THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Local Baja California group the Baja Choyeros meet in Mexicali to re-open racing

DECEMBER 10, 2020


  September 28, 2020 Gary Newsome, Publisher

 Offices in Ensenada Mexico

Original 'Code Orange' report September 26

Baja racing ventures ready to launch!

Baja California Mexico turns to Code Orange on September 28

New Code Orange, Health Department directions, have not yet been announced. However, its been months in the 'Code Red' environment.

This change, today September 28, 2020, is equally important. Now is the time for racing entities in Mexico to boldly engage the government in new proposals.

We understand there at least three new 'racing ventures' on the table.

1. The Robby Gordon proposal. Robby has licensed his name to a Tijuana based firm, to market a new Baja racing series. For cash.

2. Mad Media is desperate to obtain permits in Mexico. The company is bleeding money. All the BFG tit money is gone and they need a new infusion of welfare dollars. For cash.

This company, Mad Media and the like like 'The Dirt Company', are in trouble. You can't sell enough t-shirts to pay the overhead the Martelli family has now.

3. Pro Baja of Southern Baja Mexico already has permits to race in Baja Norte and will be making announcements this week. One of the first Pro Baja based races is scheduled for October.

4. The CABO 250 is running on schedule. Part of a three race series, the CABO 500 and the CABO 1000, the 250 is running alongside the 500 for the first time in Baja racing history, in it's planned October race schedule.




UPDATE! September 9, 2020


BAJA 500 Receives Final Approvals

Not surprisingly, the absolutely desperate SCORE International, received their final approval for their very first race event of 2020.


The Mexicali municipality has been equally desperate to have SCORE and their 'gringo racers' in the region, since Roger Norman took over the racing business some years ago.

But, with Ensenada no longer open for the gringos, at least for time being, as first reported, Mexicali-San Felipe is open for the racing business. 

The rest of the Baja Norte state is equally not open for business, yet.

Stay tuned here for further updates on the Baja Norte state opening for more racing business.

But, on April 29th, it all restarted in Mexicali, with the choyeros and  
Baja Racing News LIVE!

"The desert off-road racers coming to Mexico to participate in this international competition are mandated by their agreement between the SCORE racing association and the Baja Norte Health Department, to wear health masks, social distance and observe all health requirements, at all times."


UPDATE July 25, 2020

Last week the Mexican Federal government announced Baja California would move to an “orange” alert status, which means a gradual re-opening of non essential businesses. 

However the Governor of Baja California Norte, Jaime Bonilla kept the state under Red Alert for an additional week.

The COVID-19 health crisis is still ongoing around the world. Mexico, like other countries, has developed a color-coded system based on reported positive cases and deaths due to the virus and the corresponding restricted activities.  

*Mexico is currently in a Red COVID-19 alert status*

Full business and tourism operations (which includes international motorsports) will be permitted once Mexico reaches Green.

That is, excepting the municipality of Mexicali, which includes San Felipe.
Mexicali is the state capital of Baja California Norte.

BIG News, July 2020 from Mexicali and the Choyeros. "The state capital offers racing at an accelerated schedule".

SCORE now has an Ensenada problem. The municipal government of Ensenada, with their health department, has been blocking SCORE's return to racing in their part of the state. Which is most of the land area of Baja California Norte.

The current president of Ensenada and the elected officials are taking the health department stand on gringos in their municipal area. "Stay Out!"

Mexicali, with direction from the Choyeros, has already announced, it's ready to move forward with racing events, NOW!

This weeks announcement of the SCORE-Baja-500 coming to San Felipe, is part of this effort. 

Not to blow the lid off the news, but, the SCORE-Baja-1000 will start in Mexicali in 2021.

Roger Norman has already signed the contract!

Mexicali to La Paz, November 2021.

This report sent shock waves through the Ensenada government over the past week. The Ensenada officials have started a committee to look into the matter, out from public view.

The state capital of Baja California Norte, Mexicali, is now in play for motorsports to re-start on the Baja California peninsula in Mexico.

The American Consulate representing Tijuana and the Baja California peninsula said this today:

""Local authorities have instituted additional screening measures for travelers at the ports of entry entering Mexicali and Algodones to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

Measures include: obligatory use of face masks, temperature and symptom screening, maximum of two persons per vehicle, verification that purpose of travel is considered essential, and limitations on the transport of alcoholic beverages. U.S. citizens are encouraged to comply with the instructions of Mexican authorities or
 risk fines of 3,475- 17,376 pesos or risk arrest.""

The current state of hotels:
Hotels are limited to 25% occupancy for guests working on critical activities.  Parks are also limited to 25% occupancy. 

Hotel guests in some areas may be subject to occupancy limits or asked to provide an employer letter certifying the essential nature of their business.  

Hotel guests showing respiratory symptoms will be referred to health authorities.  As a reminder, the U.S. government does not pay for lodging or other expenses incurred due to travel disruptions abroad."" 


For more information on racing in Baja-Mexico and racing and travel restrictions in Baja California North and Baja California South, stay tuned to


Going To Mexicali for the desert off-road racing? CLICK HERE

Stay Tuned HERE>>>

Baja Racing News LIVE! EXCLUSIVE

Original Press Date: April 29, 2020
Mexicali, B.C. Mexico-

At a small restaurant outside of Mexicali, out in the back yard, out of the view of the public authorities, a group of Baja Californio off-road racers met this past Monday night, to outline a plan to re-open racing in the State of Baja California Norte.

The health department of the state has said in the local press over the last few weeks, any social or sports gatherings are "outlawed" until further notice. The director of the department has said in several interviews when activities do reopen, these groups will need health permits to be legal.

The group of racers meeting to re-open the sport of Off-Road racing admit, they will require any events to meet the government mandates and be sensitive to the changes in the publics view of their activities.

This group met and made these plans.

Off Road Racing guidelines: “Tape marking[s] of six feet apart in the sign-up lines and contingency areas” “Racing association staff to regularly wipe down surfaces at random".

”Off Road racing mandates: “All employees, racers and fanatics of organized racing associations are to be required to wear face masks”. “Touchless hand sanitizer at each ticketing gate and race vehicles”. “Touchless hand sanitizer at pit services area and at every support and fan vehicle”. “Temperature checks for staff, racers and fans prior to any public activities (temp above 100.4 must not enter the public spaces)”. “All employees, racers and fans with flu-like symptoms are ordered to stay home”. “Wipe down of all support, racing and fan vehicles regularly”.

The choyeros are also suggesting the mandates of instituting a two-phased reopening plan. In Phase 1, the races would only be able to operate at 50-percent capacity. In Phase 2, the races would be allowed to operate at 75-percent capacity. The group also recommended that the racing associations discourage anyone 55 or older from racing or spectating the racing events during both phases. 

Currently, however, the choyero racers did not reveal a time frame for each phase of reopening. This factor is being left to the health department of the state.

These recommendations have been forwarded to the proper people in the state government, located here in Mexicali, Baja California Norte. 

Baja Racing News LIVE! has agreed to keep the group and their activities confidential.

The Closures all started here
April 18, 2020

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