? "The 2010 Baja 1000 is a real extreme test this year. It is always a tough race, but this year it is going to be a true 1,000-mile race and a run down the Peninsula. In the past, it has been more of a figure-eight set up where the crews could get in and support the race vehicles at different points during the race. This year, the logistics will be a real challenge because it is a straight line and you won't be able to follow the truck throughout the race. The 1,000- mile distance plus the logistics of this year's race are going to make it exceptionally challenge for all the teams."

LIVE UPDATE! Sebastian Saavedra to join Marco Guerrero

Sebastian Saavedra to join Guerrero for Baja 1000: Roberto Guerrero will celebrate his 52nd birthday Nov. 16 with a close circle of friends - all of whom will begin competition two days later in the 43rd Baja 1000.
The 15-time Indy 500 starter (runner-up in 1987) will mark his sixth time participating in the race along the rugged long-distance desert course that begins in Ensenada (south of Tijuana) and finishes in La Paz, Mexico. IZOD IndyCar Series and Firestone Indy Lights competitor Sebastian Saavedra, five-time Indy 500 starter Davy Jones, Marco Guerrero and Mike Cassling will form the team in the Baja Challenge class.
"I was invited to do it in 2000, which was the Baja 2000 (2,000 miles)," Guerrero said. "It was a great challenge and a lot of fun and I have done it most years ever since. We'll be racing with Wide Open Baja and they do a great job with the whole logistics, preparation of the cars and chase crews."
Baja Challenge entrants use Subaru-powered and identically-equipped Baja touring cars.
"It will be the first time for Saavedra racing on any sort of dirt," Guerrero added about his 20-year-old Colombia countryman who competed in a charity karting race over the weekend in Colombia. "Unfortunately, we're not going to be able to 'pre-run,' which will make it a bit more of a challenge."
Among Indy car drivers who have tested the Baja have been Rick and Roger Mears, Parnelli Jones, Danny Ongais, Danny Sullivan, Jimmy Vasser, Buddy Rice, Sebastien Bourdais, Oriol Servia, Michel Jourdain Jr., Robby Gordon, Johnny Unser and Mike and Robbie Groff.


Updated map and the miliages are only off by several miles each.
(El Crucero is updated from (was) 337 ---&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; is now 334)
(san juanico was 673 ---&~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; is now 669)


