THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, September 27, 2020

KING OF BAJA 500 2020 - LIVE! ONLINE - RaceWeek Monday, September 21, 4PM - Race Start Saturday, September 26, 4AM

Refresh Often! Baja Racing Fans Alert!!!



"It's OVER!!!"


Sunday Morning Blues...

-As anticipated by the Official Results have changed.

 -And then those penalties...



Saturday Evening Race Party...

Herbst Motorsports #19 may have stolen this race event! We witnessed the Herbst Trophy Truck at 146 mph, on the Salada lakebed.

"The #19 can go 150 mph flat out!" 

Apres Race Event, everyone now believe the #19 will get taken down before the awards give-away and the #23 will be named 'winner' of this event.

The reason, passed vcp's in Laguna Salada, on the crazy chase after Robby Gordon. The #19 driven by Pat Dean at one time was doing 146 miles per hour and may have missed quite a few of the SCORE vcp's.


Gary Newsome, Publisher 

 KING-OF-BAJA 500 2020 LIVE!  


Race Interviews

*Robby Gordon, "Do you know something we don't know?"

Talking about the trophy trucks ahead of him at the finish line, meaning, someone is gonna get taken down. 

Robby talked about his drive line problem, keeping his top speed limited at 116, when the truck can run 160+ mph.

That's how the #19 reeled him in on the Salada lakebed.


Race Update 3PM

*First across the line #19 Herbst (Dean & Herbst), #23 Dan McMillin in second and #10 Ampudia in third.

*#19 Cruising to Victory

*#77 Stopped at RM 452

*Race Update at 1:15 PM

Top three trucks are about a minute apart...Trophy Truck Leaders at Race Mile 370


The Team Ampudia Code Red Follow-Up Reporting


"Explosion Tragedy Injures Papas & Beer Crew

At this years Baja 500 2020, Genaro who is one of the Papas & Beer crew members had a freak accident when the gasoline pressure pro exploded as it was getting ready for Trophy Truck 10 to come in to pit. 

The explosion gave Genaro Two broken legs, broken knee, broken foot, broken ribs. Genaro will need to get his knee fully reconstructed plus a lot more surgeries on his legs, with a recovery time of 6 months to a year! 

We are asking the off-road community to help out with anything to help with his medical bills." 

From the webpage to donate



Team Ampudia, who won last years Baja 1000 suffers devastating fueling accident, "Who is the injured?"  The answer, a mechanic for the team. What happened, a pressure explosion on a fueling system.


CODE RED "people with losing limbs", in a fueling accident team #10 Trophy Truck, Race Mile 360

"chase team is moving the injured to San Felipe for medical care"


Follow-Up Reporting

This was not a "Freak Accident". Nor, was it a 'racing accident'

This was an act of negligence. Simple maintenance would have solved the mechanical problem that caused the explosion.

Because of the weather conditions, the heat, the pressure in the system needed to be bled off. There was a valve to do just that. However, in this case, the pressure was not maintained properly, thus the explosion occurred. 


 >>>In more Baja racing news, the state of Baja California, has issued news today, stating their health department has announced the state will move to 'Code Orange' on Monday, September 28. CLICK THE LINK FOR THE BULLETIN>>>


*Tim Herbst driving the #19 now after pitting.

*1x Team Pro Moto Unlimited Champion Mark Samuels wins Baja 500 2020

12 Noon Update












*Trophy Truck Leader Robby Gordon now through RM 275 of 496, total race miles in todays desert, off-road race event. LIVE!

*Top truck leaders at check point one. Race Mile 155, 7 trucks through with Robby Gordon leading and #19 Herbst Truck, Pat Dean driving in second, Dan McMillin in third.

*Three all-wheel-drives in the top six leaders in this race.

9 AM Pat Dean driving #19 120 Miles Per Hour, with the Joe Gibbs motor, on the lakebed! Dan McMillin 126 mph!

Truck race leaders very quickly approaching Check point 1, in the northern section of Laguna Salada.

8:30 AM Race Update

-#500 DQ'ed for going backward on the race course!

-Robby Gordon leading into the southern Laguna Salada Dry Lake. At Race Mile 100, Robby's hauling the mail, 100 miles per hour.

-All three moto leaders through Checkpoint 2, RM 280.


