THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, July 08, 2016

LIVE KING of BAJA 500 2016, May 30 to June 5

RACE BULLETIN!!! July 8, 2016

American Racer Found Guilty of Manslaughter in Death of American Child in Mexico!

Just in from Local Court, here in Ensenada...

UPDATE June 18, 2016

What's Next For Baja racers who kill spectators?!


UPDATE June 15, 2016

BAJA 500, The Tragedy and The Embezzlement

ZETA Newspaper Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

For various reasons, the Baja 500, records at least one death during the most important sporting event in this oceanside community in Baja California, Ensenada, every race!

Governmental entities that organize the events have been declared in the red, bankrupt, as the budget is insufficient and end up paying with money from the community. 

The latest edition of the Baja 500 off road race, controlled and organized by the American firm Score-International of San Diego, California, holds the race in Ensenada. 

Space Monkey Trophy Truck Mike Cook Owned Killed Child
This year, the carnage was disgusting, it left three foreigners dead, six car accidents, one person injured, and trash and ecological damages all along the length of the route.

Even though it appears that the municipal government benefits with the location of the competition, what is certain is that with each race, the municipality, through Proturismo, had ended up in the red since 2011, with debts of 150,000 pesos (US$8,000) which end up being paid with city money. 

 "The races have had Proturismo in bankruptcy for years," criticized one person interviewed. 

 Businesses such as prostitution also have become an attraction for those in that business, and days before the race women in the business arrive in Ensenada from other Mexican states. 

Delinquent Driver Todd Pederson #75 Truck
The insecurity factor was reflected in the 48th edition, where a motorcycles died from a heart attack, and another from heat stroke in San Felipe. Meanwhile an 8-year old American boy, identified as Zanders Hendricks, was run over and slain, by the 'Space Monkey' Trophy Truck. 

This is not the first time that tragedy loomed within the most important sporting event in Ensenada. 

In each edition at least one person linked to the event dies for different reasons. 

SCORE and Roger Norman, has manipulated and threatened authorities with the possibility of move the race to Puerto Peñasco, in Sonora, or La Paz, Baja California Sur. 

Those governments have computed the proceeds and rejected the SCORE proposals because the government revenues would be insufficient to the costs born by the local people.



*UPDATE June 14, 2016*

AMEX (American Medical Emergency Xpedition) Announces partnership with Governor of Baja California Mexico, to review Baja desert off-road races. 


*UPDATE June 9, 2016*

Baja Tourism Chief Admits Community Failed in Security and Safety Procedures

 [Image: baja500.jpg?itok=iH-TjpoI]

"Tijuana, June 9, 2016 - The State Secretary of Tourism (Secture), will place a new regulation on the Baja 1000 race which will be held next November in Ensenada. The regulation will seek to reinforce some security measures for this extreme sport.

The head of Secture, Oscar Escobedo Carignan, admitted there is a lack of legislation regarding the races and that he will seek to again to raise the issue with the state congress, as he did two years ago.

He said it is certain that many accidents occur from a lack of security measures and scrutiny over the kinds of businesses which organize these events, and it is also certain than spectators act imprudently.

"I the race which was held last weekend, we unfortunately lost a human life, the people wait until the police pass by to once again go past the security tapes," added Escobedo Carignan.

He said he would present a series of proposals to the state congress regarding the race organizers and the the type of security they provide, or if they use pre-established race routes used before or were agreed to in advance.

In the case of the Baja 500 last week, which a child died, the head of Secture said the race truck driver had a guilty conscience and approached the child's father to apologize, and the father admitted they had went past the security ribbons.

Escobedo Carignan reiterated that in addition to presenting legislative proposals in this matter, his agency will propose new regulations for the Baja 1000 to be held in November, including fixing some of the bleachers for the Baja 300 to be held in September."


*UPDATE JUNE 8, 2016*

What went wrong in the Baja 500 spectator disaster?
Other than the driver himself!
1. The community failed to control the race course area.
2. The race sanction failed to produce a safe and sane environment for the drivers. Example: No course markings were on the curve itself, the curve the driver failed to negotiate.

Yes, it sounds stupid, but, the easiest turn in the race, was not marked properly for the participants in the event.
Look at the video. No markings and a line of people between the edge of the arroyo and the outside of the turn. Insane!

3. If there is going to be 'Baja racing' to continue, in town in Ensenada, Baja California, the community and the sanction must work together to end the disasters of spectator deaths and unsafe race course environments.

The driver. The person with the complete control over his truck.

Gary Newsome, Editor 
Race delinquents Todd Pederson - Mike Cook seconds before they ran over, killed an American child at the Baja 500


CLICKY: Todd Pederson, the delinquent Trophy Truck driver who killed a child.

CLICKY: "The last time a race team (Banning Motorsports) killed someone, the last Baja 1000, SCORE attorneys extorted $30k out of that team. So, I'm sure Score will not have their backs...."

"Pro Moto Unlimited (450cc or more) contender Travis Livingston, Sportsman Moto entrant Noah Evermann.

An eight-year-old boy was killed after being hit by a race truck whose driver, Todd Pedersen, The SCORE LIE: [lost control while dropping into the Ensenada wash less than a mile off the start, apparently while trying to avoid some spectators]. The truth. Pederson can't drive. He failed to negotiate the easiest curve of the race and failed to control his truck, while driving directly over the victim.

His foot was 'on the gas', as he killed the young, American victim.

The boy’s mother was also hit in the accident but was hospitalized and reported to be in stable condition. Their identities were not provided by SCORE, at that time." 
After payment of bail money, ($45,000) the delinquent racers run to the border, never to return.

One newspaper in Baja Norte reports the delinquent driver paid "the Hendricks family $55,000" in order to be forgiven and released from jail. That's not how these matters are resolved in Mexico.

One of the crackhead desert racing community, Ronald Robnett of Santa Monica said, "Kristen Coughran has already secured $125,080 dlls to support the family of the deceased 8 year old child. What, was the youngster employed? Was he supporting the family?Or is the money supposed to replace their son? Or is the money supposed to bring him back alive? If you want to throw more money at the family..."

Hey Ronald, hows your neck?

Our Original reporting...
The delinquent Todd Pederson, Mike Cooks truck and team, was "Released on (payment of bail money, reportedly $45,000) reserves law he was put the pilot off-road race Baja 500 involved in an accident that killed a child of 8 years during the morning last Saturday at the outlet section of the event.

Staff of the Office of Justice Ensenada area, reported that the competitor Todd identified, 47, may be required by the judging authority when necessary, regarding the tragic done.

The minor, identified as Zander Hendricks, 8, died while being treated at the Velmar Hospital site which also was taken with injuries his companion, Melissa Hendricks, 28 . 

Both US Persons were rammed by the trophy truck number 75, after he went off the landing ramp, located between Lopez Mateos Avenue and Ocean Street East, in the downtown area.

The Municipal Public Security Directorate (DSPM) determined that the runover was caused because the unit accidentally skidded race, heading a group of spectators stood in a restricted area. Until yesterday afternoon, the dead child mother was hospitalized with an exposed fracture in her right leg."

KING of BAJA 500 2016

*Our reporters have talked with some of the families of the dead. 

6x died of a broken neck.
Travis Livingston and Noah Evermann died of heat/rescue related issues.
Ryan Penhall broke his leg. VIDEO HERE 

*The race operations issues:


There were actually five bottlenecks. Most racers didn't make it to race mile 100!
*The race medical support was a mess. Many of SCORE Medical support was unreachable during medical red alerts.

*No 'penalties' were given out at this race, because the 'winner' of the event would have been disqualified.

*Confirmed, the child killed in Ensenada on raceday, was the son of a youth pastor, from San Clemente, California. Run over with BFGoodrich Tires. Expect legal entanglements for the delinquent team/driver who crushed him under his wheels on the third turn in the race event. The #75 team also "has no business in a trophy truck/ this is the same team who hit ryan hancock and jordan poole at the mint 400".

"Objective / Clarifying Facts:
(1) So the driver and or team of TT75 was the vehicle that was involved in the bad crash at the Mint 400 in 2015? (2) This same team / driver was also involved in the spectator fatality in the 2016 Baja 500?
(3) These two tragedies stopped the entire races of the Mint 400 and the Baja 500 for a combined time of roughly 2.5 to 3+/- hours or more?"

"Conclusion Based on Facts:
So in a span of less than 18 months the same driver / team / TT75 has the distinguished record of stopping two out of the three biggest off road races in North America for nearly three hours, paralyzed one person for life and killed an 8 year old kid?"

Brilliant! The desert racing community in all its Glory!

KING of BAJA 500 2016

*Not to mention the hundreds of road incidents associated with this race event.

SCORE International racing...the racers don't know how to drive!

Parkhouse Racing learning how to pull their head out of their arse.

Head-on of civilian truck and racecar. VIDEO

*Finally, late this afternoon SCORE released this information:


Regarding the three fatalities during the race, SCORE officials released the following information:

The closing time on the race course was delayed by one hour, 10 minutes as SCORE and local officials worked on the aftermath of an accident early during the start of the cars, trucks and UTVs involving a race truck within a half mile of the start. Racer Todd Pedersen, Orem, Utah, CEO of "vivint smarthome", while negotiating a turn entering the Ensenada wash".
In reality, the delinquent #75 crashed into people while trying to get his racecar back on the course. 

Some reports state he was, "attempting to avoid some

 fans, eventually hit three spectators". A load of crap,

 written by the sacks-o-shit over at SCORE-International.

 An eight-year old boy was fatally injured in the accident, according to police on the scene. He was transported to an Ensenada hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The boy’s mother was hospitalized and is reported in stable condition at a hospital in Ensenada with head and leg injuries. The identities of the two victims were not released.