Updated on November 10th FOUR WHEEL VEHICLE CLASSES: SCORE TROPHY TRUCK: VEH # Roger Norman 8 Gustavo Vildosola, Jr. 21 B.J. Baldwin 97 Andy McMillin 31 Nick Vanderwey 84 Rick D. Johnson 71 Gary Weyhrich 9 Mark McMillin 23 Craig Potts 59 Robby Gordon 1 Jason Voss 35 Rob Bruce 74 Pete Sohren 2 James Bult 47 Cameron Steele 16 Mark Post 3 Steve Strobel 94 Damen Jefferies 22 Ed Stout 13 Josh Hall 61 Adam Householder 24 Gary Magness 45 Troy Herbst 49 Jerry Whelchel 88 Tim Herbst 19 Jesse James 54 Scott Steinberger 7 Jimmy Nuckles W/D 11/3 48 Dave Crinklaw 27 John Harrah W/D 10/18 73 Mike Jenkins 86 Rob MacCachren 20 Jesse Jones 76 Robbie Pierce 30 Scott Whipple 95 Harry Helper 66 Joshua Daniels W/D 11/9 90 Glen Greer 36 CLASS 1 UNLIMITED: VEH # Steven Appleton 101 Kory Halopoff 102 Daniel McMillin 103 Josh Rigsby 104 Cameron Thieriot 105 Dale Lenk 106 Dan Martin 107 Armin Schwarz 108 Eric Chase 109 Juan C. Flores 110 David Greenhill 111 Armin Kremer 112 Rudy Cortez 113 Todd Romano 114 Paul Keller 115 Conan Barker 116 Ikuo Hanawa 117 Dave Cole 118 Cody Parkhouse 119 Mikey Lawrence 148 Matthew Carter - 1st RS 149 CLASS 10: VEH # Peter Hajas 1001 Lars Ferry 1002 Jesus J. Gonzalez A. 1003 Sergio Salgado V. 1004 Jon Walker 1005 Alex Crosthwaite 1006 SCORE LITES: VEH # Justin Davis 1201 Perry McNeil 1202 Zak Langley 1203 Samuel Araiza 1204 Jose Cervantes, Jr. 1205 Lee Banning 1206 John Padgett 1207 Dave Wert 1208 James Marquez 1209 Brent Parkhouse 1200 Antonio Castro L. 1211 Jake Jones 1212 Hector Garcia 1213 Eric Palacios 1214 Jose De Jesus Flores C. 1215 CLASS 8: VEH # Clyde Stacy 800 Sam Stahl 801 Noah Ostanik 802 Juan C. Lopez 803 Kent Kroeker 804 Tom Bradley 805 Stanley Burns 806 Francisco Monroy-1st RS 839 PROTRUCK: VEH # Nils Castillo 1360 Chelsea Magness 1340 Paul Perrizo 1313 Troy Vest 1301 Rob Reinertson 1335 CLASS 1/2-1600: VEH # Jay Reichert 1601 Wes McKenzie 1602 Harry J. Curtin 1603 Arturo Velazco 1604 Kevin J. Walsh 1605 Pancho Bio 1606 Rick Steven 1607 Danilo Cesena C. 1608 Ray Files-7th RS 1643 Alejandro Lozano- 6th RS 1644 Eliseo Garcia - 5th RS 1645 Hiram Duran-4th RS 1600 Arnoldo Ramirez M.-3rd RS 1647 Luke McMillin-2nd RS 1648 Daniel Lopez-1st RS 1649 CLASS 4: VEH # John Langley 401 William Ericksen 402 Jim Kirby 403 Mark Stevens 404 CLASS 5: VEH # Cody Kellogg 501 Kevin Carr 500 Drew Belk 503 Pietro Brassea 504 Carlos Albanez 505 Victor H. Cesena, Jr. 506 Tom Bird-2nd RS 518 Vince Wavra-1st RS 519 CLASS 6: VEH # J.T. Taylor 601 Marc Burnett 602 Fernando J. Manzo 603 Al Hogan 604 Aaron Celiceo 605 Heidi Steele-2nd RS 600 David Caspino-1st RS 619 CLASS 7: VEH # Jackie Husmann 701 Dan Chamlee 700 Scott Ulrich 703 Guillermo Gallardo A. 704 BAJA CHALLENGE: VEH # Mike Cassling BC1 John McInnis III BC2 Steven Funk BC3 Christian Hammarskjold BC4 Bud Brutsman BC5 Brian Valentine BC6 Nick Baldwin WD 10/27 BC19 CLASS 5-1600: VEH # Dennis Webb 551 Trevor Anderson 552 Sergio Moreno S. 553 Erich Reisen 554 John Witchell 555 Alonso Angula 550 Armando Garcia R. 557 Ernesto Arambula-1st RS 579 CLASS 7SX: VEH # Norm Turley 741 Jon Anderson 742 Elias Hanna 743 CLASS 7-2: VEH # Fawn Finchum 721 Reid Rutherford 722 Jim Riley 723 CLASS 2: VEH # James Kirby W/D 11/5 201 Mark Stevens W/D 11/8 202 CLASS 3: VEH # David Moore 301 Donald Moss 300 Bob Morton 303 STOCK FULL: VEH # Sam Edgar 861 Joe Bacal-1st RS 879 STOCK ENGINE TRUCK CLASS: VEH # Randy Merritt 898 Mike McCarthy 899 M-TRUCK: VEH # Glenn Harris M1 Donald Verhoff M2 James McAvoy M3 STOCK MINI: VEH # Justin Matney 761 Ivan Stewart-2nd RS 778 Gavin Skilton-1st RS 760 CLASS 9: VEH # Clyde Stacy 901 CLASS 17: VEH # Mike Shaffer 1700 Eric Filar 1701 Perry Coan 1702 SPORTSMAN TRUCK: VEH # Randy Swink 1501 Bill Wolford 1502 Ken Fraizer 1503 Rigoberto Cazares 1504 Gregg Smith 1505 SPORTSMAN BUGGY: VEH # Dan Kolenich 1401 Peter Lang 1400 Mark McIntyre 1403 Michael Brown 1404 Fernando Hoyos A. 1405 Jung-Taek Yoon 1406 CLASS 11: VEH # Alfonso Lacarra 1101 Matt Cullen 1102 Scott Wisdom 1103 Eric Solorzano-1st RS 1100 SPORTSMAN UTV: VEH # Tom Graves 1800 Kevin Fuller 1801 Chris Koch 1802 EXHIBITION VEHICLES: VEH # Katsushige Ono 1151 Jeff Grange 5150 MOTORCYCLE & ATV CLASSES: CLASS 22: VEH # Gabriel Williams-SOLO 2X A.J. Stewart 3X Junpei Saito 4X Steve Corrie 5X Kendall Norman 1X David Pearson 7X Colton Udall 8X Francisco Arredondo 9X Dennis Hannel 10X Mark Bradford 11X Aaron Lindsey-SOLO 12X CLASS 30: VEH # Javier Hernandez B. 301X Steve Garnett 302X Jonathan Jessy 303X Markus Saarinen 304X Ace Nilson 305X Francisco Septien 306X Talya Dodson-SOLO 307X Don Hatton 308X CLASS 40: VEH # Tom Vogt 401X Lloyd Andrew-SOLO 402X Boo Custer 403X Louie Franco 404X Mike Prunty 405X Andrew Wilkins 406X Henrik Andersom 407X Terry Peregoodoff-1st RS-SOLO 449X CLASS 21: VEH # Sol Saltzman 101X Adam Neuwirth 102X Ernesto Inowe 103X Ruben Alamo, Jr-1st RS 149X CLASS 20: VEH # Jason Trubey 151X Jesus Rios 150X Anna Cody 153X CLASS 50: VEH # Jim Dizney 501X Jim O'Neal 500X Bruce Hendel W/D 10/25 503X CLASS 60: VEH # Don Lewis-2nd RS 618X Bill Nichols-1st RS 619X CLASS 25: VEH # Felipe Velez T. 2A Scott Chandler W/D 10/26 3A Wayne Matlock 1A Josh Edwards 5A Eric Bakx 6A Craig Christy 7A CLASS 24: VEH # Shawn Robins 101A Brandon Brown 102A Tom Wright 103A Natanael Morron C. 104A Craig Christy 100A Efren Carrasco 106A SPORTSMAN MOTO UNDER 250CC: VEH # Edd Price W/D 10/14 201X Michele Bergman 202X Matt Ladendorf 203X Greg Willitts 204X Fred Sobke 205X Ron Tolman 206X Tony Carrell 207X SPORTSMAN MOTO OVER 250CC: VEH # Tom Lajoie 251X Don Gentry 252X Mike Frick 253X Mike Mensinger 254X Barry Van Fossan 255X Oscar Fazz 256X Tom Buikema-SOLO 257X Lance Kane-SOLO 258X Carl Westphal-SOLO 259X John Legate 260X David Smoljan-SOLO 261X Craig Anstine 262X Yoshiyuki Imai 263X Peter Hardy-SOLO 264X Chuck Shortt 265X Tibi Imbuzan-SOLO 266X Donald Hatton W/D 11/5 267X Nobuyuki Oguri 268X Go Onodera 269X Makoto Mitsuki 270X Anthony Nicodemo 271X Paul Lopez 272X Ulises Fierro 273X Salvador Sainz 274X Michael Korenwinder-SOLO 275X Sanjay Shanbhag-SOLO 276X James Avery 277X Tomoki Hayashi 278X Timothy Schimke-SOLO 279X Andrew Tweedle 280X Keith Ciampa-SOLO 281X Thierry Mas-SOLO 282X Kikuchi Yuji 283X Yuzo Ota 284X Edd Price 285X Davy Patterson-SOLO 286X Shawn Evans 287X Tony Carrell W/D 11/3 288X Dimiitri Flores 289X Carlos Alonso 290X Joel Blocksom 291X Ken Kosiorek-1st RS SOLO 299X SPORTSMAN ATV: VEH # Brad McLean 51A Fernando Amador S. 52A Greg Row-2nd RS-SOLO 98A Gustavo Ameca-1st RS 99A CLASS 26: VEH # Reid Rutherford 200A Mike Penland-2nd RS 218A Rob Ransford-1st RS 219A

The BAJA 1000 2010 Pre-Race Storyline

It's been a tough year for desert, off-road racing on the West Coast of North America.

In August, 8 racing fans were killed in a race incident, that the California Highway Patrol and the Bureau of Land Management, still has yet to lay blame.

Why? Because the federal authorities are greatly to blame themselves.

The New Years eve mainstay race for years will not go off this year, because the feds are setting up the sport to fail. They have "long-term alternative energy plans" for that part of the California Desert and already it's plain, they are killing off any races they can. Right Now.

The Baja 1000 is claimed to be the longest running desert off-racing event in the world. Southern California recently celebrated the 103rd birthday of desert racing this past weekend in Los Angeles. Events not associated with the Baja 1000. SEE for details HERE

But, in Baja Mexico, after 103 years of 'regional' desert racing, the 43rd running of the Baja 1000 will be making its way to La Paz, the capital of Baja South, for the finish line.

