THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, May 07, 2021

Rotary Club South of Ensenada Establishes Guidelines for race Safety. By Gary Newsome, Publisher


International Off-Road Race Fanatics! It Begins-

Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices in Ensenada, BC, Mexico.

Stay Tuned HERE>>>


May 7- From The Rotary Club; Announces May 11 Release: PEOPLES RCP Expansion; Mapping and Public Engagement

May 6- From The Rotary Club; Race Course Coordinator-

"The 'Race Course Coordinator' (RCC) is separate from the race director. The RCC is answerable to the government state civil protection directorate and the commercial race director.

The People's Race Course Policy could be answerable to the RCC if the commercial entity, the race owner and the government, the state, had a safe & sane racing plan and implementation. In the case of SCORE-International and the State of Baja California, they DO NOT!

Therefore, the People's Race Course Policy is available to the citizens of the State of Baja California to provide their own safety and security during SCORE-International racing events."   

May 4- Policy Posted as a ***NOTICE*** and will remain at the top of this newspaper, FOREVER!

May 2-From The Rotary Club-

"Tomorrow, May 3, we will be meeting about the role of Race Course Coordinator. Everybody knows the responsibilities of this position, except an important development. After our meeting, we will be announcing, for SCORE races ALONE, the People's Race Course Policy

When SCORE, the state civil protection/tourism/police and military neglect, the PEOPLE of Mexico will act."



May 2-Report from Ensenada HQ -

SCORE IS the problem. However, Norra wants to be in first place? Safety IS NOT a priority with the gringo desert racing community. Period.

From the racers: "Some things prospective (Norra) entries should know is, [the racers are] very competitive, especially towards the front. The "push to pass" on the Stella [tracking and comm system] works great, and most of the drivers will abide by it, and allow you to go by, but... not the fast guys up front. They will give you the green to avoid a penalty, but they won't slow to allow you by. So expect to pass the old fashioned way- but you cant bump, and sirens are useless. Filling out an incident sheet does no good either, in talking with the other drivers, its commonplace, and its understood. Norra doesn't seem to mind. So, to me, understanding the rules is important, written or unwritten. Don't count on [using] the Stella to pass. As far as I can see, nobody gets penalized for not allowing passing. I expected some penalty for a car not allowing me by after 3 greens, but, I guess "if you ain't cheatin, you ain't racin" applies here. So don't expect them to get penalized."

From Tim and Jennifer Morton; Respected racers, very cool cats:

"Jennifer was navigating Day 1 in #1032 and they had a Hellish time passing about 8-9 cars. NOBODY would heed the Pass Alert. 

Day 2 JP was again fighting cars not heeding the PA. Then after hounding 2 cars at the same time he picked a spot to pass and cut thru the desert going for it. A huge ravine came up and the “pass” ended in a big roll. (pictures inbound) They should have Nerfed those holding them up. 

Back on course they caught #252 who is our friend, again not heeding the pass alert, showed them a wheel and Ted immediately moved over. It was then JP realized the Stella PA just wasn’t working! 

The no-nerfing rule kinda sucks. How are we supposed to know the units are or are not working? Instead it’s fighting other cars who’s right seat boneheads never look in the rear view mirror and loosing time, for 2 (two) racing days!"

Official response from the race director at Norra: "Push to Pass is a great tool but you are right about the guys up front, they are messing with the units overnight, tampering with RF antenna so it does not work during race stages, and that way their Stella does not get the pass request and no data means no penalty, even if you sent 3 alerts as I said and your Stella registers it if we don't have data on the other car we can't penalize them, we can only credit you time lost behind the slow guy but that is not fair; if a team disconnects the RF antenna to prevent other teams from sending them a Pass Request we must find a way to give them a consequence, also doing this is very dangerous since no RF means no hazards if a car is stuck in the course in front of you."


May 1- ""The Rotary Club establishes these event guidelines: Each race event must have a race director, a race course coordinator, a timing and tracking coordinator, a medical coordinator and a safety coordinator, or Race Marshal.