In the first racer fatality, Pro Moto Unlimited rider Travis Livingston, 34, of Palmdale, Calif., crashed at race mile 288.9. When SCORE medical personnel arrived, while attempting to stabilize him, Livingston went into cardiac arrest and could not be revived.

In the second racer fatality, Sportsman Moto rider Noah Evermann, 34, of Alaska, was found dead near his motorcycle at race mile 180.9 by another race team.

No further information was released regarding all three accidents as all three are still being investigated by Ensenada Municipal Police."   

*LIVE! Pics from the Awards Ceremony on Sunday

*LIVE! BAJA 500 VIDEO from Borrego 

*LIVE! BAJA 500 2016 Race Pics

*LIVE! BAJA 500 2016 ALBUM


*LIVE! Contingency BAJA 500 PICS

KING of BAJA 500 2016 Narrative

"The chosen winner of the event, Vildosola’s day was far from easy. With temperatures reported in the 110- to 115-degree range Fahrenheit on some areas of the racecourse, racers battled Baja in more ways than one today. Vildosola had to work his way through the pack to get into contention to even have a shot at the win. “We started 13th, and it was just a battle all day long,” Vildosola said. “It was really hot down in the desert, and we worked really, really hard today to come back.” When it came to the heat, Vildosola said he felt dehydrated coming in because he had a difficult time getting water into his system during the race. “It was extremely bad,” Vildosola said of the heat. “I couldn’t get any water because when I had the opportunity to it was on the dry lakebed and we were going 120 mph. The water was getting all over my facemask and my face, but nothing was going in my mouth. I’m feeling pretty dehydrated right now. It was extremely hot. Thankfully we didn’t have to get out of the truck today.” Rob MacCachren sped to the finish line, trying to make sure he didn't lose any time when he crossed the finish line first. Rob MacCachren sped to the finish line, trying to make sure he didn’t lose any time when he crossed the finish line first. MacCachren was disappointed but handled the loss like the class act he is. He noted how tough this year’s course was and how challenging it was to run his Trophy Truck through the warmest part of the day. “It was very hot,” he said. “We had to deal with the temperatures quite a bit in the truck. The water temperature, just trying to manage that trying to keep it under 240 degrees.” How exactly does one deal with the heat when they’re still in the midst of a race? “Really, you just have to slow down,” MacCachren said. “In a lot of ways it’s really disappointing because you want to go, and at that time it was a third of the way into the race, that’s when the heat came. At that time, Bryce Menzies had probably put about 4 or 5 minutes [on the field] and he was out there in front. He had got in front of Robby Gordon and that let him get away, and I was behind Apdaly and Robby for quite some time, and then Robby was pulled over before mile 100, and then we caught Apdaly and were in his dust going up over the Summit, and Bryce just kept getting away. “By the time I had clean air we were in the heat of the day over there in Cohabuzo and you couldn’t run hard because I had to slow down to keep the truck cool. We just have to work on our cooling. We knew it was going to be hot, and you do everything you can to get your truck to run cool, but now in hindsight I wish it would’ve run cooler so I could’ve run hard instead of running 80 or 90 percent or so.” MacCachren was clearly frustrated but tried his best not to let it show. “It was a good run for us,” he said. “We’re happy, but it seems like we keep getting second place at this Baja 500. We got second last year by less than a minute, this year by three minutes or so. We’re happy, we made it, we’re here.” Finishing in third place was Lopez, who was the second Trophy Truck across the finish line. “We were running to take care of the truck and the tires, and on the last highway section Rob Mac passed me, and that is where I lost the lead,” Lopez said. “When we made a hard right off of the highway, he was right behind me and he cut to the inside. It happened in the last 20 miles.” The defending champion was upbeat even though he couldn’t defend his title. “It is a good day,” Lopez said. “In San Felipe, we finished in third [place], so I think we are doing well in the points. Maybe we can be SCORE Champion one more time.” For a good chunk of the race, Menzies appeared to be on his way to a fourth Baja 500 victory in his young career. “We were having a good run today.” Menzies said. “We just set the pace for the whole race. We had quite a lead on the second-place truck, and were just backing down and playing it smart when we were coming back in to where I knew the course really well.” 
Bryce Menzies blows another Baja race event

Unfortunately, Baja struck, and Menzies lost his lead after rolling his truck on its side. “I for sure thought we had this one in the bag, but I just came into a corner too hot, hit the brakes and the steering locked up and we rolled the truck on its side,” Menzies said. “So we had to have our chase crew come in, and it took them about 20-30 minutes to get in and flip us back over. After that we just had to push it to the finish. But it’s just a bummer. It was just a mistake on my part, and I am sorry for that.”"

The entire race radio relay 'Weatherman' for this event is found here:

  LIVE! Every Monday HERE at 4PM WEST

KING of BAJA 500 2016

Official Race Results Baja 500 2016 Baja Racing News LIVE!

*LIVE! Pics from the Awards Ceremony on Sunday

*LIVE! BAJA 500 VIDEO from Borrego 


*LIVE! BAJA 500 2016 ALBUM


*LIVE! Contingency BAJA 500 PICS

*Finish Line Has Closed at 10:30AM Local Time

Team Vildosola and TOYO Tires takes the 2016 BAJA 500

*At 7:30PM Vildosola named winner of this event. Rob Mac named second, Lopez named third.
"It’s OFFICIAL! Tavo Vildosola Racing is the 2016 SCORE Baja 500 Trophy Truck Champion! Rob MacCachren is 2nd, Apdaly Lopez is 3rd."

*List of named finishers:

June 4-5—Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico—477.52 miles

Total Starters: 236; Total Finishers: 137 (58.05 percent)

Pro Cars, Trucks & UTVs

SCORE TROPHY TRUCK (Unlimited Production Trucks)—1. 21 Gus Vildosola Jr, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Raptor,8:20:52 (57.20 miles per hour); 2. 11 Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 8:23:52; 3. 1 Carlos Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Rally Truck, 8:25:22; 4. 91 Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., Ford F-150,8:40:21; 5. 31 Andy McMillin, San Diego, Ford Raptor, 8:45:15; 6. 7 Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford Raptor, 8:46:28;7. 23 Dan McMillin, La Mesa, Calif., Ford F-150, 8:48:11; 8. 15 Billy Wilson, Corpus Christi, Texas, Chevy Silverado,9:02:15; 9.3 Mark Post, Las Vegas/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 9:30:07: 10. 45 Gary Magness, Denver/Devin Housh, Desert Hot Springs, Calif., Ford F-150, 9:35:48; 11. 97 B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Toyota Tundra, 9:48:41; 12. 93 Chris Kemp, San Clemente, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 12:16:09; 13. 47 James Bult, Monee, Illinois, Dodge Ram 2500,13:22:23;14. 50 Zak Langley, Santa Monica, Calif./Dale Dondel, Hemet, Calif., Ford F-150, 13:43:20; 15. 57 Mike Palmer, Denver, Chevy Silverado, 15:33:24; 16. 17 Eduardo Laguna, Mexicali, Mexico, Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Va., Chevy Silverado, 17:30:06. (31 Starters, 16 Finishers)

CLASS 1 (Unlimited single or two-seaters)—1. 138 Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Brian Wilson, Lakewood, Calif./Randy Wilson, Lakewood, Calif./John Herder, Tucson, Jimco-Chevy, 9:20:25 (51.12 mph); 2. 185 Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Porter-Chevy, 9:33:44; 3. 153 Brad Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Kyle Quinn, Irvine, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 10:54:59; 4. 128 Brent Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif./John Kohut, Jimco-Chevy, 11:55:58; 5. 114 Al Torres, El Centro, Calif./Yoshua Morquecho, Mexicali, Mexico/Jose Lopez, Mexicali, Mexico, Jimco-Chevy, 11:17:48; 6. 125 Scott Rueschenberg, Phoenix/Andy Grider, Los Olivos, Calif., Tatum-Chevy, 11:48:18; 7. 187 Ryan Sharman, Phoenix/Paul Sharman, Phoenix, Tatum-Chevy, 12:59:59; 8. 131 George Peters, Newbury Park, Calif./Steve Barry/Brad Vicic, Racer-Chevy, 13:03:03; 9. 106 Derek Fletcher, Abingdon, Va./Christyan Samano, Ensenada, Mexico, Tatum-Chevy, 14:12:41;10. 175 Jaime Huerta Jr, Calexico, Calif./Jesus Martin, San Luis Rio Colorado, Calif., Racer-Chevy, 15:08:38. (18 Starters, 10 Finishers)

TROPHY TRUCK SPEC (unlimted Truck/SUV, stock, sealed V8s)—1. 207 Steven Eugenio, Carlsbad, Calif./Steve Covey, Miamisburg, Ohio, Mason-Chevy, 10:33:29 (45.23 mph); 2. 202 Chad Broughton, Scotts Valley, Calif./Paul Broughton, Scotts Valley, Calif., BajaLite-Chevy, 12:34:50; 3. 220 Craig Christy, Burbank, Calif./Steve Parks, Brenthel-Chevy, 12:45:00; 4. 211 Pat Sims, Eunice, N.M./Joe DeLucie, Las Vegas, Brenthel-Chevy, 13;03;51; 5. 252 Gonzalo Pirron, Quartz Hill, Calif./Rudy Iribe, San Diego/Roberto Pirron, Quartz Hill, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 13:23:06; 6. 232 Chelsea Magness, Denver/Steve Knudson, Denver, Mango-Chevy, 13:36:50; 7. 274 Elias Hanna, Ensenada, Mexico, Chevy Silverado, 14:24:14 8. 271 Carey Chrisman, Monterrey Park, Calif./Kelly Chrisman, Monterrey Park, Calif., Armada-Chevy, 14:29:42; 9. 288 Mark Luhtala, Palm Beach, Gardens, Fla., Fusion-Chevy, 16:01:01; 10. 248 Miles Wyatt, Brawley, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 16:11:49. (17 Starters, 10 Finishers)