This years race starts November 18. Contingency, the biggest Cluster-F in motorsports will be in downtown Ensenada, the start line city on November 17, all day. Baja Racing will have LIVE! Streaming video sources starting early on Wednesday, November 17, oner week from today.

We'll also have LIVE! Baja Racing News RADIO LIVE shows throughout this week and some surprise LIVE! video streaming at various parties up until the GREEN FLAG drops early on Thursday, November 18.

We'll also have the 'INSIDE STORY' of how our sponsor Baja Safari, first released the now classic, DUST TO a small ranch in San Diego county, free of charge...

Chasers, Racers and Fans! Don't Drive at Night if you can help it, here's the result of hitting the local livestock. Not pretty

Gary Newsome LIVE! at the Start Line in Ensenada, Mexico



LIVE! Pre-Race Webcast Begins NOV 10

UPDATED! November 10, 2010

(By Class Starting Order-as of 11/08/10)
CLASS 22 (Open, 250cc or more)--
2x Gabriel Williams, Provo, Utah, Honda CRF450X
3x A.J. Stewart, Jamul, Calif./Bryce Stavron, Palmdale, Calif./Kevin Johnson, Boulder City, Nev./Jesse Sharpe, Escondido, Calif./Craig Smith, Brawley, Calif., Honda CRF450X
4x Junpei Saito/Kyonari Ohtsukas/Shigeru Kurai, Japan, Honda CRF450X
5x Steve Corrie, Brush Prairie, Wash./Dan Boespflug, Battleground, Wash./Joey Lancaster, Troutdale, Ore./Craig Bowman, Kelso, Wash., Honda CRF450X
1x Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif./Quinn Cody, Buellton, Calif./Johnny Campbell, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X
7x David Pearson, Panaca, Nev./Mike Childress, Wrightwood, Calif./Ivan Ramirez, Ensenada, Mexico/Shane Esposito, Lake Elsinore, Calif./Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif., KTM 530XCW
8x Colton Udall/Jeff Kargola, San Clemente, Calif./Justin Imhoff, Alta Loma, Calif., Honda CRF450X
9x Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala/James West, Great Britain/Mark Ackerman, South Africa/Sunny Irvine, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda CRF450X
10x Dennis Hannel, Shingle Springs, Calif./Jim Owens/Nick Owens, Scotts Valley, Calif., Brian Lerette, Arnold, Calif., Honda CRF450X
11x Mark Bradford/Stephen Bradford, City of Industry, Calif./Manny Ornellas, Redding, Calif./Kelly Malobovich, Phelan, Calif./Mark Fillerbrown, Allentown, Pa., Honda CRF450X
12x Aaron Lindsey, Macon, Ga., Yamaha YZ450F


Ever since the first known record run occurred in 1962, by Dave Ekins and Bill Robertson Jr., motorcycles have been at the foundation and the heart of SCORE Baja racing. Next week’s 43rd Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 will showcase over 90 motorcycle teams. Most with an average of three riders each, from all over the world, the field includes nearly 20 racers who will attempt the journey riding solo to earn the glory of the Sal Fish SCORE IronRider Award. The granddaddy of all desert races, which is the season-finale of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series will be held on Mexico’s magnificently mysterious Baja California peninsula next Tuesday through Saturday.
SCORE Baja racing, with three events held annually In Mexico, offers seven Pro motorcycle classes, three classes based on engine size and four for age-group riders and two Sportsman classes, one for under 250cc engines and one for over 250cc engines.
While many superb riders will be competing in the age-group categories, like Jim O’Neal who has nine career SCORE Baja 1000 class wins and leads a Class 50 team that includes 15-time class winning co-rider Craig Adams, along with a Class 30 team that includes Francisco Septien, Brian Pinard, Noe Ibarra and Mike Johnson, a Class 40 team that includes Louie Franco, Jeff Kaplan and Scott Myers and even a Class 60 team that includes seven-time class winner Richard Jackson and six-time winner Bill Nichols, the main spotlight will be on Class 22 for open motorcycles.
In the battle of desert-racing heavyweights, the JCR/Honda team which includes two Honda CRF450X motorcycles filled with champion riders going against the factory-supported Bonanza Plumbing/KTM Off-Road KTM 530XCW. It will be a re-match of June’s Tecate SCORE Baja 500 that saw the Hondas finish one-two, followed closely by the KTM. CLICK HERE FOR KTM TEAM PICS!
While KTM has never won this race, Honda has 20 overall two-wheel wins including the last 13 consecutive years, records that will be hard to stop.
The Johnny Campbell Racing/Honda team is led by legendary SCORE Baja racer Johnny Campbell, although he is no longer a regular rider and is listed as a co-rider, if needed, for this year, Campbell, 39, of San Clemente, Calif., has been a part of 11 overall winning teams for Honda including the last two since he took over operations of the factory-supported team directly from American Honda.
Rider of record for the No. 1x JCR/Honda is Kendall Norman, 26, of Santa Barbara, Calif., while currently leading the SCORE Class 22 season point standings is the No. 8x JCR/Honda team led by rider of record Colton Udall, 24, of San Clemente, Calif. Udall leads Norman by just seven points heading into the 2010 season finale.
In addition to the availability of Campbell in the red corner for this battle of champions, the scheduled co-rider for Norman is regular co-rider Quinn Cody, 34, of Buellton, Calif. Timmy Weigand, Santa Clarita, Calif., is coming back from personnel health issues and is expected to rider for one of the two JCR/Honda teams. The Norman/Cody/Weigand trio won last year’s Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, giving Norman his fourth career overall win in this race, Cody his second and Weigand his first.
Riding with Udall on the 8x will be Jeff Kargola, 27, San Clemente, Calif., and newcomer Justin Imhoff, 17, of Alta Loma, Calif. Udall and Kargola teamed to win this year’s Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 in March.
In the orange corner for this heavyweight championship battle will be the talent-rich No. 7x Bonanza Plumbing/KTM Off-Road KTM 530XCW, led by David Pearson, 27, of Panaca, Nev. Joining him in this quest to unseat JCR/Honda will be former Honda factory riders Steve Hengeveld, 34, of Oak Hills, Calif. and Mike Childress, 27, of Wrightwood, Calif., along with age-group winning rider Shane Esposito, 36, of Lake Elsinore, Calif. Hengeveld, is a seven-time overall winner in this race while Childress has won it twice. Joining this quartet as the team’s fifth rider will be budding Mexican star rider Ivan Ramirez, 17, of Ensenada.
As an individual rider, Pearson, part of the KTM Off-Road team, finished third in the final points in this year’s AMA Hare & Hound Championship Series with two race wins. Norman won the title in that series with five race wins riding for the JCR/Honda team.
Besides running the JCR/Honda racing program, Johnny Campbell also oversees the JCR/Honda Pits program that offers first-class racing support to Honda mounted riders at every SCORE Baja race in a program first started by American Honda in the 1980s. The program has become an essential component of Honda mounted competitors because the speed and efficiency of a pit stop can make or break your race. The SCORE Baja 1000 requires nearly 20 pits this year, roughly 60 miles apart.
Johnny Campbell, the iconic desert motorcycle racer is profiled in a new feature documentary by Seven Films. Directed by Ryan Ray and narrated by Troy Adamitis, ‘True Champion’ is the story of how Johnny Campbell evolved from the typical southern California adolescent roosting around on a dirt bike to a multi-time desert racing champion with world-wide respect. What isn’t typical is the path Campbell faced in becoming a champion: A tragic turning point effectively ending his youth and presented him with a choice to go “All-In” and chase his dreams to become the winningest rider in the 43-year history of the SCORE Baja 1000.