-Rob Mac at race mile 20, down, zero miles per hour.

7:55 AM: Robby Gordon, Luke McMillin, Justin Lofton lead the trucks out of the San Felipe region to the bottom of the Laguna Salada region.

8 AM Motos Update:

In First Place in Motos, Mark Samuels 1x, 261.5 rm, Santiago Creel 66x, 254.9 rm, Colton Udall 5x, 253.3 rm.

7AM Truck Race is on!


Checkpoint 1

1x 5:45

66x 5:51

*4 AM

Bikes at Race Mile 42:
1x 3:53:00
66x 3:56:10
5x 3:59:08


Today's Headlines! 

*RaceDay Has Begun! Saturday, Sept. 26

Bikes went off the line at 3AM and the Trucks got the green flag at 7AM. Follow our real-time race updates at the top of this page.


*Contingency, Friday, Sept. 25

-In interviews at the ranch during contingency today, this moto rider put it bluntly-

"You can look at the weather and it is what it is but let me tell you it is friggen hot down here in the direct sun. Been riding a 2019 KTM 500 and that sun hitting you just takes everything out of you. I hope those racing are well prepared for this heat. The lakebeds and there are lots of them are HOT!"


-SCORE Bounces "Unauthorized" Media From Contingency!

Oh My! It's getting ugly here at the El Dorado Ranch, where contingency for the SCORE Baja 500 is underway.

Drama and more drama, Roger Norman has reportedly heaved at least three private media services off the property, for not having any wrist bands or 'media authorizations' from SCORE-International, the company holding the racing festivities here in Mexico. 

-Contingency Continues Even After scores of private media companies have been bounced from contingency at El Dorado Ranch, just North of San Felipe.

Very few teams and even fewer service providers for the racers, now that this event is under COVID Rules and on private property. 

Roger Norman now has the authority on private land, in Mexico, to control most everything. Problem however, is fewer and fewer Americans will want to race under these strict, overly controlled conditions. EXCLUSIVE REPORTING


-Qualifying Results are Official!





-We'll use our trusty reporters on site, all over the course for race coverage today...

-Qualifying was at 'The Bull Ring' near the San Felipe airport.

—Location: Bull Ring South of Town



***KING OF BAJA 500 2020***




***KING OF BAJA 500 2020***


Racing Update September 23, 2020

Dateline Ensenada, Baja Norte-

So What's Happening With The New Bronco and Racing in Baja Mexico? LOADING NOW>>>

Ford Performance has run away from racing in Baja Mexico after last years Baja 1000 ABORTION.

You say you haven't heard the inside story!? 


Well! Stay Tuned>>>




Dateline September 18, 2020

*Race Director for SCORE-International admits while pre-running, the ambient air temperature outside his race rig was 135 Degrees F!!!*

During a ZOOM Conference on the upcoming Baja 500, 'Jose G' admitted to the online conference, it was so hot outside during his pre-run, the vehicle based temperature measured a ROASTING one-hundred and thirty-five-degrees!

As Baja Weather Service has been reporting, this is an exceptional weather summer for the northern Baja location of this years, Baja 500, desert off-road race event.

Not only is this a record breaking temperature summer for the deserts of North America, but desert racers are now testing and pre-running for the race event, which is to be held next week, out of the Mexican hamlet of San Felipe, Baja California Norte.

Gary Newsome

*The PaperWork & Wristband 500 by SCORE!*

The 2020 SCORE Baja 500 is a 100% restricted access event, with a limited number of team members allowed and no spectators. 

SCORE Controlled Access Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic! All race activities will be conducted under the strict health guidelines of a government approved Biosecurity Protocols Agreement

The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and social distancing will be required. All persons eligible for access to restricted areas must register with SCORE, sign waivers and receive SCORE wristbands to access event areas. Wristbands must be worn at all times to access all restricted areas. It is the responsibility of each team member to read, understand, and follow the requirements. Failure to sign waivers, be banded and follow health protocol’s will result in persons being removed from the restricted areas and can result in team penalties. In addition to the Drivers of Record, Riders of Record, Co-Drivers, Co-Riders, and Navigators each team can request wristbands for up to four (4) essential team persons.  The definition of an essential team person is someone absolutely necessary to service or repair the race vehicle or extremely important to the operation of the race team. No essential team person can be under the age of 16. All essential team persons must have a picture ID with them at all times as the name on their wristband will be checked against the ID at each entrance. Arrival at El Dorado Ranch (EDR) at the entrance gate you must stop and obtain a temporary wristband to allow you to go to the Pavilion where registration is being held. This wristband will be removed in registration and replaced with a race weekend wristband. Anyone found in a restricted area with a temporary wristband will be removed from the premises. Wristbands issued by anyone other than SCORE are not valid for access.