CLASS 2 (Unlimited Open-Wheel, car/truck, 3.6-Liter Turbo or supercharged)—1. 201 Jeff Proctor, San Dimas, Calif./Jason LaFortune, Upland, Calif., Honda Ridgeline, 14:19:19 (33.34 mph). (1 Starter, 1 Finisher)

CLASS 10 (Single or two-seaters to 1650cc)—1. 1045 Patrick Dailey, Bonsall, Calif./Travis Clarke, Encinitas, Calif., Raceco-Chevy, 11:26:08 (41.76 mph); 2. 1009 Rafael Navarro IV, Temecula, Calif./Vic Bruckmann, Lemon Grove, Calif., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 11:54:17; 3. 1032 Chip Prescott, Fallbrook, Calif./Troy Van Houten, Alumi Craft-Chevy, 12:32:54; 4.1088 Sergio Salgado, Mexicali, Mexico/Ricardo Malo, Mexicali, MexicoJoel Serna, Mexicali, Mexico, Jimco-Honda,12:40:19; 5. 1081 Todd Winslow, Clovis, Calif./Matt Winslow, Clovis, Calif., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 12:48:52; 6. 1075 Eliseo Garcia, Ensenada, Mexico/Hector Sarabia, Ensenada, Mexico, Romo-Chevy, 13:00:15; 7. 1031 Brent Peterson, El Centro, Calif./Caleb Gaddis, El Centro, Calif., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 13:02:58; 8. 1017 Jesus Gonzales, Ensenada, Mexico/Jorge Gonzales, Ensenada, Mexico/Jesus Gonzalez, Ensenada, Mexico, Dunrite-Chevy, 13:05:00; 9. 1027 Rick St. John, Encinitas, Calif./Ramsey Elwardini, ID Designs-Chevy, 13:33;28; 10. 1064 Justin Buckley, Long Beach, Calif./Chasen Gaunt, Torrance, Calif./Mavrick Gaunt, Torrance, Calif., Racer-Chevy, 13:37:36; 11. 1086 Joseph Jepsen, Salt Lake City, Utah/Jared Jepsen, Salt Lake City, Utah, Kreger-Chevy, 14:29:06; 12. 1056 Johnny Buss, Northridge, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 14:29:43; 13. 1060 Armando Boehme, Royce City, Texas/Kai Boehme, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico/German Encinas, Ensenada, Mexico/Juan Cota, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico/Ivan Estrada, Mexicali, Mexico, Jimco-Chevy, 15:08:19; 14. 1058 Mike Lawrence, Murrieta, Calif., LMS-Chevy, 15:40:14; 15. 1099 Adam Pfankuch, Carlsbad, Calif./Mike Malloy, Henderson, Nev., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 16:17:23; 16. 1018 Miguel Tornel Sr, Chula Vista, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 17:14:52; 17. 1043 Scott Youngren, Fallbrook, Calif./Jacob Andrew, Duvall-Chevy, 18:02:03. (26 Starters, 17 Finishers)

CLASS 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks)—1. 836 Aaron Ampudia, Ensenada, Mexico/Alan Ampudia, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford F-150, 17:35:17 (27.15 mph). (3 Starters, 1 Finisher)

CLASS 1/2-1600 (VW-powered, single or two-seaters to 1600cc)—1. 1616 Ramon Bio, Spring Valley, Calif./Viry Felix, Ensenada, Mexico/Cisco Bio, Spring Valley, Calif., Tubular Design, 13:40:17 (34.93 mph); 2. 1606 Ruben Sanudo, Mexicali, Mexico/Roberto Romo, Mexicali, Mexico, Romo, 14:07:28; 3. 1605 Miguel Cortez, San Diego/Cesar Quirarte/Armando Ventura, Romo, 15:23:08; 4. 1697 Jorge Sampietro, Ensenada, Mexico/Misael Arambula, Ensenada, Mexico, Romo, 15:57:23; 5. 1619 Victor Celis, Ensenada, Mexico/Ivan Celis, Ensenada, Mexico/Enrique Avalos, Avalos,18:35:16; 6. 1655 Tomas Fernandez, Monterrey, Mexico/Rodolfo Pont, Ensenada, Mexico/Felipe Martinez, Custom,20:03:36; 7. 1607 Horacio Lora Fernandez, Coronado, Calif./Jose Fernandez, Coronado, Calif. Juan Fernandez III, Carlsbad, Calif. Javier Fernandez, Chula Vista, Calif., Lothringer, 20:12:00. (10 Starters, 7 Finishers)

SCORE LITES (VW-powered, Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc)—1. 1203 Oliver Flemate, Ensenada, Mexico/J. David Ruvalcaba, Ensenada, Mexico/Ivan Flemate/Leonel Ruvalcaba, Downing, 14:22:00 (33.24 mph); 2. 1202 Matias Arjona III, Ensenada, Mexico/Matias Arjona IV, Ensenada, Mexico, Lothringer, 15:46:45; 3. 1244 Eric Palacios, Las Vegas, Nev./Neri Sanchez/Robert Campozano, Chenowth, 16:57:37; 4. 1218 Miguel Tornel Jr, Chula Vista, Calif., Penhall, 17:48:20; 5. 1250 Cesar Vela. Zapopan, Mexico/Jorge Vela, Zapopan, Mexico/Pierluigi Pernazza, BRP, 20:13:53; 6. 1237 Jesus De La Torre, Mexicali, Mexico/Cesar De La Torre, Gustavo Pinuelas, Kernco, 20:17:08. (13 Starters, 6 Finishers)

CLASS 5 (Unlimited VW Baja Bugs)—1. 500 Victor Cesena, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico/Gerardo Iribe, Santa Ana, Calif., 15:19:38 (31.16 mph); 2. 524 Ben Swift, San Diego/Pete Swift, San Diego, 16:35:32. (3 Starters, 2 Finishers)

HEAVY METAL (Open Production Trucks, V-8 engines)—1. 8036 Carlos Fonseca, Calexico, Calif./Ulises Oroneza/Uriel Ononeza, Ford F-150, 17:25:11 (27.41 mph). (2 Starters, 1 Finisher)

TROPHY LITE (Unlimited Mini-Truck, 2.2/2.4-Liter Ecotec engine)—(1 Starter, 0 Finishers)

CLASS 7 (Open, production mini trucks)—1. 737 Dallas Luttrell, Las Vegas/Billy Goerke, Las Vegas, Chevy S-10,14:00:32 (34.09 mph); 2. 725 JT Holmes, Reno, Nev., Reno, Nev., Ford Ranger, 14:16:44; 3.

700 Dan Chamlee, Santa Barbara, Calif., Ford Ranger, 14:51:42; 4. 704 Aaron Celiceo, San Diego/Mario Melgar Sr, San Ysidro/Alfred Galvan, San Diego, Toyota Tacoma, 15:51;01; 5. 703 Gaspar Espindola, Ensenada, Mexico/Daniel Katsurayama, San Diego/Pedro Soto, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Ranger, 18:10:58; 6. 733 Hans Brand, Carpenteria, Calif./Peter Van Den Bosch, Carpenteria, Calif. (Netherlands), BajaLite-Chevy, 19:40:05. (8 Starters, 6 Finishers)

PRO UTV FI (Forced Induction, 4-wheel Utility Vehicle)—1. 2971 Wayne Matlock, Alpine, Calif., Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo, 12:48:03 (37.30 mph);2. 2918 Justin Lambert, Bakersfield, Calif./Mitchell Alsup/Victor Herrera, Menifee, Calif., Polaris RZR XP1000, 12:58:55;3. 2904 Cory Sappington, Peoria, Ariz./Scott Sappington, Glendale, Ariz./Jason Flanders, Peoria, Ariz., Can-Am Maverick Max Turbo, 14:13:08; 4. 2975 Mike Cafro, Fallbrook, Calif./Jamie Kirkpatrick, Olympia, Wash., Polaris RZR XP1000, 14:28:11; 5. 2936 Jacob Carver, Phoenix, Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo, 14:42:51; 6.2905 Marc Burnett, Lakeside, Calif., Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo, 15:19:02; 7. 2917 Derek Murray/Jason Murray, Eastvale, Calif./Monty Aldrich, Las Vegas, Can-Am Maverick Max, 15:50:16; 8. 2919 Brandon Schueler, Phoenix/Craig Scanlon, Phoenix, Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo, 16:24:18; 9. 2916 Cody Rahders, Alpine, Calif./James Hill/Fernando Ramirez , Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo, 17:07:57; 10.2910 Scott Trafton, Santee, Calif./Marc Behnke, Lakeside, Calif., Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo, 18:11:55. (14 Starters, 10 Finishers)

PRO UTV (Naturally Aspirated, Stock 4-wheel Utility Vehicle)—1.1983 John Estrada, Glendale, Ariz./Justin Quinn, Phoenix/Nick Hooey, Phoenix/Mike Novich, Phoenix, Polaris XP1000, 15:11:16 (31.44 mph); 2. 1949 Alonzo Lopez, Murrieta, Calif./Francisco Rodriguez, Murrieta, Calif., Polaris RZR XP1000, 15:17:15; 2. 3. 1954 Kristen Matlock, Alpine, Calif., Polaris RZR XP 1000, 16:25:12; 4. 1992 David Nance, Costa Mesa, Calif./Kent Pfeifer, Costa Mesa, Calif./Zach Goemer, Polaris RZR XP4, 17:03:00. (14 Starters, 4 Finishers)

