THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

COYOTE 300 LIVE ! June 15-16

RACE UPDATE! Luis Medina
Coyote 300 Ready To Race!
LIVE! From La Paz, Baja South Mexico

Saturday, LIVE! 7 pm Pacific Time Tonight, Contingency On The Malecon

Sunday, RaceDay, South of La Paz, Baja South

Very attractive Racing Ladies will be here! ONLINE
It is with great pleasure, that will bring a traditional Baja Desert Off-Road Race this weekened, the nineteenth edition of the Coyote 300, one of the most exciting races and geography associated with Southern Baja, Baja California Sur, which, as every year is organized by the Club Coyote Pits AC, celebrating 20 years foundation, collaboration and organization skills BCS off road.
The race, which takes place in a "Route" will be starting its activities on Wednesday, June 12 starting with the draw of the 17 categories of motorsport that will see action in this event, being the date at 8:00 night at Restaurant Stella, located in Marquez de Leon and Alvaro Obregon in the coastal boardwalk of La Paz.
The excitement begins on Saturday June 15 with the Feast of Contingency to be held on the boardwalk, as is traditionally between Calle Marquez de Leon and beyond, at a party where the elite multicolor off road in our state will converge to thousands and thousands of fans who eagerly await this competition and that nothing in the world will miss the celebration also known as "The Review" or as is known as Contingency ... From 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm off party seize the Malecon road from La Paz in the classic prelude to the competition.
As for the race, it is important that brokers know that the deadline for registration is entitled to draw on Wednesday 12th, the same day that the press conference will celebrate along with the draw for the cars. Registrations are still open at: CIUDAD de CONSTITUTION: Tires Tornel Olachea Augustine Boulevard and Francisco Villa. PEACE: Tires Tornel, Forgers and Loreto. CABO SAN LUCAS: Tires Tornel Road to Todos Santos. SAN JOSE DEL CABO: Tires Tornel Guaymitas Transpeninsular Cologne.

The competition will be intense and insurance last year's winners will want to endorse the title. Andrea Tomba succeeded in Class 8.
As expected participation, the organization estimated at least 120 vehicles and about 50 motorcycles, being for many years, the race has also been referred to as "Record-Breaking" above any other event of this kind organized in the championships BCS, "The Coyote" has the highest record of competitors in the history of our state off road, competition with 222 teams who took the checkered flag in the 2010 edition green this fair, being at that time 165 cars and 57 motorcycles which set a new record, even today, in the annals of the history of this sport in BCS dusty.
This same race, holds the title as the race that most motorcyclists registered in nearly 60 years of off road, when in the 2009 edition, 61 were motorcycle riders who received boot logo ... So, for the dramatic route and the tremendous "punch" that is between the brokers, for issue # 19 of this fair, we expect a high level event. For you motorcycle the registration deadline entitled to draw, esl on Thursday June 13.
The draw motorcycle boot and the drivers meeting will be held at 10:15 pm on Saturday 15 at Restaurant Stella.
Father's Day "Racing"

This will be the spectacular setting of the goal of the XIX edition of the Coyote 300! Photo: Lucas Orantes
As usual and one of the most remarkable features of "Coyote 300", its realization has been for many years in the very Father's Day, the best way to celebrate and share the celebration of off-road racing to parents who like off road family on a Sunday full of light, happiness, fun, family harmony and celebration! Whether racers, enthusiasts and business certainly, Father's Day is traditionally the day of the Coyote 300 Desert Off-Road Race, in Southern Baja !
Lotsa Luxury!

Due to increasing population density and tourist especially in the area of ​​Playa El Tecolote, free land before the passage of the competency units today are full of luxurious homes and a huge tourist development has greatly complicated the arrival of the traditional career goal of Playa El Tecolote, however, and the club Guluarte Adrian presiding, took the wise decision to set a target in another place for traditional and legendary off-road excellence Paceño: Circuit Bronco Race Park, the same scenario as in the 70s were the heart of the races will be on Sunday, one of the best places to witness the arrival of the Traditional Coyote 300 ... With public area, sale of beer and the unique atmosphere finish enlivened by veteran sportswriter Miranda Alejandro Cota Arcadia accompanied by the magician, Luis Medina, who interviews the accomplished desert racers. The entrance to the Circuit Bronco will cost voluntary self recovery, this for the cleanup of the property, regardless of the number of occupants.
Everything is ready for one of the biggest races of the year! 

