THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, June 08, 2014

LIVE ! The Complete 2014 BAJA 500 ONLINE! HERE! ON***Starting on Monday June 2 RaceWeek!***Race From Mexico June 3-5, 2014



LAST UPDATED! Thursday, June 12

Ronny Wilson Bailed out on $65,000.00

"Bail of 650 thousand pesos, was released the pilot Ronny Wilson, 52, identified as allegedly responsible for the striking of a minor in the route of the race off-road Baja 500, said the assistant attorney, Near Ensenada. Marco Antonio Lopez Chavarria stated that the investigation remains open, and that the evidence collected in the scene and said the same corridor as the teenager responsible for causing the crash that lost his life. The representation of the state prosecutor in this port ordered the preparation of a survey of land transit, to see how the facts and determine the probable responsibility of those involved. The official said eyewitness report that on the afternoon of Saturday, the now deceased about 13 years, a native of Mexicali, was crossed to cart to try to photograph or videograbarlo with your cell phone. Commented the original pilot of Long Beach, California, could not maneuver to avoid hitting the boy, because otherwise it would turn into dozens of spectators standing on the narrow path. 

Data obtained by "El Vigia Newspaper" initially indicated that other race participants were presented with the relevant authorities, but later clarified his situation and was assured Ronny Wilson, who admitted striking a person with your car number 153. They point to Ronny Wilson The pilot Ronny Wilson, 52, is identified as allegedly responsible for the death of a child in full route of the Baja 500 Off Road Race."

Local press hyperlink CLICK HERE


Americans DID NOT STOP

Monday, June 9


Exclusive Reporting!
The first butchery during the San Felipe 250 in 2009:

""Baja Racing BULLETIN!

Ensenada local dies in Horrific Race Crash
At approximately 11:30 AM on Saturday, March 14, during the SCORE San Felipe 250 desert off-road race, near race mile 55.5, a Class 1 race vehicle, struck a local Ensenada man. He was transported from the scene by friends, reports from the area later, indicated the victim died from his injuries.

Reports also indicate the Class 1 vehicle, race number 109, was owned and operated by the Wilsons
, of the US. Race records say the 109 was piloted by Ronny and Rick Wilson of Long Beach, California. The race vehicle is listed as a Jimco-Chevy.

Reportedly, the victim was associated with Mercado & Silva Racing
. He was struck on the race course. His leg was torn off at impact. He was transported by civilian auto into town, where he died from the trauma of the injury. He bled to death.

The message to Wilson Motorsports from Bob Bowers: "Good work boys! We're proud of ya. Bob Bowers Dirtworks Films "

Bob Bowers Personal avatar. Who's blood is that Bob?

Eyewitness: "I was just a few meters. may be 40 mtrs. From the accident at Race Mile 55 aprox. I saw this guy trying to cross the road and he was hit, it for the 1rst class 1 #109, may be the car did not saw this guy, definitely was not the racer car's fault, but I was an eye witness."

Witness: "We were 40 mtrs distance from the place of the accident, occur around 10:40 and 10:50 am, the guy was in the left side of the way (if you go inside the car), so he tried to cross the road and the car was running so fast may be 90 - 100 miles and was hit it by the rigth tire, my brother was step up beside me and says, It was a kid and he run to the place of the accident and I just took a photo to the car seconds after the accident and was the #109, the guy was in the ground in the middle of the way, a couple of guys took him to the side of the road because another car was running on the road, and a Gray ford explorer arrives to the place and they pulled the guy to the trunk and then they leave the place, and they stop the car just in front of us, and a couple of curious guys ran to the trunk to see this guy and he was alive, but with his leg ripped off and bleeding we ask him to take him to the check 1 , to advise to the score guys the accident may be them can help to one way or another and that was all about the guy, so I asked the next day...about this guy and one guy confirmed the dead ."
Witness: "My dad was at the Checkers/ COPS pit and called for our Helicopter (and Weatherman relay) with our medic to come and help them but they drove off before the Helicopter got there. My father and the Checkers tried to help him but they where in a panic and drove to KM 160 on HWY 3 where someone was going to meet them."

In the know: "There were 3 accidents, the one hit by 109 died, a neighbor of his confirmed it...The video you saw with the guy laying on the sand with his arms open was hit by a TT, dont know his status. The third accident was at Rm 120 something, hit by the class 1 that plowed into a Tacoma from (Baja Pits)Locos Mocos, the guy was flown out and luckily its all bruises and tire burns, he personally confirmed it..."

"RM 3, guy hit by a class 3 but was ok and left on his own.
RM 7, zoo rd guy hit by a TT, injured w/broken bones & concussion. Video showed the body laying in the crowd.
RM 55, guy hit by a 1 car with reports his leg torn off and bled to death in a car. Sounds like inadequate immediate medical care.
RM 122, COPS producer hit by a 1 car, airlifted to SD. Got swift medial care and full recovery expected."

No denial from anyone has been received as of today, Tuesday, March 17. In one interview with a seasoned American desert off-road guy, he said the victim "deserved it". More Details Loading>>>""

From Ensenada Today:

Oscar Ramos of SCORE places "blame". Though,

 he DOES NOT explain why, Wilson Motorsports

 has now killed two Mexicans and not stopped in

 either case!

"Ensenada, BC, June 8, 2014 - Óscar Ramos Jassen, representative of Score International, said that the death of the minor which happened yesterday during the Baja 500 Off Road Race is more the responsibility of his father than Class 1 driver Ronnie Wilson.
After the events happened in the Valle de la Trinidad district, Ramos Jassen denied blame on the California driver, saying that "the boy went to the middle of the race track to record with his cell phone, and the father did not control him."

"Ronnie Wilson is a professional, a serious businessman who is devastated and destroyed, because he could not avoid what happened. If he had tried to miss the boy, we would now be regretting a greater tragedy because he would have hit at least 15 people," he said.

He also regretted this type of situation, which he says are caused by "negligence of some fans."

"We don't know what to do, we had put on awareness campaigns, but now everybody is shocked and when the Baja 1000 comes, the same thing will happen again because the vehicles are more and more faster and there are more people who don't consider the consequences," said the race promoter.

He also questioned the lack of professionalism of a local newspaper, which the driver was another racer, Cody Parkhouse, as being responsible for the accident.

"An irresponsible newspaper, published the name of a racer who was not responsible, affecting his reputation and image. The information must be handled professionally and the journalists all do need to be more concerned with their sources being reliable. They said we hid information when we never did," he said.

Finally, he said that the spectators continue to cause problems, "when something happens, the criticize it and speak without having the facts. On social networks there are many baseless comments, made flippantly," he said."

 Local press hyperlink CLICK HERE

"Wilsons considered guilty of running over victim"
""Being on the ""race course""

 "Because playing with his cell phone to videotape over the participants of the race Off Road (off road) Baja 500, being hit caused the teenager died Saturday afternoon east of Valle de la Trinidad. According to reliable sources, there is evidence pointing and a video allegedly responsible for his death the child identified as Juan Jose "N", 13, a fact that is being investigated by the Deputy Justice on this port. Organizers Score International pointed out that the runner Ronny Wilson, 52, a native of Long Beach, California, was arrested for hitting the boy with his vehicle number 153, but hours later he was released on bail. Although initially there was confusion with other participants of the event presented to the competent authorities at a checkpoint was assured the U.S., later to be transferred to the Public Ministry of Common Law (AMPFC). The fatal accident occurred around 17:30 pm on June 7, at the height of the 258 mile route, a mile and a half before boarding the Ensenada-San Felipe federal highway in the vicinity of populated Matthias.Data collected now report that the deceased was accompanied by his father and brother when he placed his telephone equipment on the road, so in an oversight was hit from behind by the car racing."

Local press hyperlink CLICK HERE

Baja Racing Fan from Mexicali, Baja California, Arturo Elias:

"The deceased child was on the side of the road sitting at a table eating with his dad, the car left the road hit him in the head. While it is true that many people do not take care, we must not generalize, there is nothing to protect the attendees to watch the races."

Cody Parkhouse comments:
"We didn't hit anyone. Nobody was arrested. At the finish line score and the police asked my dad to go to the police station and give our side of it. When they found out it was when I was driving they called and asked me to go to the police station also. I gave my side (which wasn't much as the incident didn't involve us), and they let us go. As we were leaving they got confirmation that it was another car."

Austin Farner said, "it was not the Parkhouse car but another car who hit them.....but yes Parkhouse car was arrested at the finish and put in cuffs".