CLASS 5-1600 (1600cc VW Baja Bugs)—1. 582 Rodolfo Martinez, Ensenada, Mexico/Ruben Best, Ensenada, Mexico/Miguel Rodriguez, Ensenada, Mexico, 16:22:38 (29.16 mph); 2. 558 Salvador Carrillo, Woodland, Calif./Justin Reishman, Woodland, Calif./Ismael Villo Gonzalez, Ensenada, Mexico, 16:39:48; 3. 578 Gustavo Avina, Ensenada, Mexico/Eduardo Escobedo, Ensenada, Mexico/Faisal Diaz, San Diego, 18:05:49; 4. 599 Hector Hurtado, Tijuana, Mexico/Fernando Sanchez, Tijuana, Mexico/Oscar Fregoso, Tijuana, Mexico, 19:35:55. (7 Starters, 4 Finishers)

BAJA CHALLENGE (Identically equipped Subaru-powered Baja touring cars)—1. BC 1 JP DeVillars, Boston/Roger Hamilton/Darrin Graham, BTC-Subaru, 19:35:48 (24.37 mph). (1 Starter, 1 Finisher)

CLASS 11 (stock VW sedan)—1. 1103 Noe Gutierrez, Ensenada, Mexico/Omar Molina, Ensenada, Mexico, Adriel Salgado, Ensenada, Mexico/Sergio Fabela, Ensenada, Mexico, 17:28:32 (27.33 mph); 2. 1167 Hugo Zamora, Ensenada, Mexico/Gilberto Garein, San Diego/Francisco Andrade, Ensenada, Mexico, 17:54:50; 3. 1150 Rene Rodriguez, Ensenada, Mexico/Sergio Madrueno, Ensenada, Mexico/Jose Francisco, Ensenada, Mexico/Robert Escobedo, Ensenada, Mexico, 17:57:18. (7 Starters, 3 Finisher)


PRO MOTO UNLIMITED (450cc or more)—1. 1x Colton Udall, Yucca Valley, Calif./Mark Samuels, Yucca Valley, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 9:18:18 (51.32 mph); 2. 45x Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala/Ryan Penhall, Corona, Calif./Shane Esposito, Menifee, Calif./Roberto Villalobos, Tijuana, Mexico/Justin Morgan, El Cajon, Calif./Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 10:13:20; 3. 37x Kevin Murphy, Fresno, Calif./Morgan Crawford, Fresno, Calif./Jordan Brandt, Fresno, Calif./Cory Graffunder, Fresno, Calif., Husqvarna FE501. 11:04:36; 4.3x Ray Dal Soglio, Scottsdale, Ariz./Nic Garvin, Ladera Ranch, Calif./Ian Young, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X. 11:08:42;5. 10x Skyler Howes, St. George, Utah/Joe Wasson, Yamaha WR450F, 11:53:31; 6. 12x Robert Allen, Ventura, Calif./Brad Throckmorton, Ventura, Calif./Andrew Terry, Honda CRF450X, 12:21:04. (8 Starters, 6 Finishers)

PRO MOTO LIMITED (449cc or less)—1. 101x Mark Winkelman, Cedar Hill, Texas/Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif./ Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif./Austin Miller/Scott Myers, Encinitas, Calif./Grant Stanley, Alpine, Calif., Husqvarna 350, 11:27:54 (41.65 mph); 2. 100x Fernando Beltran, Ensenada, Mexico, Yamaha YZ250F, 11:56:18; 3. 103x Connor Pankratz, Imperial, Calif./Justin Carnes/Eric Carnes/Carey Lincoln,Yamaha YZ350F, 12:17:00. (5 Starters, 3 Finishers)

PRO MOTO 30 (Riders over 30 years old)—(2 Starters, 0 Finishers)

PRO MOTO 40 (Riders over 40 years old)—1. 404x Jano Montoya, Winter Garden, Fla./Francisco Septien, Ensenada, Mexico/Gerardo Rojas, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico/Stefano Caputo, San Felipe, Mexico (Italy), Kirk Russell, Los Barriles, Mexico, KTM 450XCW, 11:20:29 (42.10 mph); 2. 455x Mike Johnson, El Paso, Texas/Rex Cameron, Albuquerque, N.M./Jason Trubey/Tim Morton, Honda CRF450X, 11:27;46; 3. 400x Colie Potter, Las Vegas/Sterlyn Rigsby, Temecula, Calif./Dave Glass, Menifee, Calif./Lendon

Smith/Robert Lightfeldt, Hemet, Calif./Steve Herstad/Jason Miller, Honda CRF450X, 11:30:14; 4.410x Giovanni Spinali, El Cajon, Calif./Jonathan Rhodes, La Mesa, Calif./Mike Carter, Aliso Viejo, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 11:36:02; 5. 437x Craig Thompson, Fresno, Calif./Jeff Vogt, Fresno, Calif./Kyle Smith, Vacaville, Calif./Jeff Evans, San Jose, Calif./Guy Comer, Clovis, Calif., Husqvarna FE501, 12:04:23; 6. 413x Bradley Loveday, Alamo, Nev./Joey Amey/Rhet Ogden, Honda CRF450x, 14:31:11; 7. 406x Michael Holcomb, Page, Ariz./Gary Sparks/Randy Reed/Brady Budd, Honda CRF450x, 15:54:00. (8 Starters, 7 Finishers)

PRO MOTO IRONMAN (Solo Riders)—1. 705x Carlin Dunne, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 12:28:10 (38.30 mph); 2. 733x Derek Ausserbauer, Santa Ynez, Calif., Honda CRF450x, 15:12:03; 3. 706x Kevin Daniels, Bishop, Calif., KTM 500EXC, 15:12:52;4. 751x Iv Leng, Long Beach, Calif. (Cambodia), Yamaha WR450, 16:56:29. (7 Starters, 4 Finishers)

PRO MOTO 50 (Riders over 50 years old)—1. 507x Mark Winkelman, Cedar Hill, Texas/Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif./Louie Franco, Sherman Oaks, Calif./Jeff Kaplan, Thousand Oaks, Calif./Brian Campbell, Bakersfield, Calif., Husqvarna 350, 12:02:49 (39.64 mph); 2. 510x Seiji Kubota, Japan/Masayuki Kudo, Japan, Honda CRF450X, 14:18:33;3. 596x Akihiro Saito, Japan/Eizaburo Karasawa, Japan, Honda CRF450x, 14:37:20; 4. 540x Michael Garmin, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif./Chuck Shortt, Lake Spur, Colo./Bill Sekeres, Agua Dulce, Calif./Lester Lehigh, Bishop, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 16:08:47. (4 Starters, 4 Finishers)

PRO MOTO 60 (Riders over 60 years old)—1. 625x Mark Hawley, Anaheim, Calif./Andy Kirker, Lake Forest, Calif./Dennis Greene, Palm Springs, Calif./Dennis McLaughlin, Reno, Nev./John Marshall, San Dimas, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 18:27:41 (25.87 mph). (1 Starter, 1 Finisher)


PRO QUAD (450 cc or more)—1. 1a Javier Robles Jr., Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico/Josh Row, El Cajon, Calif./Felipe Velez, San Felipe, Mexico/Jose Meza Velez, San Felipe, Mexico/Julio Banda, Mexicali, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 10:51:21 (43.99 mph); 2. 12a Oscar Ruiz, El Centro, Calif./Jose Contreras/Ivan Mejorado, Honda TRX450R, 11:55:56;3. 7a Said Sanchez, Ensenada, Mexico/Adolfo Arellano, Ensenada, Mexico/Ramon Torres, Ensenada, Mexico/Cesar Lopez, Santee, Calif., Honda TRX450R , 12:20:03. (3 Starters, 3 Finishers)


SPT UNLIMITED TRUCK—(5 Starters, 0 Finishers)

SPT MOTO—1. 235x Fernando Barbosa, Miami, Honda CRF450X, 13:47:12 (34.64 mph); 2. 225x Alberto Morales, Guadalajara, Mexico/Jose Mendez/Jose Demerutiz/Jose Davila, Honda CRF450X, 14:50:34; 3. 287x Luis Balaguer, Beverly Hills, Calif./Alejandro Paredes/Jaquain Platero, Honda CRF450X, 15:25:29; 4. 255x Will Salazar, El Cajon, Calif./Alvaro Bello, Tecate, Mexico/Sergio Garza, Tecate, Mexico/Sammy Bello, Spring Valley, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 15:49:24; 5. 230x Kristopher Harvey, Yuma, Ariz./Eric Saltzer, Somerton, Ariz., Honda CRF450X, 16:18:46. (10 Starters, 5 Finishers)

SPT QUAD—1.123a Eddie Bareno. Mexicali, Mexico/Casey Lizaola, El Centro, Calif./Enrique Lopez, Mexicali, Mexico/Luis Delfin, Mexicali, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 12:17:56 (38.83 mph); 2. 187a Diego Beltran, Calexico, Calif./Ismael Cazarez/Ricardo Gurrola/Joel Ruvalcaba, Honda TRX450R, 13:07:37; 3. 120a Kelly Ramirez, El Cajon, Calif./Daniel Salazar, Imperial Beach, Calif./Juan Yadala, Spring Valley, Calif./Jose Castro, San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 13:20:06; 4. 110a Danny Magdaleno, Acton, Calif./Jorge Lopez, San Felipe, Mexico/Isai Garcia, San Felipe, Mexico/Marcos A. Cousino, Acton, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 18:40:43; 5. 104a Roberto Martinez, Mexicali, Mexico/David Yee/Sergio Diaz/Yaroslao Duran, Honda TRX450R, 18:56:43. (7 Starters, 5 Finishers)

48th Bud Light SCORE Baja 500

Round 2 of four-race 2016 SCORE World Desert Championship

June 4-5, 2016—Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 477.52 miles