Registration Access The on-site Registration area is limited to persons entering the race as a participant and up to four (4) essential team persons. All must sign waivers and obtain a race weekend wristband. You can reduce the number of persons having to appear in person at on-site registration by utilizing the official notarized waiver form. 

All Drivers of Record, Riders of Record, Co-drivers, Co-Riders, and Navigators not submitting a notarized waiver must appear in person to register. Essential team people do not have to attend registration if they use the waiver form titled Controlled Access Area.  Bring these signed Controlled Access waiver forms to Registration. The Controlled Access waiver can be submitted with the signed notarized Participant waiver forms and wristbands will be mailed.

Registration Access All signatures must be original, you cannot have one person complete and sign for others. When you present the waiver form(s) to Registration, if any signature appears it is not original, you will not receive a wristband for that person. Controlled Access waiver forms are available for pickup in the SCORE Ensenada office. All participants and essential team people must sign waivers and be banded by Friday, September 25 at 4:00pm.


Team Vehicle Passes. Each registered race team will receive two (2) vehicle passes. One must be placed on the race vehicle including motorcycles and Quads.  The other is for use on a chase or personal vehicle (including UTV’s) and placed on the lower left area of the front windshield Qualifying Access All persons must have SCORE issued wristbands and SCORE issued vehicle passes.  Qualifying will be divided into groups and each group will be assigned an arrival time as all classes will not be in the area at the same time. A schedule and qualifying order will be emailed to the team by September 15th at 5:00 pm. There will be a team parking area and a restricted access area.  Banded team members and essential persons will be allowed into the parking area. Only the driver, co-driver, and two (2) essential team members will be allowed in the restricted area. After completion of a qualifying run, each team will proceed to an interview area within the restricted area.  Once your interview is complete all team members must leave the restricted area. All race participants and essential team members must exit the parking area within 30 minutes after the last vehicle in the group completes their qualifying run.  Pre-Tech Access These functions will be at or near El Dorado Ranch. The actual location and restricted access requirements will be available prior to September 10th. Tech/Contingency Access Only banded race participants and banded essential team members will be permitted in the area on Thursday and Friday.  No spectators will be allowed.  You must go to registration prior to placing your vehicle at the entrance.  The top 10 Trophy Truck qualifiers will start the line on Friday. Baja 500 Start Area All race vehicles must enter El Dorado Ranch under their own power, no trailers allowed,and starting Driver/Co-Drivers (Navigators), Rider, Co-Riders must be in or on the vehicle.  Only the race vehicle and one (1) chase/personal vehicle with a SCORE team parking sticker will be permitted entry into El Dorado. However, once the vehicle enters the restricted start area only the participants starting the race will be allowed. Baja 500 Finish Area Only banded race participants finishing in or ona vehicle will be allowed in the finish area.  There is one exception: Each team may request one (1) wristband for access to the finish area. This wristband will be of a different color and will allow one of the team’s essential persons or one of the banded participants to access the finish area. The wristband does not allow ramp access in the finish area. Wristband Finish Area Do not put it on until you are headed to the finish area. If you lose or damage the one-use wristband, the wristbands CANNOT be replaced! There will be NO WRISTBANDS AVAILABLE AT THE FINISH AREA ENTRANCE. Wristbands must be obtained during registration hours. One chase/personal vehicle with a SCORE team parking sticker will be allowed in the parking area, however: only the person with the special access wristband may exit the vehicle. No trailers are allowed.  When a vehicle finishing the race comes down off the finish interview ramp, stop but do not exit the vehicle. You will be handed the team finisher medals.  If you are the first official finisher, you will receive your Champagne and flag. - Then get the fuck out - Then immediately move forward to the photo/interview area. There will be a brief time allotted for interviews.  When interviews are complete or SCORE staff directs you to leave the area, exit El Dorado and meet up with your team off property.  There will be no on-site SCORE Team Media credential requests accepted, only signing in the preregistered individuals. Because of the health and safety protocols, access to designated media areas will be limited. Review Results With Race Director Only the Driver of Record/Rider of Record plus one other banded team member will be granted access to the review area.AwardsTrophy pick-up will be at The Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch;only the Driver/Rider of Record or one person representing the team may enter the Pavilion to pick up the award.  All other individuals must remain outside. 