The Race Marshal or safety coordinator must be an independent, professional representative responsible to the state of which is holding the event.

The Race Marshal should be employed by and coordinated with the Civil Protection Directorate, all law enforcement agencies, hospitals and emergency medical services of the state. 

The Race Marshal must also be the state representative who ensures the proper insurance has been obtained and is in force, for the racing event and its proper function.

Proof of the insurance must be provided to the state and Race Marshal from the racing organization, no later than 90 days prior to the start of the racing event. The proof of insurance must be made public, at the same time it is due to the Race Marshal.

Lack of valid, timely proof of insurance will void the event activities.""

The role of the race course coordinator will be discussed at next weeks meeting. (Monday, May 3) END Club Reporting.


April 30- A government official reads the racing business, the riot act.

The Mexican insurance arrangements become the final straw, when the insurance coverages are insufficient to take care of all the injuries and damages from the 'common' racing event in Mexico.

"We have reports that the aforementioned event did not meet the minimum security requirements essential to guarantee the safety of the participants and the attending public". He explained, and went further: "The danger of an event of this nature is exacerbated if it is allowed to carry out without due vigilance to the security conditions regarding vehicles, participants and the necessary protection of competitors, officials and the general public”.

""Off Road competitions do not comply with the FEMADAC code since 1955. Off Road desert racing events have become so dangerous, they have become "death races".

According to the director of the South Baja Californian Institute of Sports, Antonio Molina Amarillas, the disorganization, insecurity, undisciplined race 'disorganizers', are violating State of Baja Sur Sports Code of the Mexican Federation of Sports Motor Racing (FEMADAC), each race must have a race director, a race course coordinator, a timing coordinator, a medical coordinator and a safety coordinator, who together, are responsible for reviewing, among other things, the following: "That each competitor has experience and knows the route and all the signs, in addition to the unit having safety equipment. - That none of the pilots participate under the influence of any drug or alcohol. - That if necessary or determined by an authority, the pilots are subjected to a medical review. - Check the mechanical conditions of the units. - Ensure the validity and coverage of personal accident insurance for pilots and insurance for damage to third parties. - Attest to the sports licenses of pilots in order and accredited to team members, officials, doctors and the press."

Because of the disorganization of SCORE International, race participants and spectators are exposed to the risk of any vehicle accident. 

In one incident, as an example, based on the results of laboratory studies and X-rays prepared by the areas of general surgery, orthopedics and traumatology at One World Hospital of one racer, "the left hand had to be amputated because of the injuries." Irregularities After the accident, a series of irregularities began to emerge that led to criminal complaints against the competition organizers, under file numbers CSL / 0532 / AMP4 / 2013 and CSL / 495 / AMP3 / 2013. The alleged perpetrators are: - Salvador Carrillo Torres, president of the Baja California Sur State Automobile Association - Norman Ceseña Angulo and Manolo Núñez Salas,representatives of the Union of Promoters (UPRO) - Qualitas insurance company. According to a copy of the criminal complaint held by ZETA, on the day of the accident the injured copilot had to deposit 100,000 pesos ($10,000 US)  to the hospital account to cover the cost of the operation on his hand, because “we were dialing their cell phones and they never responded ”, and “when a relative went to look for them on the run and exposed the problem, they only managed to say that they would go to the hospital and take care of everything, but that never happened”. The money came from family and friends, and until the closing of the edition, the affected person had spent more than 250 thousand pesos, which is accredited in the payment of the bill and the list issued by the hospital. On the day of the accident, the injured copilot had to deposit 100,000 pesos ($10,000 US) to the hospital account to cover the cost of the operation on his hand, because "we were dialing their cell phones and they never answered," and "when a relative went to look for them at the race and exposed the problem, they only managed to say that they would go to the hospital and take care of everything, but that never happened. The money came from family and friends, and until the closing of the edition, the affected person had spent more than 250 thousand pesos ($25,000 US), which is accredited in the payment of the bill and the list issued by the hospital. On the day of the accident, the injured copilot had to deposit 100,000 pesos ($10,000 US) to the hospital account to cover the cost of the operation on his hand, because "we were dialing their cell phones and they never answered," and "when a relative went to look for them at the race and exposed the problem, they only managed to say that they would go to the hospital and take care of everything, but that never happened. The money came from family and friends, and until the closing of the edition, the affected person had spent more than 250 thousand pesos ($25,000 US), which is accredited in the payment of the bill and the list issued by the hospital.they only managed to say that they would go to the hospital and take care of everything, but that never happened. " The money came from family and friends, and until the closing of the edition, the affected person had spent more than 250 thousand pesos ($25,000 US), which is accredited in the payment of the bill and the list issued by the hospital.they only managed to say that they would go to the hospital and take care of everything, but that never happened. " The money came from family and friends, and until the closing of the edition, the affected person had spent more than 250 thousand pesos ($25,000 US), which is accredited in the payment of the bill and the list issued by the hospital.

