Steve Myers and IRC (International Racing Consultants) are no longer working with Best In The Desert.
David Nehrbass (we'll introduce you today to the real 'not-for-profit' David and investigate this BITD mouthpiece in future episodes. Did we mention the $300,000+ in annual "non-profit revenue" David's operation claims?)
Nehrbass said here today: "Many have been very critical of IRC the last several years. Casey also has been wanting more commitment and capability for a solution for safety and operations for Best in the Desert. He has been working for quite a while with his list of demands and 'RacingTrax' has met his goal of providing everything in one unit. I am personally excited as I understand the technology to be far superior than we have used before and if you look at their website, there a few upgrades you can do as racers that will help communicate to your chase teams. My team will as well be testing it for tracking some of our resources on race day."
Casey folks said in the Best In The Desert 'press release':
"RacingTraX, from ROM Communications, will be the new Satellite tracking system effective with the Vegas to Reno race in August, 2016".
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April 26, 2015 Original Reporting Start>>>
See Entire Reporting
UPDATE! May 1, 2015
Volocore operates Mexican 1000 after NORRA dumped Steve Myers and IRC. All reports indicate the racers are happy with the results.
Best In The Desert is now shoved into the unenviable position of defending having IRC around after the utter fail at the MINT 400, with no public reasoning for the race disaster.
After weeks of investigation and excuses, here's the real answer. For years, Steve Myers has spewed lies about 'new' units, 'testing now' and the next race will have upgrades. All lies.
Myers is now a two legged falsehood machine.
Not just his company is without funds, without upgrades on existing equipment, they are the verge of collapse.
April 24, 2015
Steve Myers confirms, "It's the racers fault we didn't have enough trackers for the entire MINT 400".
The race disaster at the 2015 MINT 400 was caused by the racers themselves, if you agree with Steve Myers of IRC.
The real truth is the racers had no control over who receives the trackers. IRC, Best In The Desert and Mad Media are in control. is beginning to understand the trend in desert racing. Blame the racers first. When we first started reporting on IRC, they told us the real reason the trackers were needed in competitions.
Not safety.
Cheating. Desert racers are CHEATERS. That's how IRC sold itself to SNORE, BITD and SCORE.
Blame the racers and make money.
April 12, 2015
IRC Refuses Independent Public Test!
& Steve Myers claims Roger Norman has thieved IRC property!
Has SCORE transferred thieved IRC equipment to
Volocore in an attempt to further steal IRITrack
secrets and technology?
After claiming for four years, "a new model is being tested", Steve Myers of IRC admits they are not ready for a prime time performance.
While VOLOCORE is testing at Baja Sur event and M1000 and will show off their new units, to the public!
Steve Myers berates competitor VOLOCORE, saying, "they have no technology that advances the state of the sport".
"Unless they steal it from our tracking units!"
Interesting, because as Myers belittles Volocore, grave questions regarding his own company financial solvency and quality standards are growing.
Even as his own company fails, he called a reporter here at, telling us to report on Roger Normans alleged financial shortcomings.
IRC customer service standards have been known for a long time to fail minimal performance requirements, by the racers themselves.
Since the start of IRC, Steve and Phil have proven themselves, the pompous asses of desert off-road racing. Constant snarky, rude and self aggrandising, IRC has always thought far too much of themselves.
Now, Volocore is planning to teach IRC the lessons of nine years of refusing refunds and simply lousy customer service.
IRC's greatest failure was not re-investing in the company. After the breakup of their parent company in France, Steve got shot down by Roger Normans new SCORE for cash.
Reports from Roger, George Antill and Steve himself, at the time, related that IRC was in need of an equipment overhaul and needed tens of thousands of dollars of capital infusion.
Roger refused the deal. Of course, after Roger Norman tried to steal everything of any value to his "new" racing attempts.
To this day, Roger Norman holds onto IRC 'owned' equipment. A team returned IRC trackers to SCORE after a race, when they were lawfully required to be returned to IRC.
Norman has refused to turn over the equipment to IRC, to this day!
Blaming the racers for every IRC mistake will no longer fly.
AND...George Antill of SCORE International/'Roger Normans Butt-Plug', Tells
"You can tell when Steve Myers is Lying, His lips are moving!"