"A minor died when run over Saturday afternoon, presumably by one of the participants in the Baja 500. The accident happened in the Valle de la Trinidad district, and the victim was a 13-year old named Juan José "N". The events were reported around 6:30PM on a local road used as a part of the race route for the Baja 500, where the minor lay dead. According to the first official data, it is believed the vehicle as a Trophy Truck in the Baja 500, however, this is not certain since the driver was not detained. The minor lay on the road where the Public Ministerial agents came to inspect the body and have it removed for an autopsy." CLICK HERE FOR LOCAL STORY

A similar race originated death occurred last year, see the video here. Reporters in Ensenada interviewing Police right now!

Baja Racing News EXCLUSIVE!
Gary Newsome, Editor

Red Bull Rules! BAJA 500 RACE  LOADING>>>



(Following data tracking review) Pro Cars & Trucks
SCORE TROPHY TRUCK (Unlimited Production Trucks)—1. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 8:51:50 (50.56 miles per hour); 2. Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150, 8:55:17; 3. Jesse Jones, Phoenix, Ford F-150, 8:57:21; 4. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 9:04:58; 5. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 9:11:30; 6. Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Ford F-150, 9:19:58; 7. Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 9:24:18; 8. Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 9:30:55; 9. Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 9:42:42; 10. Ken Losch, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado, 10:03:22; 11. Mark Post/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 10:11:44; 12. Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Va./Carlos Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Rally Truck, 10:13:08; 13. Kyle Jorgensen/Todd Jergensen, Oak Hills, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 10:20:58; 14. Gus Vildosola Jr/Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 10:26:58; 15. Chris Kemp, San Clemente, Calif./Shannon Powell, Ford Raptor, 10:28:27;16. Tim Herbst, Las Vegas/Troy Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 10:52:13; . 17. Gary Magness/Devin Housh, Desert Hot Springs, Calif., Ford F-150,11:48:42; 18. Steven Eugenio, Carlsbad, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 11:51:29; 19. Robbie Pierce, Lakeside, Calif./Mike Julson, Santee, Calif., Ford F-150, 12:25:51; 20. Jay Reichert, Johnson City, Texas/Charles Dorrance, Austin, Texas, Ford Raptor, 12:30:06;  21. Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 13:33:48; 22. Thomas Greer/Bruce Greer Jr, Tucson, Ariz./Glen Greer, Green Valley, Ariz., Dodge Ram1500, 15:44:11; 23. Mike Palmer/Spencer Steele, Denver, Chevy Silverado, 16:33:40; 24. Ron Whitton/Chas Dana, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150, 16:38:30. (Starters: 37, Finishers: 24)
CLASS 1 (Unlimited single or two-seaters) (Numerical, before Qualifying)—1. Cody Parkhouse/Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 9:51:42 (45.33 mph); 2. Brian Wilson/Rick Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Randy Wilson, Lakeside, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 10:51:44; 3. Shelby Reid, Apple Valley, Calif./Darren Ebberts, Corona, Calif., Custom-Chevy, 11:04:40; 4. Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./John Herder, Tucson, Ariz., Jimco-Chevy, 11:44:22; 5. Lyle Bask/Michael Ferguson, Canada, ESM-Ford, 12:17:55; 6. Andrew Myers, San Marcos, Calif./Dan Myers, Newport Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 12:56:19; 7. Chuck Sacks, Canyon Lake, Calif./Matt Cullen/Mike Lombardi, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 13:24:33; 8. George Peters, Newbury Park, Calif./Joe Bednar, Agua Dulce, Calif./Luke Babb, Monrovia, Calif., Racer-Chevy, 14:09:24; 9. Justin Matney, Bristol, Tenn., Geiser-Chevy, 17:46:18. (Starters: 16, Finishers: 9)
CLASS 1/2-1600 (VW-powered, single or two-seaters to 1600cc)—1. J. David Ruvalcaba/Leonel Ruvalcaba/Esteban Cruz, Ensenada, Mexico, VBR, 11:52:56 (38.25 mph); 2. Ramiro Escobedo/Misael Armambula/Victor Cruz, Tijuana, Mexico, Curry, 12:45:27; 3. Kevin Smith, La Verne, Calif./Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas, Mirage, 13:08:25; 4. Jesus Velez/Rogelio Ruiz, Mexicali, Mexico, PFK, 13:11:38; 5. Edson Cruz, Ensenada, Mexico/Hiram Montano/Manuel Cruz, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, CamFab, 13:26:05; 6. Christian Celaya, Paradise Valley, Ariz./Aaron Ampudia, Ensenada, Mexico, Romo, 13:32:17; 7. Francisco Rodriguez/Augustin Rodriguez/Eduardo Rodriguez, Tijuana, Mexico, Glazzkraft, 14:46:52;      8. Ernesto Arambula/Edmundo Fernandez, Ensenada, Mexico, Romo, 15:38:32; 9. Marco Bernaldez/Salvador Hernandez/Adolfo Arambula, Ensenada, Mexico, Conejo, 15:57:40; 10. David Jones/Brett Jones/Steve Achey, Clovis, Calif., Lothringer, 16:24:49; 11. Chris Jones/Brandon Dawson/Brian Cancimilla, Castro Valley, Calif., RaceCo, 16:28:48; 12. Christopher Sanchez/Neri Sanchez/Kevin Sanchez, Ensenada, Mexico, Lothringer, 17:05:48; 13. Miguel Cortez, San Diego/Raul Rodriguez, Chula Vista, Calif., Custom, 18:12:13. (Starters: 18, Finishers: 13)

