THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Cody Parkhouse KILLED? Mark Luhtala. The Complete Story

On Friday, November 5th at 5 PM, Brian Parkhouse said to a reporter,  

"I do not want to be interviewed by you", then he hung-up the phone, cutting off the questioning.


The Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame, Frank DeAngelo and Roger Norman wanted this story buried like the DEAD 

Cody Parkhouse KILLED? Mark Luhtalla 

Gary Newsome EXCLUSIVE

Brian Parkhouse owns and operates Parkhouse Tires. Brian knows his son, Cody, drove into and killed? Mark Luhtala in the Baja 1000 2016.

In an interview conducted on Friday, November 5, Brian told, "SCORE International knows what they did and BFGoodrich really knows what they did", when asked about the gross negligence charges standing against the companies, in Mexico.

When asked, How do you feel about your son having killed? Mark Luhtalla five (5) years ago?, Brian Parkhouse said, "I don't feel anything".

When asked whether he has spoken to Holly Luhtala recently he said, "no, we haven't heard from Holly in the last year". He corrected himself, "my wife has exchanged texts with Holly Luhtala in the last six months".   

Brian acknowledged his son "killed? Mark Luhtala" and that "the people who put the race on were, grossly negligent"

But, in the short interview, occurring just days before the running of the 2021 Baja 1000, where Cody Parkhouse would be racing in a SCORE off-road race, Brian, Cody's father, then began to realize what he was saying was verboten in the desert off-road racing public.

He was talking about the killing? of a human being. The death of a husband, father and a "dad". The death? of a racer, now dated five years ago with no resolution for the Luhtala family.

When asked by the reporter, "What do you think about Roger Norman 'stiffing' the Luhtala family?" There was silence on the telephone line.

Dead silence for fifteen seconds.


Baja Racing News will now dig up the corpse of the Baja 1000 2016, there has been an indictment.


However, for the first time, the truth about WHO directly killed? Mark Luhtala will be dug-up raised, exposed and held up like the national flag of SCORE International.













"The most notorious and dangerous race"

The facts mandate this reporting is made public, now, while Cody runs for the Class 1 Championship with SCORE International in this months Baja 1000 race.

"The most notorious and dangerous race", proven as advertised. But, this race is not dangerous because of the competition, its dangerous and deadly because of the people who run the event.

Frank DeAngelo formerly of Jackson Motorsports and BFGoodrich Tires, Roger Norman of SCORE International know Cody killed? Mark.

They also know, they are personally responsible for what transpired, what happened on that cold, November night, in between Ensenada and San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. 




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