Pro Cars and Trucks

1. 21 Gus Vildosola Jr, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Raptor, 8:20:52 (57.20 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

2. 11 Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 8:23:52 (56.86 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

3. 1 Carlos Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Rally Truck, 8:25:22 (56.69 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

4. 91 Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., Ford F-150, 8:40:21 (55.06 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

5. 31 Andy McMillin, San Diego, Ford Raptor, 8:45:15 (54.55 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

6. 7 Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford Raptor, 8:46:28 (54.42 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

7. 23 Dan McMillin, La Mesa, Calif., Ford F-150, 8:48:11 (54.24 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

8. 15 Billy Wilson, Corpus Christi, Texas, Chevy Silverado, 9:02:15 (52.84 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

9. 138 Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Brian Wilson, Lakewood, Calif./John Herder, Tucson, Jimco-Chevy, 9:20:25 (51.12 mph) (Class 1)

10. 3 Mark Post, Las Vegas/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 9:30:07 (50.26 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

11. 185 Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Porter-Chevy, 9:33:44 (49.94 mph) (Class 1)

12. 45 Gary Magness, Denver/Devin Housh, Desert Hot Springs, Calif., Ford F-150, 9:35:48 (49.76 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

13. 97 B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Toyota Tundra, 9:48:41 (48.67) (SCORE Trophy Truck)

14. 207 Steven Eugenio, Carlsbad, Calif./Steve Covey, Miamisburg, Ohio, Mason-Chevy, 10:33:29 (45.23) (Trophy Truck Spec)

15. 153 Brad Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Kyle Quinn, Irvine, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 10:55:00 (43.74 mph) (Class 1)

16. 128 Brent Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif./John Kohut, Jimco-Chevy, 11:05:58 (43.02 mph) (Class 1)

17. 114 Al Torres, El Centro, Calif./Yoshua Morquecho, Mexicali, Mexico/Jose Lopez, Mexicali, Mexico, Jimco-Chevy, 11:17:48 (42.27 mph) (Class 1)

18. 1045 Patrick Dailey, Bonsall, Calif./Travis Clarke, Encinitas, Calif., Raceco-Chevy, 11:26:08 (41.76 mph) (Class 10)

19. 125 Scott Rueschenberg, Phoenix/Andy Grider, Los Olivos, Calif., Tatum-Chevy, 11:48:18 (40.45 mph) (Class 1)

20. 1009 Rafael Navarro IV, Temecula, Calif./Vic Bruckmann, Lemon Grove, Calif., Alumi Craft-Chevy, 11:54:17 (40.11 mph) (Class 10)

Pro Motorcycles

1. 1x Colton Udall, Yucca Valley, Calif./Mark Samuels, Yucca Valley, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 9:18:11 (51.33 mph) (Pro Moto Unlimited)

2. 45x Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala/Ryan Penhall, Corona, Calif./Shane Esposito, Menifee, Calif./Roberto Villalobos, Tijuana, Mexico/Justin Morgan, El Cajon, Calif./Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 10:13:20 (46.71 mph) (Pro Moto Unlimited)

3. 37x Kevin Murphy, Fresno, Calif./Morgan Crawford, Fresno, Calif./Jordan Brandt, Fresno, Calif./Cory Graffunder, Fresno, Calif., Husqvarna FE501. 11:04:36 (43.11 mph) (Pro Moto Unlimited)

4. 3x Ray Dal Soglio, Scottsdale, Ariz./Nic Garvin, Ladera Ranch, Calif./Ian Young, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X. 11:08:42 (42.85 mph) (Pro Moto Unlimited

5. 101x Mark Winkelman, Cedar Hill, Texas/Jim O’Neal, Simi Valley, Calif./ Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif./Austin Miller/Scott Myers, Encinitas, Calif./Grant Stanley, Alpine, Calif., Husqvarna 350, 11:27:54 (41.65 mph) (Pro Moto Limited)

Pro Quads

1.1a Javier Robles Jr, Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico/Josh Row, El Cajon, Calif./Felipe Velez, San Felipe, Mexico/Jose Meza Velez, San Felipe, Mexico/Julio Banda, Mexicali, Mexico, Honda TRX450R, 10:51:21 (43.99 mph) (Pro Quads)

2. 12a Oscar Ruiz, El Centro, Calif./Jose Contreras/Ivan Mejorado, Honda TRX450R, 11:55:56 (40.02 mph) (Pro Quads)

3. 7a Said Sanchez, Ensenada, Mexico/Adolfo Arellano, Ensenada, Mexico/Ramon Torres, Ensenada, Mexico/Cesar Lopez, Santee, Calif., Honda TRX450R , 12:20:03 (38.72 mph) (Pro Quads)

*At 7PM, regional temperatures finally begin to abate. 120 degrees now. Peaked at 2-4PM at 125-128 degrees across the desert portion of the course.

*Medical Emergency! 262x at RM180 rider down, dehydrated and very sick, calls for help via rider 150x

*Medical Emergency! #110 RM229, co-driver dehydrated, very sick, needs help.

*Ambulance responding to Medical Emergency at RM250.

*Borrego crossing workers/flagmen are gone

*Mikes crossing workers/flagmen are gone

*Checkpoint Closing times Stay Open One hour Plus, Motos and Quads were Stopped at CK 4

*Video of back-uped RM 23.5

*The injured as a result of the #75 incident has confirmed to be DOA.

Dave Hendrickson Reported:
"I have witnessed the death of a motorcycle rider in the Tres Pozos area when it was over 130 degrees, he sat next to his bike and turned purple. My dad who was with me started to fail in the heat getting very sick. I had to fix the car and could hardly breath near the ground under the car. Baja 500s have been brutal heat wise and I feel for those bike riders trapped in it."

Race Restarted at 11:48AM






RACE STOPPED!!! "Space Monkey" Trophy Truck can't even get out of town, without running over spectators! 

Witness statement:
"I can't believe what we watched at the wash. So tragic. TT75 blew the corner entering the wash. He tried to throttle out to get back into the course as he slid down the embankment. As he approached the marsh he impacted at least 2 individuals one being a young girl. It's possible they were American as we heard what looked like the mom also injured screaming in English but she did look Spanish. I refused to watch anything once I saw another American spectator begin to perform CPR. They worked on her for at least 10 min before the ambulance arrived. When it did get there what looked to be a minister was praying over her. The mom or whoever the other injured person was had a severe leg injury of some sort. She was clearly in shock. My heart hurt as I watched them do CPR on that little girl. I wanted to hug my kids. The race has been stopped for over an hour thus far. Rumor at the bridge was maybe a 2 hour delay per score officials?? However I also heard that at the drivers meeting they made it clear that there would be no extension of time for finish regardless of delays due to an election or something taking place tomorrow. They have to clear the start finish line for this event. Anyway, I'm going to head to the desert and pray for that little girl and her family as well as the driver and co driver who when I left 15 min ago was still down there. This was a racing incident and had people not been on the outside of that infamously sketchy corner this wouldn't have happened."

***From Race Mile 100 to Race Mile 380, Baja Weather Service States: "Life threatening temperatures and race conditions will exist from today, Saturday, June 4 through Monday, June 6, during daylight hours."***


126 Now! degrees at Mecca, CA 1PM

124 Now! Mohawk Valley, AZ 1PM

1PM Now! 127 degrees reported at Laguna Salada, down from the summit section.  Four-Wheel Racers will now hit the temps at their max, this afternoon. On the 'pan', in one  hour.



KING of BAJA 500 2016

RaceWeek Coverage

While Pre-Running Pistol Pete runs into a flip-flop, Robby Gordon, in need of a tow and a lot more! New shoes.

UPDATES! to May, 2016 CLICKY 

The NEW Realities of Baja Racing CLICK HERE


PreRunning Started Friday, May 20,
(Teams have actually been pre-running since April 25), when copies of the course went out to Jose's friends!  

 & 2015 BAJA 500 Replay


*LIVE! BAJA 500 VIDEO from Borrego

*LIVE! BAJA 500 2016 ALBUM


*LIVE! From Ensenada Pics

*KING of BAJA 500 Promo Video 



WHAT: 48th BAJA 500 Desert Off-Road Race.
WHEN: Monday-Saturday & Sunday, May 30-June 5.
WHERE: Ensenada-Baja California, Mexico
WHO: Over 195 entries.


Saturday RaceDay LIVE!  June 4

START/FINISH: 477.52-mile course (Class starting order subject to change)
5:30am MOTORCYCLES/QUADS (Pro Moto UNL one every 60 seconds, all others-30-second start intervals)—
Pro Moto Unltd, Pro Moto 30, Pro Moto 40, Pro Moto Ironman, Pro Moto 50, Pro Moto 60,
Pro Moto Ltd, Pro Quad, SPT Moto, SPT Quad
9:15am Honor Guard, Salute to Flag ceremony Start/Finish Line
10am approx CARS/TRUCKS, UTVs (TT, Class 1-60-second intervals, 30-second intervals for rest)—
TT, 1, TT Spec, Hammer Ltd, Hammer Unltd, 10, 1/2-1600, SL, 8, 5, HM, 7, 2, 3000, TL, 7,
Pro UTV FI, Pro UTV, Pro UTV Unltd, PT, 5-1600, 3, BC, SF, 7SX, 3700, 1700, SM, 9, 11,
SPT Unltd Truck, SPT Buggy, SPT Ltd Truck, SPT UTV

TIME LIMIT: All vehicles will have a 21-hour time limit from the time each vehicle starts.