CLASS 3 (Short wheelbase 4X4)—1. Donald Moss/Ken Moss, Sacramento, Calif., Ford Bronco, 15:33:17 (28:77 mph) (Starters: 2, Finishers: 1)
CLASS 5 (Unlimited VW Baja Bugs)—1. Wendy Belk/Dave Bonner, Coachella, Calif., 13:54:25 (32.54mph). (Starters 3, Finishers: 1)
CLASS 5-1600 (1600cc VW Baja Bugs)—1. Gustavo Avina/Gabriel Avina/Gustavo Avina Jr, Ensenada, Mexico, 16:39:42 (27.16 mph); 2. Salvador Carrillo/Erica Ocegeda/Javier Ocegeda, Maneadero, Mexico, 17:03:33; 3. Emilio Salcido, Mexicali, Mexico/Jose Avina, San Quintin, Mexico/Jose Sanchez, El Rosario, Mexico, 17:56:03. (Starters: 6, Finishers: 3)
CLASS 7 (Open, production mini trucks)—1. Pete Sohren, Phoenix/Jayson McNeal, San Diego, Ford Ranger, 12:00:20 (37.29 mph); 2. Dan Chamlee, Summerland, Calif., Ford Ranger, 16:27:30. (Starters: 6, Finishers: 2)
CLASS 7SX (Modified, open mini trucks)—1. Ricardo Vindiola/Oscar Licon/Jorge Garcia, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger, 16:54:06 (26.51 mph). (Starters: 5, Finishers: 1)
CLASS 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks)—1. Rick Sanchez/Humberto Arce, San Vicente, Mexico/Miguel Padilla, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford F-150, 12:12:00 (37.51 mph); 2. Enrique Lara/Samuel Melling/Luis Medina, Ensenada, Mexico, Chevy Silverado, 14:53:55. (Starters: 5, Finishers: 2)
CLASS 10 (Single or two-seaters to 1650cc)—1. Mike Johnson/Mike Majesky, Santa Monica, Calif., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 11:05:34 (41.31 mph);  2. Cody Reid, Apple Valley, Calif./Corey Goin, Clovis, Calif., Custom-Chevy, 11:24:44; 3. Jeremiah Watson, Apple Valley, Calif./Hiram Duran/Evan Duran, Tecate, Calif., Custom-Chevy, 11:41:12; 4. Patrick Dailey, Carlsbad, Calif./Travis Clarke, San Diego, Raceco-Chevy, 11:55:55; 5. Brad Wilson/Kyle Quinn, Long Beach, Calif./Brian DeNault, San Clemente, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 12:37:14; 6. Mike Lawrence, Sunset Beach, Calif., Lawrence-Chevy, 11:56:03; 7. J. J. Schnarr, Incline Village, Nev., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 13:40:36; 8. Derek Ahern/Ryan Lenocker, Orange, Calif., FullPotential-Chevy, 14:41:53; 9. Thomas Bjorstrom/Troy Leezy, San Diego, Tatum-Chevy, 14:47:39; 10. 1066 Mike Shaffer/John Bower, Alameda, Calif., FPM-Chevy, 14:57:11; 12. Ty Godde, Palmdale, Calif./Jim Greenway, Ojai, Calif., Letner-Chevy, 15:24:52; 12. Bill Young/Billy Young, Las Vegas, BTC-Subaru, 18:51:40. (Starters: 28, Finishers: 12)
SCORE LITES (VW-powered, Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc)—1. Luiz Martinez/Jose Robles, Mexicali, Mexico, Foddrill, 15:18:09 (29.59 mph). (Starters: 5, Finishers: 1)
CLASS 11 (Stock VW Sedans)–(Starters: 7, Finishers: 0)
Protruck (Limited Production Trucks)—1. Chelsea Magness/Steve Knudson/Todd Burt, Desert Hot Springs, Calif., Ford Raptor, 14:47:22 (32.21 mph). (Starter: 1, Finisher: 1)
TROPHY TRUCK SPEC (unlimted Truck/SUV, stock, sealed V8s)—1. Jonathan Brenthel/Jordan Brenthel, Newport Beach, Calif., Chevy S-10, 13:10:25 (33.94 mph); 2. Taylor Mills, Houston, Texas/Kent Kroeker, Escondido, Calif./Mike Meeks, Marion, Texas, Chevy Silverado,14:06:09; 3. Eduardo Laguna, Mexicali, Mexico/Connor Jackson, San Diego/Rodolfo Iribe, Tijuana, Mexico, Chevy Silverado, 15:33:35; 4. Billy Wilson, Corpus Christi, Texas, Chevy Silverado, 17:10:57. (Starters: 10, Finishers: 4)
CLASS 3000 (unlimited Mini-Truck, 2.2/2.4-Liter Ecotec engine)–(Starters: 2, Finishers: 0)
M-TRUCK (Stock Production Medium Utility Vehicle, min GVW 18,000 lbs.)–(Starter: 1, Finisher:)
HEAVY METAL (Open Production Trucks, V8 Engines)–(Starter: 1, Finisher: 0)
CLASS 19 (Limited, Stock 4-wheel Utility Vehicle)—1. Marc Burnett, Lakeside, Calif./Fernando Flores, San Diego, Can-Am Maverick, 13:01:56 (34.33 mph); 2. Branden Sims/Jacob Carver/Justin Krause, Prescott Valley, Ariz., Polaris RZR1000, 13:15:15; 3. Justin Lambert, Bakersfield, Calif./Justin Sheakley, Peoria, Ariz./Jeremiah Staffs, Apple Valley, Calif., Polaris RZR XP1000, 14:26:14; 4. John Angal/Brian Bush, Mesa, Ariz., Polaris RZR XP1000, 14:42:06; 5. Matt Parks, Newport Beach, Calif./Jason Spiess, Peoria, Ariz./Keith Redstrom, Glendale, Ariz., Polaris RZR XP1000, 14:54:17; 6. Jamie Kirkpatrick/Nick Nelson/Dan Kirkpatrick, Olympia, Wash., Polaris XP1000, 15:24:27; 7. Derek Murray/Jason Murray, Eastvale, Calif./Steve Amarine, Downey, Calif./Monty Aldrich, Can-Am Maverick, Can-Am, 16:01:33; 8. Cory Sappington/Tyler Dixon, Peoria, Ariz./Donovan Cain, Glendale, Calif., Can-Am Maverick 1000, 18:12:53; 9. Alonso Lopez/ Roberto Balderama, Murrieta, Calif./Wayne Matlock, Alpine, Calif., Polaris RZR XP900, 18:48:44. (Starters: 17, Finishers: 9)
OPEN M/C (450cc or more)—1. Ricky Brabec, Oak Hills, Calif./David Pearson, Panaca, Nev./Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif., Kawasaki KX450F, 8:58:27 (49.81 mph); 2. Colton Udall, San Clemente, Calif./Mark Samuels, Yucca Valley, Calif./Ian Young, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 9:04:56; 3. Ray Dal Soglio/Mike Carter/Zach Vogle, Scottsdale, Ariz., Kawasaki KX450F, 11:42:37; 4. Eddie Hernandez, Oxnard, Calif./Andrew Terry, San Diego/Chris Krumel, Alpine, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 12:02:05. (Starters: 4, Finishers: 4)
LIMITED M/C (449cc or less)—1. Ricky De la Pena/Rene Magana/Paul Lopez/Austin Miller, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., Honda CRF250X, 11:48:27 (39.90 mph); 2. Dane Ward/Boe Huckins, Wilson, Wyo./Jim Peterson, Jackson, Wyo., Suzuki RMZ250, 13:18:37; 3. Fernando Beltran/Fernando Tavarez/Ricardo Munoz, Ensenada, Mexico/Adrian Ruiz, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico, Yamaha WR250, 15:14:20; 4. Jesus Guerrero/Jose Davila/Jovani Solorio/Luis Torres, Suzuki RMZ250, 16:02:28. (Starters: 5, Finishers: 4)
CLASS 30 (Riders over 30 years old)—1. Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala/Scott Myers, Temecula, Calif./Shane Esposito, Menifee, Calif./Ryan Dudek, Menifee, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 9:34:06 (47.05 mph); 2. Mark Winkelman, Cedar Hill, Texas/Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif./Gerardo Rojas, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico/Kevin Murphy/Morgan Crawford, Honda CRF450X, 10:14:32; 3. Todd York, Claremore, Okla./Nate Scott/Bud Carmen, Lake Winnebago, Mo./Jason Stevens, Olathe, Kansas, KTM 450EXC, 12:04:56; 4. Jay Rabjohn/Jay Rabjohn/Justin Schultz/Mat Bateman, Phelan, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 12:39:54. 5. Brad Baker, Austin, Texas/Jean-Paul Dupin, Coerd’alene, Idaho/Rob Allen, Battle Ground, Wash., Honda CRF450X, 13:18:01; 6. Fred Sobke, Bonita, Calif./Jake Stagg, Carlsbad, Calif./Alan Melisi/Scott Muzzy, Paradise Valley, Ariz./David Starrett, Oceanside, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 15:30:11. (Starters: 6, Finishers: 6)
CLASS 40 (Riders over 40 years old)—1. Giovanni Spinali/Paul Thomas/Mike Carter/John Griffin, Julian, Calif./Earl Roberts, Calexico, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 11:24:02 (39.78 mph); 2. Ezure Tadao/Hideyuki Fukuoka, Japan, Yamaha WR450, 12:16:33; 3. Joe Leal, Mexicali, Mexico/Mario Acosta/Jesus Rios, Calexico, Calif./Jose Manuel Ochoa, Mexicali, Mexico/David Hammers, Mount Baldy, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 12:30:43; 4. Jason Miller/Bruce Anderson, Riverside, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 13:00:03. (Starters: 5, Finishers: 4)
CLASS 60 (Riders over 60 years old)—1. Jim Dizney, Alpine, Calif./Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif./Max Christensen, Sun Valley, Calif./Mike Castro, Apple Valley, Calif./Robert Koch, Leona Valley, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 13:10:03 (33.94 mph). (Starter: 1, Finisher: 1)
SCORE IRONMAN (Solo Riders)—1. Tony Gera, Santa Cruz, Calif., Honda XR650R, 11:20:30 (39.40 mph); 2. Kevin Daniels, Bishop, Calif., KTM, 13:52:21; 3. Daniel Stinson, Yorba Linda, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 14:48:35. (Starters: 4, Finishers: 3);
PRO ATV (450cc or more)—1. Adolfo Arellano, Tijuana, Mexico/Christian Vera, Spring Valley, Calif./Cody Mitchell, Las Vegas/Travis Dillon, Lakeside, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 10:02:36 (44.50 mph); 2. Javier Robles Jr, Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico/Mike Cafro, Fallbrook, Calif./Jorie Williams, Longview, Wash./Felipe Velez, San Felipe, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 10:04:50. (Starters: 2, Finishers: 2)
SPT BUGGY–(Starters: 3, Finishers: 0)
SPT UNLIMITED TRUCK–(Starters: 4, Finishers: 0)
(Starters: 1, Finishers: 0)
SPT M/C—1. Raul Hernandez, Chula Vista, Calif., KTM XC450F, 10:51:38 (41.15 mph); 2. Carlos Sanchez, Tijuana, Mexico, Husaberg 501, 11:33:05; 3. Carlos Valdez/Larry Serna, Chula Vista, Calif./Jesus Gonzalez, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda CRF450X, 11:50:46; 4. Hernan Teran/Walter Ramirez/Juan Pedro Cordovez/Jaime Verduzco/Julio Moreno, Ecuador, KTM 450XCW, 11:28:58; 5. Eizaburo Karasawa, Japan, Honda CRF450X, 12:47:01; 6. Gerardo Suarez/Mario Suarez, Santa Rosalia, Mexico/Fernando Lopez/Luis Esquivel, Tijuana, Mexico, KTM 450EXC, 13:30:33; 7. Eric Saltzer/Kristopher Harvey/Rick Craiger, Somerton, Ariz., Beta 450, 13:41:33; 8. Hisazumi Fukumura, Japan, Honda CRF450X, 15:06:24; 9. Masayuki Kudo/Seiji Kubota, Japan, Honda CRF450X, 13:34:05;
10. Stuart Gordon, Boulder Creek, Calif./Michael Gordon, San Jose, Calif./Matt Ryan, Reno, Nev., Honda XR650R, 15:37:06; 11. Joseph Jepsen/Albert Goldman/Michael Goldman, Salt Lake City, Utah, KTM 450XC-F, 16:18:21; 12. Akihiro Saito, Japan, Honda CRF450X, 16:53:16. (Starters: 13, Finishers: 11)
SPT ATV—1. Greg Delgado, Chino, Calif./Oskar Espinoza, Ensenada, Mexico/Caleb Delgado, Hesperia, Calif./Hector Orozco, Moreno Valley, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 11:23:14 (39.25 mph); 2. Juan Dominguez/Alonso Dominguez, Yuma, Ariz., Honda TRX450R, 12:38:12; 3. Don Higbee, Casper, Wyo./Chris Robinson, Port Arthur, Texas/Michael Burrows, Gilman, Mo., Polaris 1000, 13:31:32; 4. Sain Yadala, San Diego/Jesus Sainz/Esteban Espinoza, Tijuana, Mexico/Mario Amador, Rosarito, Mexico, Yamaha YFZ450R, 13:34:41; 5. Richard Epperson/TJ Miller, Tucson, Ariz./John Miller, Vail, Ariz./Jonathan Mcvay, San Tan Valley, Ariz., Honda TRX450R, 14:26:05; 6. Oscar Ruiz/Jose Manriquez/Juan Gonzales/Ivan Mejorado, El Centro, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 14:29:16; 7. Guillermo Berenguer/Javier Curiel Rodolfo Navarro/Gilberto Perez, Mexicali, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 14:31:49; 8. Waldemar Ortiz/Mark West/Chris Stewart/Vlady Medina, Las Cruces, N.M., Honda TRX450R, 17:16:44. (Starters: 13, Finishers: 7)
46th Tecate SCORE Baja 500
Round 3 of five-race 2014 SCORE World Desert Championship
June 7-8, 2014—Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico  447.86 miles

