THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baja South (Sur) 500 History and Possible Future, La Paz EXCLUSIVE



HOT! NEW! December 12, 2014

PreRunning the Baja Sur 500 with the racers who made the course!
Yes! The origin of Baja South racing, the Baja Surenos, will guide you through the course for 2015.

You don't think SCORE invented this race course do you?! 

The local Baja Sur racers have ran this event for years...UPDATES Loading right here people!
CLICK HERE FOR PreRunning Course Map

Monday, October 20, 2014:

SCOREs Roger Norman BUSTED in San Jose del Cabo on Sunday, October 19 poaching Baja Sur racers for SCORE 2015. Proof the carpetbagging is in full swing in desert off-road racing. And don't think the Baja Sur authorities aren't keeping an eye on SCORE...locals say NEW TAXES will be levied on Norman and the gringo racers from the north.

UPDATE September 1, 2014

SCORE Screws The Pooch and moves this event to April, DOH!

UPDATED Monday, October 21, 2013

As was already reported on September 30, 2013 here on confirmation from La Paz this morning that SCORE will run from San Lucas to Loreto in 2015. reports to YOU, the fans of Desert Off-Road Racing, far in advance and always ON TARGET INSIDER DOPE, THEY do not want you to know. 

The INSIDE Information:

In the release it states,
"In order to do that every year in Baja California Sur Off Road racing career"

Meaning, in 2015 in January, the 500 will run, then in 2016, the standard peninsula run to La Paz will occur. In 2017, the 500 will run and the Baja 1000 will be a loop race in Baja Norte. Every year, its planned, some SCORE event will run in Baja Sur.

Too bad SCORE is ten years too late...JA JA JA

Reported Today:

""Score Baja Sur 500 - Formalizan Convenio para BAJA MIL y BAJA SUR 500 South SCORE Baja 500 - Formalize Agreement to BAJA SUR BAJA MIL and 500

In order to do that every year in Baja California Sur Off Road racing career SCORE serial INTERNATIONAL, took place the signing of the agreement with the organization for the conduct of racing Tecate - SCORE Baja 1000, edition 47 corresponding to 2014 and the first edition of the Tecate unpublished - South SCORE Baja 500, in 2015, the official ceremony was held in the Hall of Governors of the Government Palace, said Ruben Reachi Lugo, State Secretary of Tourism.

The official, announced that the State Governor Marcos Covarrubias Villaseñor, has provided full support for the successful completion of these courses, emphasizing the benefits for promoting tourism in all destinations of the state, likewise the name Ruben Reachi State Government, thanked the support of each of the municipalities of the entity whenever organize logistics for each of these events requires the participation of these bodies, as well as security forces further recalling that the state exists a great hobby and even several teams participating in these events.

Meanwhile, Roger Norman, President and CEO of Score International, thanked the support of the State Government and each of the municipalities support; committed itself to extensive promotion among the great teams of off road racing in the world , estimating participation of riders from about 20 nationalities, in addition to coverage of more than 120 media from various countries, thus he said "ensuring quality Esteremos spectacle SCORE International races and their success."

Finally, Reachi Ruben Lugo, reiterated its approval of these agreements that will make an annual off-road racing event of international stature, which will impact positively on the tourism sector of the state by the extensive coverage in the media that will give experience the natural beauty of Baja California Sur, its hotel infrastructure and additional services that will benefit from the great economic impact generated by these races considered the most legendary and prestigious motorsport World Off Road.""

 Gary Newsome, Editor

UPDATED Monday, September 30 
 Confirming Reporting!

From reporter Luis "The Chuey:

""The traditional Baja 1000 will be held in November 2014 and early 2015 the first edition of the Baja Sur 500. In order to do that every year in Baja California Sur, an off road racing career of serial Score International, the company agreed with the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 takes place in November 2014 while the first edition of race-Score Tecate Baja Sur 500, starting in goal Loreto and Los Cabos, is made in early 2015 unveiled Reachi Ruben Lugo, State Secretary of Tourism, adding that in the coming weeks will be formalized by both races State Governor Marcos Covarrubias Villaseñor and managers of SCORE International. He added that preparations for completion in November the Baja 1000, progressing well, remembering that in a recent meeting with Oscar Ramos Jassen, legal representative of Score International, agreed that the organization and promotion at international level events each car by its magnitude and to ensure its success, must be made with almost a year in advance. In Southern California there is a fondness for off road racing, and even several teams participating in these events. In this way, the official said may have a high number of entries and the proper preparation of each playing career destinations and routes marking to ready them for previous tours and conducting one's career; recalling further that in the state there is a great hobby and even several teams participating in these events. Ruben Reachi reiterated its approval of this agreement to perform an annual off road motorsport event of international stature backed by the prestigious company Score International, which will impact positively on the tourism sector of the state by the wide media coverage national and international media have these races and that highlight the natural beauty of the state and its hotel infrastructure and additional services that will benefit from the great economic impact generated by these races.""

UPDATE! Saturday September 14

Thursday, September 5
Baja Racing News LIVE! BULLETIN!

Baja South Tourism Official Tells

"SCORE may have a January 2015 money grab, no chance for a January 2014 race for public money." 

"The January event for SCORE will be every other year, opposite of the expensive, time consuming, traditional peninsula run for the Baja 1000."

"The January event will become known, in 2015, for double points for the Class1 and Trophy Truck teams." And known to local racers as one way to contribute to the SCORE TV money fund by spending all their money on a SCORE entry."

SCORE is not talking about Oscar's recent travel to La Paz.