LIVE UPDATE! November 9, 2010

Mongo Racing Prepares for the Baja 1000 with an all new Ford F-150

Randy Merritt and Mongo Racing are preparing to conquer the Mexican peninsula known as Baja Mexico. Their all-new 2011 Ford F-150 is similar to the Ford F-150 you can get at our local Ford Dealer with only a few modifications for racing………and yet there is still more to this impressive story.

Randy Merritt and Mongo Racing will be debuting the all new Ford EcoBoost 3.5L V-6 direct injection twin turbo engine at this year’s 2011 SCORE International Baja 1000 scheduled for November 17-20, 2011.
Randy Merritt and Mongo Racing stepped up their racing program in 2004. The mutually beneficial two-way technical engineering feedback program provides Mongo Racing, and Ford, streamlined communications. Mongo gets engineering information; Ford gets feedback from real-world extreme usage. Race wins, and Championship performances are bonuses!

Mongo Racing’s successes include winning numerous races, leading to their 2006 Best In The Desert Class 8100, Full-Stock, Championship.

Randy Merritt and Mongo Racing was one of Ford’s first choices to introduce the new EcoBoost 3.5L V-6 direct injection twin turbo engine to the desert environment. Randy said, “This new truck was built for this new EcoBoost 3.5L V-6 engine. The truck itself is as close to stock as possible for desert racing. Tracy Rubio at TNC Machine put in the safety cage and mounted the new massive Sway-A-Way shocks at all four corners. The truck was transferred to Mongo Racing's shop and we have been working feverishly for the past 6 weeks getting this truck into race trim.” “This truck has technology that is all new. Completing the truck in time is challenging in itself. This new truck’s suspension is close enough to our current race truck that we did save time there, but everything else is new,” added Randy.

“The new Ford F-150 EcoBoost 3.5L V-6 is stock right off the assembly line” said Randy. The stock EcoBoost 3.5L V-6 engine is mated to a stock 6R80E Ford transmission into a stock Ford rear axle with components from Yukon. UMP supplied Randy with custom air intake and aluminum tubes to help this Ford F-150 conquer the Baja 1000.

The Ford F-150 is painted Silver and shows off the new Ford EcoBoost logo on the truck for the SCORE Baja 1000. Randy said, “We don’t really know what to expect yet, but I’m really impressed with this trucks handling and performance. We have more testing scheduled before we leave for Mexico on November 15, 2011. On race-day, we'll be ready to GO!”

The Mongo Racing Ford F-150 will be out fitted with new 37x12.50x17 General Grabber Tires mounted on Trail Ready Beadlock Wheels and stopping this new truck will be up to the Brake pads and Rotors from EBC Brakes. There are ten 8 inch HID POD lights from KC Hilites mounted for night time driving and 2 Optima Batteries ensuring this new truck gets all the electrical power it needs to finish the Baja 1000. The interior is finished off with seats and safety equipment from Master Craft Safety Innovations and powder coating by ALLcoat.

Additional items helping insure the New Ford F-150 being raced by Randy Merritt crosses the finish line are lubricants by Royal Purple, Navigation by Lowrance. Helping save time during the build were products by Camburg Engineering Products and Tenneco.

The Ford F-150 will compete in an all new experimental class for reasons left to SCORE to answer; with exception of the new engine, the truck was built in accordance with the SCORE rule book for the Stock-Full class.

LIVE UPDATE! November 8, 2010

Armin Schwarz on Baja Racing News RADIO LIVE!

Heat is on at Baja 1000, Stunning action over a thousand miles: that's the Baja 1000
On Thursday, the 18th of this month, November, at 11:45 hrs local time, the flag drops and the Baja 1000 is on! One thousand miles through the desert of the Baja California in Mexico. Everybody and everything is at the limit: the drivers, navigators, the mechanics and pit crews -- all 70 members and helpers of our All German Motorsports Team. This year the route leads down from Ensenada to La Paz. So we don't do the big Ensenada-Ensenada loop, but we go south full bore. At the speeds we go no service crew would have a chance to keep up and be at the stops in time. So more or less our entire team must be in position before our two Class One Buggies start.
This year it's the classic route again, down to La Paz
During the race we have to perform a few logistic tricks to be where we have to be in time. I, for example, drive the start and the first 563 miles. Then Martin Christensen takes over to bring the Buggy home in his incomparable style: incredibly fast, yet easy on the material. I jump in a car, drive to Mexicali airport, board a plane and fly down to the finish at La Paz. Because we hope we'll have something to celebrate there.
Everything is huge at the Baja 1000, even the enthusiastic crowd at the start in Ensenada
Armin Kremer (till Race Mile 257), Andy Aigner (till Race Mile 563) and Jim Mihal (509 Miles to the finish) [Jim is the same driver who regularly runs into trees in southern Baja in races and didn't finish the CABO 500 until all the other local racers whipped him for the first big desert off-road race he entered and failed badly] make up the strong driver team for our second Buggy. One of our crews will shuttle Armin to Mexicali airport, from where he will fly down to La Paz. And then Armin can do nothing but wait and listen to the radio ... Baja Racing News RADIO LIVE! Tonight at 6 PM here
Blast from the Past:

LIVE UPDATE! November 7, 2010

"The Canidae Off Road Race team has been working tirelessly to prepare their massive, 850 plus horsepower Trophy Truck that was designed specifically for this event. Every bolt and washer will be new, every ounce of top-quality Lucas Oil fresh as the team puts the final touches on their support trucks and race machine in this massive undertaking. This team has had an amazing year and looks to cap off the season with a strong finish at this, the Granddaddy of all off road races.

The Baja Racing website will provide real time tracking, letting all race fans monitor the speed and position of the Canidae race truck and other competitors through out the event. After clicking on the “LIVE ! Race Webcast” tab on the main page of Baja Racing New click directly onto the Canidae Racing tracking page.