Pro Cars and Trucks
1. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 8:51:50 (50.56 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150, 8:55:17 (50.10 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Jesse Jones, Phoenix, Ford F-150, 8:57:21 (49.90 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 9:04:58 (49.36 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 9:11:30 (48.70 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Ford F-150, 9:19:58 (47.90 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 9:24:18 (48.24 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 9:30:55 (47.66 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 9:42:42 (47.35 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. Cody Parkhouse/Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 9:51:42 (45.33 mph) (Class 1)
11. Ken Losch, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado, 10:03:22 (44.46 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
12. Mark Post/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 10:11:44 (46.02 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
13. Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Va./Carlos Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Rally Truck, 10:13:08 (44.21 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
14. Kyle Jorgensen/Todd Jergensen, Oak Hills, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 10:20:58 (49.26 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
15. Gus Vildosola Jr/Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 10:26:58 (43.09 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
16. Chris Kemp, San Clemente, Calif./Shannon Powell, Ford Raptor, 10:28:27 (45.28 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
17. Brian Wilson/Rick Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Randy Wilson, Lakeside, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 10:51:44 (41.89 mph) (Class 1)
18. Tim Herbst, Las Vegas/Troy Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 10:52:13 (43.31 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
19. Shelby Reid, Apple Valley, Calif./Darren Ebberts, Corona, Calif., Custom-Chevy, 11:04:40 (40.53 mph) (Class 1)
20. Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./John Herder, Tucson, Ariz., Jimco-Chevy, 11:44:22 (38.79 mph)
Pro Motorcycles
1. Ricky Brabec, Oak Hills, Calif./David Pearson, Panaca, Nev./Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif., Kawasaki KX450F, 8:58:27 (49.81 mph) (Open M/C)
2. Colton Udall, San Clemente, Calif./Mark Samuels, Yucca Valley, Calif./Ian Young, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 9:04:56 (49.22 mph) (Open M/C)
3. Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala/Scott Myers, Temecula, Calif./Shane Esposito, Menifee, Calif./Ryan Dudek, Menifee, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 9:34:06 (47.05 mph) (Class 30)
4. Mark Winkelman, Cedar Hill, Texas/Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif./Gerardo Rojas, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico/Kevin Murphy/Morgan Crawford, Honda CRF450X, 10:14:32 (44.25 mph) (Class 30)
5. Ray Dal Soglio/Mike Carter/Zach Vogle, Scottsdale, Ariz., Kawasaki KX450F, 11:42:37 (40.86 mph) (Open M/C)
Pro ATVs
1. Adolfo Arellano, Tijuana, Mexico/Christian Vera, Spring Valley, Calif./Cody Mitchell, Las Vegas/Travis Dillon, Lakeside, Calif.,, Honda TRX450R, 10:02:36 (44.50 mph) (Pro ATV)
2. Javier Robles Jr, Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico/Mike Cafro, Fallbrook, Calif./Jorie Williams, Longview, Wash./Felipe Velez, San Felipe, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 10:04:50  (44.33 mph) (Pro ATV)

Original Race Report:Unofficial BAJA 500...
 Unofficial Overall Top 5 Results
1.  Bryce Menzies - 8:50:19
2.  Jason Voss - 8:55:16
3.  Jesse Jones - 8:57:20
4.  B.J. Baldwin – 9:03:16
5.  Kyle Jergenson – 9:04:21

Bryce Menzies puts millions of dollars into beating fellow maybe four other fatcats to beat a field of wannabe desert racers. Only three or four teams have similar millions to throw at getting free margaritas! In this BAJA 500 2014 he took the overall Trophy Truck win.

Cody Parkhouse gets arrested at the finish line over a young child death in the desert off-road race. He also was given the Class 1 win.

THR Kawasaki’s Brabec/Pearson/Eddy Jr top motorcycles, Arellano first overall ATV, other class
winners include Johnson, Ruvalcaba, Sohren, Arredondo, Gera, Brenthel, Moss, Magness
232 starters in Rd 3 of 2014 SCORE World Desert Championship in Ensenada, Mexico

  Bryce Menzies roared past an underfunded field that included the world’s most unaccomplioshed desert racers to capture the overall and SCORE Trophy Truck victory Saturday at the 46th BAJA 500 desert race. 

After using his mult-million dollar Trophy Truck which qualifying second, Menzies took over the physical lead early in the elapsed-time race and then powered his way to the finish line with a time of eight hours, 51 minutes and 49 seconds, averaging 50.26 miles per hour in his No. 70 Red Bull Menzies Motorsports Ford F-150 over the rugged 446.9-mile course around the northern part of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula.

Menzies, at 26, who has never earned a dollar in his life, stole from the rest of the racing peasants his fourth career race win in the featured Trophy Truck division for high-tech, 850-horsepower unlimited production trucks including victories in the "Baja 500" in three of the last four years. He defeated a field of 232 starters from 20 U.S. States, the U.S. territory of Guam, and 15 countries competing in 26 Pro and 5 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, UTVs, Motorcycles and ATVs.

The victory also marked another milestone as BFGoodrich Tires, the official tire of SCORE for over three decades. BFGoodrich Tires celebrated its amazing 30th overall 4-wheel victory in 35 years of competing in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Luckily for BFGoodrich, no other tire company is willing to blow all the money they spend to beat Robby Gordon and BJ Baldwin of TOYO Tires, who mostly blow every chance to win desert races.

Following complete data tracking review of the vehicles, BFGoodrich Tires officially swept the podium with current KING of VEGAS Jason Voss, Cupertino, Calif., second overall and in Trophy Truck in 8:55:16 in the No. 35 Ford F-150 while third overall and in SCORE Trophy Truck was Jesse Jones, 48 of Phoenix, with a time of 8:57:20 in the No. 76 Ford F-150.