 COURSE: TOTAL MILEAGE: 477.52 miles (4 checkpoints, approximately 59 virtual checkpoints)
The race starts and finishes in Ensenada and has four physical check points and approximately 59 virtual check points. It travels out through Ojos Negros to Tres Hermanos, Pino Solo, Catarina, Nuevo Junction (Checkpoint 1), The Summit, Cohabuzo, Laguna Salada, Saldana, Tres Pozos, Borrego (CP 2), Three Poles, Zoo Road, Huatomote Wash, Morelia Junction, Diablo dry lake bed, San Matias pass (CP 3), Mike’s Sky Rancho road, Kiliwas wash, the Goat Trail, Jamau and Km 33 crossing of Highway 3 (CP 4). Checkpoints: CK1-Nuevo Junction, rm101.43; CK2-Borrego, rm202.53; CK3-San Matias Pass, rm329.87; CK4-Jamau and Km33 crossing of Highway 3, rm442.50.

Sunday, June 5, 2016 (PDT)  
Noon Awards LIVE! Celebration from the Riviera del Pacifico Convention Center




Trophy Truck: 1 Carlos ‘Apdaly’ Lopez 70, Bryce Menzies, 97 B.J. Baldwin, 11 Rob
MacCachren, 21 Gus Vildosola Jr, 19 Tim Herbst/Brett Sourapas, 20 Larry Roeseler, 15 Billy Wilson, 91 Troy Herbst/Ryan Arciero, 77 Robby Gordon, 23 Dan McMillin/Chuck Hovey, 83 Luke McMillin/Chuck Hovey, 31 Andy McMillin, 17 Eduardo ‘Lalo’ Laguna/Clyde Stacy, 4 Justin Matney, 48 Jimmy Nuckles/Armin Schwarz, 3 Mark Post/Ed Herbst, 13 Damen Jefferies, 44 Kyle Jergensen, 50 Zak Langley, 45 Gary Magness; Class 1: 100 Shelby Reid, 104 Rob Archibald, 127 Cody Parkhouse, 128 Brent Parkhouse, 138 Brad Wilson, 153 Ronny Wilson, 185 Justin Davis, 106 Derek Fletcher; Trophy Truck Spec: 202 Chad Broughton, 274 Elias Hanna, 227 Jonathan Brenthel, 273 Jordan Brenthel, 207 Steven Eugenio/Larry Connor, 250 John Langley, 232 Chelsea Magness; Class 10: 1000 Cody Reid, 1081 Tod Winslow/Matt Winslow, 1002 Clay Lawrence, 1058 Mike Lawrence, 1040 Cody Robinson, 1009 Rafael Navarro IV, 1099 Adam Pfankuch, 1011 Morgan Langley; SCORE Lites: 1218 Miguel Tornel Sr, 1210 Luis Barragan; Class 8: 836 Aaron Ampudia; Class 5: 500 Victor Cesena/Gerardo Iribe, 509 Jose Lopez; Class 2: 201 Jeff Proctor; Class 7: 700 Dan Chamlee; Pro UTV FI: 2905 Marc Burnett, 2971 Wayne Matlock, 2919 Brandon Schueler, 2904 Cory Sappington, 2975 Mike Cafro; Pro UTV: 1949 Alonso Lopez, 1954 Kristen Matlock, 1903 Jaime Romero Jr; Class 5-1600: 577 Ernie Negrete; Class 11: 1121 Dennis Hollenbeck, 1156 Art Penner; Pro Moto Unltd: 1x Colton Udall/Mark Samuels, 3x Ray Dal Soglio, 45x Francisco Arredondo; CLASS 30: 301x Christopher Schultz; CLASS 40: 400x Colie Potter, 404x Jano Montoya; Pro Moto Ironman: 702x Tony Gera, 740x Boe Huckins; CLASS 50: 507x Mark Winkelman, 596x Akihiro Saito/Eizaburo Karasawa; CLASS 60: 625x Mark Hawley; Pro Moto Ltd: 100x Fernando Beltran, 101x Mark Winkelman; Pro Quad: 1a Javiero Robles Jr
SCORE International Class Descriptions/Numbers:
The 2016 SCORE Baja 500 features Pro and Sportsman Classes for cars, trucks, UTVs, motorcycles and quads. Class winners are determined along with the overall race winner in Pro Cars/Trucks, Pro UTV, Pro Motorcycles and Pro Quads. General Class descriptions and numbers:
Pro Cars & Trucks
SCORE Trophy Truck (Unlimited Production Trucks) 1-99
Class 1 (Unlimited single or two-seaters) 100-199
Trophy Truck Spec (unlimited trucks/sport utility vehicles, stock, sealed V-8s) 200-299
Hammer Truck Limited (limited Rock Crawler/Hammer Truck) 4400-4499
Hammer Truck Unlimited (unlimited Rock Crawler/Hammer Truck) 4500-4599
Class 10 (Single or two-seaters limited engine) 1000-1099
Class 1/2-1600 (single or two-seaters to 1600cc VW engines) 1600-1699
SCORE Lites (Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc VW engines) 1200-1299
Class 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks) 800-899
Class 5 (Unlimited Baja Bugs) 500-549
Heavy Metal (Open Production Trucks, V8 Engines) 8000-8099
Class 2 (Unlimited open-wheel, car/truck, 3.6-Liter Turbo or supercharged) 2000-2099
Class 3000 (Class 78-2, Unlimited mini-truck, 2.2/2.4-Liter Ecotec engine) 3000-3099
Trophy Lite (Unlimited Mini-Truck, 2.2/2.4-Liter Ecotec engine) 6000-6099
Class 7 (Open Production mini trucks) 700-739
Pro UTV (Naturally Aspirated UTV) 1900-1949
Pro UTV FI (Forced Induction UTV) 2900-2999
Pro UTV Unlimited (Unlimited UTV) 1850-1899
Protruck (Limited Production Trucks) 1350-1399
Class 5-1600 (1600cc VW Baja Bugs) 550-599
Class 3 (Short wheelbase 4X4) 300-399
Baja Challenge (Spec open wheel cars) BC1-BC99
Stock Full (Stock full-sized trucks) 8100-8199
Class 7SX (Modified, stock mini-trucks) 740-759
Class 3700 (Jeep Speed Cup) 3700-3799
Class 1700 (Jeep Speed Challenge) 1700-1799
Stock Mini (Stock mini trucks) 760-799
Class 9 (Short wheelbase, single or two-seaters) 900-999
Class 11 (Stock VW Sedans) 1100-1199
Pro Motorcycles
Pro Moto Unlimited (401cc or more) 1x-49x
Pro Moto Limited (400cc or less) 100x-149x
Pro Moto 30 (Riders over 30 years old) 300x-349x
Pro Moto 40 (Riders over 40 years old) 400x-449x
Pro Moto Ironman (Solo) 700x-799x
Pro Moto 50 (Riders over 50 years old) 500x-549x
Pro Moto 60 (Riders over 60 years old) 600x-609x
Pro Quads
Pro Quads (450cc or more) 1a-49a
Sportsman Unlimited Truck 1400-1499
Sportsman Buggy 1500-1599
Sportsman Limited Truck 2000-2099
Sportsman Unlimited UTV 1800-1849
Sportsman M/C (any engine size) 200x-299x
Sportsman Quads (any engine size) 100a-149a

MULTIPLE CLASS WINNERS RETURN: In the field are 91 racers who have 245 combined class wins in this race. Leading this prestigious group of returning multiple class winners are Jim O’Neal with 17 class wins and Larry Roeseler with 16. The other racers with the most multiple class wins in this race who are back to attempt to add to their winning totals are: Troy Herbst (7), Mike Cafro, Scott McMillin and Nick Vanderwey (6 each), DanChamlee, Robby Gordon, Eiazuburo Karasawa, Rob MacCachren, Scott Myers, Kendall Norman and Clyde Stacy (5 each), Vic Bruckmann, Wayne Matlock, Adam Pfankuch Kent Pfeifer, Greg Row and J. David Ruvalcaba (4 each) and Marc Burnett, Shane Esposito, Steven Eugenio, Elias Hanna,
Chelsea Magness, Justin Matney, Hector Sarabia and Jason Trubey (3 each).

DEFENDING CLASS CHAMPIONS: A total of 13 of the defending Pro class winners (one class had no finishers) from last year are entered this year. Returning 2015 class winners are Carlos ‘Apdaly’ Lopez, Tecate, Mexico (SCORE Trophy Truck, Chevy Rally Truck), Cody Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif. (Class 1, Jimco-Chevy), Aaron Ampudia, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 1/2-1600, Alumi Craft-VW), Victor Cesena, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (Class 5, VW Baja Bug), Larry Connor, Miamisburg, Ohio (Trophy Truck Spec, Chevy Silverado), Chad Broughton, Scotts Valley, Calif. (Class 3000, BajaLite-Chevy).
Wayne Matlock, El Cajon, Calif. (Class 19, Polaris RZR XP4 1000), Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif./Ian Young, San Clemente, Calif. (Open M/C, Kawasaki KX450F), Fernando Beltran (Limited M/C), Christopher Schultz,Kamuela, Hawaii (Class 30, Honda CRF450X), Jano Montoya, Winter Garden, Fla. (Class 40, KTM 450XCW), Eizabura Kawasara, Japan (Class 60, Honda CRF450X) and Javier Robles Jr, Mexicali, Mexico
(Pro Quad, Honda TRX450R)