All of the PaperWork & Wristband Baja 500 by SCORE will be LIVE! ONLINE! and FREE of Paperwork,  Wristbands and COVID on Baja Racing News LIVE!

Gary Newsome  

Update September 9

State and local officials here in Ensenada underlined
the exact nature of why the Baja 500 is not happening here in Ensenada and will be held in just days in San Felipe.

The local Ensenada health department refused to allow, thousands of outsiders, gringos from gringolandia, to invade into Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada,  
"with all of their bad habits and refusal to wear health masks".

State and local officials in Mexicali, however, were pushed to allow the "bad gringos" into the Mexicali Valley. The health department did not want to allow SCORE into San Felipe. But, the need for gringo green-backs was so great, the state governor made the final decision to allow the event permits to go forward.

The local Mexicali tourism people were in favor of the event. They have been supported by the local racing choyeros, as reported by 

The event has been approved, however, racers should be prepared for extra scrutiny. Racers will go through at least two thorough health checks as they travel to and from San Felipe, through Mexicali. 
On the highway!

Not without the health department, to demand health checks on the racers and to require of the racers, "The desert off-road racers coming to Mexico to participate in this international competition are mandated by their agreement between the SCORE racing association and the Baja Norte Health Department, to wear health masks, social distance and observe all health requirements, at all times."

Because the race event programs are being held away from public spaces, at a campo north of town, the argument was made in favor of the SCORE that the public exposure to the "bad gringos" was limited.

We'll see, after the race, when the pandemic sick numbers comes in from the Mexicali Valley.

Gary Newsome  

Racing Update September 7, 2020

Dateline Mexicali, Baja Norte- 

The Baja 500 desert off-road race competition, which will be hosted by the San Felipe Tourism Trust, will be transmitted Live through the internet sports portal 
Baja Racing News LIVE!, to avoid a face-to-face public event, informed the Presidente of Mexicali, Marina del Pilar Ávila Ochoa.

They explained that this was part of the reason for their recent visit to the port town of San Felipe, where he also led the "Safe Beach - Playa Segura" campaign for visitors to this area of ​​the Mexicali region.

The Presidente mentioned that the desert competition in which 80  99 racers have registered to date, has been authorized (the permit has been approved) and which can be viewed exclusively from each person's home through the internet, via

The Baja Racing News LIVE! platform (internet sports portal) has the longest history of online Baja racing coverage, of 20 years.

The competition is scheduled to take place from September 22 to 27. They mentioned that the route will also be equipped, in addition to some screens that will be installed to allow people to appreciate comfortably and without inconvenience this exciting event that adds to the touristic dynamics of Baja California Norte.

In their report from Sunday morning accompanying Baja California Norte Governor Jaime Bonilla, Mexicali Presidente Marina del Pilar also announced that they recently visited the General Hospital of Mexicali to donate 400 Covid-19 protective suits, six M38e computers, two thousand face masks and three thousand serums. 

The Presidente also highlighted in the visit they made to Guadalupe Victoria, where they distributed 10,000 face masks and disinfected all common areas.

The desert off-road racers coming to Mexico to participate in this international competition are mandated by their agreement between the SCORE racing association and the Baja Norte Health Department, to wear health masks, social distance and observe all health requirements, at all times.


Edited by Gary Newsome, Publisher


Among the dead, Mexican army soldiers, various pioneers and so many Mexicali residents seeking respite from the valley heat. Laguna Salada is widely known as the 
of Baja California.

vids: The Laguna Salada Jet Crash
"Baja Racing is alot like a slow-motion jet crash!"

The only other difference between the American version and the Mexican version, is the summer rains that reach from deep in Mexico to the lee of the Sierra Jaurez Mountains and bring summer moisture seasonally to the region.