Race fans can also visit the Canidae Racing Team's News Site( before the race for pre-running coverage, and during the race itself to follow the team's progress via live reports and photos coming in direct from Mexico.""

LIVE UPDATE! November 5, 2010

BAJA 1000 Pre-Race Webcast Begins Nov. 10

As pre-running the rugged 1061.69-mile desert race course from Ensenada to La Paz continues this week at an accelerated pace as race days draw closer, the growing starting grid for the upcoming 43rd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 already includes 106 racers who have combined for 311 class wins in the granddaddy of all desert races. The season-finale of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series will be held on Mexico’s magnificently mysterious Baja California peninsula Nov. 16-20.

This year will be the 36th time in the first 43 years of the storied race that it has started in Ensenada and it will be the 18th time in has finished in La Paz.
With over 300 expected entries for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs competing in 33 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs in the internationally televised race, entries have already come from 35 U.S. states and 18 countries.
The race will start on Boulevard Costero adjacent to the picturesque Bahia de Todos Santos in front of the historical Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center in the heart of Ensenada at 6:30 a.m. (PST) on Thursday (Nov. 18) with the motorcycle and ATV classes, followed at approximately 11:45 a.m. with the start of the car and truck classes. It will finish on the outskirts of La Paz near the Grand Plaza Hotel, race headquarters for the southern half of the event. Vehicles will start in 30-second intervals in the elapsed-time race and all vehicles will have a 45-hour time limit to become official finishers. The fastest vehicles are expected to complete the course in approximately 19 hours.
Leading the group of 38 racers, each with at least three class wins in this classic, with 220 combined class wins are father and sons Rod, Chad and Josh Hall (33 combined class wins), Larry Roeseler (17), Craig Adams (15), Johnny Campbell (11), Steve Hengeveld (10) along with Jim O’Neal and Eric Solorzano with nine each.
In all, there is at least one class winner entered this year from 35 of the first 42 years of this event, including at least one from the last 32 consecutive years.
The most notable new team in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck division for this race is Rod Hall Racing of Reno, Nev., the winningest family in the history of this race with 33 class wins between father Rod Hall (race-record 21 class wins) and sons Chad Hall (8) and Josh Hall (4). With Josh Hall, 49, as driver of record, and Chad, 47, as the second, the father and son team will split the driving in the No. 61 Rod Hall Racing Chevy Silverado, marking the Halls first race in SCORE Trophy-Truck. Rod Hall, who will be 73 on Nov. 22, is the only person who has raced in all 42 previous Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 races. The Halls are also the winningest family in race history as well.
In addition to the 35 U.S. States, racers have entered from Australia, Austria, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Africa and the US Territory of Guam. With just two weeks before the green flag drops on Thursday, Nov. 18, entries will be accepted up to race morning.
Roeseler, 52, Huntington Beach, Calif., who has a race-record 13 overall race wins including 10 on a motorcycle, is back with Terrible Herbst Motorsports where he will be the third driver in No. 19 Ford F-150 SCORE Trophy-Truck of Tim and Ed Herbst. Roeseler also has 11 careers SCORE season class point crowns to his credit.
One of the most versatile age-group motorcycle co-riders in all of SCORE Baja racing, Craig Adams, 52, San Clemente, Calif., will be one of the members of the Class 50 (riders over 50 years old) team led by rider of record Jim O’Neal.
With a race-record career 11 overall motorcycle race victories in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, Baja legend Johnny Campbell, 39, San Clemente, Calif. now oversees the operation of his own JCR/Honda Racing factory-supported two-vehicle team and is race-ready and listed as a co-rider, if needed. The JCR/Honda riders of record on twin Honda CRF450X bikes are Kendall Norman (1x) and Colton Udall (8x).
Another of the top SCORE Baja racing motorcycle riders, Steve Hengeveld, 34, Oak Hills, Calif., has seven overall wins in this race and will be riding this year as one of the three co-riders with rider of record David Pearson on the factory-supported 7x Bonanza Plumbing/KTM Off-Road KTM 530XCW.
Owner of the noted motorcycle apparel and riding gear company that bears his name, Jim O’Neal, 64, Simi Valley, Calif., continues to put together age-group championship teams and this year will lead a Class 50 team that includes 15-time class winner Craig Adams. O’Neal has 14 career SCORE class season point championships, tying him for first all-time in SCORE history with Dan Smith and Rod Hall.
The leading Mexican national in terms of class wins in this race with nine and class season point titles with nine as well, Eric Solorzano continues to run at the front of the pack in the easily-recognizable Tecate-sponsored Baja Bug in Class 11 for stock VW sedans, the class he has race in since his first Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 race win in 1993.

While entries will be accepted up to race morning, late entries will be assigned the next available number and starting position within each class.
The car and truck classes with the most entries to date are SCORE Trophy-Truck (36), Class 1 (21), Class 1-2/1600 (14) and SCORE Lite (13).
Among the motorcycle and ATV classes, Class 22 for open motorcycles has the most entries to date with 11.
Leading the seven Sportsman classes in the race is Sportsman Motorcycle over 250cc which had 38 entries so far.

LIVE UPDATE! November 4, 2010

Robberies and Shootings Plague Tijuana, Rosarito, Ensenada and Cabo

A fisherman was shot in the neck recently at the Bisbees Fishing Tournament and Numerous Robberies and Shootings are being reported in Baja Norte

M-ATV MRAP Entered as the new truck class in Baja Racing?

LIVE UPDATE! November 3, 2010

Race Course Change Reported

LIVE UPDATE! November 2, 2010
BAJA 1000 2010 MOTO NEWS

With the Baja 1000 right around the corner there are two teams that have it all on the line.

KING OF BAJA 2008 Septien todays points leader!

Francisco (Poncho) Septien will be rider of record on the points leading team of Solmex Construction/Nextel (Mex) Kenda tire backed 450x Honda. Francisco’s team has recorded wins earlier this year at the Baja 250 and 500 which gives them a strong point lead going into the grand daddy of all off road races, the Baja 1000. Last years 30 pro class champion Mike Johnson has combined efforts to cut costs on this years 1000 and will surely make Francisco’s team that much harder to beat.
On the other end of the scale is first time rider of Record Steve Garnett, long time rider for the O’Neal 30 pro team, had no ride, with O’Neal’s team pulling out of the 1000, due to budget cuts and the rising cost of entries and pits.
Steve Garnett:
"I have never been rider of record, this opportunity came up and I jumped in feet first. I contacted Bobby Hansen first thing as he seems to be able to pull rabbits out of a hat all the time. We started contacting friends/sponsors/neighbors, hell anyone that would listen and we got this team off the ground. We are still a little short on cash but I have a good line up of riders and I think we will surprise the regulars in the 30 pro class."
Both teams will be using the next generation Kenda tires for the task at hand as Francisco’s team has helped develop the (Parker Tire) from the 250 and 500 races in Baja this year. You can track both teams during the race, just go to Race Date Nov.17-21st.
Solmex Construction/Nextel 450x Honda Kenda/McDonalds (Hawthorne)
O’Neal USA 450x Honda
Rider of Record 30 pro class 306x Rider of Record 30 pro class 302x
Francisco Septien Steve Garnett
Brian Pinard Pete Cochran
Mike Johnson David Brewer
Rex Cameron Charles Manchester
Noe Ibarra
Shane Esposito
Mexico Sponsors US Sponsors
Dragon Lentz. Kenda Tire Hot Cams/Pivot Works
Optical Americana CHM Exhaust Trail Tec.
Ruba Homes O’Neal USA Barnett Clutches
Fiesta Express Transport No Toil Filters
API Motorsports Enduro Eng. EG
FMF UFO Plastic
DCS Suspension McDonalds (Hawthorn Nv.)
Peninsula Prep Shop Iron Man Sprockets/Dirt Tricks