LIVE! on!

XIX Coyote 300
15 y 16 de Junio 
117 Desert Off-Road Racers, Four Wheel Comp
Lista de inscritos con ORDEN DE ARRANQUE: 117

1. 1 Juan Cota
2. 7 Steven Eugenio
3. 29 Enrique Murillo / Francisco Name
4. 24 Francisco Monroy
5. 5 José de Jesús Flores

1. 152 Fernando Hoyos / Juan Carlos Flores
2. 199 Samuel Araiza
3. 109 Abel Sandoval
4. 125 Steve Barry

1. 280 Juan Carlos Jiménez
2. 291 Rafael Montaño
3. 204 José Vizcaíno
4. 200 Pedro Velázquez Hernández
5. 230 Sandy Hall
6. 253 Mark Campbell / Paúl Clark / Luis Ramírez
7. 203 Oscar Moreno
8. 210 Antonio Cázares

1. 1280 Juan Carlos Jiménez / Carlos Amador
2. 1228 Juan Carlos Osuna / José Cervantes
3. 1290 Roberto González

1. 828 Carlos Alejandro Betancourt
2. 834 Alfonso Jaime Tabasco / Alfonso Jaine C.
3. 800 Andrea Tomba / Felipe Nery
4. 847 Rafael Haro Valdéz
5. 823 Enemesio López Duarte
6. 844 Mario Hernández Fonseca

CLASE 1600
1. 1600 Adrián Díaz / Fernando Cervón
2. 1622 Juan Briceño / Octavio Dávalos

1. 1799 Jesús Contreras
2. 1701 Larry Nash / Antonio Salmón
3. 1735 José L. Güereña
4. 1777 José Guadalupe Márquez
5. 1724 José Luis Villareal
6. 1707 Jorge Medoza Arnaut
7. 1767 César Romero Zatarain
8. 1744 Pedro Castro Carranza
9. 1779 Enrique Zazueta Vacas
10. 1712 Miguel Gale

1. 726 Guillermo Valdéz
2. 722 Gilberto Sánchez
3. 748 Diego Lee Vail Kane
4. 746 Francisco Chávez / Alan Chávez
5. 738 Manuel Núñez Jr. / Manolo Núñez S.
6. 704 Hugo Sáenz
7. 720 Luis Fernando Cota
8. 716 David Corral
9. 711 Guillermo Rojas Sotres
10. 713 Oscar Ibarra González
11. 740 Sergio Arroyo
12. 735 Alain Montes / Samuel Tuchman
13. 736 Mario Perpuly
14. 724 Jorge Elviro Ojeda Castillo
15. 708 Víctor González
16. 725 Erick González

CLASE 5-1600
1. 570 Javier Montoya
2. 553 Armando Murillo
3. 581 Gustavo Nava
4. 574 David Zarabia Lizárraga
5. 563 Hazzael Cota

1. 850 Samir Rivera
2. 855 Jaime Mario Abaroa / Jorge Abaroa

1. 769 Arturo Valencia Niño de Rivera
2. 783 Luis Yuen Juárez
3. 793 Christian Romero / Edgar Amador
4. 781 Raúl Camacho
5. 775 David Ramos
6. 759 Renato Avilés / Juan Amézquita
7. 756 Gregorio Ojeda Higuera
8. 774 José Antonio Higuera de los Reyes
9. 798 Alejandro / Iván Sánchez
10. 779 Mario Peña Orozco
11. 763 Miguel Ángel Barrera
12. 770 Heladio / Abraham Careaga

1. 1540 Mario Jeréz
2. 1530 David Jones
3. 1505 Pedro Velázquez Sr. / Pedro Velázquez R.
4. 1511 Ismael Rojas Sotres
5. 1512 Cinthya Torres
6. 1590 Antonio Hernández / Luis Enrique Cataño
7. 1518 Guillermo Domínguez
8. 1516 Rommel Humberto Carballo Ruiz
9. 1544 Iván Trejo
10. 1522 Ramón Meza Cota

1. 977 Ricardo Higuera Amador
2. 965 José Luis Martínez Ibarra
3. 913 Fernando Marrón
4. 978 Ray René Rubio / Juan Carlos Payén
5. 951 Cesar Uzcanga
6. 988 Ramiro Cota
7. 968 Jossio Agúndez / Leonardo Cota
8. 985 Héctor Olmos
9. 948 Miguel León Flores
10. 924 José Ernesto González Yuen
11. 952 Sergio Castillo Escobedo
12. 900 José Ricardo López / Paúl Escobedo 1RS