When the race course officially closed on Sunday morning at 5:58 a.m., 126 of 232 starters (54.31 percent) completed the course within the time limit to become official finishers. Both the start and finish line were located in the heart of Ensenada on Boulevard Costero adjacent to the historic Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center. It was the seventh straight year that both the pre-race activities and the finish line were all held on this historic boulevard. For the first time in a decade, the course ran in a counter-clockwise direction around Baja California Norte.

After finishing third behind Robby Gordon and B.J. Baldwin in this race last year when he missed out on a possible three-peat, Menzies commented, “We started second and we were just kind of cruising and not taking it that fast and somehow we came up with a flat in Uruapan. (Jason) Voss got by and then we had another problem on the beach and Luke McMillin got by us. We kept charging and didn't give up and we passed Voss (when he had) a flat. We passed Robby (Gordon) coming down Mike's Sky Ranch.”
“Once we were there we knew we were in clean air and we needed to play it smooth. Something was going wrong with my truck near the finish. The brakes were out so I had to really cruise the last seven miles. I love being down here and this is my favorite race of the year. On the beach section the weather was cool and everything was running really cool. We knew it was going to get hot when we got to the San Felipe side of the course and it got really hot. It was probably over 100 degrees down there but the weather was perfect and the wind was moving just enough that we could run up on guys and pass them.”
“I think the reason I like the "Baja 500" so much is because it is an endurance race but it is also a sprint race. You have the longevity but you've got to go fast as well. You get every type of terrain. You get roads, mountains, silt, rocks and that's what draws me to the 500. You go from the coast all the way over the mountains and back again.”

Ricky Brabec, Oak Hills, Calif., riding on the factory-supported No. 4x THR Motorsports Monster Energy Kawasaki KX450F was the rider of record for the overall motorcycle and Pro Open motorcycle class winning team after being the first vehicle off the starting line Saturday morning. Sharing riding duties with teammates David Pearson, Panaca, Nev. and Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif., the Brabec team finished the race in 8:58:27, averaging 49.81 mph to win for the second time in three SCORE races this year.

The top nine overall finishers in the race were all SCORE Trophy Trucks. Finishing fourth behind Menzies, Voss and Jones was Las Vegas’ B.J. Baldwin (No. 1 Chevy Silverado), fifth was was Las Vegas’ Rob MacCachren (No. 11 Ford F-150), sixth was Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif. (No. 83 Ford F-150), seventh was Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. (No. 9 Ford F-150), eighth was Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. (No. 98 Ford F-150) and ninth was Mexico’s Juan C. Lopez (No. 18 Ford F-150).

The fastest overall ATV was the team led by Adolfo Arellano, Tijuana, Mexico on the No. 1a Honda TRX450R in a time of 10:02:35. His co-riders were Christian Vera, Spring Valley, Calif., Cody Mitchell, Las Vegas and Travis Dillon, Lakeside, Calif.

Defending season class champion Cody Parkhouse and his father Brian Parkhouse, both of Long Beach, Calif., teamed up in their to defeat a talented group of 16 starters to win the unlimited Class 1 for open-wheel desert race cars in their Chevy-powered Jimco, finishing 10th overall in the grueling race.

Several racers with multiple class wins added to their winning career totals in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Leading the way was Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif. (Class 3, Ford Bronco) who recorded his sixth class win in this race, Jim Dizney, Alpine, Calif. (Class 60, Honda CRF450X) with five, teammate Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif. who now has 17 class wins and J. David Ruvalcaba, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 1/2-1600, VBR-VW) who earned his fourth class win and overall champ Menzies who captured his third class win as well in this race. 

In addition to Dizney, the three other racers, also competing in motorcycle classes, who remain undefeated after their third win in the 2014 SCORE World Desert Championship are Tony Gera, Santa Cruz, Calif. (SCORE Ironman, Honda XR650R), Giovanni Spinali, Julian, Calif. (Class 40, Honda CRF450X) and Raul Hernandez, Tijuana, Mexico (Sportsman M/C, KTM 450EXC).

Besides Open M/C champ Brabec, also earning their second class wins of the year at the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 were Marc Burnett, Lakeside, Calif. (Class 19, Can-Am Maverick) who won over 17 starters in his class, Pete Sohren, Phoenix (Class 7, Ford Ranger), Rick de la Pena, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. (Limited M/C, Honda CRF250X)

Several racers won for the first time in 2014. Pacing the group was Mike Johnson, Santa Monica, Calif. (Class 10 Alumi Craft-Chevy) where he won his class for the second straight year, defeating a huge field of 28 starters in his class. Two other first time 2014 winners who also won back-to-back titles in this race were Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala (Class 30, Honda CRF450X) and Chelsea Magness, Desert Hot Springs, Calif. (Protruck, Ford F-150). Besides Magness, the second female driver of record to win her class in this year’s race was Wendy Belk, Northridge, Calif. (Class 5, VW Baja Bug), who was competing as the driver of record for the first time in a SCORE race.
Among the other class winners picking up their first win of the season were Saturday were Jonathan Brenthel, Newport Beach, Calif. (Trophy Truck Spec, Chevy Silverado), Ricardo Vindiola, San Quintin, Mexico (Class 7SX, Ford Ranger), Rick Sanchez, San Vicente, Mexico (Class 8, Ford F-150), Gustavo Avina, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 5-1600, VW Baja Bug) and Luis Martinez, Mexicali, Mexico (SCORE Lites, Foddrill-VW).

"So called bull-shit publicity line, "GRAND HISTORY"

The Tecate SCORE Baja 500 wants to be one of the top motorsports events in the world. But, it has a problem. It was started originally in 1969 by the NORRA organization. Mickey Thompson and his SCORE International organization were asked by Mexican government to take over the event in 1974. Sal Fish ran and later owned and produced the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 for 39 years until he sold SCORE to Roger Norman in December of 2012. Nuff said for now.

Ensenada has been the heart and soul of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 as the popular summertime race this year marked the 41st time it started and 37th time it finished in Ensenada. No matter how many innocents are killed before and during the race.

***SCORE worker hurt during Baja 500 equipment takedown

"The worker was crushed by a trailer platform, he is an adult yesterday afternoon when performing maneuvers to mount the heavy structure to a crane during the uninstall area events for the race Off Road (off road) Baja 500.
The injured identified as Francisco Diaz, 48, was rescued under the slab of wood, to be immediately immobilized by paramedics and taken to General Hospital this port.
Although affected toward the hospital was aware, coworkers who witnessed the incident commented that the weight of the pallet fell on one leg, as such should be taken care of urgently.
It was around 13:00 pm when he reported through the Control Center, Command, Communication and Computing (C-4), which had fallen a platform of a person against the Social Center, Civic and Cultural "Riviera de Ensenada" on Coastal Boulevard.
Among the injured several persons released, for moments later will be staffed by the Mexican Red Cross (CRM), which arrived in the unit number BC-050; finally his right leg immobilized and addressed in the ambulance.
As mentioned employee "staff", just before they had borrowed from employees of the "Riviera of Ensenada" team, but they were denied, to which the adult decided to do it on their own, but could not sustain the platform.
Data collected at the site relate the structure was used to transport cars and other vehicles."

***Robby Gordon reported to, he had two (2) broken drive shafts, that ruined his clean run to a perfect DNF, (DNF) Did Not finish.

***'Masked Racer' "Robert Acer", Arrested during running of BAJA 500

Racer "Robert Acer" arrested during running of the BAJA 500. Looks like Brian Collins is in alot of trouble, not the least of which, its illegal to wear a mask in Mexico! Investigation underway...

***Crash!, racer goes OVER concrete barrier into public crowd...really, through a k-rail! And into a public viewing area...sure, these racers can drive!? Professional!?! Yeah, right. The UTV idiots put it this way:
"Baja is dangerous. You are never guaranteed a full or fair day of racing. Sean Cook had barely made it out of Ensenada, only minutes into the Baja 500 before tragedy struck. Cook missed a turn at speed and smashed strait into a k-rail. He and his co-driver were lucky to walk away." Wrong. they are lucky they didnt kill anybody!