However, after a series of pressure from family members, the head of the State Automobile Association, Salvador Carrillo Torres, contacted the pilot only to state that "the policy only covered the amount of $10,000 ($1,000 US) for medical expenses."  In addition Carrillo Torres stated  "that the insurer would only pay what corresponded within the policy". The injured person said he was annoyed because "when I was invited to participate in the race, we were offered insurance for major medical expenses and damages to third parties, and the payment would be in cash, not reimbursement". 

In the case of the amateur and minor, exactly the same happens. Family members said that "the hospital bill is close to 100,000 pesos ($10,000 US), and it tends to rise because the young man is still hospitalized for a severe head injury,which was hit with the lower part of the accident vehicle at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour ”. Unfortunately, neither the organizers nor the insurance company want to take care of the expenses of the young man, who is already in the apartment, after being very ill. 

According to policy 540003070, issued by the Qualitas insurance company in favor of the Baja California Sur State Automobile Association, the total amount paid for the premium is only one thousand dollars, which in turn, covered a premium of 100 thousand dollars for damages to third parties and 10 thousand dollars per pilot, including legal expenses. The policy issued is for "tourist vehicles", which according to Clause 4 of the contract, "excluded accidents that occurred within a radius of the first hundred meters from the start area, finish line and pits". 

In addition, it (the insurance coverage) did not contemplate reparation in "damages caused to members of the same team". However, the regional manager of Qualitas, Enrique Caracosa Mendoza, told ZETA that "the amount of the premium that has been paid does not matter," but that all damages will be paid to both the pilot and the fan. On the pilot responsible for the spectator's injuries, a bail of more than 400 thousand pesos ($40,000 US) was covered to prevent him from entering prison and continue the criminal process in freedom, while a judge solves the case. 

Regarding the injured pilot, he commented: “The process to reimburse the money for medical expenses is in process, he will be given what is covered by the policy, because the pilot did not use the agreement hospital and that was his and his family's decision”. 

Regarding the fan, he established that the expenses will be covered, as long as you withdraw the criminal complaint against the company. But why should I withdraw it? “Because we want to repair the damage caused by the pilot. The lawyers are already seeing it with his family, and the proposal is that they withdraw the lawsuit, we will immediately cover the expenses, but we need you to grant us your ample pardon”. 

Regarding this unfortunate accident, the president of the Mexican Federation of Sports Motoring, José Sánchez Jassen, immediately separated himself from the group of promoters "not endorsed" and "not recognized" by the Federation and the National Commission of Organized Road Drivers. 