1. 1488 Aurelio Martínez E. /
2. 1417 Carlos Godinez
3. 1496 Rudy Quintero / Marco Díaz
4. 1420 Juan José Landin
5. 1480 Antonio Cázares / Christian Cázares
6. 1433 Rodrigo Martínez
7. 1422 Saúl Amador
8. 1400 Francisco Romero
9. 1438 Francisco Castillo RS2
10. 1469 Rigoberto Castro Cosio 1RS

1. 1800 Sandy Hall / Iván Castillo
2. 1820 Alexis Aarón Montufas Betancourt
3. 1815 Omar Antonio Zavala / Erick Zavala

1. 1146 Erick Romero
2. 1101 Diego Robles
3. 1103 Geovany Alucano
4. 1109 Joel Esliman
5. 1157 René de la Toba
6. 1199 Elías Hernández García
7. 1195 Arath Flores

Rally Cross
1. Leonardo Aguirre
2. R55 Víctor Gabriel Zárate
3. R25 Fernando Barajas
4. R09 Benjamín López
5. R08 Juan Antonio Pérez López
6. R65 Luis Armando Castro / Mario Enrique Ruiz

 Motorcycle Entries
“XIX Coyote 300”
UPDATED! June 15 
Clase Motos Pro: 7
1. 5X Luis Enrique Castillo/Edgar Miranda
2. 11X Gary Gasper / Gaddo Pazzesi / Arabén Agúndez
3. 9X Eduardo Gastelum / Luis Fernando Pérez Rangel
4. 20X Dorian Unzón Landa / Alejandro Angulo
5. 1X David Zarate / Marcelino Valdéz
6. 22XVincent Meza
7. 45X Ramón Dávila**

Clase 30: 6
1. 312X Kirk Russel
2. 321X Martin Verdugo
3. 306X Itzcoalt Bareño
4. 329X Luis Alberto Ceseña Romero
5. 307X Luis Morales / Javier Minjares**
6. 305X Luis Abaroa**

Clase Novatos Moto: 4
1. 251X Raúl Murillo Castro
2. 267X Miguel Ángel Sepúlveda
3. 205X Juan Carlos Morales
4. 227X Bryan Castro / Carlos Castro / David Castro**

Clase 25: 11
1. 2A Steven Davis
2. 8A Manuel Agúndez / Enrique Agúndez
3. 95A Federico Aguilar
4. 59A Sergio Valverde / Luis Kinijara
5. 4a Ricardo Díaz / Edgar Josué Aldecua / Salvador Pérezpliego
6. 45A Ramón Márquez / Geovani Márquez
7. 11A Raúl Castro / José Raúl Castro
8. 3A Daniel Cabanzón / Pedro Loya
9. 6A Ramón Rodríguez / Juan Pablo Sández
10. 10A Carlos Jiménez / Pedro Tarango
11. 1A Manlio Díaz / Mario González / Ahmed Marrón

Clase 24: 8
1. 100A Juan José Cota Nieto/Heraldo Murillo Nieto 1ro en arrancar
2. 105A Edgardo Sánchez Landa / Pedro Tarango
3. 127A Carlos Sarabia / Yisis Romo / Filiberto Sarabia
4. 123A Carlos Flores Ochoa / Juan Carlos Flores / Hernán Romero
5. 196A Oscar Zamudio / Cesar Zamudio / Diego Martínez
6. 104A Fernando Pérezpliego Ongay / Manuel Castellanos Leggs
7. 109A Albino Collins
8. 130A Edwin Sánchez / Uriel Dávalos / Uriel Dávalos Jr.

Clase Novatos ATV: 9
1. 279A Andrés Alejandro Avilés Orozco
2. 239A Manuel Barajas / José Miguel Barajas / Jeffrey Hernández
3. 236A Gabriel Vélez / Jesús Villanueva
4. 240A Miguel Antonio Cota González
5. 254A Nestor David Ojeda Lucero
6. 206A Mario Pérez González / Daniel González / Alejandro González
7. 243A Erick Cota / Heriberto Cota / Miguel Ángel Romero
8. 275A Pedro Espinoza / Gilberto Páez
9. 269A Jaime Humberto Contreras / René Elifeleth Contreras**



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