THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cray Cray Crazy Like Baja Racing News UPDATES

UPDATE JULY 21, 2020

COVID Kills Local Baja Wildlife

""The COVID virus threatens hares and rabbits in Baja South; Vizcaíno outbreak detected.  The COVID disease in rabbits and hares is considered highly contagious and deadly to certain wildlife.

LA PAZ, BCS., (OEM-INFORMEX) - Farmers in the Vizcaíno Valley have registered in recent days a great mortality of domestic rabbits, a phenomenon attributable to the viral disease that affects 12 states of the Republic and was registered by the National Service for Health, Safety and Agro-Food Quality (Senasica), an institution that issued an alert after this phenomenon.

In the Benito Juárez ejido alone, more than 200 rabbits died and one more in Guerrero Negro. The disease has also been recorded in wild hares, hitting Sonora, Durango, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Baja California and northern Baja California Sur, in the Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, with greater severity. It initially appeared in domestic rabbits and quickly spread among rabbits and wild hares.

In rabbits it's considered Viral Hemorrhagic Disease of Rabbits type 2 (EHVC-2), as confirmed in laboratory samples, one of which was sent from Baja California Sur, but there are more samples awaiting results.

According to the health authority, this exotic viral disease is highly contagious and deadly.

Eating the meat from these animals is now against the law. As a result of this emergency, rabbit farmers are recommended to prevent people from entering their production units, disinfect the facilities and not buy rabbits or calves of unknown origin.

Sources consulted by a Baja South newspaper, INFORMEX, pointed out that one of the most severe impacts of this disease occurred on Tiburon Island, off the coast of Sonora, where the Seri Indians reported hundreds of hares killed by this disease.

According to some testimonies, the infected animals end with a horrible death, with seizures, nosebleeds, bleeding and bloody fluids from body holes. 

The hare begins to spin wildly and with terminal squeals and eventually has cardiac arrest, in a process that can take up to 30 hours.""


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