THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, July 14, 2022

DOMI-RUN 150 Expo Comondu 2022 July 2-25, 2022




UPDATED! Castellon Motorsports announces Comondu 150 participation!


Direct Link To LIVE! Event Comondu June 24, 2022 CLICK HERE

The Domi-Run 150 will race July 22 and 23 this year and as Oficial Qualifier, becomes an important racing event within the Baja Racing Championship for 2022.

The Championship respects every inscribed racer, to promote and celebrate the event online promotions via the Southern BAJA Intercambio, a promotional exchange providing worldwide visibility, gratis!

The off-road racing event, Domi-Run 150 is being celebrated locally as part of the incredible Expo Comondu 2022, July 15 and 25 of the municipal region above the state capital of La Paz.  

On Saturday, July 2, the area is enjoying the agricultural bounty with their Festival de la Fruta! 

An amazing geographical location of Southern Baja, Comondu is blessed with the harvest of the best fruit products in all of the country of Mexico.

Please join the wonderful people and expositions of this region, in off-road, a celebration of agriculture and the sweetest people of the entire Magic peninsula, Comondu, Baja California Sur!

Saludos Iliana Talamantes Higuera!


 Vamanos de la Comondu!


La Domi-Run 150 se correrá el 22 y 23 de julio de este año y como Qualifier Oficial, se convierte en un importante evento de carreras dentro del Campeonato Baja Racing para el 2022.  

El Campeonato respeta a todos los corredores inscritos, para promover y celebrar las promociones en línea del evento a través del Intercambio BAJA Sur, un intercambio promocional que brinda visibilidad mundial, ¡gratis!  

El evento de carreras todoterreno, Domi-Run 150 se celebra localmente como parte de la increíble Expo Comondú 2022, los días 15 y 25 de julio del municipio de la capital del estado de La Paz.  

¡El sábado 2 de julio, el área disfruta de la generosidad agrícola con su Festival de la Fruta! 

Una asombrosa ubicación geográfica del Sur de Baja California, Comondú es bendecida con la cosecha de los mejores productos frutícolas en todo el país de México.  

¡Únete a la gente maravillosa y las exposiciones de esta región, en off-road, una celebración de la agricultura y la gente más dulce de toda la Península Mágica, Comondú, Baja California Sur!

Saludos Iliana Talamantes Higuera!

June 24 Celebrations

Proteccion Civil Bajacalifornia Sur June 24, 2022


Expo Comondu 2022

Gary Newsome, Ensenada, BC Mexico

Southern BAJA Intercambio

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I was at the 1st Annual Herbie Fletcher at Zippers in 1990. It coincided with the grand opening of Cabo Wabo…everyone was there it was insane. From partying with the band Exodus at the el presidente to ski boarding with Nathan Fletcher. I’m in the video as well.
    Those times were crazy and I’ll never forget that trip even though I’ve been on hundreds since.
    Adam Weissmuller