But this year, 2020, this seasonal moisture is mostly missing, making the Mexicali region, hotter and drier.

This year is much like that of the 1998 ESPN X-Games in San Diego. One event was held that started in the southern section of Laguna Salada. The organizers had miscalculated how hot it was going to get on the pan, in the middle of the dry lake. The ambient temperature hit 117, but the surface of the dry lake hit at least 129 F degrees, at the middle of the day.

Some military authorities said the surface temperature reached 139 F degrees!

The competitors were to walk-run over fifteen miles on the dry lake, from Rancho Colorado, near the southern mouth of the Colorado River, then to climb into the mountains, to the top of the escarpment at Canon Tajo, to start a bike leg to a spot that at one time was called, Rancho Ensenada. 

Mid-way through the Laguna Salada competition section, medics began getting radio messages of competitors 'down'. At last count, five competitors were struck by the heat and had to be medically transported by helicopter to San Diego area hospitals. 

None died at that event, simply because of the back-up plans required by the Mexicali Emergency Committee. 

Laguna Salada at zero elevation,
on the pan of the low desert

This exceptionally hotter and drier part of the Baja deserts, reaches south to San Felipe. The Laguna Diablo is simply a continuation of the rain shadow of the spine of mountains in central, northern Baja Mexico.

The Sierra Pedro de Martir mountain range towers over Laguna Diablo. The tallest point of the peninsula, Devils Spirit Mountain reigns over these mountains and desert of San Felipe. You can see the peak for well over two hundred miles!

Valle Chico is the continuation of this section of the Baja deserts, known as DEATH VALLEY. The entire routing of this event, runs through Baja's own, DEATH VALLEY.

Low elevation Baja-Sonoran desert. Sands, dunes with rocky and canyon sections between the low rocky hills. Miles and miles of hostile aridity. In September, this area is an oven.

Mere travel through this part of Baja, has killed thousands of wild and domesticated animals and hapless human beings.

This is Baja's DEATH VALLEY   


Baja Weather Service

UNTIL RaceWeek

August 17 Race BULLETIN!

The highest mercury reading on Earth since 1913!!!

Desert Daytime Temperatures Break All-Time Record

Temperatures in the California deserts skyrocketed to a blistering 130 degrees on Sunday, August 16 — possibly the highest mercury reading on Earth since 1913. 

If the National Weather Service's recording is correct, it would also be among the top-three highest temperatures to have ever been measured in Death Valley, as well as the highest temperature ever seen there during the month of August. The temperature in Death Valley hit 130 degrees at 3:41 p.m. Sunday, the National Weather Service said in a tweet. Death Valley holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on the planet: 134 degrees in 1913, according to Guinness World Records. That reading has been disputed, however. Since then, a 129-degree reading was recorded in Death Valley in 2013. 

The reading comes amid an epic heat wave that continues to grip most of the southwestern U.S. Multiple daily heat records were set Saturday. The National Weather Service reported a high of 112 in Woodland Hills, breaking the record of 108 set in 1977, and a high of 92 at UCLA, breaking the record of 90 set in 2003. Downtown Los Angeles hit 98 degrees, tying a record set in 1994.

Baja Racing News LIVE! Race BULLETINS

Top Baja 500 Contestants Released
September 7, 2020

September 2, 2020

No BFG Pit Support At Baja 500 and 1000

Baja 1000 and Baja 500 OUT for BFG

As preparations finalize for the SCORE Baja 500, BFGoodrich Racing has made the difficult decision to limit support for this year’s events due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and our company’s international travel ban.  

As a participant in SCORE Baja races for over 40 years, we know this decision will have an impact on the race and the off-road community that we respect and value. The health, safety, and well-being of our BFGoodrich team members and their families has been our No. 1 priority throughout this pandemic.  

We’re making this decision out of an abundance of caution for our people and because of other factors that are out of our control.Despite this decision, we are still committed to SCORE and being the title sponsor for the 52nd Baja 500 in San Felipe, Baja California on September 22-26.  

We also want to be clear that our absence means that we will not be able to provide the following BFGoodrich racer support: Complimentary BFGoodrich Pit Support, BFGoodrich Radio Communications, BFGoodrich pre-race attendance at SCORE contingency and start/finish line.