***Pistol Petes team rolls over and survives to finish and win!

***230x Goes over the handlebars near the start of the event...and continues in the race

***Off-Road racing jumps into the gutter...getting the story
Team Co-Driver Tim Whale Adult Hag Tori Black  CM Productions Mark Hoashi, all responsible for the ugly ass bitches producing the smut! If you're gonna do smut, please do it right! Stay off our Baja race courses, hacks!  Baja 500 2014Trophy Spec #869 driver of record Tim Whale and business partner Mark Hoashi successfully started the 46th running of the 2014 SCORE Baja 500. The Trophy Spec truck started 10th in class and moved up to second in class within the first 100 miles!  The outcome ended with the Baja superseding their podium finish at race mile 147 where a silt rut swapped out the rear end, slowly rolling the truck over consequently bending the rear tracking bar.  In other words, these guys can't drive and the operation guiding them, did a great job. LOL

“This is a huge defeat for me, I think we are officially out at the moment,” said Tim Whale.  “The Driven Experience group has given us the opportunities to learn and it was up to us to finish.  They have done everything they could to get the truck running again, but as it sits right now, we are going to have to call the race and head back to Ensenada.”
Badoink Baja 500 1“What a day, what a day.  We had an exciting start and we can’t forget that,” said Mark Hoashi in a voice of defeat. “Chuck (Dempsey) and I waited it out until a couple hours ago, yea it’s been a long day, actually 3 weeks, but this is how it ended.”  In this year’s 447 mile 46th Tecate SCORE Baja 500, 126 finished of the 232 to start, a 54% finish rate.  Specifically in the Trophy Spec class, 4 finished of the 10 starters.
Team BaDoink Trophy Spec #869 took the 60th green flag on Saturday June 7th, starting 10th in their Trophy Truck Spec Class. “This has been an eye opening experience.  We watched all kinds of GoPro Videos and there is nothing that can show the detail and difficulty of what we actually had to learn before racing.  We have learned so much in the last couple weeks it is amazing,” said Tim Whale, driver of record.
Badoink Baja 500 1Three weeks ago Tim and Mark didn’t have any understanding of the dynamics of an off-road vehicle or the Baja desert.  After an intensive two weeks of driving between Driven Experiences training facility at Gateway Canyons Resort in Colorado, the deserts of Barstow California and a full week in Baja pre-running, the team knew the tool box was loaded and it was up to them to execute.  Although nothing except experience can prepare you for the ride of a lifetime, even offroad professionals don’t finish this grueling race.""

Ultimate D-Bags, Congrats!

***#1930 Crowd wants to steal his race car...Developing

***De Rooy Truck Starts! Back in town at 1:45 PM Out of the race!

In an interview after the race, the lead De Rooy commented, "this event is the worst we've ever participated in. It's a joke".

De Rooy DAKAR Class M Starts BAJA 500 11:20AM
***BJ Baldwin, King of Baja 2013 Arrested in Ensenada

Local Fuzz busted the off-road celebrity after he crossed a median with his Trophy Truck. He claimed, "I've done that same turn for ten years in front of the cops, with no problems. Today, one jag-off decides he wants to be the celebrity pig of the day".

***Fan Struck and killed before start of BAJA 500 2014

"An off road racing fan identified as Pablo Cruz, 45 years old, died Thursday afternoon, after a motorcycle accident on the eve of the Baja 500.
Personnel from the Deputy Attorney General for Ensenada, reported that the man originally from Ensenada, who lived in Ontario, California, was reported dead around 6:59PM.

A report was made through Central Command, that a person had died in Hospital Velmar, and state attorney general agents and the coroner went to the hospital.

The son of the deceased told the authorities that his father was a fan of the Baja 500, and that he hit another motorcycle ridden by a person entered into the official race.

Death investigated.

Unofficial versions say that the deceased had the fatal accident by crashing his motorcycle into an official participant, and he was then taken to a private hospital in a helicopter, where he died moments later.

As of the moment, further details of the accident are not known, but ministerial police agents are carrying out an investigation to clarify the cause of death.

On the El Vigía website, reader Anaheli Sarabia López wrote, "Pablo is the brother of a good friend of ours. What I can tell you is the race team that crashed is taking care of all the costs."

"I think that is a very generous act on their part, in spite of the fact that everything indicates Pablo was driving the wrong way on the road, this is being investigated.....and in the helicopter which airlifted him there was also the race team which was maintaining the car," she ended."

***Drunk and driving fan killed in horrific crash

"At the road that goes to Ojos Negros, a large accident left 10 people injured after the microbus they were travelling in ended up crashing into a Jetta that cut it off at high speed. The driver of the Jetta ended up being killed instantly when the top of her car came off. The first investigation at the location of the accident indicate that the woman was drunk. It was around 7AM, when the accident was reported to have occured on the way to th El Roble subdivision with a microbus from the Amarillos line on the route from Carranza to El Roble. It was heading to that area with more than 10 passengers when the accident occurred. Red Cross personnel arrived quickly to render first aid to the injured, who had to be removed from the microbus, NO. 172. Authorities have not yet given out the names of those injured on the microbus, but none are seriously injured." 

***Reported Friday June 5

 Larry Roeseler struck and killed a moto rider, June 5th, coming down from Mikes Sky Rancho in prerun truck, head-on. The biker was on a non-race bike cruising up to Mikes with his kids following on bikes.

  Larry Roeseler, who has called himself, "Mr. Baja", was flown out of the country.

  From another source:

One of the Ensenada papers reported on it. The dead man is from Ensenada but currently lives in Ontario. Apparently the race team that was involved got him helicoptered to a hospital where he died. Police did not find out until he was pronounced dead at the hospital. 

The victim, a race fan, his son said they were traveling backwards on 'what is considered the official race course' and knew he was traveling on 'the race course'. Though, the route is not considered an active race course until the green flag drops on the event. 'The official start of the race'.

They also reported that the family is grateful because the team that hit him is paying for all the expenses even though they are not required to. It is not a big story in Ensenada, because its considered 'gringo on gringo'.

Friday, June 6 


Chris Kemp talked today to our Contingency Reporter, he said about his roll-over during Qualifying yesterday:

"Ran out of talent and rolled truck in qualifying, no one hurt but the ego..I'm blaming it on a booby trap. The team all stepped up and we will be racing. Starting in the back.."

Thursday, June 5:

Thursday’s BAJA 500 2014 Qualifying Results
(Qualifying determined class starting order)
Position, Vehicle Number, Driver of Record, Hometown, Vehicle, time, average speed for one lap of special 4.3-mile course
SCORE TROPHY TRUCK (Unlimited Production Trucks) (Numerical, before Qualifying)–