OVERALL WINNERS RETURN: Among the overall race winners returning are 14 drivers who have combined to win 24 overall car/truck titles and six riders who have combined to win 19 overall motorcycle titles, including drivers and riders from 10 of the last 13 4-wheel overalls (including the last eight straight) and the last three motorcycle overall winners. Leading the way with multiple overall wins in this race are Larry Roeseler with 11 overall victories (including nine on a motorcycle), Robby Gordon with four, Troy Herbst, Scott McMillin and Bryce Menzies with three, B.J. Baldwin, Kory Halopoff, Curt LeDucHarley Letner, Carlos Lopez Rob MacCachren and Andy McMillin with one each in 4-Wheel and in 2-wheel, Roeseler’s nine, Kendall Norman with five, Max Eddy Jr with two and Justin Morgan, Colton Udall and Ian Young--one each.
Among the crossover/celebrity racers entered in this year’s SCORE Baja 500 are:Robby Gordon, former NASCAR Cup Series Team Owner/Driver (No. 77 SCORE Trophy Truck); Armin Schwarz, Germany, 119 World Rally Championship starts (No. 48, SCORE Trophy Truck); John Langley, COPs TV show Producer (No. 1050, SCORE Trophy Truck); Gary Magness, Film Producer and businessman (No. 45, SCORE Trophy Truck); Francisco Arredondo, Guatemala, international M/C rally racer (No. 45x, Unlimited Motorcycle); P.J. Jones, former Indy Car, Sports Car and NASCAR Driver (No. 1998, Pro UTV); Larry Connor, two-timenational sports car racing champion (No. 207, Trophy Truck Spec).
FEMALE RACERS: While there are numerous female co-drivers/riders, the three women who are driver of record are: Shelby Reid, No 100 Class 1; Chelsea Magness, No. 232 Trophy Truck Spec; Kristen Matlock, No. 1954 Pro UTV

2015 TOP FINISHERS: 210 Total Starters, 135 Total Finishers
1. Carlos Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Rally Truck (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Jesse Jones, Phoenix, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Gus Vildosola Jr, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Raptor (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Jason Voss, Cupertino, Calif./Rich Voss, Cupertino, Ford F-150, 8:55:26 (57.22 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 9:04:04 (56.31 mph) (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Tim Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Boulevard, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Steven Eugenio, Carlsbad, Calif./Armin Schwarz, Austria (Germany), Chevy C1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. Cody Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif./Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
11. Tracy Graf, Canada/Justin Smith, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
12. Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix/Kyle LeDuc, Beaumont, Calif./Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif., Chevy Silverado (SCORE TT)
13. Eric Hustead, St. George, Utah/T.J. Flores, Las Vegas/Todd Romano, Park City, Utah, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
14. Larry Connor, Miamisburg, Ohio/Jason Ruane, Great Britain/Neal Mason, Temecula, Calif., Chevy Silverado (TT Spec)
15. Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE: Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif./Justin Morgan, El Cajon, Calif./Ian Young, San Clemente, Calif., Kawasaki KX450F (Unlimited M/C)
OVERALL QUADS: Javier Robles Jr, Mexicali, Mexico/Josh Row, El Cajon, Calif./Felipe Velez, San Felipe, Mexico, Honda TRX450R (Pro Quads)

2014 TOP FINISHERS: 232 Total Starters, 126 Total Finishers
1. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Jesse Jones, Phoenix, Ford F-150, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Ford F-150, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Ford Raptor, (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. Cody Parkhouse/Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, (Class 1)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE: Ricky Brabec, Oak Hills, Calif./David Pearson, Panaca, Nev./Max Eddy Jr, Barstow, Calif., Kawasaki KX450F (Open M/C)
OVERAL QUAD: Adolfo Arellano, Tijuana, Mexico/Christian Vera, Spring Valley, Calif./Cody Mitchell, Las Vegas/Travis Dillon, Lakeside, Calif.,, Honda TRX450R

2013 TOP FINISHERS: 276 Total Starters, 159 Total Finishers
1. Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Tim Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Boulevard, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Steven Eugenio/Adam Pfankuch, Vista, Calif., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--Timmy Weigand, Valencia, Calif./Colton Udall, San Clemente, Calif./David Kamo, Caldwell, Idaho, Honda CRF450X (CLASS 22)
OVERALL ATV--Javier Robles Jr, Guadalupe Victoria/Mike Cafro, Fallbrook, Calif./Cyle Chislock, Murrieta, Calif./Jorie Williams, Longview, Wash., Honda TRX450R (CLASS 25)

2012 TOP FINISHERS: 259 Total Starters, 183 Total Finishers
1. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Jesse Jones, Phoenix, Ford F-250 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Dan McMillin, La Mesa, Calif./Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif./Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Justin Smith, Capistrano Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, (Class 1)
6. Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin, National City, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Chris Kemp, San Clemente, Calif./Dave Tounget, Murrieta, Calif., Ford Raptor (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. Kory Scheeler, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--Robby Bell, Menifee, Calif./David Pearson, Panaca, Nev./Steve Hengeveld, Flagstaff, Ariz., Kawasaki KX450F (Class 22)
OVERALL ATV--Greg Row, Alpine, Calif./Josh Row, El Cajon, Calif./Dustin Nelson, Ramona, Calif./Travis Dillon, El Cajon, Calif./DJ Noerr, Yamaha YFZ450 (Class 25)

2011 TOP FINISHERS: 254 Total Starters, 154 Total Finishers
1. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin, National City, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif./Larry Vanderwey, Litchfield Park, Ariz., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Tim Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Boulevard, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Steven Eugenio, Alpine, Calif./Adam Pfankuch, Oceanside, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
7. Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., ESM-Chevy (Class 1)
8. Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Damen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif., Jefferies-Chevy (Class 1)
10. Brent Lenk, Newport Beach, Calif./Dale Lenk, Costa Mesa, Calif./Grant Lenk, Newport Beach, Calif., Penhall-Chevy (Class 1)
11. Jesse James, Austin, Texas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif./Quinn Cody, Buellton, Calif., Honda CRF450X (Class 22);
OVERALL ATV—Brandon Brown, Umatilla, Ore/Joe Williams, Longview, Wash./Kenny Sanford, Tacoma, Wash./Robbie Mitchell, Price, Utah/Christopher Kristensen, Vancouver, Wash., Honda TRX450R (Class 24)

2010 TOP FINISHERS: 289 Total Starters, 192 Total Finishers
1. Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin, National City, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Roger Norman, Reno, Nev./Larry Roeseler, Boulevard, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Steve Appleton, Boise, Idaho/Mike Julson, Santee, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
6. Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif./Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./John Herder, Tucson, Ariz., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
8. Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Bryce Menzies/Larry Job, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. Kory Halopoff/Harley Letner, Orange, Calif., Alpha-Chevy (Class 1)
11. Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif./Quinn Cody, Buellton, Calif., Honda CRF450X (Class 22);
OVERALL ATV—Wayne Matlock/Josh Caster, El Cajon, Calif./Wes Miller, Fallbrook, Calif., Honda TRX700XX (Class 25)

2009 TOP FINISHERS: 267 Total Starters, 174 Total Finishers
1. Harley Letner/Kory Halopoff, Orange, Calif., Tatum-Chevy (Class 1)
2. Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif./Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Roger Norman, Reno, Nev./Larry Roeseler, Irvine, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Pete Sohren, Glendale, Ariz., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck
6. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford-F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Dodge Ram 1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck
9. Arnoldo Ramirez/Misael Arambula, Ensenada, Mexico, Curry-VW (Class 1-2/1600)
10. Eric Duran/Hiram Duran, Tecate, Calif., Neth-VW (Class 1-2/1600)
11. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--1. Bill Boyer, Lomita, Calif./Stuart Goggins, Upland, Calif./Nicholas Blais, Chino Calif., Honda CRF450X (Class 21)
OVERALL ATV--1. Nick Nelson, Tehachapi, Calif./Brandon Brown, Eumantilla, Ore./Jorie Williams, Longview, Wash., Suzuki LTR450 (Class 25)

2008 TOP FINISHERS: 289 Total Starters, 195 Total Finishers
1. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif./Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Luis Ramirez Jr., Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, HMS-Chevy (Class 1)
5. Roger Norman, Reno, Nev./Larry Roeseler, Irvine, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Ron Whitton, Mesa, Ariz./Todd LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif., Ford-F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Dale Ebberts, Wilton, Calif./Brad Etter, Villa Park, Calif., Porter-Chevy (Class 1)
8. Armin Schwarz, Germany/Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif., Jimco-BMW (Class 1)
9. Brian Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif./Tom Ridings, Los Alamitos, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
10. Rick St. John, Encinitas, Calif., Duvel-VW (SCORE Lite)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--1. Robby Bell, Murrieta, Calif./Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X (Class 22)
OVERALL ATV--1. Wayne Matlock, El Cajon, Calif./Marc Spaeth, Ramona, Calif./Rick Cecco, Brilings Springs, Penn., Honda TRX700XX (Class 25)