LIVE UPDATE! November 1, 2010
35 TROPHY TRUCKS, the Monsters of the Midway, Battle for Baja 1000

35 of the world’s best desert racers in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck starting grid, dust will fly next month but none higher than the point championship duel between third-generation desert racer Andy McMillin and cagy veteran Jesse Jones at the 43rd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. This year’s legendary desert classic, the final event of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, will be held Nov. 16-20 in Mexico on a brutally-rugged 1061.69-mile Sal Fish signature desert race course.

With over 300 expected entries for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs competing in 33 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs in the internationally televised race, entries have already come from 35 U.S. states and 16 countries.

Leading the car and truck classes into the Baja desert will be the featured SCORE Trophy-Trucks, the high-tech, 850-horsepower, unlimited production trucks that have been the stars of the sport since SCORE created the class in 1994.

This year will be the 36th time in the first 43 years of the storied race that it has started in Ensenada and it will be the 18th time in has finished in La Paz.

It’s the oldest and most well known of all desert races, and it remains as the single most appealing accomplishment to a driver. Since 1967, the mother of all desert races has been run over the mysterious and majestic Baja California peninsula.

With just six points separating San Diego’s McMillin, who splits driving with his father Scott McMillin, National City, Calif., in the No. 31 McMillin Realty Ford F-150, and Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz., who has lured five-time Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 class champion Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., this battle promises to be a desert duel for the ages as both battle for the 2010 SCORE Trophy-Truck and 2010 SCORE Overall point championships. Andy McMillin has 321 championship points and Jones has 315.

While Andy McMillin has four career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins, including two with his father, Jones has two and Ragland has an amazing 10, second-most in SCORE Trophy-Truck history.

Pre-race strategies have a way of disappearing like a mirage in the mysterious Baja desert, and while the McMillins and Jones/Ragland are punching it out in the badlands south of the border, a host of other great racers may claim the crown jewel of desert racing by winning the legendary Tecate SCORE Baja 1000.

On the silt-laden, rock-strewn trails of Baja, it’s hard to imagine a more formidable field of contenders in SCORE Trophy-Truck than this year’s magnificent field of hopeful Baja champions. Statistically, 14 drivers in this year’s field have combined to win 81 of the 97 total races in the 16-plus-year history of the class, including 12 of the 16 former season point championships and 11 of the 16 race winners in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 in SCORE Trophy-Truck. Icing on the desert cake is that drivers for the last seven consecutive SCORE Trophy-Truck winners in this race are entered again this year.

After an eighth-place finish in the season-opening SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge (in a used SCORE Trophy-Truck he purchased from McMillin Racing) Jones, won the ensuing MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 – but not before he had already sold the truck to fellow SCORE racer Bryce Menzies. Jones followed that winning effort with a solid race in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 – in which he led nearly 300 of the 432.5 miles before suffering a transmission failure – only to sell that new truck.

Jones, 44, is coming off a victory in the SCORE Terrible’s Las Vegas Primm 300 – a win that allowed Jones to pull within six points of McMillin, 24, and turn this year’s Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 into a showdown for the Overall and SCORE Trophy-Truck championships. That Jones has been able to put together a championship-contending season in a year in which he has raced three different trucks in the first four races makes his run nothing short of remarkable.

Jesse Jones and Larry Ragland Test Video for Baja 1000

And Jones wouldn’t have it any other way.

“This is the best scenario; if I was sitting down and writing it out on paper, this would be exactly what I want to have,” he said of his duel with Andy and Scott McMillin. “The McMillins are so tough and they’re such a good team and we’ve really tried to model our team after them because they’re a good group of people. They’re well-organized, they come very, very prepared and they are definitely the guys to beat.

“You always want to be the leader but, at the same time, it’s kind of fun to be the guy chasing someone else because he has a little more pressure on him than we do because this is his championship to lose.”

McMillin has had an amazing season of his own, driving solo to victory at the season-opening SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge and with his father Scott to victory in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. His other finishes this year were sixth in San Felipe and eighth in SCORE’s premier racing class in Primm.

Meanwhile back at the ‘stats’ ranch, this year’s SCORE Trophy-Truck field includes the top three winningest teams in class history led by Las Vegas brothers Tim and Ed Herbst with a record 11 career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins in their No. 19 Terrible Herbst Motorsports Ford F-150. As if they needed more help, the hired gun they retained for this shootout is Baja legend Larry Roeseler, Huntington Beach, Calif., who has three career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins on his resume and also has 17 class wins in this race.

Following Ragland’s 10 wins, this year’s SCORE Trophy-Truck lineup includes NASCAR team owner/driver Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., (No. 1 Team Gordon Chevy CK1500), who has nine wins as well as Las Vegas’ Rob MacCachren (No 20 MasterCraft Racing Ford F-150) and Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif. (No. 3 Riviera Racing Ford F-150), who each have a total of seven career race wins in the high-profile class including three while racing together. Post is teaming this year with Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., who has three career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins.

Las Vegas’ Brian Collins, who has six career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins, is teamed this year with driver of record Troy Herbst, also of Las Vegas, the youngest of the three Herbst brothers, in the No. 49 Terrible Herbst Motorsports Dodge Ram1500. While Troy Herbst has no SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins, he does have six career unlimited Class 1 victories in this race.

The other drivers entered this year with multiple career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins include four-time winners Curt Leduc, Cherry Valley, Calif., who is set to be a driver for the team led by Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix, in the No. 84 Chevy Silverado and Jerry Whelchel, Portola Hills, Calif., who is teaming with San Diego’s Brian Hess this year in the No. 88 Chevy C1500.

Las Vegas’ B.J. Baldwin has three career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins in the No. 97 Baldwin Motorsports Chevy Silverado and he will split driving this year with Chad Ragland, Vista, Calif., and his father Bobby Baldwin, also of Las Vegas.

