THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, October 05, 2016


November 14, 2016 UPDATE!


Oops! Oops! Oh No!

November 10, 2016 From SCORE email:  

"SCORE's Commitment to Safety! We will be running the SPOT 3 tracker in addition to the new Stella III! There will be no extra charge to the racers. If you have your bracket from the SPOT 3 please bring that with you to the race, as we only have a limited supply. At the end of the race all racers must return the SPOT 3 and Stella III tracking devices. Including finishers and teams that do not finish. Thank you for your time, and we appreciate your cooperation in this process."

Oops! From SCORE-International:

"For those of you who have not received the tracking system installation kits, SCORE has been advised by the shipping company and Customs the kits will NOT arrive in Ensenada until Wednesday, November 9, 2016. 

The SCORE Race Director, Abelardo G, will have the kits available for pick up and a significant number of resources available to assist with the installation of the kits at the new SCORE International Headquarters in Ensenada. The new office 'hole in the wall' has a Large window signage will assure you can find the office. Monday- Saturday 9am to 2:00pm and 4:00pm to 8:00pm. 

This will be a great opportunity for you to visit the new office and meet the SCORE personnel who will be in Ensenada all year round to assist you."!!!

So, SCORE is testing the "crash test dummies" agin! 

October 7; UPDATE:

This email was just received by some racers:

"A brand new system will be sent to you for pre-installing of the brackets and hardware.
Coming soon is a installation video for your team to attach the equipment properly."


In order to receive your kit for tracking, we need a shipping address to your team's shop or location of the race vehicle. Please send the address information to Krista via email or phone call, 775-852-8907.

It is important to get the information as soon as possible so that you can install the kit to your vehicle before the race. Kits will not be mailed until entry and kit is paid in full.

This kit is a one time fee that is yours to keep on your vehicle.

There will be a video for installation instructions will be released in the next two weeks.

October 5 UPDATE:

"SPOT", Globalstar comments: "What SCORE did with our units was strictly a test. SPOT was never designed for desert off-road racing controls, under the conditions anticipated and experienced in Baja California, Mexico".

Roger Norman received the SPOT units at no charge. That's the reason he used the system. Not because they performed to meet any standards.

Norman also has kept, without returning them to the rightful owner, a number of IRC units. Steve Myers of IRC said to a reporter for "Norman has not returned IRC units for years! Maybe he's still trying to figure out how they work? Or how much they cost to manufacture?"

What hasn't been said. It'll take two years to finalize the set-ups for this service. They HAVE NEVER been used on a platform like desert off-road racing before!

Look how long it took 'Forgetten' Norman to figure out his "Official SCORE" "trademarked" tracking system -  failed.

Three Years! Two years to complete all the set-ups and one full year of proven negligence.

Do we have to mention who was killed and/or died, because Roger didn't know where they were? 

With only days before the Baja 1000, the first race event this service has ever tracked, the shakedown, the test, the crash test dummies...are the Baja 1000 racers themselves!


October 2, 2016, Pomona California: In a stark admission today, from what usually is a celebration of off-road motorsports, the President and Owner of SCORE International admitted his choice of a tracking service for the last three years...SUCKED and cost lives.

Why did he keep an unsafe system after it killed racers? It was FREE!

By announcing a new service for the November Baja 1000, his admission is complete. 

The Race Tracking Fraud? Report CLICK HERE

Gary Newsome

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