THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Laura Salvo, a Spanish driver, dies after an accident in a rally in Portugal


 Laura Salvo, a Spanish driver, dies after an accident in a rally in Portugal

The Spanish co-driver Laura Salvo died this Saturday, October 10, at the age of 21 at the Vidreiro-Centro Rally in Portugal after suffering a fatal accident during the first stage. Laura traveled as a navigator, co-driver, for the Mallorcan pilot Miquel Socias , in car 51 of the Escudería Mallorca Competition, which was contesting the Peugeot Rally Cup Ibérica category.

At around 10:30 a.m., as soon as the first special stage of the day began, the Peugeot 208 Rally4 de Socias went off the road to hit a tree, according to Vitor Graça , commander of the Marinha Grande firefighters , informed AFP . In this way, the first information, which pointed to a clash with another participant, was rectified. The deceased was in cardiorespiratory arrest when the emergency services arrived, which could not revive her, explained the organizers of the Vidreiro-Centro Rally, the second round of the Peugeot Rallye Cup Ibérica and disputed on asphalt. As confirmed by the Escudería Mallorca Competition, Socias was transferred by the assistants for a medical examination, although "he only complained of some blows". The team also detailed that Socias had lost control of the vehicle in the same place as the car that preceded them. As soon as the tragic news was known, the Clube Automóvel da Marinha Grande Peugeot decided to cancel the race, where Laura's sister also participated. Her sister, María Salvo , Sergi Francolí's co-driver in car 35 of the RACC Motorsport team. María and Laura had inherited the passion for motoring from Gabriel , their father, a former rally driver, who shared a car with them in 2017. This same season, Laura had added two victories in her category. Three weeks ago he won the Ciutat de Xixona Rally as a partner with Socias and in February he won the El Bierzo Rally as co-driver of Surhayen Pernía. "Our condolences to all her family and loved ones. Rest in Peace, dear Laura", said La Real Spanish Automobile Federation upon hearing the tragic news. 

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From Madrid, For its part, the Autonomous Federation of the Valencian Community also joined in the words of encouragement for their family and friends. "Life can sometimes be very unfair". "Unfortunately, Laura Salvo passed away while doing what she liked the most: co-driving. DEP. Her smile will illuminate us from the sky from now on". From the Superior Sports Council (CSD), its president, Irene Lozano , also expressed her condolences. "Life is sometimes very unfair and it takes away young people like Laura. From the Spanish sports house we accompany their loved ones and the motor racing family in these moments of mourning. Rest in peace, Laura", said Lozano.

AFP Reporting

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