Roger Norman, Reno, Nev., is a two-time SCORE Trophy-Truck race winner and won the 2008 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 with Larry Roeseler. Norman is driving solo this year and has drawn the first starting slot in the No. 8 Norman Motorsports Ford F-150.

Bob Shepard, of Phoenix who was the 2005 SCORE Trophy-Truck season point champion, has two career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins and will be the second driver for Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., who has one career race win in the class in Johnson’s No. 71 Ford F-150.

Mexico's Gus Vildosola Jr./Gus Vildosola Sr., are the top Mexican national team in the race in the No. 21 Vildosola Racing Ford F-150. Gus Sr. has one career SCORE Trophy-Truck race win.

The most notable new team in SCORE Trophy-Truck for this race is Rod Hall Racing, the winningest family in the history of this race with 33 class wins between father Rod Hall (race-record 21 class wins) and sons Chad Hall (8) and Josh Hall (4). With Josh Hall as driver of record, the father and son team will split the driving in the No. 61 Rod Hall Racing Chevy Silverado, marking the Halls first race in SCORE Trophy-Truck. Rod Hall, who will be 73 on Nov. 22, is the only person who has raced in all 42 previous Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 races.

While many of the teams have no SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins, most have moved up from other classes where they have had much success.

Other entries among the stars in the talented 35-truck field in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck division are: Robbie Pierce/Mike Julson, Santee, Calif. (30-Chevy Silverado), Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. (No. 9 Ford F-150), Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif. (No. 23 Ford F-150), Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Cody Stuart/Justin Smith, Capo Beach, Calif./Pat Dean, Las Vegas (No. 16 GMC Sierra), Damen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif./Mike Voyles, Murrieta, Calif. (No. 22 Chevy Silverado), Ed Stout, Irvine, Calif./Jay Manning, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico/Jason Batulis, Tustin, Calif. (13-Ford F-150), Jesse James, Austin, Texas (No. 54 Chevy Silverado), Mike Jenkins, Trego, Wisc./Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif. (No. 86 Ford F-150), Steve Strobel, Clarks, Neb./Dale Ebberts, Wilton, Calif. (No. 94 Chevy Silverado), Pete Sohren, Glendale, Ariz./Bill Hernquist, La Mesa, Calif. (No. 2 Ford F-150), Jimmy Nuckles, Brawley, Calif. (No. 48 Ford F-150) and Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif./John Swift, Santa Ynez, Calif. (No. 35 Chevy Silverado).

Mark McMillin, the older brother of Scott and uncle of Andy, is in his first full season in SCORE Trophy-Truck in the No. 23 McMillin Racing Ford F-150, but he is no stranger to the checkered flag in SCORE Baja races. Mark McMillin has eight career class wins in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, including five overall victories in the Class 1.

In addition to the 35 U.S. States, racers have entered from Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Africa and the US Territory of Guam. With just over three weeks before the green flag drops on Thursday, Nov. 18, entries will be accepted up to race morning.

It will be the 43rd anniversary of the race shrouded in mystery that continues to lure adventurers and manufacturers from across the globe who all share the dream to conquer the Baja.

The race will start on Boulevard Costero adjacent to the picturesque Bahia de Todos Santos in front of the historical Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center in the heart of Ensenada at 6:30 a.m. (PST) with the motorcycle and ATV classes, followed at approximately 11:45 a.m. with the start of the car and truck classes. It will finish on the outskirts of La Paz near the Grand Plaza Hotel, race headquarters for the southern half of the event.

Pre-race festivities on Wednesday, Nov. 17, for the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, including the vastly popular tech and contingency of all vehicles and the SCORE Manufacturer’s Midway will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Boulevard Costero in front of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center. The pre-race mandatory driver/rider briefing will be held Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. in the Cathedral Room at the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center. Racer registration will be held at the San Nicolas Resort Hotel from Saturday, Nov. 13 through Wednesday, Nov. 17. Media registration will be held at the San Nicolas Resort Hotel from Noon to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 16 and from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 17.

The post-race awards celebration and fiesta will be held on the Malecon in downtown La Paz, starting at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 20. The entire race will be conducted on Pacific Standard Time.

While entries will be accepted up to race morning, late entries will be assigned the next available number and starting position within each class.

The car and truck classes with the most entries to date are SCORE Trophy-Truck (35), Class 1 (18), SCORE Lite (11) and Class 1-2/1600 (10).

Among the motorcycle and ATV classes, Class 22 for open motorcycles has the most entries to date with nine.

Leading the six Sportsman classes in the race is Sportsman Motorcycle over 250cc which had 36 entries so far.

The challenging race course for this year is very similar to 2006, the last time the race finished in La Paz, although the terrain has obviously changed significantly because of weather conditions and natural use.
With 10 mandatory checkpoints spread down the peninsula, the course starts on the Pacific Ocean-side of Baja California in Ensenada and heads southeast to San Felipe on the Sea of Cortez before heading south through Coco’s Corner, Bahia de Los Angeles, San Ignacio, back to the Pacific at San Juanico, then back to the Sea of Cortez at Loreto, back to the Pacific at Ciudad Insurgentes heading down along the Pacific through Santa Rita before turning back east and down into La Paz for the finish.

All entries are provided with GPS programs defining the course and all are required to utilize special data recording devices that plot the actual route and speeds each vehicle takes during the mammoth race and are tracked LIVE! On Baja Racing News LIVE!

This race also features the prestigious Sal Fish SCORE IronRider awards presented to each motorcycle or ATV rider who completes the course within the time limit while riding solo. To date, 13 individuals have declared that they will be attempting to complete the course riding solo.

All-Time Tecate SCORE Baja 1000
SCORE Trophy-Truck class winners
1994—Jimmy Smith
1995—Larry Ragland
1996—Larry Ragland
1997—Larry Ragland
1998—Ivan Stewart
1999—Larry Ragland
2000—Dan Smith/David Ashley
2001—David Ashley/Dan Smith
2002—David Ashley/Dan Smith
2003—Mark Miller/Ryan Arciero
2004—Mark Miller/Ryan Arciero
2005—Bob Shepard/Rick Geiser
2006—Andy McMillin/Robby Gordon
2007—Mark Post/Rob MacCachren/Carl Renezeder
2008—Roger Norman/Larry Roeseler
2009—Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin

43rd Tecate SCORE Baja 1000
(By Class Starting Order, with vehicle number, driver of record, hometown, co-driver, hometown, vehicle)
(-as of 10/20/10)