Wednesday, September 4:
UPDATE! Event Still Not Official (Not posted in a real Newspaper Yet!)
News Blogs Now Reporting on Citizens Opposition To Another Gringo Invasion!

Here in the "Land of Illusion"-La Paz, Roger Norman (SCORE) will take all the public money and all the local racers entry proceeds, North!

Gary Newsome, *Reporting-Opinion

Roger Norman's "USA 500"
Finally, We Get To Spill The Beans!

MONSTER Mike Reports on the 2007
CABO 500 2007, Originally International
Promotions for the '07 Baja Sur 500


The Original Reporting Continues>>>
August 23, 2013, 7 AM

*SCORE decides Baja Norte (Mexicali & Ensenada) have enough desert off-road races, moves its agent  (Oscar Ramos) 
to get money in Baja Sur in January, now confirmed.*

Sub Headline: SCORE and HDRA to unify in 2014, HDRA Vegas race last January FAILED.
Now, heading south (snowbirding its interests to better weather and to 'encourage' more Baja South racers into the SCORE series) to create a non-points event in Mexico.

"MONEY MONEY MONEY" Oscar Ramos, How much money will Oscar Bring to Roger?
FIND OUT RIGHT HERE! We are INSIDE the offices of Baja S. Tourism

OOPS! Crash and Injuries EXPOSE SCORE!
Just Before The Invasion News Broke! Must Read!

Sub Sub Headline: 

Baja Sur fails to create an international series ON ITS OWN. SCORE now to bone BCS.

This year, the local racers FINALLY got together and created its own State and National Desert Off-Road Series. However, since 2004, the infighting in the state discouraged the local racers to create an in-house "International" (Internationally Offered) Series.

If they had, SCORE would not have a chance to 'poach' the Baja S. 500. The "Baja S. 500" is of local creation and operation. For many years, the race of that name has been enjoyed by LOCAL RACERS. Now, because the state government is DESPERATE for Any Promotional  News (it went bankrupt recently) it will allow 'poachers' 'carpetbaggers' 'invaders' to assume the race name and any chance the state may have held and used its own properties.

Now, the SCORE/Gringos will takeover, the revenue, the race route and any future for local racers.

Gary Newsome, Opinion

August 23, 2013, 5 AM


Jose Ignacio Carballo Hirales and SCORE Oscar Ramos at La Paz International Airport, We didn't know Oscar is black! Isn't it illegal to play with 'yourself' in public in Mexico?

From Venustiano Pérez Sánchez, Baja Sur Politician, FaceBook Posting

BE ADVISED! This information is merely known to raise a flag and see who'll salute! It is not official in any way. Because if it was, it would have been in our local La Paz newspaper! It's not!

"This morning we are in the Hall of Governors on the CD. de La Paz, in where he attended the meeting to see the details of the race TECATE SCORE 500 Baja which will take place by January 2014, send them an affectionate greeting to all comundenos fans to the sport."


"Given the great love that exists in the region and the economic impact generated by OFF ROAD racing, Mayor Venustiano Perez Sanchez attended the meeting on the proposal for a race organized by the Score International, comprising the municipalities of Loreto, Comondú , La Paz and Los Cabos.

During the meeting held in the city of La Paz, in the living governors with State Secretary of Tourism, Ruben Reachi, the President and CEO of Score International, Roger Williams Norman, Oscar Ramos Jassen, legal representative Score in Mexico, as well as state officials and representatives of the mayors of the state, the mayor Venustiano Perez recalled the proposal he had made personally Sal Fish, former director of the SCORE International, to organize a race of great quality and size international as does the Score and also who understood only the state of Baja California Sur, and today, and there are great chances that the great race SCORE Baja 500 Off Road takes place in 2014 in our state, thanks to President and Director of the Norman Roger Williams Score International, which would start in the Municipality of Loreto to have as a goal Cabo San Lucas.

Venustiano Mayor Perez Sanchez said Off Road races are a great hobby throughout the area, but mostly generate a large economic impact, which will be of great benefit to all tourism service providers in the state, for that reason the Mayor committed to providing all the support of his administration to carry out this race in honor of all the fans who live this sport in Baja California Sur."


 Any money spent on SCORE is a waste of public funds. If SCORE wants to race in Baja South, C'mon down! Spend your own damn money to promote your own properties.

Baja South went bankrupt recently. SCORE took public money from political parties for nothing but showing up and showing their faces (before the new management).

Baja Surenos (Locals) want SCORE to pay for its own events here. They also want their money back from the former PRD Tourism Director, who stole it from the public coffers, which eventually led to the governor going to jail. Surenos want their money to pay for the obvious problems, not being cared for throughout the state. SCORE pay for your own parties here in Southern Baja Mexico.



 This 2007 Race Course Map is the Baja Sur 500 from that year.

This event was promoted by CABO 500 to International racers.

One of the traditional Baja South race courses, various promoters have put on longer race events in Southern Baja. However, with the change in economic conditions, races have become downsized. Down to track and short-course races being claimed as an "off-road" race.

 Much like the United States racing community!
Can you say, TORC and LOORS?

We'll now talk about the reality of what SCORE may be attempting. With Oscar trying to get money from the State government, that's the ONLY reason Oscar would travel to La Paz in August! Can you say NON POINTS EVENT FOR BAJA SOUTH LOCALS TO PAY FOR A SCORE LOGO!

Peter Nunez, La Paz Editorial-Report
Baja Racing News LIVE!

What Happened At The 2007 CABO 500?
The Inside Story of the "Baja Sur 500 2007" 
By: MONSTER Mike! Coming Soon!!!

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