BFG course maps and chase books may be a little different in format and detail than historically provided, but we are working in collaboration with SCORE to make them the best possible under the unique circumstances. Thank you for being valued customers and advocates of the BFGoodrich brand.  

Beat it and Best of luck to all the teams competing in this historic event.


KING OF BAJA 500 2020
LIVE! FROM San Felipe, Baja - Mexico

•Schedule of Events•

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
9am-4pm Chassis Inspections-Qualifying Classes
3pm-8pm Registration-Qualifying Classes only Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch
3pm-6pm Media Registration Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Qualifying LIVE! ONLINE
7am Qualifying-SCORE Trophy Truck, SCORE TT Legend, Class 1, Trophy Truck Spec classes—Location: Bull Ring South of Town
10am-6pm Chassis Inspections, etc. El Dorado Ranch
Noon-7pm Racer Registration Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch
1pm-5pm Media Registration Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch

Thursday, September 24, 2020
8am-5pm Racer Registration Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch
9am-5pm Media Registration Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch
9am-5pm Contingency Row El Dorado Ranch
9am-6pm Tech/Stella III Installs End of Contingency Row

Friday, September 25, 2020
8am-4pm Racer Registration–No Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch
New entries after 3pm
9am-5pm Contingency Row Eldorado Ranch
9am-6pm Tech/Stella II Installs End of Contingency Row
9am-5pm Media Registration Pavilion 
at El Dorado Ranch
6pm Mandatory Aircraft Pilot Meeting Conference Call
As needed Racer Meeting Latest info posted on Website


Saturday, September 26, 2020
3:30am-12am SCORE Media Center Pavilion at El Dorado Ranch

START/FINISH: *495.0-mile race-course* (Class starting order subject to change)

*This race course will run North of San Felipe and South of the infamous malecon of town center. 

A classic desert race-course that runs counter-clockwise north nearby to the Capital of Baja California, Mexicali, to the shadow of the Sierra Juarez escarpment and over the "Death Valley" of Baja-Mexico, Laguna Salada!

The open desert off-road course continues south over the high-speed dry lake, Laguna Diablo and through the famous desolate desert canyons of the San Felipe desert.*
[3AM] RACE START: MOTORCYCLES/QUADS (order subject to change)—
Pro Moto Unltd, Pro Moto Ltd, Pro Moto 40, Pro Moto 30, Pro Moto Ironman, Pro Moto 50, Pro Moto 60, Pro Quad, SPT Quad, SPT Moto
(Start Intervals: Pro Moto Unlimited- 60 second split, all other classes start one every 30 seconds)
GAP –approximate three-hour gap between M/C, Quad start and car/truck/utv start

[7AM] RACE START CARS/TRUCKS/UTVS (order subject to change)—
TT, TT Legend, 1, TT Spec, 10, Pro UTV FI, SL, Pro UTV NA, 1/2-1600, Pro UTV Stock, 8, HM, 7, 4700, 3700, 1700, 2700, Hammer Unltd, Hammer Ltd, Pro UTV Unltd, 5, PT, 3, 5-1600, BC, 7F, 7SX, SF, 3000, Baja-e, 2, VT, VI, 9, 11, SPT Unltd Truck, SPT Ltd Truck, SPT Open-Wheel, SPT UTV Unltd, SPT UTV Stock
(TT-one every 60 seconds. All other car/truck classes one every 30 seconds)
[]-Race Start Time Subject To Change

NOTE: All SPT classes, Vintage classes and Class 11 will run a somewhat abbreviated course of approximately 435 miles.
TIME LIMIT: All vehicles will have a 20-hour time limit from the time each vehicle starts
5pm-12am Posting of Unofficial Finishers 
*All activities at El Dorado Ranch Pavillion*

Sunday, September 27, 2020
9:30am Posting of Unofficial Results Pavilion 

10-11:30am Official racer results inquiry time 

10am-1pm SCORE Media Center Pavilion 

Noon Media posting-unofficial results Pavilion 

1pm-3pm Trophy pick-up Pavilion 

Here's how the Baja 500 started, 1972, as a loop race presented by another race organizer.


Gary Newsome, Publisher
Offices in Ensenada, Baja California Mexico

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