8 Roger Norman, Reno, Nev., Ford F-150
21 Gus Vildosola Jr/Gus Vildosola Sr., Mexicali, Mexico, Ford F-150
97 B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas/Chad Ragland, Vista, Calif./Bobby Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
31 Andy McMillin, San Diego/Scott McMillin, National City, Calif., Ford F-150
84 Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif./Larry Vanderwey, Litchfield Park, Ariz., Chevy Silverado
71 Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif./Bob Shepard, Phoenix/Brian Salee, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150
9 Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150
23 Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Ford F-150
59 Craig Potts, Scottsdale, Ariz./Billy Cartwright, Glendale, Ariz., Ford F-150
1 Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500
35 Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif./John Swift, Santa Ynez, Calif., Chevy Silverado
74 Rob Bruce, Sublimity, Ore./Mark Witte, Silverton, Ore., Chevy Silverado
2 Pete Sohren, Glendale, Ariz./Bill Hernquist, Las Mesa, Calif., Ford F-150
47 James Bult, Monee, Ill./Jacob Bult, SandPoint, Ill., Dodge Ram2500
16 Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Cody Stuart/Justin Smith, Capistrano Beach, Calif./Pat Dean, Las Vegas, GMC Sierra
3 Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif./Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif./Gary Williams Jr., Dana Point, Calif., Ford F-150
94 Steve Strobel, Clarks, Neb./Dale Ebberts, Wilton, Calif., Chevy Silverado
22 Damen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif./Mike Voyles, Murrieta, Calif., Chevy Silverado
13 Ed Stout, Irvine, Calif./Jay Manning, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico/Jason Batulis, Tustin, Calif., Chevy 1500
61 Josh Hall/Chad Hall/Rod Hall, Reno, Nev., Chevy Silverado
24 Adam Householder/Terry Householder, Orange, Calif., Chevy Silverado
45 Gary Magness/Devin Housh, Desert Hot Springs, Calif./Steve Knudson, Denver, Ford F-150
49 Troy Herbst/Brian Collins, Las Vegas, Dodge Ram1500
88 Jerry Whelchel, Portola Hills, Calif./Brian Hess, San Diego, Chevy C1500
19 Tim Herbst/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Huntington Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
54 Jesse James, Austin, Texas, Chevy Silverado
7 Scott Steinberger, Signal Hill, Calif./Dave Sykes, Del Mar, Calif., Ford F-150
48 Jimmy Nuckles, Brawley, Calif., Ford F-150
27 Dave Crinklaw, Reedley, Calif./Mike Thurlow, Kingsburg, Calif., Chevy Silverado
86 Mike Jenkins, Trego, Wisc./Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
20 Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas/Will Staats, Valencia, Calif., Ford F-150
76 Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz./Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., Chevy Silverado
30 Robbie Pierce/Mike Julson, Santee, Calif., Ford F-150
95 Scott Whipple/Scott Gailey, Norco, Calif., Chevy C1500
66 Harry Helper, Lansing, Mich./Charles Senatore, Hallandale Beach, Fla., Chevy Silverado

SCORE Trophy-Truck®
(debuted in 1994, for 850 horsepower unlimited production trucks-
94 total Desert races, 3 Stadium-short course)
All-Time SCORE Trophy-Truck Race Winners
(1994 through 2010 SCORE Las Vegas Terrible’s Primm 300)

Wins Driver(s), Years
Ed/Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 1997, 1998, 1999(3), 2000(2), 2001, 2002, 2003(2)

Larry Ragland, Phoenix, Chevy, 1995(2), 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002 (w/ Mark Miller), 2005-2006-2007 (w/B.Collins)

Robby Gordon, Mooresville, N.C., Ford F-150, 1996(4), Chevy CK1500, 2005, 2006* (2) (one w/A. McMillin), 2009 (2)
Dan Smith/David Ashley, Riverside, Calif., Ford F-150, 1998(2), 2000, 2001(3), 2002(3)
Ivan Stewart, Alpine, Calif., Toyota SR5, 1994(3), 1995(2), 1997, 1998(2), 1999

Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 1994, 1996(2), 2003 (w/ G. Vildosola), 2007(3) (w/M. Post)
Mark Post, Laguna Beach,CA, Ford F-150, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 (all w/J. Whelchel), 2007(3) (w/R. MacCachren)

Brian Collins, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 2001, 2005-2006-2007 (w/L. Ragland), 2008, 2009

Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif., Jeep Grand Cherokee, 1995, 1997(3)
Andy McMillin, San Diego, Chevy Silverado, 2006 (w/R. Gordon), 2009 (w/S. McMillin), 2010 (2) (one w/S. McMillin)
Mark Miller, Cave Creek, Ariz., Chevy Silverado, 2002 (w/ Larry Ragland), 2003(2), 2004 (w/ R. Arciero)
Paul/Dave Simon, Fallbrook, Calif., Ford F-150, 1994(2), 1995(2)
Jerry Whelchel, Portola Hills, Calif., Ford F-150, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 (all w/M. Post)

Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 2003(2), 2004 (w/ M. Miller)
B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 2006, 2007, 2008
Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Chevy K1500, 1999, 2008 (2) (w/R. Norman)

Garron Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150, 2006, 2007
Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz., Ford F-150, 2010 (2)
Scott McMillin, San Diego, Chevy Silverado, 2009 (w/A. McMillin), 2010 (w/A. McMillin)
Roger Norman, Reno, Nev., Ford F-150, 2008 (2) (W/L. Roeseler)
Alan Pflueger, Honolulu, Chevy Silverado, 2004(2)
Bob Shepard, Phoenix, Chevy CK1500, 2005, 2006

Jason Baldwin, Laguna Beach, Calif., Ford F-150, 2005
Brian Coats, Huntington Beach, Calif., Chevy C1500, 1997
Marty Coyne, El Centro, Calif., Ford F-150, 2005*
Gary Dircks, Anthem, Ariz., Ford F-150, 2004
Dale Dondel, Hemet, Calif, Chevy Silverado, 2005
Juan C. Ibarra, Ensenada, Mexico, Chevy C1500, 1998
Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150, 2009
Rich Ronco, Peoria, Ariz., Chevy Silverado, 2008
Jim Smith, Orange, Calif., Ford F-150, 1994
Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico, 2003 (w/ Rob MacCachren)
*non-points stadium-short course race

16 Years of SCORE Trophy-Truck Season Champions
1994--Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
1995--Ivan Stewart, Alpine, Calif., Toyota SR5
1996--Robby Gordon, Orange, Calif., Ford F-150
1997--Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif., Jeep Grand Cherokee
1998--David Ashley/Dan Smith, Riverside, Calif., Ford F-150
1999--Ed & Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
2000--Ed & Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
2001--David Ashley/Dan Smith, Riverside, Calif., Ford F-150
2002--Ed & Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
2003--Tim & Ed Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
2004--Jason Baldwin, Laguna Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
2005--Bob Shepard, Phoenix, Chevy CK1500
2006--B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
2007--Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif./Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
2008--B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
2009—Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500