2007 TOP FINISHERS: 492 Total Starters, 282 Total Finishers
1. Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz./Brian Collins, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Robby Gordon, Mooresville, N.C., Chevy CK1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Mark Post, San Juan Capistrano, CA/Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. David Scaroni/Matt Scaroni, Heber, Calif., Ford-F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Garron Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Todd Wyllie, New River, Ariz., Chevy C1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Gus Vildosola/Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
10. B.J. Richardson, Las Vegas, Bunderson-Chevy (Class 1)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--1. Robby Bell, Murrieta, Calif./Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif.,/Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif., Honda CRF450X (Class 22)
OVERALL ATV--1. Danny Prather, Ramona, CA/Mike Cafro, Carlsbad,CA, Honda TRX450R (Class 25)
2006 TOP FINISHERS: 438 Total Starters, 221 Total Finishers
1. Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Alan Pflueger, Honolulu, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
3. Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
4. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Smithbuilt-Ford (Class 1)
5. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Garron Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Bob Shepard, Phoenix, Chevy CK1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Ed Herbst/Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Dale Ebberts, Canyon Lake, Calif./Ernie Castro Jr., Newport Beach, Calif., Jimco-Toyota (Class 1)
10. Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Brian Ewalt, Bonita, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--1. Robby Bell, Murrieta, Calif./Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X (Class 22)
OVERALL ATV--1. Danny Prather, Ramona, CA/Mike Cafro, Carlsbad,CA, Honda TRX450R (Class 25)
2005 TOP FINISHERS: 345 Total Starters, 179 Total Finishers
1. Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin, Poway, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
3. Jason Baldwin, Laguna Beach, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck
4. Mark Post, San Juan Capistrano, Calif./Curt LeDuc, CherryValley, CA Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Damen Jefferies, Oak Hills, Calif., Porter-Chevy (Class 1)
6. Marty Coyne/Travis Coyne, El Centro, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
7. Tim Herbst/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Brian Ickler, Poway, Calif./Steve Sourapas, Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
9. Corky McMillin, Bonita, Calif./Gary Arnold, El Cajon, Calif., Chenowth-Chevy (Class 1)
10. Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Larry Ragland, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--1. Mike Childress, Wrightwood, Calif./Mouse McCoy, Santa Monica, Calif., Honda XR650R (Class 22)
OVERALL ATV--1. Josh Frederick, Moapa, Nev./Cyle Chislock, Murrieta, Calif./Levi Marana, Hemet, Calif., Honda TRX450R (Class 25)
2004 TOP FINISHERS: 300 Total Starters, 181 Total Finishers
1. Alan Pflueger, Honolulu, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy Truck)
2. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Smithbuilt-Ford (Class 1)
3. Mark Post, San Juan Capistrano, CA/Jerry Whelchel, RanchoSM, CA, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck
4. Jason Baldwin, Laguna Hills, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
5. Josh Baldwin, San Diego, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
6. Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin, Poway, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
7. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
8. Dan Smith/Dave Ashley, Riverside, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy Truck)
9. Dan Myers, Newport Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
10. Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1)
OVERALL MOTORCYCLE--1. Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif./Johnny Campbell, San Clemente, Calif., Honda XR650R (Class 22)
OVERALL ATV--1. Ruben Martin/Gilberto Santana, Tijuana, Mexico, Bombardier Baja X (Class 25)

*Roger Norman 'corrects' SCORE after YEARS of Neglect

CLICK HERE! 2 Years ago, The TRUTH Laid Bare 

Now, Norman attempts to have the racers and teams pay for their own insurance. "It's their skin". Today's Quotes:

OF THE KING of BAJA 500 2016

"The emergency medical services for the 48th SCORE Baja 500 are well planned and abundant as usual. The SCORE / Cruz Roja command center will be located at the start/finish line in Ensenada. Rescue services will be on call all around the course with 5 ALS ambulances and 7 ALS 4x4 rescue units. The SCORE Super Huey UH-1 rescue helicopter will be stationed out of Ensenada Airport and race mile 83. The King Air B-200 rescue aircraft will be on standby at Ensenada airport. The traditional SCORE rescue helicopter will be following the lead Trophy Truck throughout the race. All crew members and media can now get the same accident medical insurance the racers have, $50k medical/$25k AD&D and Aero-Medi-Vac. It is available online or at on-site registration. All of the SCORE staff are covered by the policy. SCORE staff are covered during course marking as well and all others are covered for pre-running if they register in full prior to the start of pre-running. We are prepared and ready to have a perfect SCORE Baja 500!"

 "SCORE is stepping up the rescue capabilities for all race drivers, co-drivers and riders. SCORE has also doubled the medical accident insurance for all banded team members to $50k medical, $25k AD&D and full coverage aero-medi-vac. The insurance is now available for all crew members and media through on-site or off-site race registration. All of this has been done without raising prices, in fact entry fees have been reduced for all classes. This new rescue helicopter is capable of carrying a larger rescue crew and more patients. It is powered by an 1850 hp Cobra turbine and has a 500 mile range under optimal conditions. It will carry rescue tools including jaws of life and will use radio, push to talk iridium and ptt MSat for communications. This helicopter will be on call for life and death situations around the course and will be stationed at Ensenada airport and race mile 83 at the BF Goodrich pit. The Aero-Medi-Vac King Air B-200 will be stationed at Ensenada airport on standby. The SCORE Cruz Roja rescues assets will be stationed all around the course with seven 4x4 rescue units and five ambulances. The medical helicopter SCORE has traditionally used for life saving rescue will be following the lead trophy truck during the race. Since we have had zero chase fatalities in the last 3.5 years it is imperative that continue to drive responsibly on the highways. All racers please remember that if you are the first to come upon a big accident it is ok if you stop and check on the racers involved and offer assistance if needed. Report it to the Race Director Abelardo Grijalva with details and he will verify it and credit your time. Racers need to be careful to use the "helping hand" life and death call on the SPOT 3 devices only for life and death situations so you are not the reason another racer in real need could not be saved."

"The original Huey UH1 had 1100 SHP and carried 14 troops or 6 stretchers. It had a cruise speed of 125mph and a 337 mile range. This Huey UH1 has 1850 SHP so there is not much you can't do in any temp or altitude condition. It also has extended range fuel tanks that give it a range of nearly 500 miles and a cruise speed of 145mph. With the 300' winch mounted it will be the best all around helicopter. If I were choosing another light rescue helicopter I would choose the Agusta 119ke for it's high speed, long range and low cost of operation.."

"This statement alone is Rogers admission of guilt in his negligent control of SCORE, as a racing organization." 

 "Rogers first act of his ownership of SCORE was to start a 'YouTube' account. His first act, SHOULD have been to improve the safety conditions for the spectators and participants, ON DAY ONE! SCORE under Roger, has been an abject failure in its primary function, the safe conduct of events. 

We know the results!"
Gary Newsome, Baja Racing News LIVE! Publisher

*Carlos Corral 'Reportedly' Suffers
Heat Stroke! 

UPDATE! Roger always likes medical stories. He called this a "heart attack", but, we talked to Carlos, Mexico doctor.

"Mild heat stroke". "Anything more is meant to blow-up a lack of hydration".
He also mentioned that Carlos needs to lay off his heavy, heavy, heavy smoking. You know man, heavy!!!
Spleef dude, spleef!

Original story: SCORE functionary suffers serious health crisis, reported by Roger Norman. He asks for prayers, for his long-time worker. "Twenty minutes after requesting prayers, a miracle happened and he was back and joking with Tony and Abelardo who are at his bedside, at hospital in Ensenada". Prayers work, reportedly.

*Saturday, May 21. SpeedMex is at Saldana, at race-mile 164. Give or take 1-2 miles. They will be there full-time from Saturday, May 28 through the race event ending.

*Organization Director Etienne Lavigne of the ASO Amaury Sport Organization (DAKAR) was interviewed by on Friday.

The ASO and DAKAR could not make any agreement regarding continuing the previous years 'Dakar Challenge' with SCORE.

Lavigne did not say why the program ended this year, except to say, "it wasn't working". 

*In 2008, during the 'Dakar cancellation', the 'Transorientale' Rally 

*The scheduled sale of SCORE is hanging on the finish of the 50th Baja 1000. But, today, actual operations are being directed out of Ensenada.

*Friday, we saw seven teams pre-running and setting up for race operations. Five Mexican teams, out of Ensenada and two from the states.

*Also Friday, reports on local radio are not good for SCORE. More complaints from local farmers.>>> 

Roger's travel to China gave up the ghost on the next step of "SCORE International". Roger has relinquished Mexico to the Mexicans. Roger Norman will next attempt to compete with DAKAR.

Roger wants the global stage for his truly, SCORE-'International'.

Problem is, SCORE today isn't even up to snuff as a regional race series. He's kicked out of half of the peninsula and Mexico City has removed him out of 40% of northern Baja. 

The faster he runs away from his organizational problems, the faster his problems catch up with him. 

In his mind, he's 'winning'. 

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2015 BAJA 500 Desert Off-Road Race LIVE! Replay

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2015 BAJA 500 Pre-Race Events

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2015 BAJA 500 Pre-Green-Flag


BAJA 500 2014
The Bloody Battle!


BAJA 500 2013

One racer told
"In the 84, the McMillins took the overall and that is the 1984 san felipe 250 (Roger Norman copied this ´84 edition for this years 250 [2014 San Felipe 250] saying that was a "never used section for a San Felipe 250". But, I guess in 1984 he [Norman] was into breakdancing? Pogo champion?). 

BAJA 500 LIVE May 30 to June 5, on

***Celebrating 60 Years of Baja Racing Desert Off-Road Recreation!***

The race sanction for this years event is 'SCORE-International', but no matter  how much 'NORRA' claims it "started" off-road racing in Baja Mexico, it's clear both Mike Pearlman and Roger Norman are merely bloviators.

Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Start and finish of the classic "500".

Stay tuned while we dig up the real history of this active recreation and shine a light to the future of "racing" in Baja California, Mexico!

NORRA's Mike Pearlman's claim of first on the block is laughable. 1908 saw the first off-road events. The sixty years celebration, merely marks the 'modern era', of desert off-road events.

We'll report on the behind the scenes 'insurance and trust panic' going on with the filthy-rich-upper-crust racers. You know those guys, they get ALL the sponsor dollars and equipment and you, the little guys, get to pay for it all! Well, they're runnin' skeered now!

They had no-idea how much Mexican trouble can cost, when they kill some "nobody" American.

The environmental axe is coming down! You think losing frog canyon is bad?! Wait 'til you hear the head enviro'chief from Mexico City, lay down the new law. He even mentioned, that PAB guy cutting new single track trails, in sensitive areas, "we have a file and an official in Ensenada on the case", he said.

The KING of BAJA 500 2016 LIVE! coverage starts Monday Night, May 30th at 4PM on OFF-ROAD LIVE! 

Gary Newsome, Editor


  1. Yes! We've received hundreds of responses so far! The greatest response in our 15 Years of reporting. Far more want to get the rope!

  2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    It's not time string up the racers.They need better crowd control like they have in the United States.The fans have to be a lot smarter than they are.Its easy just to back up.
    Thanks Steve from San Diego