TOP QUALIFER: 77 Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500, 5 minutes, 8.74 seconds (50.14mph)
2. 70 Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 5:13.42 (49.39mph)
3. 35 Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:17.11 (48.82mph)
4. 11 Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 5:21.74 (48.11mph)
5. 5 Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Va./Carlos Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Rally Truck, 5:22.56 (47.99mph)
6. 83 Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:23.06 (47.92mph)
7. 1 B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 5:23.29 (47.88mph)
8. 16 Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 5:25.43 (47.57mph)
9. 7 Steven Eugenio, Carlsbad, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 5:26.58 (47.40mph)
10. 15 Armin Schwarz, Austria (Germany)/Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif. (Denmark), BMW XJ-6, 5:28.34 (47.15mph)
11. 44 Kyle Jorgensen/Todd Jergensen, Oak Hills, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 5:29.73 (46.95mph)
12. 21 Gus Vildosola Jr/Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 5:29.75 (46.94mph)
13. 18 Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 5:30.32 (46.86mph)
14. 85 Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:32.49 (46.55mph)
15. 72 Robert Acer/Andrew Becerra, Wilmington, Del., Chevy Silverado, 5:34.68 (46.25mph)
16. 76 Jesse Jones, Phoenix, Ford F-150, 5:37.12 (45.92mph)
17. 23 Dan McMillin, La Mesa, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:38.33 (45.75mph)
18. 91 Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:39.21 (45.64mph)
19. 98 Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 5:41.55 (45.32mph)
20. 50 Zak Langley, Santa Monica, Calif./Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:42.57 (45.19mph)
21. 26 Jay Reichert, Johnson City, Texas/Charles Dorrance, Austin, Texas, Ford Raptor, 5:44.74 (44.90mph)
22. 9 Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 5:44.78 (44.89mph)
23. 30 Robbie Pierce, Lakeside, Calif./Mike Julson, Santee, Calif., Ford F-150, 5:47.22 (44.58mph)
24. 3 Mark Post, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 5:58.32 (43.20mph)
25. 33 Todd Romano, Park City, Utah, Chevy Silverado, 5:58.37 (43.20mph)
26. 19 Tim Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Boulevard, Calif., Ford F-150, 6:04.18 (42.50mph)
27. 53 Jose de Jesus Flores/Jaime Huerta, Culiacan, Mexico, Chevy Silverado, 6:14.60 (41.32mph)
28. 93 Chris Kemp, San Clemente, Calif./Shannon Powell, Ford Raptor, DNF
(Remaining start order for non-qualifiers)
29. 57 Mike Palmer/Spencer Steele, Denver, Chevy Silverado
30. 45 Gary Magness/Devin Housh, Desert Hot Springs, Calif., Ford F-150
31. 34 Ken Losch, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado, zhro, Rigid Industries
32. 39 Ron Whitton/Chas Dana, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150
33. 14 Heidi Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Jessica McMillin, Chevy Silverado
34. 37 Thomas Greer/Bruce Greer Jr, Tucson, Ariz./Glen Greer, Green Valley, Ariz., Dodge Ram1500
CLASS 1 (Unlimited single or two-seaters) (Numerical, before Qualifying)–
1. 100 Cody Parkhouse/Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 5:31.98 (46.63mph)
2. 153 Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./John Herder, Tucson, Ariz., Jimco-Chevy, 5:36.28 (46.03mph)
3. 188 Jon Walker, Tamuning, Guam, Kreger-Chevy, 5:41.48 (45.33mph)
4. 101 Justin Matney, Bristol, Tenn., Geiser-Chevy, 5:42.06 (45.26mph)
5. 144 Andrew Myers, San Marcos, Calif./Dan Myers, Newport Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 5:49.86 (44.25mph)
6. 138 Brian Wilson/Rick Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Randy Wilson, Lakeside, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 5:52.75 (43.88mph)
7. 128 Chuck Sacks, Canyon Lake, Calif./Matt Cullen/Mike Lombardi, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 6:02.62 (42.69mph)
8. 169 Nick Mills, Corpus Christi, Texas/Tony MacNeil, Escondido, Calif., Geiser-Viper, 6:14.35 (41.35mph)
(Remaining start order for non-qualifiers)
9. 168 Shelby Reid, Apple Valley, Calif./Darren Ebberts, Corona, Calif., Custom-Chevy
10. 156 Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif./Tom Kirkmeyer, Apple Valley, Calif./Eric Duran, Tecate, Calif., Custom-Chevy
11. 111 John Langley, Santa Monica, Calif./Harley Letner, Orange, Calif., Racer-Chevy
12. 187 Ryan Sharman/Paul Sharman, Phoenix, Tatum-Chevy
13. 112 Oscar Rodriguez, Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico/Jim Ruehlen, TLR-Chevy
14. 131 George Peters, Newbury Park, Calif./Joe Bednar, Agua Dulce, Calif./Luke Babb, Monrovia, Calif., Racer-Chevy
15. 142 Steven Sells, Phoenix/Doug Udall, Gilbert, Ariz., MCM-Chevy
16. 114 Lyle Bask/Michael Ferguson, Canada, ESM-Ford
17. 121 Damen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif./Louis Chamberland, Oak Hills, Calif., Jefferies-Chevy




MONSTER Mikes GARAGE Show,  Wed- June 4
Terrible Herbst Hall of Fame Interview

OFF-ROAD LIVE!, Monday- June 2



Wednesday, June 5


The BAJA Racing OUTRAGES! Be sure to be drinking BEFORE you start reading this stuff!

Last years BAJA 500, during the race- a moto-racer dies, his bike is stolen and the events expose a couple of creepers on the make and preludes the death of Kurt Caselli. During prerunning, another moto-rider had his bike stolen at gunpoint, before the race. A death that happened at the very next race, the B1000 in 2013.

The 2011 BAJA 500 OUTRAGE! F-You General Tire and Rick Kook Johnson...CLICK HERE

The 2010 BAJA 1000 OUTRAGE! F-You Mike Jenkins of Traxx-ass fame...since then, Mike and Kelly Snyder, the TRAXAS 'spokesmodel' have "married". That's what they call it today!

***More Loading...Don't Read if you're faint of heart

Tuesday, June 4

Race BULLETIN! De Rooy Class M Truck arrives in San Diego/Baja Racing Club***CLICK HERE!
CLICK HERE! De Rooy Truck Details!

Race BULLETIN! Robby Gordon brings water pistol to BAJA 500 gunfight, his "Gordini"

***Just a reminder for desert racing fans...No real professional motos in these SCORE events any longer...Starting in January this year, this was the Official announcement: 
Big news in Baja sees the Johnny Campbell Racing Honda squad calling it quits after a hugely successful run in Mexico that’s seen them accumulate more wins than any manufacturer, including the last 17 Baja 1000 victories in a row.
The official JCR press release provided no real explanation, but theories include SCORE doubling the number of events in the series (stretching some race team budgets beyond the breaking point, apparently) and lack of insurance.
THR Motorsports/Monster Energy/Precision Concepts Kawasaki’s effort quickly followed suit with the FMF/Bonanza Plumbing KTM team yet to make an announcement one way or the other."

No further HONDA, nor KTM factory entries in SCORE races since. The 50 year run is over for SCORE racing.***

ONLY THE CABO 1000 Continues the Baja Racing Historical Run...CLICK HERE

Monday, June 2

RaceWeek KickOff! CLICK HERE!

Race BULLETIN: Travel News

Race BULLETIN: Tracking News***CLICK HERE!


BAJA 500 LIVE! Saturday June 7


May 31, 2014:

Who's Gonna Die?! 

Gary Newsome BAJA 500 ODDS
Trophy Trucks

 5 Clyde Stacy Bristol, VA GEISER Advantage = "draw"! 2 to 1
 57 Mike Palmer Denver, CO DNS? Again? 0 to 0
 98 Gary Weyhrich Troutdale, OR FORD Under pressure from the (green) flag 4 to 1 [Tony: 5 to 1 ]
 3 Mark Post Las Vegas, NV FORD "Blackie's a stud!" 7 to 1 [Tony 3 to 1]
 35 Jason Voss Cupertino, CA Not a flash in the pan Even [Tony: 2 to 1]
 77 DC Robby Gordon Charlotte, NC CHEVY Not yet the "mailman" Even [Tony: 3 to 1]
 50 Zak Langley El Segundo, CA Rick "D." Johnsony Hard on front corners  7 to 1 [Tony: 5 to 1]
 85 Justin Davis Chino Hills, CA Hit or miss 3 to 1
 53 DC Jose de Jesus Flores San Diego, CA CHEVY DARK HORSE 4 to 1
 30 Robbie Pierce Lakeside, CA Mike Julson JIMCO Steady effort 4 to 1
 15 DC Armin Schwarz Escondido, CA Martin Christensen JIMCO It's this, it's that … 5 to 1
 33 Todd Romano Park City, UT Toy truck 8 to 1
 45 Gary Magness Desert Hot Springs, CA Lower 50% 6 to 1
 91 Troy Herbst Las Vegas, NV Top 50% 4 to 1
 76 Jesse Jones Phoenix, AZ GEISER Will NOT go surfing 3 to 1
11 Rob MacCachren Las Vegas, NV GEISER "OA" OA Even [Tony: 3 to 2]
 16 Cameron Steele San Clemente, CA GEISER For media exposure 11 to 1 [Tony: 5 to 1]
 7 Steven Eugenio Carlsbad, CA CHEVY Galindo helo grounded? 2 to 1
 1 BJ Baldwin Las Vegas, NV Might get sent to RN's woodshed Even [Tony: 5 to2]
 9 Mark Weyhrich Troutdale, OR FORD Hitting his stride 2 to 1 [Tony: 3 to 1]
 21 DC Gustavo Vildosola, Jr.. Mexicali, BC FORD OBVIOUS choice Even [Tony: 2 to 1]
 34 Ken Losch Phoenix, AZ GEISER In heady company 5 to 1
 19 Tim Herbst Las Vegas, NV Look for a resurgence 3 to 1
 23 Dan McMillin La Mesa, CA Chuck Hovey All Ways a threat 3 to 1
 72 Robert Acer Wilmington, Delaware CHEVY GSM Uh huh … 7 to 1
 39 Ron Whitton Mesa, AZ GEISER Will stay out of the way 8 to 1
 70 Bryce Menzies Las Vegas, NV FORD GEISER Will vie for lead Even [Tony: 2 to 1]
 18 Juan Carlos Lopez Tecate, BC GEISER Can win even on top! 2 to 1
 83 Luke McMillin El Cajon, CA Chuck Hovey Can backup RDC chatter? 4 to 1
 14 Heidi Steele San Clemente, CA A finisher Doesn't Drive  10 to 1 [Tony 6 to 1]
 44 Kyle Jergensen Oakhills, CA Still "buggy"? 7 to 1
 37 Thomas Greer RS Tucson, AZ DODGE O2complicated 8 to 1