More on the George Antill Interview Today>>>
Racers from the last two events say they have been issued racer trackers that don't work.
Is it possible IRC is sending all of its bad equipment to Mexico, thus reducing its total number of available units? Like what happened at the MINT?
Insider tells IRC can't afford to fix broken units, so they send them to the unsuspecting Mexicans who don't know heads nor' tails whether the so-called sophisticated race tracking systems are actually working!
Casey Folks, of Best In The Desert, cited as unsophisticated by a shamed race vendor.
MINT 400 name forever tarnished after Race Disaster!
Sunday, March 29
Randy Swink of El Cajon and Pat Dailey wrap the racers input, "Enough with the Nonsense!"
No desert racing organization has 'restart regulations' in effect in their racing regulations. In simple terms, without these important guidelines, no desert race is really a professional competitive event.
"What you lack at the BITD is verified, authenticated race telemetry...these are not competitive racing events"*
"These are HOBBY RACES for the enjoyment of the racecar owners!"**
The ultimate conclusions of the President of the SAC* and President of FITAC**, the official sanctioners of competitive racing and club events.
And, "without authenticated race tracking, timing and scoring these desert races are all Bull-Shit".
"Casey Folks, Mad Media and Steve Myers have failed the desert racing community to prove they are above the level of shit."
Gary Newsome, Editor
March 28:
14 Race cars had no tracking unit placed on their rigs. 26 racers are claiming their units didn't work and many more have said publicly either the hassle of contingency or race day morning impacted their race tracking and organizational plans.
Mad Media and Best In The Desert continue to bury their heads underground and no 're-start' regulations are in place or under consideration.
March 23: Several racers contact and say: "IRC blamed me for not getting my tracker back to them after the first race, talking s***, when they didn't have enough trackers for all the racers! This is the regular treatment now at 'BS In The Desert!"
Ted Johnson Sez: "The websites owned by the MINT 400 stooges are dead silent on the s*** storm! Behind the scenes in the shops of all the racers, we know now for years the race results at Caseys circus were bogus!"
Another anonymous racer: "I'll race at BITD, but I don't believe any of the race results!"
Original reporting: As Casey Folks and Best In The Desert hides away from public view after the recent race disaster, charges of cover-up against the Nevada race sanction are sticking. After days of not answering questions about the impropriety of a BITD vendor, International Racing Consultants provided our reporters, an exclusive, inside view.
In one of the very first meetings with International Racing Consultants, Steve Myers and Phil Membury, had with a race promoter turned reporter, tells us how little respect IRC has for Casey Folks. "We control all of the race tracking and scoring for BITD", Steve and Phil explained in our first face to face meeting.
When IRC was shucking its services in 2006, they explained how little Best In The Desert knew about the modern internet and sophisticated race tracking services. "Back then, BITD didn't even have a website, race results came out a week after a race!" Since then, the race vendor showed very little respect to the Best In The Desert race organization.
"Casey Folks uses his computer as a door stop". Steve and Phil laugh at Casey Folks computer knowledge.
At the recent MINT 400, they didn't have enough tracking equipment to cover the entire race field of competitors. In an interview last Monday, the day after the awards ceremony for the event, Steve Myers explained to our reporter, "the racers didn't follow our directions", as he was blaming the racers for not handing in their trackers correctly from the first race, to be used for the second event.
When Myers was informed of what was happening online, with racers fuming mad, "I'll just fall on my sword and cover-up for Casey, it'll blow-over, no big deal", he explained. In that Monday morning interview, Steve Myers, the President of International Racing Consultants was outlining his strategy to respond to the outrage of damaged racers.
Steve also works for his Dad, at "Toyota Escondido", as the "Chief Financial Officer".
Many racers didn't even receive trackers. Many more received trackers that didn't work. Many in the racing community know not to even ask for a refund, they seldom get refunds for lack of services by IRC and BITD. "they Cover-Up for each other!", said one anonymous racer to the Editor of Baja Racing News.
In March, VOLOCORE was chosen over IRC by the Kurt Caselli Foundation for future development projects in desert racing.
Why? The foundation told
"IRC has been rejected by the racing community because of poor customer service".
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Gary Newsome, Editor
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