THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Ensenada employees unpaid and given no explanation. The municipal government is stealing the people's money to pay other concerns.

ENSENADA, Baja California, MEXICO - Unionized workers, firemen and forest service workers showed their unhappiness in the lack of payment this last pay period, the last one for the administration of Mayor Gilberto Hirata Chico.

They said that fire department personnel, forest service personnel are owed paychecks for October and November, plus this last missed check, and they plan to demonstrate next Monday at the City Hall. Likewise, more that 1,000 bureaucrats said they were not paid, just as was done with the prior mayor Pelayo Torres, and they will probably still be owed paychecks in the new administration to headed by Novelo Osuna. 

The workers also said that the health insurance fees, vacation pay, and benefits deducted from their bi-monthly paychecks have not been paid. "We can no longer allow that they leave us with no paychecks when we have to bring food home, because we are family heads. It is not just that they deduct money from us each paycheck and we are not covered. It is our money," was the general demand.

Neither the municipal treasurer nor Mayor Hirata Chico have provided any response to the amounts due the workers. One report from Zeta Newspaper said, the employees never get paid properly around the time of the annual Baja 1000 gringo races.

The races are now significant money losers for the local tourism authority and the State of Baja California ignores the misappropriation of money to tolerate the events that bring visitors to the state every year.


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