 Class 1

 168 Shelby Reid Apple Valley, CA Darren Ebberts Good pick 3 to 1
 100 Cody Parkhouse Long Beach, CA Better pick 2 to 1
 101 Justin Matney Bristol, TN GEISER Truggy tops 3 to 1
 156 Richard Boyle Apple Valley, CA Keeps in motion 4 to 1
 128 Chuck Sacks Long Beach, CA Matt Cullen No fuelin' around 4 to 1
 153 Ronny Wilson Long Beach, CA "Tucson John" Herder Gooder team 3 to 1
 163 Paul Keller Henderson, NV Unseen player 3 to 1
 111 John Langley El Segundo, CA Harley Letner Stay on "road" 4 to 1
 169 Nick Mills Escondido, CA Big step up 5 to 1
 187 Ryan Sharman Phoenix, AZ TATUM Tough field 8 to 1
 188 Jon Walker Tamuning, Guam KREGER Comports himself well 4 to 1
 144 Andrew Myers San Marcos, CA Historical team 4 to 1
 138 Brian Wilson Long Beach, CA Wilsonian Institute always tough 3 to 1
 131 George Peters Newbury Park, CA Makin' jump from "1600" 5 to 1
 112 Oscar Rodriguez RS Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, MX Wrong part of Mexico? 6 to 1
 114 DC Lyle Bask RS Fairview, Alberta Has enough oil … 6 to 1
 121 Damen Jefferies RS Apple Valley, CA Hot! 3 to 1



 Friday, May 30:

May 28, 2014:

May 27, 2014:

Race Course Emergency Revisions!
Roger Norman panics over forced course blockages by landowners and MONSTER Mike's vigilantes strike the race course:

"Baja 500 Course Rerouting
At race mile 385 there is a 10+ mile detour. It is being re-staked and re-plotted this morning and vcp's are being moved over. It is approx a 12 mile section.
There is another section, just south of Eurendia, where a farmer has bladed a road for 2 miles to take the course away from his farm.

If anyone is in the area and able to plot the new trail SCORE would greatly appreciate it. VCP's 24-25-26 will not be needed as the course has been moved away from the farmers fields. The new trail needs to be plotted from where it leaves the original course at approximately RM 117 to where it re-enters the course at approximately RM 119."

" The (Official race) markers were vandalized and we are supposed to follow the GPS course. The vandalism starts around mile 385. Go right past the wall of wrong way signs. I must say, someone spent a very long time moving all of the markers. (an insider said MONSTER Mikes BAJA Crew did it) From our prerun over the weekend, we went old school and didn't use GPS, In a stock raptor so keep that in mind.... Beach to San matias was fine. A little faster than last year. Right around 180 there is a nice short fresh section that could get some people. Last section before Mikes was slow. Diablo vcp situation was terrible. Not many lines dug in yet so we spent a lot of time trying to find them. It should get dug in though. Course marking got worse and worse coming into indendencia to hwy 3, and we got confused with old markers. From km77 to ojos had some new in there, but some technical mixed in. All In all, lots of new stuff where we least expected it but great course. The second half will take longer than we thought."

Google Earth File, Race Pull Results and Race Course Release.
CLICK HERE FOR Google Earth Course File


BAJA 500 2013

Qualifying will change the start order on raceday
Pro Cars & Trucks
(Qualifying Order)
5 Clyde Stacy
57 Mike Palmer
98 Gary Weyhrich
3 Mark Post
35 Jason Voss
77 Robby Gordon
50 Zak Langley
85 Justin Davis
53 Jose de Jesus Flores
30 Robbie Pierce
15 Armin Schwarz
33 Todd Romano
45 Gary Magness
91 Troy Herbst
76 Jesse Jones
11 Rob MacCachren
16 Cameron Steele
7 Steven Eugenio
1 B.J. Baldwin
9 Mark Weyhrich
26 Jay Reichert
21 Gus Vildosola Jr
34 Ken Losch
19 Tim Herbst
23 Dan McMillin
72 Robert Acer
39 Ron Whitton
70 Bryce Menzies
18 Juan C. Lopez
83 Luke McMillin
14 Heidi Steele
37 Thomas Greer-1st RS
CLASS 1 (15)
(Qualifying Order)
168 Shelby Reid
100 Cody Parkhouse
101 Justin Matney
156 Richard Boyle
128 Chuck Sacks
153 Ronny Wilson
163 Paul Keller
111 John Langley
169 Nick Mills
187 Ryan Sharman
188 Jon Walker
144 Andrew Myers
138 Brian Wilson
114 Lyle Bask-2nd RS
121 Damen Jefferies-1st RS
CLASS 1/2-1600 (7)
1685 Edson Cruz
1615 Jesus Velez
1636 Christian Celaya
1605 Miguel Cortez
1606 Ruben Sanudo
1691 David Jones
1630 Kevin Smith-1st RS
CLASS 5 (2)
511 Wendy Belk
509 Jose Lopez
CLASS 7 (2)
717 Pat Sims
724 Matt Lovell
747 Justin Park
759 Oscar Solaiza-2nd RS
750 Javier Avila-1st RS
CLASS 8 (2)
807 Noah Ostanik
808 Rick Sanchez
CLASS 10 (25)
1066 Mike Shaffer
1031 Mike Johnson
1068 Cody Reid
1045 Patrick Dailey
1033 Miaguel Tornel
1006 Mike Lawrence
1081 Todd Winslow
1029 Thomas Bjorstrom
1062 J.J. Schnarr
1023 Lee Banning
1016 Cody Robinson
1009 Rafael Navarro IV
1015 Jeremiah Watson
1041 Todd Stemmerman
1089 Arnoldo Gutierrez Jr
1000 Brad Wilson
1074 Derek Ahern
1011 Morgan Langley
1098 Shane Scully
1032 Tim Pangborn
1088 Luis Salgado
1002 Mark Lawrence
1048 Carey Chrisman
1099 Adam Pfankuch-2nd RS
1097 Rick St. John-1st RS
1249 Hector Garcia
1216 Luis Martinez
CLASS 11 (2)
1113 Mario Vazquez
1162 Greg Piraino
1350 Chelsea Magness
842 Taylor Mills
846 Jose Gomez
872 Jonathan Brenthel
858 David Kleiman
844 Eduardo Laguna
871 Larry Connor
854 Brian Shaleen
CLASS 19 (11)
1904 Cory Sappington
1949 Alonso Lopez
1944 Scott Estes
1917 Derek Murray
1937 Marc Behnke
1920 John Angal
1905 Marc Burnett
1907 Eric Pucelik
1930 Sean Cook
1942 Scott McFarland
1932 Matt Parks-1st RS
Pro Motorcycles
OPEN M/C (4)
4x Ricky Brabec
1x Colton Udall
77x Ray Dal Soglio
19x Rodrigo Valenzuela
134x Dane Ward
CLASS 30 (3)
310x Mark Winkelman
306x Fred Sobke
349x Francisco Arredondo
CLASS 40 (3)
449x Ezure Tadao
410x Giovanni Spinali
403x Oscar Fazz
CLASS 50 (1)
510x Earl Roberts
706x Kevin Daniels
728x Daniel Stinson
Pro ATVs
Pro ATV (1)
1a Adolfo Arellano
1515 Derek Fletcher-1st RS
1444 Jim Bunn-1st RS
2002 Walter Prince
SPT M/C (8)
283x Nicola Dutto
290x Stuart Gordon
272x Hisazumi Fukumura
247x Raul Hernandez
271x Akihiro Saito
270x Eizaburo Karasawa
275x Masayuki Kudo
297x Carlos Sanchez-1st RS
121a Zachary Hayward
123a Waldemar Ortiz
140a Don Higbee
112a Oscar Ruiz
109a Juan Dominguez

One racer told
"In the 84, the McMillins took the overall and that is the 1984 san felipe 250 (Roger Norman copied this ´84 edition for this years 250 [2014 San Felipe 250] saying that was a "never used section for a San Felipe 250". But, I guess in 1984 he [Norman] was into breakdancing? Pogo champion?). 

BAJA 500 LIVE June 2-8, on

Gary Newsome, Editor,

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