In a letter addressed to Governor Marcos Covarrubias Villaseñor, with a copy to the mayors of La Paz and Los Cabos, Esthela Ponce Beltrán and José Antonio Agúndez Montaño, as the highest authority in this sport, he stated that neither the Federation nor the National Commission have endorsed the holding of an event or championship of this nature with the organizers, 'Union of United Promoters', and the 'Baja California Sur State Automobile Association'. "We have reports that the aforementioned event did not meet the minimum security requirements essential to guarantee the safety of the participants and the attending public", he explained, and went further: "The danger of an event of this nature is exacerbated if it is allowed to carry out without due vigilance to the security conditions regarding vehicles, participants and the necessary protection of competitors, officials and the general public ”

In the opinion of the head of INSUDE, Antonio Molina, most of these competitions have been practically endorsed and authorized by the mayors of Los Cabos, La Paz, Comondú, Loreto and Mulegé. 

The main suspicion that weighs on Salvador Carrillo Torres is the disappearance of the so-called Contingency Fund and the Award Fund, where in each race the participating pilots rigorously contributed 200 pesos ($20 US) that should have been destined for accidents, damages to third parties and purchases of prizes. Until 2011, only the Contingency Fund had a balance of one million 400 thousand pesos ($140,000 US), however, in the face of the resistance of the president of the State Automobile Association, to date (as of this date) the use that (fund/money) is unknown.""


April 29- "Roger Norman is a LIAR", BCS Tourism.



April 28- For the record, SCORE International:





April 27- The Events Committee is watching the antics of racers online, as a  result of these changes being driven by the People of Baja Mexico.

The Rotary Club is watching you in town and on the race course. Since the Rotary Club has begun its work, 'racers' online have started to make public, plans to try to camouflage their illegal and damaging activities.

How? Funny, they are talking about this in a public online forum and widely seen social media. Changing team colors. Changing team insignias, whiting out all of their equipment, gear and uniforms/clothing. In a vain attempt, to NOT be identified.

This activity is a sign of CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT. They know what they have done and what they'll continue to do. They think that the border with Mexico is their gateway to an 'adult playland'. Defiling the Women of Mexico, the sex trade, no rule pre-running and "anything goes racing on public roads".


The People of Baja Mexico are keen to your actions and responsibility.  


April 26- The Events Committee of the Ensenada South Rotary Club meets tonight to publish its Guidelines for race Safety. The committee chairman has said he believes that in less than one week, the committee will issue its first report to the public (via and the first update to the guidelines will happen at its regular meeting on Monday, May 3, 2021.

This group meets every Monday night.

Because the 'Guidelines' are much about the land use on which the race courses are set, they will be considered proposals to the local governments. However, because they also encompass the people of the racing communities, the Guidelines will also be rules of the road, the race course.

These rules are framed by existing Mexican and International law. The race courses of SCORE International run on open, public roads. Requiring due process, to ensure the safety of the public and racing community, the spectators and competitors.

In international law, if you are part of the racing function, support, chasing or otherwise, you are a competitor. As stated in the law, "Part of the competitive process".

Meaning, with an attorney in Mexico or the USA, these rules can be enforced in a court of law. 

One of the main proposals are 'Race Marshals' and general safety workers. These folks are an important cog in the functioning of motorsports events, world-wide. A significant amount of time and research has and will be spent on these critical people in the process.

April 25- A racer recently commented on the "helicopter actions - rules proceedings" about helicopters saying, "I was standing in the BFG pit right by Mike's road waiting on my ride in 07 when the chopper flew into the power lines that cross Mike's road. We started one place behind the Class 1 car, that they were spotting for. They purposely made dust with the chopper several times to keep my teammate back. Seeing the people (from that very helicopter, after they had crashed and died) laid out on the ground in the wreckage as we came by was not a pretty sight!  Flying dangerously around spectators is not cool."

'Shane Redline', then took responsibility saying, "Your 100% right, not cool, unacceptable. I am sorry guys. It won’t happen again."

Saying or acting... "It's Baja, there are no rules", is what will get this sport banned or at minimum, get all the helos banned because of your [such] antics. Yes, in this case one bonehead move affects us all.


The call for the 'Professionalization of Race Safety' CLICK HERE





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